人教版七年级英语下册《nit 2 What time do you go to school.Section A Grammar focus 3a—3c》教案_28_第1页
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1、 Go for it Students Book A of Grade 7Unit2 What time do you go to school? Section A Grammar Focus-3c一、学情分析七年级的学生身上仍具有许多小学生的特性,他们乐于模仿,乐于参与英语课堂上的活动,如游戏竞赛、扮演角色等,喜欢轻松有趣的课堂氛围。经过一个学期的学习,能够用简单的英语表达自己的思想和与人交流,能够在小组活动中积极与他人合作,相互帮助,共同完成学习任务。本单元的话题贴近学生的生活,让学生感到有话可说,但学生运用本单元的目标语言进行交流的技能还不够成熟,应结合学生的实际情况,因材施教,设计合

2、理的教学内容,让学生积极参与课堂活动,从而促进语言目标的达成。二、教学内容分析本单元是围绕“Daily routines”这一话题,呈现了“运用what time和when引导的特殊疑问句来谈论日常活动并进行问答”的语言功能。本节课Grammar Focus-3c是本单元Section A的练习环节,旨在训练学生对本单元目标语言的运用,利用本单元Grammar Focus的重点句子设计成看图编对话模式,通过图片的提供的信息,把句型自然地运用到对话中来, 从而达到语言输出的目的。活动3a主要训练三个频度副词的使用,通过翼课平台的“智慧课堂”,学生在网上完成相关练习,并课堂同步精准分析。3b则是从

3、说的环节过渡到写的环节,学生笔头造句,灵活运用频度副词介绍自己的日常生活习惯。3c是小组活动环节,学生进行组内采访,运用本单元关键句型“What time do you ?”及核心动词短语进行问答,为最后的口头报告做好准备。三、教学目标1、 语言知识目标:(1) 正确运用what time 和when 引导的特殊疑问句进行问答。(2) 能掌握所学频度副词(always, usually和never)的基本用法。2、情感态度价值观目标: 通过观看视频,让学生了解一下西方国家的学生的日常学习与生活,对比中西方国家的学生在校的学习与生活存在哪些差异,逐步培养学生的跨文化意识。通过在小组活动中交流自己

4、的日常生活作息习惯,有助于进一步了解彼此,增进了学生之间的情谊。“时间”一词贯穿整节课的教学,让学生感受到时间匆匆,感悟到要珍惜时间,合理安排学习时间,以及珍惜和家人共度的美好时光,学生的情感得到升华。同时使学生的人生观和价值观更科学,更具发展价值。3、学习策略:认知策略、交际策略、情感策略四、教学重点难点1、重点:(1) 能运用what time和when 引导的特殊疑问句进行问答。 (2)能正确运用频度副词always, usually和never。(3)通过运用目标语言,培养学生的口语交际能力。2、难点: 能正确运用频度副词always, usually和never。五、教法分析1、教学

5、方法 :(1)启发式教学法 (elicitation teaching method)(2)谈论法 (discussion method)(3)任务型教学法 (task-based teaching method)2、教具教学手段:(1)多媒体电脑(Multi-media computer)和教学课件(PowerPoint)(2)翼课网教学平台六、具体教学步骤(Teaching procedures:) Step 1. Leading-in 1. Free talk.2. Use two pictures to lead in the class. Talk about the teacher

6、 herself first and then talk with two or three students. Then play a game about “Time and Activity”, using a photo of a student called Niki. Students ask her questions to get stars for their groups.T: What time is it? (S: Its 7 oclock.) Do you know what I usually do at 7 oclock in the morning? (S: E

7、at breakfast/Make breakfast)T: I usually water the plants at 7 oclock in the morning? What about you, XXX? (Ask two or three students to talk about what they usually do at this time.)T: Lets play a game about “Time and Activity”. Here is a photo of your classmate. Who is she? (S: ) She is good at pl

8、aying Taekwondo. I would like you to ask her questions about her Sunday. You can ask her questions like “Do you usually eat breakfast at 7 oclock on Sunday morning?” If she says “yes”, you can get a star for your group. If she says “no”, Im sorry you cant get a star.设计意图 本环节通过教师自己照片引入,目的是引起学生的注意和激发好

9、奇心,“时间”一词开始进入课堂。通过游戏竞猜活动,调动学生的学习兴趣和激活学生头脑中关于时间的表达和相关动词短语的内容,也激发学生的小组合作意识。Step 2 Watch a videoTask 1: Watch a video about a boys school day carefully. Ask and answer questions after watching the video.T: I would like to give you something a little difficult. Here is a video about a boys school day. W

10、atch the video carefully and remember some important times and activities. After watching the video, you can ask questions like these: What time/When do/does? What do/doesusually do? And try your best to answer them. If you can ask a correct question, you can get a star for your group. If you can an

11、swer the question correctly, you can also get a star for your group. 设计意图通过观看视频,让学生了解一下英国学生在校的学习和生活,并对比中西方国家的学生在校的学习与生活存在哪些差异,逐步培养学生的跨文化意识。同时调动学生的视觉、听觉和记忆力来参与语言活动。知识的重现和运用更有利于提高学生的思维能力和语言表达能力。同时,小组之间的竞赛体现了合作意识和团队精神。Task 2: Finish the exercises on E. Choose the right answers to fill in the b

12、lanks.T: To understand the video better, I would like you to do the exercises on E. Choose the right answers to fill in the blanks. Lets get into the Smart Class.The exercises on Ekwing. comJamies school dayJamie lives in England. He is an 1)_ boy. He 2)_ in Forest School. He usually 3)_to

13、school on foot every day. The students must wear school uniforms(校服). They never wear their own clothes on school days(上学的日子). His first lesson always starts at 4)_. Today its Art. The break time (休息时间) is from 10:30 to 5)_. What does Jamie usually do at the break time? He usually 6)_ games with his

14、 friends in the playground. Jamies favorite subject is 7)_. Today it is the second lesson. Who is Jamies ICT teacher? She is 8)_. Lesson Three always 9)_ at 1:15. Today its science. At 3:15, its the end of the school day. Its time to 10)_.( )1. A. 11-year-old B. 11 years old C. 11-years-old D. 11- y

15、ear old( )2. A. study B. studies C. work D. works( )3. A. go B. going C. is goes D. goes( )4. A. 9:00 B. 9:20 C. 9:30 D. 8:50( )5. A. 10:45 B. 10:50 C. 10:40 D. 10:55( )6. A. play B. plays C. is plays D. playing( )7. A. art B. math C. science D. ICT( )8. A. Mrs. Brown B. Mrs. Watts C. Miss Watts D.

16、Miss White( )9. A. start B. is start C. starting D. starts( )10. A. go home B. do homework C. play games D. go to schoolT: I would like you to fill in the blanks. Lets read it together.T: There are some adverbs of frequency in this passage, like usually. Can you find some more? (Ss answer together.)

17、 T: So what do these words mean? How to use them correctly? Let me show you. T: Can you tell me how to use these words correctly in the sentence? Lets look at these four sentences. We can see that never , usually and always are put between the subject and the predicate verb.T: There is another sente

18、nce. (I am never late for school.) We can see that never is after am. So pay attention to this: Adverbs of frequency should be put after be verbs, model verbs and auxiliary verbs. 设计意图学生利用从视频获取的信息来完成翼课网平台“智慧课堂”的相关练习,根据课堂同步数据的精准分析,有针对性地对一些题目进行释疑解难,达到精准教学的效果。借助图片讲解频度副词更直观,也易于学生理解掌握,同时引导学生观察句子中频度副词的位置,

19、启发学生思维,让不同层次的学生更有效地掌握语言点。这一环节的设计是对本节课这三个频度副词的意义和用法进行难点突破。Step 3 Pair workLet students work in pair and make a short dialogue by using the following pictures. And then in the last dialogue, lead students to think about the usage and the differences of what time and when. T: Here are some pictures. Id

20、 like you to make a short dialogue by using the following pictures. If you can make a good short dialogue, I will give you one star for your group. (Ss work in pair and make a dialogue.)T: When do you friends exercise? They usually exercise on weekends. We use when to ask a question. Can we use what

21、 time here? (Ss answer.) T: We cant use what time here. So can you tell me how to use what time and when correctly? (One student answers.) 设计意图利用图片把Grammar Focus的重点句子设计成对话模式,让学生运用重点句型进行简短的对话。图片能激发学生的思维,从而把图片信息和所学的句型联系起来,有利于学生更好地掌握目标语言。利用最后一组图片的句子引导学生思考what time和when的用法,帮助学生重新梳理所学知识,自然而然地落实本节课的教学重点。S

22、tep 4 Do exercises Let students finish the exercises in 3a on Ekwing. com. Choose the right answers and finish them in 3 minutes. T: I would like you to do some more exercises on Ekwing. com. Please do the exercises in 3a. Lets get in the Smart Class. The exercises in 3a on Ekwing. com1. -What time

23、do you get up on school days? -_A. I always get up at 6 oclock on school days.B. I get up always at 6 oclock on school days.C. I get up at 6 oclock on school days always.D. I always gets up at 6 oclock on school days.2. -_-Rick always gets up at 6:20.A. What time do Rick always get up?B. What time d

24、oes Rick always gets up?C. What time does Rick always get up?D. What time always does Rick get up?3. -What time do you have breakfast?-_A. I usually have breakfast at 7:00.B. I usually make breakfast at 7:20.C. I dont have breakfast.D. I have breakfast at home.4. -_-Anna never eats breakfast.A. What

25、 does Anna do?B. Does Anna eat breakfast?C. What time does Anna usually eat breakfast?D. What time do Anna usually eats breakfast?5. -What time does your best(最好的) friend go to school?-_A. She usually go to school at 7:30.B. She goes to school usually at 7:30.C. She always goes to school at 7:30.D.

26、She goes to school on school days.设计意图针对学生可能会出现的错误重新设计此题,把一般现在时的第三人称单数动词的形式、重点句型和频度副词在句中的位置三者结合起来,充分调动学生的思维能力,有利于学生更好落实本节课的教学重点。利用翼课网平台的“智慧课堂”,导出学生答题的数据,对错误题目进行精准分析,助力于教师的课堂教学。Step 5 PracticeLet students write about something they always do, something they usually do and something they never do. And

27、 then ask them to talk about themselves.T: It is time to write something about yourselves. I would like you to write something by using always, usually and never. And then I will choose some of you to talk about yourselves. Please write down the sentences in 3b on page 9.设计意图学生根据自己的实际情况,灵活运用三个频度副词进行

28、笔头造句。并通过随机抽选号码,让学生分享自己的日常生活习惯,不仅活跃课堂气氛,而且培养学生的语言表达能力,让学生在轻松的环境中感受到课堂学习的趣味性。 Step 6 Group workLet students interview three of the classmates in their group. Find out what time they do these activities. Then give a report to the class.T: After talking about yourselves, I would like you to interview th

29、ree of your classmates in your group. You can use What time do you usually ? to ask questions. And write down the time in the chart. Please complete the chart and write down what time they do these activities. Stand up, please. Ask your classmates. Go!T: Now I would like to ask some of you to make a

30、 report for us. You can begin like this: In our group, usually gets up late on weekends. She/He gets up at设计意图小组进行交流,学生根据自己的真实情况开展活动,增进彼此的了解,也提高了语言运用的真实性。小组活动能充分发挥学生的合作探究能力,培养学生相互协作的习惯。口头报告同组同学的生活习惯的这一活动,让学生产生有意义的输出,并使语言的运用最终落实于篇章之中。Step 7 Summary 1. Learn how to ask questions like What time/When do you ? and how to answer questions correctly.2. Learn how to use always, usually and never to make se


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