1、1gvdp v5_upd_trg.ppt/don smith/5/22/2006/version 6.0 once printed this document is uncontrolled, please refer to http:/ gvdp v5.0 update don smith 22may06 this document is for internal gm use only. not to be duplicated or disclosed outside gm without approval of don smith 586-986-1983 2gvdp v5_upd_t
2、rg.ppt/don smith/5/22/2006/version 6.0 once printed this document is uncontrolled, please refer to http:/ gvdp post dsi v5.0 released 06april06 (for more information go to: http:/ gvdp/asiapacific/index.html) gvdp pre-vpi process documentation v1.0 released 06mar06 (for more information go to: http:
3、/ ) gvdp pre-vpi gvdp version 5.0 3gvdp v5_upd_trg.ppt/don smith/5/22/2006/version 6.0 once printed this document is uncontrolled, please refer to http:/ outline pre-vpi and post-vpi global gvdp 5.0 background high level framework process agreements process agreement detail 5.0 content program frame
4、work architecture adts in one global adts are led by global vles and adts are lead by regional vles (g)adts are responsible and accountable for architecture and common components regardless of the program or region of application (g)adts are also responsible for the profitability of all programs reg
5、ardless of region the global segment director (gsd) from planning leads the development of the assi and dsi document in support of the (g)adt 50gvdp v5_upd_trg.ppt/don smith/5/12/2021/version 5.0 once printed this document is uncontrolled, please refer to http:/ (global) architecture development tea
6、m member responsibilities lead cross-functional (g)adts responsible for all programs on an architecture regardless of region the (g)vle is responsible for program profitability in its entirety prior to sorp interface between (g)adt and corporate leadership forums (e.g., apb, vpr) responsible for the
7、 confirmation and achievement of imperatives for all programs through charter/contract and scorecard lead engineering integration through vehicle and process integration review (vapir) for all programs on an architecture ensure translation of program requirements into technical specifications manage
8、 engineering budget for programs ensure compliance to government regulations execute program to meet imperatives chief of staff for vle drive decision making and issue resolution supervisor of the program managers manages across programs manages program timing manages program content communicates st
9、atus of program imperatives/targets/metrics global pm global quality global mfg. ce global vle global finance global vce global design etc global hr global purchasing note: vld is a member of the (g)adt; see pet slide for vld responsibilities 51gvdp v5_upd_trg.ppt/don smith/5/12/2021/version 5.0 onc
10、e printed this document is uncontrolled, please refer to http:/ regional program execution team (pet) attributes regional programs (chaired by a vld) will be executed by regional pets that are initiated by and report to the (g)adt with (g)adts, pets will be expected to execute multiple programs a re
11、gional pet is required when a lead or derivative product is either engineered or assembled (greater than ckd) in the region lead program pet will normally be in the same region as the (g)adt regional pets should be staffed as early as pfi if possible, and must be fully staffed by dsi at the latest (
12、previously vpi); where necessary, portfolio resources (formerly dsi core teams) may be used until pfi functional members of regional pets have reporting relationships to functional (g)adt leaders regional pets develop and execute the program charter and contract and make recommendations to the (g)ad
13、t on key program decisions 52gvdp v5_upd_trg.ppt/don smith/5/12/2021/version 5.0 once printed this document is uncontrolled, please refer to http:/ architecture pet attributes an architecture pet is a working level body, enabling the gadt to focus on decision making, and will reside in the same regi
14、on as the gadt. an architecture pet should only be required for architectures with many body styles across many regions members of the architecture pet may include: program management director (chair) gadt managers from appropriate functions regional vehicle line directors program engineering manage
15、rs / assistant chiefs program managers the architecture pet may support the gadt by managing common activities and issues and/or defining programs prior to the creation of the pets the architecture pet may evolve into the pet for the lead program some flexibility is needed in the application of thes
16、e attributes as we continue to improve our understanding of the need for this team 53gvdp v5_upd_trg.ppt/don smith/5/12/2021/version 5.0 once printed this document is uncontrolled, please refer to http:/ decision rights summary architecture & program events global product plan nods threshold archite
17、cture apbapbgpdcgpdc mce3apbapbgpdcapbapbgpdc mce3apbgpdc(na)(na)gpdcgpdcgpdcgpdc mce3rsbrsb(na)(na)rsbrsbrsbrsb assidsiaccso cso hc notes: gpdc is responsible for resource balancing globally chart displays final approval, however additional pre-reviews may be required aavpi program apb automotive p
18、roduct board gpdc global product development council rsb regional strategy board 54gvdp v5_upd_trg.ppt/don smith/5/12/2021/version 5.0 once printed this document is uncontrolled, please refer to http:/ whats new? transitioning to (global) architecture development teams: replaces the term vehicle lin
19、e teams (vlts) to emphasize focus on architectures vehicle line executives (vles) and members of the gadts are responsible and accountable for all programs in all regions manages all architectural and common components responsibilities include a greater focus on program profitability architecture pe
20、ts are working level teams supporting the gadt which may be required for global architectures with many body styles. pets and vehicle line directors (vlds) report to their respective gadts and vles regardless of region program decision making prior to vpi has been revised: vles are engaged and respo
21、nsible from the beginning at architecture framing initiation (afi) vlds and pets are engaged as soon as possible after program framing initiation (pfi) global segment directors (gsds) lead the development of the assi and dsi deliverables decision making forums have been realigned to make key product
22、 decisions from a corporate perspective in the appropriate leadership forum 55 index process documentation: 56gvdp v5_upd_trg.ppt/don smith/5/22/2006/version 6.0 once printed this document is uncontrolled, please refer to http:/ examples of end of line testing next 57gvdp v5_upd_trg.ppt/don smith/5/
23、22/2006/version 6.0 once printed this document is uncontrolled, please refer to http:/ dynamic vehicle testing examples of end of line testing return 58gvdp v5_upd_trg.ppt/don smith/5/22/2006/version 6.0 once printed this document is uncontrolled, please refer to http:/ pedestrian protection example
24、s next 59gvdp v5_upd_trg.ppt/don smith/5/22/2006/version 6.0 once printed this document is uncontrolled, please refer to http:/ pedestrian protection examples return 60gvdp v5_upd_trg.ppt/don smith/5/22/2006/version 6.0 once printed this document is uncontrolled, please refer to http:/ red zones sal
25、eable vehicles 252420171511148 2 0 start of system fill (ssf) 46 non-saleable vehicles 23526 plant purge mrd 2 mrd 2 mrd 3 mrd 4 mrd 5 mrd 6 mrd 6 start of regular production (sorp) no more product engineering change requests except for those approved by the production launch team no process change
26、requests .5 21 production launch milestones 100% saleable 60% approved for mvbs1 the launch team will determine the number of buckets, quantities per bucket and document as the program specific vehicle build plan. manufacturing confirmation 13 mrd 4 mrd 5 m3 g/a 38 27 ppv build - body 100% productio
27、n tooled parts available 23 6 4 ewo sop effective point 28304640 m4 g/a vdc 32 rprcec manufacturing validation build (general assembly) iterative matching global vdp 4.1 37/20 & global vdp 5.0 brownfield 100% saleable 75% approved for sorp ppap status 6 mrd 0 bs val/match cver 55 sver 47 iver 44 mrd
28、 1 body - mgo only wk 39 ga ppv wk 32 vtc body shop validation/iterative matching 54 mvb-ns build - body 28 matching body m3 bodyshop mrd 2 body - mgo only wk 29 ga mvb -ns wk 22 mrd 3 body -mgo only wk 21 ga mvb -ns wk 17 mrd 4 body wk 15 ga wk 14 mrd 5 body wk 11 ga wk 10 mrd 6 body wk 7 ga wk 6 a
29、. mrd 0 is the indicated week. b. the material required date is 10 calendar days prior to the build start, all material should be at the assembly plant, not at an alternative locations (i.e. bell warehouse). c. any deviations to the these mrd requirements will be directed by the assembly plant mater
30、ial department, mso and matching team. d. any changes to the template, including mrds require the approval of the global launch process team and matching team. e. for body parts, ppv and mvns will be provided from body shop validation process 35 100% approved ppap by eoa notes: 3-3-06 return referen
31、ce only please refer to this link 61gvdp v5_upd_trg.ppt/don smith/5/22/2006/version 6.0 once printed this document is uncontrolled, please refer to http:/ body on frame template revision return sver/ ivbr -98 cver -109 dsi -172 -144 vpi mule mrd -125 sver/ ivbr -98 cver -121 dsi -184 -156 vpi mule m
32、rd -137 example only see specific component planning template for details 12 weeks added to template for body on frame (bof) vehicles to accommodate reduced time between mule mrd and sver (impacts 4-poster durability test) gvdp 5.0 gvdp 5.0 (for bof) 62gvdp v5_upd_trg.ppt/don smith/5/22/2006/version
33、 6.0 once printed this document is uncontrolled, please refer to http:/ ppap gate details return statusapproval level (internal) production tooled part lab data available order system order respon. ppap status (for ppv) non- saleable 0-60%* approved dim, mat, func mgo (gp-11 if non-prod) mso (ppo-de
34、 if non-prod) gate 1 60%* approved gate 2 100% saleable 75%* approved dim, mat, func, app matching, trial run, imds* mgomso gate 3 100% approved *grey text applies to gme only * example: if there are 1000 parts to be approved, 600 should be approved by gate 1. note that this is not a specific list of parts 63gvdp v5_upd_trg.ppt/don smith/5/22/2006/version 6.0 once printed this document is uncontr
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