1、 、牛津深圳版英语九年级上册unit 6: healthy diet【重点词汇】1. preference (n)偏爱,喜爱 prefer 更喜欢,偏好2. review (n)评介,评论=remark=comment review (v) 复习3. bean (n)豆,豆荚 (可数名词)4. beef 牛肉(不可数名词)5. product (n)产品,制品 produce(v)生产 production(n) 生产6. medical 医疗的 medicine(n)医学,药 take some medicine 吃药7. fat (n) 脂肪 fat(adj)胖的8. sugar 食糖 (
2、不可数名词) 也可作可数名词,表示“一匙食糖,一块方糖” 9. state (v) 说明=make sth. clear statement (n)说明10. necessary (adj)必需的,必要的 unnecessary (反义词) 不必要的,非必需的11. research(n)(v)研究,调查12. plenty 大量,充足 plenty of 大量13. usual (adj) 通常的,寻常的 (反义词)unusual usually(adv) 14. coffee 咖啡(通常是不可数名词) 在口语中,我们常用 a coffee 表示a cup of coffee(一杯咖啡)15
3、. treat v.买(可享受的东西) treat 对待,看待 ,请客,治疗 n.treatment16. serve v.提供(serve nice food),服务(serve my country),上菜(serve the dishes) n.service 服务17. pound (n)英镑18. seat v.就座 sb be seated 某人就座 n.座位,席位 【重点短语】a balanced diet dairy product order food fried food soft drink medical examination lose weight = (be) o
4、n a diet a bit of plenty of =a large amount of in general = as usual treat oneself to sth be unhealthy for eating habits leave out traditional english food remind sb. of sth. be prepared to do sth. recommend sth. for . be unknown to refuse to do sth in public how does that sound to you ? =what do yo
5、u think of that?stay away from =keep away from 【释义题】( ) 1. would you like to give your review about the book? what do you think of it? a. advantage b. decision c. comment( ) 2. dont worry about the cost. ill treat you. a. pay the money for b. offer the chance to c. give the money to( ) 3. he has alr
6、eady stated his intention(意图) to take part in the party. a. said clearly b. suggested clearly c. seen clearly ( ) 4. there is still plenty of room in my bag. you can put your books into it. a. a few of b. a large amount of c. a large number of( ) 5. the recent research from these scientists on diet
7、has given us some good ways to be healthy. a. study b. information c. feeling( ) 6. its necessary for me to buy a new bike because this one is too old. a. useful b. needful c. careful( ) 7. the shop assistants tried their best to make the children become their biggest customers. a. persons who have
8、lots of money b. persons who buy something c. students who have talent( ) 8. after learning about the main idea of the passage, do you know what the best title of it is? a. order b. name c. article( ) 9. the family served us with a wonderful meal. we all enjoyed ourselves. a. meant b. thought c. pro
9、vided( ) 10. in order to hear the speech clearly, he seated himself in the front of the classroom. a. cut down b. put down c. sat down( ) 11. my mother advised me to stay away from my classmate tom because he is naughty. a. avoid b. disagree c. shake( ) 12. you are good enough and there is no need t
10、o change. a. become different b. become popular c. become friendly( ) 13. ive decided to lose weight and i wont eat junk food any more. a. made up my mind b. put up c. lit up( ) 14. youd better have different kinds of healthy food every day. a. means b. ways c. types( ) 15. in general, its a good mo
11、vie though it is a little violent(暴力的). a. in a second b. generally speaking c. in common【适当形式填空】1.barry should learn how to eat a _(balance)diet.2.the new beauty _(produce)are popular with young women.3.we had to give up going fishing in such _(terribly)weather.4.the supermarket sells all kinds of_
12、(drink).5.the workers were _(treat)badly in the factory all the time.6.the boy felt quiet happy that there was _(fry)chicken for dinner.7.staying up is an _(healthy)habit in our daily life.8.she tried _(avoid)answering my questions.9.the president _(state)that people in his country would live a happ
13、ier life.10.does she worry about her_(weigh)?【短语练习】1. 人们每天应该有一个均衡的饮食。 people should have _ _ _ every day.3. 人们应该远离油炸食品。 people should _ _ _ fried food.4. 软饮料对人体有害。 _ _ do harm to peoples health.5. 我们应该有一个健康的饮食习惯。 we should have a healthy _ _.6. 人们有必要每天运动。 _ _ _ _ people to do sports every day.7. 我们每
14、天需要吃一些谷类产品。 we need to eat some _ _ every day.8. 不要吃太多乳制品。 dont have too many _ _.9. 我要改变我的饮食。 i want to _ _ _.10. 他们愿意帮我完成工作, 可是我却想自己做。 they _ _ _ _ me finish the work, but i want to do it by myself11. 传统的英国食物很美味。 _ _ _ is very delicious.12. 这把雨伞让我想起我的奶奶。 the umbrella _ _ _ my grandma.13. 所有的记者坐在座位
15、上等着那个明星, 可是最终他没有来。 all the reporters _ _ to wait for the star, but he didnt come at last.14. 我想把这本书推荐给我的朋友们。 i would like to _ this book _ my friends.【知识点讲解】getting ready部分1. read a conversation about a balanced diet. a balanced diet均衡饮食 balanced形容词,意为:平稳的,平衡的 balance 作名词,意为:平衡;作动词,意为:均衡;权衡;使平衡 the
16、girl lost her balance and fell off the balance beam. the dancer can balance on one toe. thechildcouldnt onhisnewbicycle.孩子骑车时不能保持平衡。 youhavetobalancetheadvantagesoflivinginabigcityagainstthe disadvantages. please try to byeatingmorefruitandlessfat. 多吃些水果,少摄入些脂肪,使饮食均衡合理. 2.learn to express preference
17、s. preference此处用作可数名词,意为:偏爱,喜好 a polar bear has a preference for cold weather. (偏爱) i willgivepreferencetodesignerswhohave relevant experience.(优先选择,此时用作不可数) prefer动词,意为:更喜欢,宁愿 prefer a to b. 相对于b更喜欢a prefer to do sth. 宁愿做某事 which one do you prefer, milk or coffee? i prefer (sing) to (dance).3. how
18、does that sound to you? 相当于what do you think of that?,询问对方对某事的看法。4. ive decided to stay away from fried food and soft drinks. 1)decide to do sth. he has decided to go abroad. the children decided (clean) their school yard before halloween. 2)stay away from 离开,不接近 my mom advised me to stay away from
19、those naughty boys. the doctor told him to fat food.医生叫他不要吃高脂肪食物。 【拓展】(cant) tear oneself away from对.难以释手,勉强离开,舍不得离开 i found it hard to tear myself from my new friends. the novelis soinstructivethatican hardlytearmyselfawayfromit. can you fromthetvtonight?你舍得不看今晚的电视吗?5. the doctor said that i needed
20、 to lose a bit of weight by avoiding fat,oil and suagr. 1)lose weight 减肥,相当于take off weight. 2)a bit of 意为:一点儿,后接不可数名词。 he knows a bit of french. tom has a bit of money. 辨析:a bit of与a bit a bit of意为:一点;后接不可数名词,相当于a littlethere is a bit of/a little food left.a bit意为:稍微,有点;做程度副词,修饰动词、形容词、副词和比较级等,相当于a
21、littlewill you please turn down the radio a bit/a little?shes a bit/a little afraid of the teacher?the patient feels a bit/a little better today. i dont mind . 我一点都不介意。 the next timeyouneed toyourself,pick upa book. 下次当你需要一点自我放松的时间时,你可以选本书来读。 he needs to work in training.他需要在训练中表现得更加努力一些。6. he also
22、stated that its necessary for me to have a more balanced diet. state此处用作及物动词,意为:说明,陈述 he stated his case before a judge.7. a balanced diet means having different kinds of healthy food every day. 1)mean doing sth. 意为:意味着做某事,其主要通常是表示事物的词。 missing this train means waiting for another hour. ifhelefthis
23、wife,itwouldmean (leave)hischildrentoo. 【拓展】 mean to do sth. 打算做某事 i meant to give you this book today,but i forgot. 2)different kinds of 不同种类的 theyplanteddifferentkindsofflowersintheirgarden.8. research shows that each day you should have plenty of fruit,vegetables and grain products such as noodle
24、s and bread. plenty of 意为:大量的,许多的,既可修饰可数名词又可修饰不可数名词。 there is plenty of rain here. experts have plenty of suggestions. there (be) plenty of fish in the sea.9. and, in general you should have fewer dairy products and eggs,and less meat. 1)in general 意为:通常,大体上 in general, i agree with you. how do you
25、think aboutthisingeneral? peoplejustliketobearoundenthusiasticpeopleingeneral. 2)区分fewer和less.10. then i treated myself to some ice cream for a snack. treat oneself to sth. 给自己买某东西 she treated herself to a new dress. 【拓展】treat oneself/sb. to sth. 还可意为:招待自己/某人吃某物 ill treat you to lunch. ifyoutreatme
26、a cupofcoffee,i (buy) youdinner.11. we have a large amount of time to get there.a large amount of + 不可数名词,表示:大量的.a large amount of money is spent on advertisements every year.12. david paid for jim because jim was out of money. 1)pay此处用作不及物动词,意为:支付 pay for sb.替某人付款 pay for sth.付款买某物 how much did you
27、 pay for these s? let me pay for you. 【拓展】pay 还可用作及物动词, pay (sb.)+钱+for sth. 给(某人)钱买某物 you havent paid the doctor yet. i paid the shopkeeper 10 dollars for the book. it wasfoolishness moneyforsuch adress. 为了这样一件衣服花这么多钱,真是笨到家了。 相关短语: pay back 报复,偿还 pay off 还清 i swear to payback everything i owed you.
28、 some day ill pay you back for this! it would take him the rest of his life topay offthat loan. 2)(be) out of意为:缺乏,没有 we are out of food. the book is out of print.这书绝版了。 to ask $5000forasmallhouselikethatis . 那麽小的一幢房子索价五千美元是没有道理的。 weallhavedreamsthatseem . 我们都有一个看起来似乎无法实现的梦想。13.our eyes and ears are
29、 filled with advertisements for new food products. be filled with意为:充满,装满 ;相当于be full of. the bottle is filled with water. the classroom is full of students. hereyes filled ofjoy.她眼里饱含着幸福的泪水。14.we should be careful when we are choosing our food. be careful of/with sth. be careful (not) to do sth. 当心
30、不要做某事/小心谨慎做某事 be careful of your health. you must be careful not to lose the key. weshould becareful themistakesofthe past. 我们应当小心避免重复过去的错误。 youcantbe them. 你对他们再谨慎也不过分。辨析:be careful,take care与look outbe careful是一般的警告或劝告用语,可用于各种情况youd better be careful with your handwriting.take care语气不那么强,多用于对可能出现的
31、不测作出预先的提醒或警告its the first time for you to travel alone.you must take care.look out语气最强,用于某种紧急的情况或可能出现危险的场合look out! youll hit the car. 【专项练习】一、完形填空 a man was walking along the street when he saw a woman struggling with a large box . it was half in and half 1 of her car . he was a helpful kind of man
32、, so he went up to the woman and said, “ let me give you a hand with that box .it looks very 2 .” “thats very kind of you, ” the woman said . “im having a lot of 3 with it .i think its stuck .” “together well soon move it, ” the man said. he 4 into the back seat of the car and took hold of the other
33、 end of the box . he said, “ i am ready . and he began to 5 hard .” for several minutes the man and the woman struggled with the box . soon they were 6 in the face . “ lets rest for a minute, ” the man said. “ im sorry, but it 7 stuck .” a few minutes later, the man said, “ lets try again. are you r
34、eady ?” 8 of them took hold of the box again . “ one, two, three !” the man said, and again they went on with their struggle . at last, when they were very tired, the man said, “ you are 9 . its stuck really . i dont think theres 10 we can get it out of the car .” “ get it out of the car ?” the woma
35、n cried. “im trying to get it in !” ( )1. a. in b. outc. ond. off ( )2. a. heavy b. strong c. dear d. new ( )3. a. trouble b. questions c. matter d. accidents ( )4. a. got b. stepped c. came d. walked ( )5. a. pull b. carry c. push d. walked ( )6. a. white b. tired c. red d. hurt ( )7. a. goesb. fal
36、ls c. grows d. seems ( )8. a. every b. all c. either d. both ( )9. a. ready b. right c. clever d. sure ( )10. a. anything b. anywhere c. anyoned. anyway2、 语法填空a last monday, we had an (16) _ (interest) and funny english class. in the class, we had (17) _ discussion about tv shows in small (18) _ (gr
37、oup). here is what li dong, one of my classmates, (19) _ (think) of some tv shows. “for soap operas, i cant (20) _ (real) stand (忍受) them. they are long and (21) _ (bore). some (22) _ meaningless. they usually make me want to sleep. (23) _ i love sports shows such as football games and basketball ga
38、mes. i like watching the world cup on tv best. i think all the games are exciting. (24)_ do i think of talent shows? i like them. i think i can learn a lot of things from them. what about talk shows? i dont mind them. (25) _ there are no my favorite shows on tv, sometimes i watch talk shows. but if
39、there is a sports game, i choose to watch the sports game.” these are li dongs likes and dislikes about tv shows. what do you think of tv shows?b different people have different ways to live. there is a type of person 16._ always seems to be busy. no matter whether they are running a big company 17.
40、_ a small business, they are always active to get things 18._(do). if this type of person is suddenly without a goal, then they will find one and make it 19._next project. another way to live is to find something 20._ you love more than anything else in your life. this can be anything from staying a
41、t home to travelling around the world. if you choose to stay at home and raise your kids 21._ a good neighborhood, then you wont mind taking a lower paying job. it might not be the best choice 22._ (financial), but it is the best choice for you23. _ you are working only to support your life, not for
42、 the sake of working. theres no one way that is better than the other. one might sound funnier, while the other might provide more financial stability for the future. which one you would rather choose24. _ (depend) completely on your own 25._ (prefer).2、 阅读理解a 2007 special olympics open in shanghai
43、eighty thousand people in shanghai stadium and millions of television and internet viewers around the world saw president hu jintao open the 2007 special olympics world summer games at last nights wonderful opening ceremony . city mayor han zheng welcomed the athletes and guests on behalf of the gam
44、es organizing committee(组委会)and 18 million shanghai people. the ceremony began with a drum dance “harmony hearts beating as one.” gao peng, a special olympics athlete took the lead in the dance among hundreds of performers dressed in traditional chinese-style yellow costumes on the stage. “we are di
45、fferent, but we have the same heartbeat,” he said. the ceremony was divided into four parts: courage, sharing, skills and joy.after the shows opening, the athletes from 165 countries and regions paraded(列队游行)into the stadium. world champion hurdler liu xiang and a ugandan special olympics athlete br
46、ought the torch into the stadium. shanghai daily oct. 3, 2007( ) 1. the 2007 special olympics world summer games opened in shanghai on _. a. october 3 b. october 4 c. october 2 d. october 1( ) 2. _ declared the opening of the 2007 special olympic summer games. a. city mayor han zheng b. president hu
47、 jintao c. a special olympics athlete d. the games organizing committee( ) 3. the opening ceremony began with _. a. a parada b. a speech c. a traditional costumes show d. a drum dance( ) 4. gao peng, a special olympics athlete _. a. brought the torch into the stadium b. took the lead in the parade c
48、. welcomed the athletes d. took the lead in the drum dance( ) 5. which of the following is not true according to the passage? a. liu xiang and a ugandan special olympics athlete brought the torch into the stadium. b. the athletes from 165 countries and regions gave a show on the stage. c. millions o
49、f people watched the ceremony on tv and the internet. d. the ceremony had four parts: courage, sharing, skills and joy. b your rights at home and at school grown-ups are always telling kids what to do. do you listen to them? usually they know what is best for you, but sometimes they can be wrong. so, china has a special law to keep people under 18 safe. it is called the underage protection law(未成年人保护法)。how the law works tea
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