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1、Unit 3 Travel journal押题专练H-H阅读理解AMany wealthy and well - traveled people want a completely new experienee, but they dont necessarily want to give up luxury (奢华的)accommodations and service. The following vacations could be best choices.Cruise dow n the Amaz on RiverAqua Expeditions takes up to 32 pas

2、sengers at a time on guided journeys of three, four, or seven days down the Amaz on River. Those adve nturers see forests and waterfalls, visit local fish markets, and take canoe trips. They also take in wildlife such as capuch in mon keys and river dolphi ns.Go Glampi ng in MontanaThe Resort at Paw

3、s Up located on a cattle ran ch(牧场)is a sta ndout in the type. The ranch rents homes with up to four bedrooms, but its the luxury tents that offer closer com munion with the outdoors. Tents are arran ged into camps, each of which has a private chef and butler, the latter of whom helps build campfire

4、s and arrange daytime activities. Guests can participate in a cattle drive, go clay shooting, take a hot air balloon trip, or ride horses.Climb in side a Volca no in Icela ndIceland is famous for its volcanoes and has plenty of luxury hotel options. Thrill - seekers can actually go down into the dor

5、mant (休眠的),700-foot- deep Thrihnukagigur, by using an open elevator. Take a helicopter if you want to skip the 2 - mile hike to the volcano, and arrange a private tour to avoid crowds. And visitors traveling there can enjoy the luxury hotel such as the ION Luxury Adve nture Hotel and the Hotel Rang

6、a【文章大意】本文是一篇应用文,介绍了三个旅游项目。1. What can adve nturers do whe n traveli ng dow n the Amaz on River?A. Enjoy individually - guided tours.B. Travel with hot air balloons.C. Get a chanee to see wildlife.D. Ride horses along the trail.2. At which place can guests enjoy food quite to their taste?A. Aqua Expe

7、ditions.B. The Resort at Paws Up.C. Thrihnukagigur.D. The Hotel Rang a.3. What do the three vacatio ns have in com mon?A. They are adventurous.B. They are animal-centered.C. They have luxury hotel options.D. They are intended for new travelers.BWhen Columbus sailed the ocea n blue in 1492 he was nt

8、look ing for America, he was search ing for a route from Spain to China; America just got in the way.The Spanish were after the riches of Asia: silk, dates, spices. Un til later adve nturers discovered how to sail to the Far East, trade with China depe nded on the Silk Road. The trade betwee n China

9、 and Europe brought huge wealth, so the Spanish had a strong desire to find a new way to the East. Even tually a way appeared; as sea traffic developed from the 17th Cen tury on wards, the overla nd route diminished.Now Chi na is seek ing to revive( 复兴)the Silk Road and is prepari ng to in vest 4 tr

10、illio n pounds in new roads, rail li nks, oil pipeli nes and other basic facilities. It is hoped that goods can be shipped westwards by land far more quickly and econo mically tha n by sea.But the plan is also to attract more tourists. Actually, China does pretty well for tourists already; its the w

11、orlds fourth most visited coun try. Two cities Beijing and Shan ghai possess the tourism bus in ess, with sig ni fica nt in terest indest in ati ons such as Xia n and Chen gdu. While Beijing is moder n, cities such as Lan zhouand Dun hua ng have one foot pla nted firmly in old China.Other places fea

12、tured include Xian, the former capital of China, where you can come face to face with the Terracotta Army built to protect Chi nas first emperor in the afterlife. From Lan zhou tour members take the train to Jiayugua n, Chin as western gateway and a key locati on on the Silk Road.There is also a fou

13、r- day coach journey along the original Silk Route through the Xinjiang region to Kashgar. Along the way, at Kurla, you can visit the ruins of the Iron Fortress.【文章大意】 本文是一篇说明文。在古代,丝绸之路促进了东西方商品和文化的交流,后来没落了。 但是最近几年,中国复兴丝绸之路的计划使它又焕发了活力、魅力。【长难句分析】 Other places featured in clude Xia n, the former capita

14、l of China, where you can come face to face with the Terracotta Army built to protect Chin as first emperor in the afterlife.(倒数第二段第一句 )分析:本句是复合句。where引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词Xian。译文:其他比较重要的旅游地还包括西安,它曾是中国古代的都城,在那里可以看到为保护去世的中 国第一个皇帝而建的兵马俑。4. What does the un derl ined word “ dimini shed ” in Paragraph 2 mean

15、?A. Discovered. B . Disappeared.C. Disturbed. D. Displayed.5. What is the purpose of reviving the Silk Road?A. To rebuild the ruins of the Iron Fortress.B . To con struct new roads and other basic structures.C. To make transportation westwards faster and cheaper.D. To draw more inland tourists atten

16、tion to the western gateway.6. What can we learn about the Silk Road?A. It is nothing but a trade route.B. It may destroy some cities ancient style.C. It attracts foreign investment of 4 trillion.D. It promotes the tourism industry of China.7. What is the best title for the text?A. The charming of t

17、he Silk RoadB. The fun ctio n of the Silk RoadC . The origin of the Silk RoadD . The future of the Silk RoadCRecently I accepted a challenge to join Naasih, a motivational speaker, on a voyage through India designed to refresh my spirit. After too many hours, Naasih and I arrived in the slum ( 贫民窟)j

18、ust as the sun was breaking across the smoggy Delhi sky. It seemed as if the small houses exte nded for miles, an ocea n of tin roofs and laundry lin es.Fin ally, Naasih stopped and turned to me. “ Give me your bag,” he said. I han ded it to him. I had promised to follow his direct ions, and in retu

19、rn, I was hop ing to find whatever I thought was miss ing from my life. I will meet you back here at sun set,” Naasih said and walked away.I bega n to walk through the streets. No one paid too much atte ntio n to the tall, hairless man walk ing among them. My throat was dry, my stomach tur ning over

20、 with hun ger. And the n I saw a small house and I kn ocked softly on the door.A young, skinny man, no older tha n 25, came to an swer it. As I soon found out, the man is n amed San kar and he was a Lakers fan. I also learned that he was a recently graduated university student who had left his famil

21、y to go after a dream of success in the big city .In stead, he had found work in the back of a restaura nt.After lunch, Sankar took me to play basketball with a group of children in a trash - filled field down the road. The sun was beginning to fall as the laughter of the basket games echoed (发出回声 )

22、through the slum. I was so caught up in my day with San kar. I had started the morning in fear and exhausti on, but I was ending the day conn ected to someth ing much larger.After the game, Sankar and I walked to Rata Road. There stood Naasih. He said, “ Youre_shining,_Leon. ” I had bee n kno cked e

23、n tirely out of my comfort zone, and I felt that wild burst of life that had bee n miss ing from my own.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者的一次旅行。【难句分析】I also lear ned that he was a recen tly graduated uni versity stude nt who had left his family to go after a dream of success in the big city. 分析:本句包含 that引导的宾语从句;w

24、ho引导定语从句,修饰先行词a recently graduated universitystude nt,并在从句中作主语。译文:我还了解到,他是一名刚毕业的大学生,为了追逐在大城市取得成功的梦想,他离开了自己的 家。1. Why did the author come to Sankars home?A. To play a game with him.B. To respond to Naasihs request.C. To relieve his hunger and thirst.D. To learn how disadvantaged people live.2. What c

25、an we learn about Sankar?A. He did nt live as he dreamed.B. He found a good job in the city.C. He studied cooking in university.D. He had a great tale nt for basketball.3. What does Naasih mean by saying “ Youre shining, Leon ” in the last paragraph?A. Leon is an inspiration to him.B. Leon has cha n

26、ged his state of mind.C . Leon is popular among the childre n.D . Leon is good at connecting with others.4 . What is the best title of the passage?A . A Chance to Make Acqua intancesB . The Power of Sports GamesC . The Pleasure from In dia n SlumsD . A Voyage of Fi nding the SelfDMany America ns thi

27、nk of driverless cars as a futuristic tech no logy that will revoluti onize travel in cities and along state highways. But rece nt experime nts are provi ng that aut onom ous vehicles also have the pote ntial to improve the quality of life for millio ns of America ns un derserved by traditi onal mod

28、es of tran sportati on, such as the elderly and disabled, so long as lawmakers make smart policies that pave the way for inno vati on.A retireme nt commu nity in San Jose, Calif., which has bee n tran sformed by a small fleet of driverless taxis, shows the potential of self - driving cars to transfo

29、rm peoples lives. Built by a tech start - up called Voyage, the modified Ford Fusi ons are curre ntly limited to a two - mile road, but reside nts are already hav ing the ben efits of these aut onom ous vehicles, which allow them to participate in social activities they would otherwise be un able to

30、 enjoy simply because they could not get to them.When the trial run fin ally expa nds to 15 miles of road, these reside nts whose average age is 76 will alsohave a convenient and reliable new way to appo in tme nts. As these cars continue to serve reside nts there, it is easy to un dersta nd why Cal

31、ifornia is movi ng to simplify regulati ons for the in dustry.In Michigan, forward - thinking policies have the potential to uniock other hidden benefits of autonomous vehicles, especially for those with physical disabilities. The Michiga n Disability Rights Coalitio n has stron gly advocated for th

32、e developme nt of this tech no logy, say ing that it could give people with disabilities greater opport un ities in the workforce and en able them to lead more fulfilli ng, in depe ndent lives.Many recog nize that aut onom ous vehicles will be the future of tran sportati on, but it is too ofte n ove

33、rlooked that this future cannot arrive fast eno ugh for millio ns of America ns who are forced to depe nd on others for day- to- day travel. The policymakers should follow the lead of places like California and Michiga n, and pass rules and regulati ons to uni ock these hidde n ben efits of driverle

34、ss cars.体裁:说明文题材:交通方式主题:自动驾驶汽车【语篇解读】本文主要介绍了美国人使用自动驾驶汽车的现状、自动驾驶汽车给人们带来的方便以及今后应该注意的问题。【难句分析】But recent experime nts are provi ng that aut onom ous vehicles also have the pote ntial toimprove the quality of life for millio ns of America ns un derserved by traditi onal modes of tran sportati on, such as

35、 the elderly and disabled, so long as lawmakers make smart policies that pave the way for inno vati on.分析: 这是一个复合句。 that 弓丨导宾语从句,其中 to improve the quality of life for. modes of transportation 作the pote ntial的后置定语; un derserved作 millio ns of America ns 的后置定语; so long as弓丨导条件状语从句, 条件状语从句中含有 that引导的定语从

36、句,修饰先行词 policies,并在从句中作主语。译文:但最近的实验证明,只要立法者制定明智的政策,为创新铺平道路,自动驾驶汽车就有可能改 善数以百万计的美国人的生活质量,而传统的交通方式还不能满足他们(如老人和残疾人)的需求。5. Whats the attitude of most American people to the future of autonomous vehicles?A. Curious. B . Doubtful.C. Indifferent.D. Optimistic.6. What is the modified Ford Fusion?A. A kind of

37、 autonomous vehicle.B. A fleet of driverless taxis.C. A road for driverless cars.D. A retireme nt com muni ty.7 . What are examples in Califor nia and Michiga n to prove?A . Driverless cars disadva ntages.B . Governmen ts right decisi ons.C . Ben efits to the aged and disabled.D . The regulations ar

38、e forward - thinking.8 . What does the author attempt to inform us in the last paragraph?A. The ben efits of driverless cars have bee n fully uni ocked.B. Regulati ons should go hand in hand with driverless tech no logy.C. The concept of autonomous vehicles has been widely recognized.D. The weak gro

39、ups are ofte n overlooked despite tech no logy adva nces.第二节完形填空A阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从120题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。Where do you go when you want to learn something ? School ? A friend ? A tutor ? These are all1places of lear nin g.But it may well be that the lear ning you really want2somewhere else in stead

40、.I had the3of see ing this first hand on a 4.My daughter plays on a recreati onal soccer team.They did very well this seas on and so5atournament, which normally was only for more skilled club teams.This led to some6experiences onSaturday as they played against teams7trained.Through the first two gam

41、es , her8did not getone serious shot on goal.As a pare nt, I9see ing my daughter play ing her best ,10still defeated.It seemed that someth ing clicked with the11_betwee n Saturday and Sun day.Whe n they12for their Sun day game , they were13differe nt.They had begu n to in tegrate ( 融合)the kinds of p

42、lay andteamwork they had14 the day before into their15. They played aggressively and16scored a goal.It17=me that playi ng aga inst the other team was a great18_mome nt for all the girls on theteam.I think it is a gen eral principle.19= is the best teacher.The less ons they lear ned maynot be20= what

43、 they would have gotten in school , but are certainly more personal and meaningful , because they had to work them out on their own.1. A.publicB. traditionalC. officialD. special2. A.passesB. worksC. liesD. ends3. A.dreamB. ideaC. habitD. chanee4. A.tripB. holidayC. weekendD . square5. A.wonB. enter

44、edC. organizedD . watched6. A.painfulB. strangeC. com monD . practical7. A.lessB . poorlyC. newl yD. better& A.fansB. tutorsC. classD . team9. A.imaginedB. hatedC. avoidedD. missed10. A.ifB. orC. butD . as11. A.girlsB . pare ntsC. coachesD . viewers12. A.dressedB . showed upC. made upD . pla nned13.

45、 A.slightlyB . hardlyC. basicallyD . completely14. A.seenB . knownC. heardD . read15. A.stylesB . trai ningC. gameD . rules16. A.evenB . stillC. seldomD . aga in17. A.confusedB . struckC. remindedD . warned18. A.touchingB . thi nkingC. encouragingD . lear ning19. A.ExperieneeB . IndependenceC. Curio

46、sityD . In terest20. A.harmful toB . mixed withC. different fromD . applied to语篇解读:本文通过女儿踢足球的经历使作者受到启示,即通过自己的体验,你会学到更棒更有意义的东西。BYou may always hear about people who knew exactly what they wan ted to do with their life from the timethey were in kin dergarte n. I did nt con sidered lots of career _1_ w

47、he n I graduated from high school. Like most stude nts who earned good grades in math and scie nee classes, I found people _2_ me to be an engin eer. But all of that changed when I went to my _3_ .I will never forget the feeling of walking into my very first Biology _4_._L nervously found a seat and

48、waited for the type of _5_ you see in TV shows, old and strict. What I got was exactly _6_. Dr. Espinoza was a cari ng and _7_ teacher, and two terms of her classes made me fall in love with Biology. Her excit ing classes made me 8 that I had other choices besides being a(n) _9_. It meant I was head

49、ed for a career in biological research.10 Dr. Espinoza and many other professors like her, I found that scie ntists arent just what we _11_ on the Natio nal Geographic Chann el. They are real people who an swer real questio ns and _12_ real problems. This led me to seek out _13_ to do real scie nee

50、projects and see if I _14_ it. While I was at uni versity, I lear ned how to ask good questions, how to _15_ experiments and collect data, and how to share what I learned with people. As it _16_ ,I loved every minute of it.Falli ng in love with _17_ was a long process for me, but it led me to a job

51、I love. Like the scie nee itself, my journey toward being a scientist was _1 _ , but helped along by many teachers and professors who _19_ me the way. Now, I try my best to learn new things and _2 _ new kno wledge.体裁:记叙文题材:成长经历主题:职业选择【语篇解读】本文讲述了“我”上大学后,老师和教授们对“我”的专业和择业产生的深远影响。【高频词回顾】realize v.意识到;实现

52、;(所担心的事)发生,产生due to由于;因为 turn out结果是;原来是1. A.development B. difficultyC. choicesD. requirements2. A.appointingB. forcingC. allowingD. encouraging3. A.university B . officeC. room D. lab4. A.league B. lectureC. test D. teamwork5 . A.age ntB . volun teerC . host D . professor6 . A.oppositeB . traditi

53、onalC . typical D . similar7 . A.averageB . casualC . en thusiasticD. severe8 . A.realize B . regretC . refuse D . recall9 . A.l awyerB . educatorC . scholar D . engin eer10 . A.As toB . Due toC. On behalf of D. In spite of11. A.take care ofB . make fun ofC. learn aboutD.search for12. A.solveB.bringC. raise D.ignore13. A.conceptsB . opport un itiesC. faithD.ambiti on14. A.e


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