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1、brand positioning & architecture 品牌定位与品牌建设品牌定位与品牌建设 piet coelewij , senior vice president general manger philips consumer electronics (china) 飞利浦消费电子(中国) 高级副总裁及总经理 郭立为 date : march 30th 2005 2005年3月30日 philips heritage : focus on the experience one philips vision 一个飞利浦一个飞利浦 medical 医疗 dap小家电 ce消费电子

2、lighting 照明 semiconductors 半导体 lighting 照明 display jvs 显示-合资 healthcare 医疗保健 lifestyle 时尚生活 technology 核心技术 to be a world-class marketing organization , philips must have a brand positioning as its centerpiece . 成为世界级的市场营销型组织,飞利浦必须以品牌定位为核心。成为世界级的市场营销型组织,飞利浦必须以品牌定位为核心。 ? ? philips domestic appliances

3、 and personal care 飞利浦小家电 philips medical systems 飞利浦医疗系统 philips lighting 飞利浦照明 philips consumer electronics 飞利浦消费 电子 philips semiconductors 飞利浦半导体 ? ? philips brand positioning 品牌定位 what are the philips filters and enforcement tools ? 什么是飞利浦的过滤网和执行工具? our brand positioning can be articulated throu

4、gh the following statement . 以下陈述能够说明我们的品牌定位以下陈述能够说明我们的品牌定位 technology is there to help us ,make our lives easier and more productive .so why is it so often such a hassle ,full of complexity and frustration? 科技能让生活变得更轻松,更有效率。可是为什么用起来总是那么麻烦,那么复杂又令人沮丧? we are convinced that no matter complex and advan

5、ced a product or solution is ,you should be comfortable using it. it is this very simplicity that transforms a task into an opportunity ,a burden into pleasure. 我们坚信,飞利浦的产品和解决方案,无论多复杂和先进,在使用时都应该让人觉得轻松自如。正 是这种简化将工作转化成机遇,将负担转化为乐趣。 which is why philips is committed to delivering products and solutions

6、that are easy to experience ,advanced ,and designed around you ,no matter how advanced the technology. 为此,飞利浦致力于为您科技领先却容易使用的产品和解决方案。无论其科技多么先进和尖端,我 们都确保飞利浦的产品能为您的生活平添自在轻松。 the building blocks of the positioning consist of 3 essential pillars that should be together . 三大支柱共同构建飞利浦品牌定位,缺一不可。三大支柱共同构建飞利浦品

7、牌定位,缺一不可。 designed around you 为您设计为您设计 firstly ,all philips activities must be driven by insights into how consumers/customers seek to experience the benefits of technology . 深入了解消费者深入了解消费者/客户的需要,飞利浦的所有活动都必须让用户体会科技带客户的需要,飞利浦的所有活动都必须让用户体会科技带 来的好处。来的好处。 designed around you 为您设计为您设计 business to busines

8、s is this driven by a customer insight ? 是否以客户“洞察”为 导向? is this the result of collaboration ? 是否是协作的结果? business to consumer is this driven by a customer insight ? 是否 以客户“洞察”为导向? are both aesthetic and functional designs based on end-user research ? 美观和功能是否都已最 终用户为研究对象? products and services must be

9、 convenient and easy to experience in order to remove the hassles often associated with technology .产品和产品和 服务必须方便简易,使人轻松享受科技带来的惬意而任何顾虑。服务必须方便简易,使人轻松享受科技带来的惬意而任何顾虑。 easy to experience 轻松体验轻松体验 designed around you 为您设计为您设计 business to business are we the easiest to do business with ? 我们是否是最简易的贸 易伙伴? d

10、o we seamlessly integrate with customers ? 我们是否与客户亲密无 间? business to consumer will i need a manual to use it ? 使用这项技术需 要看使用手册吗? is it accessible to all people ,regardless of their familiarity with technology ?无论人们对 技术熟练与否,是否都 能应用自如? at the same time , product s must be continue to deliver the benefi

11、ts associated with innovation . 同时,产品必须与创新同步,不断带来更多好处。同时,产品必须与创新同步,不断带来更多好处。 advanced 尖端科技尖端科技 designed around you 为您设计为您设计 easy to experience 轻松体验轻松体验 business to business do we offer forward- thinking solutions ? 我们是否提供前瞻的思 考解决方案? is it adaptable ,future- proof ,and interoperable? 技术是否兼容、超前? busin

12、ess to consumer is it a tangible improvement ? 是否切实的改进? does a technological innovation deliver a better experience to end-users ? 技术创新是否为最终客 户带来更好的体验? these three pillars collectively give philips a distinct position and act as filters to ensure all company activities support the brand positioning.

13、 三项品牌柱石共同塑造独特的地位,并像过滤网一样确保所有公司活动都支持品三项品牌柱石共同塑造独特的地位,并像过滤网一样确保所有公司活动都支持品 牌定位牌定位 easy to experience 轻松体验轻松体验 advanced 尖端科技尖端科技 designed around you 为您设计为您设计 delivering the brand positioning via proof-points in all philips product divisions. 通过各飞利浦产品部门的产品证实并完成品牌定位。通过各飞利浦产品部门的产品证实并完成品牌定位。 medical systems

14、 医疗系统 heart start, brilliance 40 slice ct lighting 照明 xenon car headlights ,halo in-store communication consumer electronics 消费电子 ambient lighting flat tv,dvd hard disk semiconductors 半导体 near field communication ,nexperia dvd+rw design domestic appliances and personal care 小家电 philipsave coolskin ,

15、senseo proof-points in consumer electronics 消费电子的证明产品消费电子的证明产品 flat tv with ambient lighting 流光溢彩彩电 easy to experience : seeing is believing advanced : unique philips invention of colored backlights make the viewing experience much more intense and immersive designed around you : consumer data confi

16、rms significant improvement of the viewing experience versus non-backlight systems proof-points in consumer electronics 消费电子的证明产品消费电子的证明产品 dvd recorder / hard disk dvd刻录机/硬盘 easy to experience : record up to 130 hrs on hard disk and preserve for life on dvd advanced :philips first to european market

17、 with an electronic program guide for point and chick tv recording : no more programming hassle designed around you : with flex time you can easily pause live tv and watch the beginning while you record end driving the brand positioning in ce 在消费电子内部推动品牌定位在消费电子内部推动品牌定位 brand positioning business cre

18、ation building the philips brand go to market ce marketing strategy consistent delivery in all tough points ce vision & ambition pre- purchase use purchase brand positioning and marketing concepts determine the top level benefits of all products 品牌定位和营销观念决定所有产品的最大益处品牌定位和营销观念决定所有产品的最大益处 marking conce

19、pt specific value proposition brand positioning the value proposition house brings it all together 价值组成屋将所有要素结合价值组成屋将所有要素结合 discriminator benefits reasons to believe brand positioning target marketing concept consumer insight company environment inside-out outside-in how can we translate our insight

20、s into attractive , relevant , credible and distinctive philips propositions ? how can we understand what people are looking for and whom we want to serve ? brand positioning how can we make it designed around you , easy to experience and advanced ? philips is competitive on all brand positioning pillars with a stronger position on simplicity but does not stand out yet . 飞利浦在三项品牌柱石上都有竞争力,精简方面更强,但还不十分突出飞利浦在三项品牌柱石上都有竞争力,精简方面更强,但还不十分突出 easy to experience lmakes me feel comfortable with technology lproducts are easy


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