



1、Thayer Award Acceptance AddressThayer Award Accepta nee Addressgen eral douglas mXXrthur: thaer XXrd aepta ne addressge neral estmorela nd, gen eral grove, disti nguished guests, and gen tleme n of the orps!as i as leav ing the hotel this morning, a doorma n asked me, here are ou bound for, general?

2、 and hen i replied, est point, he remarked, beautiful plae. have ou ever bee n there before ?no huma n being ould fail to be deepl moved b suh a tribute as this . ing from a professi on i have served so long, and a people i have loved so ell, it fills me ith an emotion i annot express. but this XXrd

3、 is not inten ded primaril to honor a pers on alit, but to smbolize a great moral ode - the ode of on dut and hivalr of those ho guard this beloved land of ulture and anient dese nt. that is the ani mati on of this medalli on. for all ees and for all time, it is an expression of the ethis of the ame

4、rian soldier. that i should be integrated in this a ith so noble an ideal arouses a sense of pride and et of humilit hih ill be ith me alas: dut, honor, ountr.those three halloed ords revere ntl ditate hat ou ought to be, hat ou an be, hat ou ill be. the are our ralli ng poin ts: to build ourage hen

5、 ourage seems to fail; to regain faith hen there seems to be little ause for faith; to reate hope hen hope第3页共5页bees forlorn.unhappil, i possess neither that eloquene of dition, that poetr of imagination, nor that brilliane of metaphor to tell ou all that the mean. the unbelievers ill sa the are but

6、 ords, but a slogan, but a flamboant phrase. ever pedant, ever demagogue, ever ni, ever hporite, ever troublemaker, and i am sorr to sa, some others of an entirel different harater, ill tr to dongrade them even to the extent of moker and ridiule.but these are some of the things the do. the build our

7、 basi harater. the mold ou for our future roles as the ustodians of the nations defense. the make ou strong enough to kno hen ou are eak, and brave enough to fae ourself hen ou are afraid. the teah ou to be proud and unbending in honest failure, but humble and gentle in suess; not to substitute ords

8、 for ations, not to seek the path of fort, but to fae the stress and spur of diffiult and hallenge; to learn to stand up in the storm but to have passion on those ho fall; to master ourself before ou seek to master others; to have a heart that is lean, a goal that is high; to learn to laugh, et neve

9、r forget ho to eep; to reah into the future et never neglet the past; to be serious et never to take ourself too seriousl; to be modest so that ou ill remember the simpliit of true greatness, the open mind of true isdom, the meekness of true strength. the give ou a temper of the ill, a qualit of the

10、 imagination, a vigor of the emotions, a freshness ofthe deep spri ngs of life, a temperame ntal predo minane ofourage over timidit, of an appetite for adven关键词搜索:范文 您还可以返回 英语演讲稿 栏目浏览更多相关 范文。(201X年4月7日附送:The Perils of In differe neeThe Perils of In differe neeelie iesel: the perils of i ndiffere nem

11、r. preside nt, mrs.linton, members of on gress, ambassador holbrooke, exelle nies, frien ds: fift-four ears ago to the da, a oung jeish bo from a small ton in the arpathian mountains oke up, not far from goethes beloved eimar, i n a plae of eter nal infam alled buhe nald. he as fin all free, but the

12、re as no jo in his heart. he thought there n ever ould be aga in .liberated a da earlier b ameria n soldiers, he remembers their rage at hat the sa.and eve n if he lives to be a ver old man, he ill alas be grateful to them for that rage, and also for their passi on. though he did not un dersta nd th

13、eir Ian guage, their ees told him hat he n eeded to kno - that the, too, ould remember, and bear itn ess. and no, i sta nd before ou, mr. preside nt -man der-i n-hief of the arm that freed me, and tens of thousands of others - and i am filled ith a profound and abiding gratitude to the amerian peopl

14、e. gratitude is a ord that i herish. gratitude is hat defines the humanit of the human being. and i am grateful to ou, hillar, or mrs. linton, for hat ou said, and for hat ou are doing for hildren in the orld, for the homeless, for the vitims of injustie, the vitims of destin and soiet. and i thank

15、all of ou for being here. e are on the threshold of a ne entur, a ne millennium. hat ill the lega of this vanishing entur be? ho ill it be remembered in the ne millennium? surel it ill be judged, and judged severel, in both moral and metaphsial terms. these failures have ast a dark shado over humani

16、t: to orld ars, ountless ivil ars, the senseless hain of assassinations , bloodbaths in ambodia and nigeria, india and pakistan, ireland and randa, eritrea and ethiopia, sarajevo and kosovo; the inhumanit in the gulag and the traged of hiroshima. and, on a different level, of ourse, aushitz and treb

17、linka. so muh violene; so muh indifferene. hat is indifferene? etmologiall, the ord means no differene. a strange and unnatural state in hih the lines blur beteen light and darkness, dusk and dan, rime and punishment, ruelt and passion, good and evil. hat are its ourses and inesapable onsequenes? is

18、 it a philosoph? is there a philosoph of indifferene oneivable? an one possibl vie indifferene as a virtue? is it neessar at times to pratie it simpl to keep ones sanit, live normall, enjo a fine meal and a glass of ine, as the orld around us experienes harroing upheavals? of ourse, indifferene an be tempting - more than that, sedutive. it is so muh easier


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