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1、l teaching aim l reading i l reading ii l extended activities unit 8 production teaching aim unit 8 production 1 cognitive information(认知信息):(认知信息): production; process and methods of production 2 language focus(内容重点)(内容重点) key words: accompany, gear, assembly, flexible, repetitive, economical, incu

2、r, recoup, variation, outmaneuver, agile, dissimilar, churn, customize, accuracy, tolerance, payoff, competence, simplicity; synthesis, extraction, fabrication, raw, petroleum, refine, gasoline, kerosene, fuel, lime, soda, cement, nitrogen, oxygen, weave, knit, intermittent, coordination, halt, stan

3、dardization teaching aim unit 8 production phrases: gear sth totoward, at arate, fall into, on ascale, churn sth out; job lots word study: decline, benefit, expense, adapt, dismantle useful structures: instead of doing to say it another way, grammar: direct and indirect speech (2) commands, requests

4、 and exclamations teaching aim unit 8 production 3 communicative skills(交际技能)(交际技能) expressions: describing products reading: production activities basic writing: memos background information reading i unit 8 production pre-reading text new words and expressions exercises post-reading unit pre-readi

5、ng unit 8 production pre-reading i pre-reading ii brainstorming: work with your partner and write out words or expressions often used in production, products and people in production pre-reading i unit 8 production productionproductspeople inproduction automation自动化product range 产品系列line workers 流水线

6、工人 pre-reading ii unit 8 production 1 could you tell which of the following businesses are engaged in industrial production? not engaged in industrial production? banks law firms mobile phone services laundries paper mills clothing manufactures breweries retail stores food processing plants bakeries

7、 movie repetitious 重复的; 反复的 【例句】 repetitive job 翻来覆去老一套的工作 repetitive speech 内容重复的演说 language and culture focus unit 8 production 9. economical: adj not wasteful 经济的;节约的;精打细算的 【例句】 an economical little car that does not use too much fuel its not a very economical method of heating if youve got a lar

8、ge family, its more economical to travel by car than by train antonym: uneconomical 相关词 economically: adv 1) 节约地;节省地2) 在经济(学)上 【例句】 mary dresses very economically because she makes all her clothes herself economically speaking, the country is in a very healthy state economic: adj 经济的;经济学的 economics:

9、 n 经济学 economy: n 经济 economist: n 经济学家 language and culture focus unit 8 production 10. at a rate: at a speed (amount, ratio, etc.) 以速度(数量,比率等) 【例句】 our money is running out at an alarming rate children learn at different rates economy increases at a highsteady rate population declines at an incredi

10、ble rate language and culture focus unit 8 production 11. fall into: to be able to be divided into 可分为 【例句】 the agreement falls into two sections the paper falls into four parts fall into conversationa discussionan argument: 开始交谈 讨论争吵 【例句】 i fall into conversation with a visiting french professor la

11、nguage and culture focus unit 8 production 12. incur: vt to cause something (usu unpleasant) to happen to oneself because of ones own actions; to bring upon oneself 蒙受;招致;引起;带来 【例句】 i incurred her displeasure somehow; was it something i said? the company incurred heavy losses in its first year of op

12、eration language and culture focus unit 8 production 13. on a scale: to aan extent 以规模 【例句】 there have been development on a massivelarge scale since 1980 the experiment was conducted on a small scale language and culture focus unit 8 production 14. recoup vt 1) to provide (oneself) again with money

13、 补偿;偿还 【例句】 he stole the diamonds to recoup himself for his gambling losses 2) to get back, regain (what one has lost or spent) 重获 【例句】 to recoup ones traveling expenses from ones employer language and culture focus unit 8 production 15. variation: n a member of a set which is different in some way

14、from what is most common 变化;变动 【例句】 the average price of new houses is about 10,000 yuan in shanghai, but there are wide regional variations because these clothes are handmade there may be some slight variations in color language and culture focus unit 8 production 16. outmaneuver: vt to do better b

15、y acting more skillfully and cleverly 比技高一筹 【例句】 democrats seek to outmaneuver republicans by imitating their strategy to defeat terrorists, outthink and outmaneuver them 相关词 “out-” is a prefix meaning better, longer, higher, etc. it is used to form a lot of verbs similar to outmaneuver outlive: vt

16、活的比久;比更经久 【例句】 he outlived his wife outnumber: vt 比多;在数量上胜过 【例句】 we were completely outnumbered by the enemy outgrow: vt 长得太大而不适用 【例句】 the baby soon outgrew his clothes outweigh: vt 比更重要 【例句】 in this case, the disadvantages far outweigh the advantages outdo: vt 优于;胜过 【例句】 she outdid him in running a

17、nd in swimming language and culture focus unit 8 production 17. agile: adj able to move quickly and easily; active; nimble 敏捷的;灵 活的 【例句】 an agile animal an agile mind this agile monkey sometimes raids gardens or stores of food language and culture focus unit 8 production 18. with such flexibility, p

18、roducers can outmaneuver less agile competitors by moving swiftly into profitable new fields 【参考译文】 有了这种灵活性,生产商可以通过迅速转入利润丰厚的新领域 而战胜不太灵活的竞争对手。 language and culture focus unit 8 production 19. dissimilar: adj not the same; unlike (常用于否定句)不相同的;不 相似的 【例句】 a group of very dissimilar people the two writer

19、s are not dissimilar in style their understanding of the world is not so dissimilar from our own antonym: similar language and culture focus unit 8 production 20. churn: vivt to (cause to) move about violently 剧烈搅动;剧 烈翻腾 【例句】 the ship churned the water up as it passed my stomach started to churn whe

20、n i thought about my exams 相关搭配 churn sth out: (often derog) to produce in large amounts, by or as if by machinery 大量炮制 【例句】 she churned out three or four books every year today, factories churn out most products in what you might call a “cradle-to- grave” fashion local factory plans to churn out ti

21、ny products language and culture focus unit 8 production 21. customize: vt to make or alter according to the buyers or owners wishes (按雇主或物主的意思)定制或改制 【例句】 customized approach 迎合顾客需要的方式(方法) customize your own shirtsuit we can customize the products according to clients requirements 相关词 custom-made: a

22、dj 定制的;定做的 【例句】 custom-made shoesclothes language and culture focus unit 8 production 22. accuracy: n the quality of being exact or correct 【例句】 the accuracy of his account speak with accuracy 相关词 accurate: adj 精确的;准确的 【例句】 her report of what happened is accurate in every detail is the clock accurat

23、e? language and culture focus unit 8 production 23. tolerance n 1) the amount by which the size, weight, etc. of a part can vary without causing problems 容许偏差;公差 【例句】 this machine part was built to a tolerance of 001 millimeters 2) (for, of, towards, to) willingness to accept or allow behaviors, bel

24、iefs, etc. which one does not like or agree with, without opposition 容忍;忍受;宽容 【例句】 tolerance of political dissents try and show some tolerance this country has a reputation for tolerance towards religious minorities many old people have a very limited tolerance to cold 相关词 tolerant: adj 容忍的;宽容的 【例句】

25、 a tolerant father tolerate: vt 容忍;忍受 【例句】 i wont tolerate your bad manners any longer language and culture focus unit 8 production 24. pay off: n the act or time of paying wages, debts, money won at cards, etc. or a payment that you make to someone in order to stop him from causing you any trouble

26、发工资还债的时间;封口钱;贿赂 【例句】 he got a big payoff for agreeing to lose the game deliberately 相关词 pay off 1) 还清债款 【例句】 he paid off his debts to the banks in two years 2) 付清工资解雇 【例句】 his work was most unsatisfactory, so we paid him off at the end of the week 3) 用钱封住某人的嘴巴 【例句】 we tried to pay him off, but he wo

27、nt accept 4) 成功 【例句】 did your plan pay off? language and culture focus unit 8 production 25. instead of (+nving):): in place of something or someone 代替;而 不是instead of is a preposition you use it to introduce something which is not done, not used, or not true when you are contrasting it with somethin

28、g which is done, is used, or is true you can also say that someone does something instead of doing something else 【例句】 could i have a cup of coffee instead of beer? you must have picked up my keys instead of yours if you want to have your meal at seven oclock instead of five oclock, you can we shoul

29、d do something instead of just talking about it now i can walk to work instead of going by car you could always write this instead of using your word processor i went up the tributary instead of sticking to the river language and culture focus unit 8 production 26. competence n 1) the ability or ski

30、ll to do what is needed 能力;技能 【例句】 managerial competence 管理能力 no one questions his competence as a doctor typing is considered by most employers to be a basic competence 2) the legal power of a court of law to hear and judge something in court 权 限;管辖权 【例句】 its not within my competence to make such a

31、 judgment 相关词 competent adj 有能力的;能干的;胜任的 【例句】 shes a highly competent technician competent to do sth 【例句】 i dont feel competent enough to give my opinion at the moment language and culture focus unit 8 production 27. simplicity: n the quality of being simple 朴素;简朴;简单 【例句】 mona wrote with a beautiful

32、 simplicity of style for the sake of simplicity, the tax form is divided into three sections 相关搭配 be simplicity itself: 十分简单 【例句】 the plan was simplicity itself how could she have misunderstood? 相关词 simplify: vt 使简易;简化 【例句】 an attempt to simplify the tax laws try to simplify your explanation to the

33、children language and culture focus unit 8 production exercises unit 8 production exercise i exercise ii exercise iii exercise iv exercise v exercise vi exercise i unit 8 production 1 what has accompanied advances in technology? 2 why have producers turned to flexible manufacturing and the focused f

34、actory? 3 what is hard manufacturing? 4 what does repetitive manufacturing mean? 5 what is the nature of the mass production of everything from television to garden tools? 6 what do setup costs mean? 7 what are some of the disadvantages of hard manufacturing? 8 why does hard manufacturing require hi

35、gh investment? 9 what is flexible manufacturing? 10 what are some of the advantages of fms? and what are its limitations? 11 what does job shop mean? 12 what provides present producers flexibility of production? 13 for what reason have focused factories been established? what are their essential fea

36、tures? i. read the text carefully again and discuss the following questions. exercise ii unit 8 production () 1 the text mainly deals with a how mass-production hinders the advance in technology b two new production processes flexible manufacturing and the focused factory c the advantages and disadv

37、antages of flexible manufacturing system d the generation of greater productivity by flexible manufacturing () 2 flexible manufacturing is a also called repetitive manufacturing or soft manufacturing b production by use of specialized production equipment that cannot readily be moved c production by

38、 use of computer-controlled machines that can readily manufacture various models of a product d much more advanced than other manufacturing methods in that it rewards on a short-term basis . choose the best answer to complete the following sentences. b c exercise ii unit 8 production () 3 in order t

39、o meet customers unique needs, a pager manufacturer will turn to to bring out customized pagers a mass-production methodb repetitive manufacturing c the focused-factory wayd flexible manufacturing system () 4 deals with only one narrow set of products a the focused factoryb the job shop c mass-produ

40、ctiond fms . choose the best answer to complete the following sentences. a d exercise ii unit 8 production () 5 all of the following statements are true except a a job shop is a firm that produces dissimilar items or that produces its goods or services at an irregular rate b with the great flexibili

41、ty provided by computerization, flexible manufacturing system is perfect in todays market c setup costs are expenses incurred each time a producer organizes resources to begin producing a new line of goods or services d compared to an ordinary factory, a focused factory can be smaller, more speciali

42、zed, closer to important markets, more efficient and therefore more competitive . choose the best answer to complete the following sentences. b exercise iii unit 8 production 1 _easily changed to suit new conditions 2 _ not the same; unlike 3 _ amount by which the size, weight, etc of a part can var

43、y without causing problems 4 _ exactness 5 _ a result that rewards you for your effort or work 6 _ to make less important 7 _ to do better by acting more skillfully and cleverly 8 _ to become adjusted to flexible dissimilar tolerance accuracy iii. give the english words according to the meanings pro

44、vided. payoff adapt de-emphasize outmaneuver exercise iii unit 8 production 9 _ to take apart 10 _ to make or alter according to the buyers or owners wishes 11 _ connected set of parts by which power is passed from the engine to the axle in a motor vehicle 12. _ a toothed machine part, such as a whe

45、el or cylinder, used to transmit motion or to change speed or direction 13 _ to get back (what one has spent, lost, etc); to give sboneself back (what has been spent, lost, etc) 14 _ able to move quickly and easily; active 15 _ to move about violently dismantle customize iii. give the english words

46、according to the meanings provided. recoup transmission gear agile churn exercise iv unit 8 production put the correct forms of the following expressions in the blanks 1 if our sales increase as expected, we should be able to _ the cost of the project within a year 2 born and raised in the warm sout

47、h, he found it hard to get himself _ the freezing winter in the northeast 3 economic depressions are always _ by such things as losses of jobs and social unrest 4 in the past, the production and sales of a state enterprise were guided mostly by planned economy today, however, they should be _ the ne

48、eds of market economy 5 you can do as you like, but you should bear full responsibility to any losses and damages _incurred recoup adapted to accompanied geared toward fall into decline accompany benefit fromrecoup respond flexible churn out competencedismantle gear toward accuracy adapt to incur ou

49、tmaneuver exercise iv unit 8 production flexible churned out falls into responded to 6 fascinated by his _ in sales promotion, the chief executive appointed him sales manager of the company 7 the entrance examination _ two parts: first, an interview to test the candidates spoken english and secondly

50、, a short essay in english to examine his writing ability 8 instead of being an on-looker, the company _ the changes in the international market immediately and as a result, reaped huge returns 9 those years were hard in order to make ends meet, he _ romance stories one after another, his only purpo

51、se being to make money 10 in most cases _ plans are more favored, since they allow room for maneuver competence exercise iv unit 8 production 11 the gloomy market situation forced them to _ the newly mounted operation and move into other fields that seemed more profitable 12 being a seasoned stock m

52、arket analyst he predicts little but with surprising _ 13 any company that lacks initiative and a good decision-maker will face the danger of _by his opponents 14 knowing that more and more patients are _ his therapy, the doctor feels that his years of hard work finally pays off 15 bp motors profit

53、rose slightly, whereas that of branson motors _ slightly last year dismantle benefiting from declined accuracy being outmaneuvered exercise v unit 8 production 1 this factory produced a large quantity of blue jeans to meet the increasing market demand 2 ones quality and competence are best shown whe

54、n he is in a dangerous situation and will have to decide for himself how to react to it 3 experts have observed that many social crimes are related in one way or another to violence shown on television programs or video games churned out associated in . rewrite the following sentences and replace th

55、e underlined parts with appropriate words or phrases from the text. respond to exercise v unit 8 production 4 after the setup costs we were bankrupt, so much so that we had not even enough money to pay for our employees 5 since youve decided to join this company, you might as well get accustomed to

56、its style of work first had without even so much as paying our employees adapted to exercise vi unit 8 production . word study: for each of the following clues, use the given prompts to produce sentences in the same way as is shown in the model. 1 prompt: owing tobad weatherdomesticproductionricetem

57、porarily decline (v) model: owing to the bad weather, the domestic production of rice has temporarily declined a improvementmedicalservicenumberpeoplesuffercountrys no1 killerheartdiseasedecline (v) b gradualdecline (n)islandpopulationsincesecondworld war c hedecline (v)iinvitationdinnerthoughisince

58、re 1 a with the improvement of medical service, the number of people suffering from the countrys no1 killer, heart disease, is declining b there has been a gradual decline in the islands population since the second world war c he declined my invitation to the dinner though i was sincere 1. decline 1

59、) vi to go from a better to a worse position, or from higher to lower 衰退;衰落; 下降 【例句】 his influence declined as he grew older car sales have declined by a quarter after the war, the city declined in importance the arts of china have not declined in spite of western influence 虽有西方影响, 中国的古老艺术并未因此而衰落。 2

60、) vivt to refuse politely 婉言拒绝 【例句】 we asked them to come to our party, but they declined the official at first declined to make a statement, but later she agreed he declined my invitation to dinner offered the position of chairman, smith declined, preferring to keep his current job unit 8 productio


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