1、0 雪津啤酒雪津啤酒20092009年广告媒介策略案年广告媒介策略案 sedrin y09 media strategy proposal 1 目录目录 index 消费者分析消费者分析& &目标市场分析目标市场分析 consumer & market insight 电视媒体投放策略电视媒体投放策略 tv strategy 报纸媒体投放策略报纸媒体投放策略 np strategy 户外媒体投放策略户外媒体投放策略 ooh strategy 网络媒体投放策略网络媒体投放策略 internet strategy 2 目录目录index 消费者分析消费者分析& &目标市场分析目标市场分析 cons
2、umer & market insight 3 n消费者洞察 consumer insight l啤酒消费习惯分析 beer consumption habits l重点市场走访发现 key markets findings l消费者媒介接触习惯和消费心理研究 target media consumption habit and consumption psychology analysis 4 啤酒消费总体情况啤酒消费总体情况 beer consumption 江西省和福建省啤酒的消费渗透率高于全国平均水平。 rate of penetration in jx and fj are high
3、er than average 城市居民总体城市居民总体啤酒饮用者啤酒饮用者啤酒啤酒 (千人)(千人)(千人)(千人)品类渗透率品类渗透率 全国全国3030个城市个城市72,49632,68645%45% 浙江省1,91768836% 江苏省2,7971,21143% 江西省1,13660453%53% 湖南省3,6071,39339% 福建省1,58573947%47% data source:cmms2008 spring (2007.1-2007.12) 浙江省和湖南省的啤酒消费还有很大潜力。 zj and hn province are quite potential markets
4、5 l从全国市场情况来看,雪花和青岛啤酒在全国市场的渗透率最高 snow and tsingtao share the highest rate of penetration % data source:cmms2008 spring (2007.1-2007.12) 啤酒消费总体情况啤酒消费总体情况 beer consumption 6 五省啤酒行业集中度五省啤酒行业集中度 beer cr4 in 5 provinces l湖南地区啤酒品类集中度最高,cr4达到了5省最高的78.6,主要消费的品牌是白沙 啤酒和青岛啤酒 baisha and tsingtao are the main bra
5、nds in hn market which has the highest cr4 of 78.6 l浙江和江苏市场竞争更为激烈,cr4分别为38.9和54.8,各大品牌均有很大机会 with cr4 of 38.9 and 54.8, competition in zj and js are fierce data source:cmms2008 spring (2007.1-2007.12) 7 啤酒消费习惯啤酒消费习惯- -宁波宁波 beer consumption habits in ningbo kk budweiser daliangshanredrock 28.6%9.7% 3
6、1.4% snow tsingtao budweiser kk 23.7%23.1% 41% kk啤酒在宁波啤酒在宁波拥有非常明显的优势拥有非常明显的优势 kk has an obvious advantage in ningbo 最主要的威胁来自雪花啤酒最主要的威胁来自雪花啤酒 snow is the main competitor data source:cmms2008 spring (2007.1-2007.12) m25-35 8 啤酒消费习惯啤酒消费习惯- -南昌南昌 beer consumption habits in nanchang 南昌啤酒在本地拥有绝对的优势南昌啤酒在本地
7、拥有绝对的优势 nanchang leads the market 最主要的威胁来自雪津啤酒最主要的威胁来自雪津啤酒 sedrin is its main competitor nanchang blue label sedrin tsingtao 27.7%21.6% 53.6% sedrin blue label nanchang tsingtao 27.4% 25.4% 79.2% data source:cmms2008 spring (2007.1-2007.12) m25-35 9 啤酒消费习惯啤酒消费习惯- -福州福州 beer consumption habits in fuz
8、hou tsingtao huiquan sedrin snow 16.5%16.3% 80% sedrin tsingtao huiquan snow 34.3% 5.3% 43.1% m25-35 雪津啤酒在本地占有绝对的优势雪津啤酒在本地占有绝对的优势 sedrin is the no. 1 brand in fz 最主要的威胁来自最主要的威胁来自? tsingtao and huiquan is main competitor data source:cmms2008 spring (2007.1-2007.12) 10 啤酒消费习惯啤酒消费习惯- -南京南京 beer consump
9、tion habits in nanjing m25-35 snow jinling tsingtao suntory 48.6%25.8%33.8% jinling budweiser snow tsingtao 36%28.9% 41.3% 金陵啤酒在本地占有绝对的优势金陵啤酒在本地占有绝对的优势 jinling leads the local market 最主要的威胁来自雪花啤酒最主要的威胁来自雪花啤酒 snow is the major competitor data source:cmms2008 spring (2007.1-2007.12) 11 啤酒消费习惯啤酒消费习惯- -
10、长沙长沙 beer consumption habits in changsha m25-35 baisha budweiser tsingtao shengli 32.3%11.1% 61.9% tsingtao shengli baisha budweiser 13.8%37.8% 73.4% 白沙啤酒在本地占有绝对的优势白沙啤酒在本地占有绝对的优势 baisha is the dominate brand in changsha 最主要的威胁来自青岛啤酒最主要的威胁来自青岛啤酒 tsingtao follows it data source:cmms2008 spring (2007.1
11、-2007.12) 12 n消费者洞察 consumer insight l啤酒消费习惯分析 beer consumption habits l重点市场走访发现 key markets findings l江西省jx l福建省fj l消费者媒介接触习惯和消费心理研究 target media consumption habit and consumption psychology analysis 13 江西省市调研发现江西省市调研发现 jx market research l调研时间:8月11日晚上,8月12日上午 time: aug 11 evening, aug 12 morning l
12、调研范围 :酒吧,超市,大排档,一般餐厅,路边小餐厅,高级餐厅 objectives: bars, supermarkets, da pai dang, high and medium-end restaurant l访问对象:25-35岁范围内的男性消费者。 interviewee: m 25-35 a:酒吧一般都卖喜力和虎牌啤酒,价格30-38元/瓶 heineken and tiger are available at bars at prices of 30-38yuan/bottle b:超市除了南昌啤酒,还有燕京,青岛,喜力,山水 the main competitors are
13、also available in supermarket c:大部分餐厅非常难买到雪津啤酒 sedrin is rare in restaurant 1.广告创意是消费者喜欢南昌啤酒的原因之一 ad creation attracts consumers 2.喝惯南昌啤酒是因为其8度的口味适合本地人口味重的习惯 nanchang 8 degree is suitable for local taste 3.本地品牌,应该支持 to support their local brand 14 广告创意是目标人群喜欢南昌啤酒的原因之一广告创意是目标人群喜欢南昌啤酒的原因之一 target cons
14、umers are attracted to the ad creation 15 沸城酒吧是本地去的人比较多的酒吧,卖的啤酒是沸城酒吧是本地去的人比较多的酒吧,卖的啤酒是 喜力和虎牌喜力和虎牌 feicheng bar is the most popular local bar. only heineken and tiger are available there 本地较大的超市本地较大的超市“洪客隆洪客隆”没有看见雪没有看见雪 津啤酒的铺货津啤酒的铺货 no goods distribution in hong kelong the big local supermarket 16 当地
15、人一般喜欢喝南昌当地人一般喜欢喝南昌8度的啤酒度的啤酒 5元元-6元元/瓶(餐厅价)瓶(餐厅价) nanchang 8 degree ( 5-6yuan/bottle in restaurant) is the normal choice there 17 路边的小餐厅被南昌啤酒做店招的非常多路边的小餐厅被南昌啤酒做店招的非常多 众多南昌本地餐饮店购买不到雪津啤酒众多南昌本地餐饮店购买不到雪津啤酒 sedrin is nowhere to be found in those local restaurants 18 在县城雪津啤酒的铺货优于市区在县城雪津啤酒的铺货优于市区 the distri
16、bution is better in counties than that of in cities 19 鹰潭市路边小零售店、小餐厅门口堆雪津啤酒包鹰潭市路边小零售店、小餐厅门口堆雪津啤酒包 装箱的较多。装箱的较多。 sedrin packages are piling up at doors of grocerys and small restaurants 20 鹰潭市,雪津啤酒和南昌啤酒呈互相包围的态势鹰潭市,雪津啤酒和南昌啤酒呈互相包围的态势 actuality of yingtan 21 福建省市调研发现福建省市调研发现 fj market research l调研时间:8月11
17、日晚上,8月12日上午 time: aug 11 evening, aug 12 morning l调研范围:福州、厦门、泉州、漳州 scope: fuzhou, xiamen, quanzhou, zhangzhou l调研范围 :酒吧,超市,大排档,一般餐厅,路边小餐厅,高级餐厅 objectives: bars, supermarkets, da pai dang, small and high-end restaurants l访问对象:25-35岁范围内的男性消费者。 linterviewee: m 25-35 a:雪津在福州处于领先地位,主要的威胁来自青岛 sedrin leads
18、 the fuzhou market. follows by tsingtao b:泉州惠泉的消费者越来越多的转移喝雪津 more and more huiquan consumers are turning to sedrin c:漳州青啤强势,厦门大白鲨拥有较强的市场基础 tsingtao perfoms excellent in zz while da baisha does well in xm 1.在福州和泉州的县级城市发现了青啤大量铺货的踪影 tsingtao has a mighty market share in counties of fuzhou and quanzhou
19、2.厦门市场众多品牌展开激烈的市场争夺战 fierce competition in xiamen 22 福州:福州: 雪津雪津vs青啤青啤 fuzhou : sedrin vs. tsingtao l福州年啤酒消耗量约占全省市场的五分之一。福州市的热销品,在全省范围内具有“ 消费领袖”作用,抢占福建就必须攻下福州。 fuzhou has the 1/5 annual beer consumption of fj. fuzhou is the consumption sample of the whole province l福州市场雪津优势十分明显,与雪津拼抢最为激烈的是青岛啤酒。 tsin
20、gtao is currently the key competitor of sedrin in fuzhou l在福州县级市场发现青岛大量铺货的踪影 tsingtao has a wide market share in counties of fuzhou 23 泉州:泉州: 雪津与青岛,燕京和雪花雪津与青岛,燕京和雪花 quanzhou: sedrin vs. tsingtao, yanjing vs. snow l泉州是惠泉的大本营。雪花收购了清源啤酒 。但在当地表现一般 huiquan is the no. 1 brand in quanzhou in y07. snow has
21、purchased qingyuan but doesnt perform well l基本上在城区以雪津为主,但县市青岛利用一些促销活动开始大力渗透 sedrin is the major brand in urban area while tsingtao is penetrate the counties through promoting 24 厦门:厦门: 竞争激烈竞争激烈 xiamen: fierce competition l在厦门市场,无论是在广告、促销还是终端销售 上,随处可见雪津的身影 sedrin is available both in ad ,promotion an
22、d sale terminals in xiamen l同时厦门是青啤大白鲨的大本营 xiamen is home to da baisha 25 漳州:漳州: 青啤较为强势。青啤较为强势。 zhangzhou: tsingtao performs well l漳州下辖八县一市二区。 zhangzhou has 8 counties, 1 city and 2 districts l青岛啤酒并购了原漳州啤酒厂,形成了以“大白鲨”为主导,“五星啤酒 ”为辅的产品结构。 tsingtao has merged the former zhangzhou beer industry 26 n消费者洞察
23、 consumer insight l啤酒消费习惯分析 beer consumption habits l重点市场走访发现 key markets findings l消费者媒介接触习惯和消费心理研究 target media consumption habit and consumption psychology analysis 27 目标消费者媒介接触习惯分析目标消费者媒介接触习惯分析 media consumption habit l电视、公交车体、候车亭、本地日报是啤酒消费者和雪津的目标消费者接触最多的媒体 tv, bus body, bus shelter and local np
24、 have strong influence to our target l25至35岁男性有55.3%的人都会每天使用互联网 55.3% of our target use internet everyday 28 目标消费者看电视一般花费目标消费者看电视一般花费2-4小时小时 watch tv 2-4 hrs per day 周一至周五看电视2-4小时有63.5% 63.5% of our target watch tv for 2-4 hrs per day from mon to fri 周六、日看电视相对平进更长一些,有71.5%的人会看2-5小时。 71.5% of our tar
25、get spend 2-5 hrs watching tv on weekends 啤酒饮用者相对25-35岁男性看电视时间更长。 beer drinkers spend even longer time watching tv data source:cmms2008 spring (2007.1-2007.12) 29 看电视、阅读、上网是目标消费者平时放松休闲时经常做的事看电视、阅读、上网是目标消费者平时放松休闲时经常做的事 watching tv, reading and internet surfing data source:cmms2008 spring (2007.1-2007
26、.12) 30 目标消费者喜欢收看的电视节目研究目标消费者喜欢收看的电视节目研究 popular tv programs among target consumer l啤酒消费者和25-35岁男性喜欢收看国内新闻,国际新闻,娱乐秀,体育运动, 国产/香港/台湾电视剧,天气预报节目。 beer consumers and m 25-35 like domestic & international news, entertainment, sports, domestic/hongkong/taiwan series and weather report 31 散步,骑自行车,打蓝球、跑步是目标消
27、费者经常做的体育运动散步,骑自行车,打蓝球、跑步是目标消费者经常做的体育运动 walking, biking, basketball and jogging data source:cmms2008 spring (2007.1-2007.12) 32 60%以上的消费者喜欢现代流行音乐和网络游戏以上的消费者喜欢现代流行音乐和网络游戏 more than 60% of our target are fond of pop music and online games data source:cmms2008 spring (2007.1-2007.12) 33 目标消费者内心洞察目标消费者内心
28、洞察 life concept no.no. lifestyle lifestyle 25-35m25-35mbeer consumersbeer consumers audience(000)audience(000)%col%colaudience(000)audience(000)%col%col 1 it is important to continue learning new things throughout your life 38234.6130734.9 2 only once i have bought my own home will i feel stable 378
29、34.2127434 3 its important that my family thinks i am doing well 35231.8106928.5 4 when i need information the first place i look is the internet 34831.574619.9 5 it is important to be well informed about things 34831.5108128.8 6 i think its important to have a lasting relationship with one partner
30、34531.2131935.2 7 its important to me to feel respected by my peers 33230113130.2 8i want to get to the very top in my career3313098226.2 9 in this day and age it is important to juggle various tasks at the same time 33130107928.8 10 i like to have a circle of close friends who support me in hard ti
31、mes 32929.8110129.3 l重视家庭、积极上进,效率、看重事业,是他们内心追求的目标。 key words: family, positive讲究, effective, career. data source:cmms2008 spring (2007.1-2007.12) 34 目标消费者小结目标消费者小结 target consumer understanding 2 3 1 男性25-35岁 male:25-35 较高的学历 high education level 白领阶层 more white collar 大多数尚为结婚 bachelordom 中等收入 middl
32、ing income key words: innovative ambition real tv/outdoor/internet sport/music/game 喜欢尝试新事务 adventurous and curious 重视家庭和亲人 love family 希望得到家人的认同 support from family 重视朋友之间的友谊 cherish friendship 希望成为同年人中的佼佼者,得到别人的尊重 want to be outstanding and be respected 努力向上,事业上希望获得成功 positive, longing for success
33、ful career 希望能有更多真心交往的朋友 want to make more real friends 最常接触的媒体是电视和户外 mostly contact tv and ooh medias 喜欢上网获取信息 get info from internet 喜欢散步、骑自行车、篮球、羽毛球等体育运动 like walking, biking, basketball, badminton, etc. 热衷于现代音乐和网络游戏 fond of pop music and online games 35 小结小结 summary 南昌:僵持市场 nc: deadlock 南昌啤酒在南昌拥
34、有非常 巨大的市场优势 nanchang beer has an absolute advantage in nanchang 雪津啤酒一直未能真正占 领南昌市场,同时亦面临 青岛等品牌的挑战 市场市场market问题问题problems 雪津雪津-江西江西sedrin-jx 面对雪津的广告,南昌采取 积极跟进并且猛烈打击的广 告策略 nanchang beer performs against sedrin positively 雪津的品牌理念无法让消费 者深入理解和认同 consumers couldnt get in- depth insights of sedrins brand co
35、ncept 铺货较好的地方集中在二线 城市或县城 2nd level cities or counties have a better goods distribution 瞄准县城和二线城市进行集 中轰炸,媒介上将采用对二 三级城市覆盖较好的省台 mighty delivery in counties and 2nd level cities thus we will choose ptv 多级媒体运用,reach3+最 大化 multimedia choosing. maximize reach 3+ 运用30秒广告让消费者理解 品牌文化 widely use 30sec duration
36、 delivery 选择独占性媒体,让竞品无 法复制 choose exclusive medias to avoid competitors copy 广告策略广告策略strategy sedrin hasnt dominate the market yet while facing the competitors like tsingtao 36 小结小结 summary 雪津雪津-福福sedrin-fj 市场市场market问题问题problems广告策略广告策略strategy 福建:成熟市场福建:成熟市场 fj: mature market 雪津拥有非常好的市场基础, 品牌忠诚度非常
37、高,09年主 要任务:抵制竞争对手进攻 sedrin performs well both on marketing and loyalty. to resist competitors in y09 厦门和漳州市场,青岛拥有 不错的影响力 tsingtao is quite influential in xm and zz 泉州为惠泉和燕京的大本营 huiquan and yanjing share the quanzhou market 青岛从县城以及一些 二线城市入手开始逐 步渗透我们的市场 tsingtao penetrates our markets from counties an
38、d 2nd level cities 针对青岛的渗透媒介上采用针 对性的投放策略,青岛投哪, 我们就投哪,以压倒性的优势 抵御他们的进攻 pointed strategy to compete with tsingtao 线上线下多级媒体运用,核心 指标为reach3+ take btl activities as complementary with a core index of reach 3+ 选择一些创新性的资源,加深 消费者品牌印象 try to impress consumers with creative buying 37 小结小结 summary 雪津雪津-浙江浙江sedr
39、in-zj 市场市场market问题问题problems广告策略广告策略strategy 07年四季度雪津开始正式 进入宁波市场,但目前为 止市场知名度和忠诚度均 不高 sedrin has launched in ningbo since q4 y07 but still not yet make it 如何进入浙北市场 how to strake in the north area of zj? 浙江:新市场浙江:新市场 zj: new market 品牌众多,竞争激烈,群雄 割据 many brands. fierce competition 宁波市场认知度和忠诚度最 高的还是kk啤酒
40、kk has the highest consideration and loyalty in ningbo 雪花啤酒目前对宁波市场展 开了大规模的推广工作 snow launched a large- scale promotion in ningbo 开拓浙北市场 to explore the north area of zj 利用广告轰炸,保证sov排 名第一 to ensure top 1 sov 以reach3+为核心参考指标, 做到reach3+最大化,迅速提 高品牌知名度 maximize reach 3+ level 充分利用省台覆盖浙北市场, 同时在铺货较好的市场采用市 台补
41、充投放 to cover the north area with ptv while take ltv complementary in areas with good product distribution 38 根据目标消费者习惯制定多媒体传播策略根据目标消费者习惯制定多媒体传播策略 to create multimedia strategy according to target habits 广泛快速的沟通 immediate communication 啤酒知识的沟通 beer knowledge communication 大范围的提示 overall suggestion 互动
42、的沟通 interaction 心灵的沟通 psychic communication 39 目录目录index 电视媒体投放策略电视媒体投放策略 tv strategy 40 41 adnetwork帮助我们优化多层级媒体组合帮助我们优化多层级媒体组合 adnetwork helps us with optimizing multimedia mix l根据雪津啤酒的目标市场和目标grps,adnetwork将全国超过3000个电视频道可以购买 到的广告插口(无论散播还是套播)根据cpm原则进行上百万次的优化组合,最后推荐 最优化的结果供客户选择。 laccording to sedrins
43、 target market and target grps, adnetwork will work out hundred millions optimized combinations of all the available ad breaks (package or not) from more than 3000 tv channels and suggest the most optimized ones 42 adnetwork优化结果优化结果 adnetwork optimized l我们根据需要覆盖的目标市场进行优化组合,从投入产出比来看,全国性 媒体并不建议投放。 lna
44、tional tv seems not worthwhile according to an input-output ratio data source:adnetwork2008 43 品牌品牌长远长远发展战略发展战略 long term strategy 把生意做到全国,我们共同的目标!把生意做到全国,我们共同的目标! make the business nationwide is our goal 投放投放cctv的的3个理由:个理由: 3 reasons for choosing cctv 1.雪津啤酒的目标是全国性品牌 make sedrin a nationwide brand
45、2.帮助全国经销商认识雪津啤酒, 为未来进入市场做好基础 to increase the baw among distributors for future marketing 3.培养全国消费者对雪津品牌内 涵的认知,提升品牌形象 advertise the brand concept nationwide 44 cctv投放策略投放策略 cctv strategy l策略明确,以拉升品牌形象,为将来市场打基础为目的,因此不会大规模投放 precise strategy to increase brand image for future marketing thus no large sc
46、ale advertising l从投入产出比角度考虑,选择相对性价比较高的栏目 to choose programs with relatively higher price ratio l瞄准核心消费人群,选择与用户切合度最高的平台 target at core consumers, to choose medias of high contact degree 三大原则3 major principles 45 cctv-5推荐推荐-nba季后赛季后赛 recommendation 项目形式:跟踪热点赛事项目形式:跟踪热点赛事 pattern: popular games trackin
47、g 执行周期:执行周期:4月月-6月月 campaign period: apr-june 广告形式广告形式: 折扣:折扣:7折折 discount:30%off (注:09年需根据实际操作情况进行调整) 46 09年福建省媒介投放策略年福建省媒介投放策略 y09 fj media strategy 47 福建省啤酒品牌福建省啤酒品牌sos占比占比 sos in fj 07年年 10106万万 15个品牌个品牌 08年上半年年上半年 5252万万 8个品牌个品牌 y2008 q1&q2sosy2007 sos 惠泉进入08年以来sos份额锐减,而青岛在福建市场的企图逐步增强,08年 sos仅次
48、于雪津,达到了39% sos of huiquan has been decreasing since y08 while tsingtao is developing fast in fj with a sos of 39% just follows sedrin data source:ctr 2007.1-2008.6 media:all 48 福建省啤酒品牌福建省啤酒品牌sov占比占比 sov in fj data source:csm 2007.1-2008.6 media:tv 从各区来看,青岛在各区的表现均十分抢眼,在sov上处于绝对的优势 tsingtao performs e
49、xcellent in each markets and has an obvious advantage on sov 49 对手分析对手分析青岛投放模式观察青岛投放模式观察 competitive analysis-tsingtao rmb000grp 高峰期 3+reach 59.6% 维持期 1+reach 47.2% 高峰期 3+reach 59.1% 维持期 1+reach 45.8% key market:fz 青岛主要以省台覆盖投放为主,在省台特别弱的市场采用市台进行补充 mainly use ptv and take ltv as complementation y07y08
50、 y07y08 data source:csm 2007.1-2008.6 media:tv 50 对手分析对手分析惠泉投放模式观察惠泉投放模式观察 competitive analysis-huiquan grprmb000 高峰期 3+reach 52.9% 维持期 1+reach 73.3% 高峰期 3+reach 36.6% 维持期 1+reach 53.4% 惠泉主要集中在泉州以及生态进行投放,08年开始大举投放厦门市台 mainly deliver in quanzhou and on ptv, mighty use ltv since y08 key market:qz y07y
51、08 y07y08 data source:csm 2007.1-2008.6 media:tv 51 雪津雪津2009年福建媒介目标设定年福建媒介目标设定 sedrin y09 media target - fj 雪津:省台的选择依据,主要参考cprp以及到达率,根据我们数据库显示省市台配比在6:4的时候所 获得的到达率最高 sedrin: our data shows that a ptv & ltv ratio of 6:4 will provide us the highest reach level 省市台策略省市台策略: ptv & ltv strategy 福州福州fuzhou抵
52、御竞品进攻抵御竞品进攻 resist competitors09年任务年任务task: 泉州、厦门、漳州泉州、厦门、漳州 quanzhou, xiamen, zhangzhou 抢占惠泉、青岛市场份额抢占惠泉、青岛市场份额 compete for huiquan and tsingtaos market share data source:csm 2007.1-2008.6 media:tv 52 雪津雪津09年福建行程策略年福建行程策略&m表表 sedrin y09 mater plan -fj 全年以中长版本的投放为主,年初设定一波短频快的投放,迎合春节的消费高峰, mainly use
53、the medium-long duration while a period of short duration at a high frequency to cater the spring festival 4或5月开始上30秒版本广告,这个时间段各大品牌尚未大规模启动广告计划,利用这个间隙,用长版本广 告加深消费者对雪津品牌内涵的理解 start the 30sec duration from apr or may. 6月开始广告战,利用较高的grps保证足够的声音份额 ads competition starts from june. to ensure sov with relat
54、ively high gprs 53 青岛和惠泉在当地都有软性合作方案。作为龙头老大,我们在软性合作方面更应该 给与对手更大的打击和扩大消费者品牌影响。 both tsingtao and huiquan have pip plans. we should make our pip plans more powerful to compete with them 非常规广告非常规广告省台新闻栏目合作省台新闻栏目合作 creative buying-ptv news programs 青岛啤酒欢动2100新晚报 惠泉看东岸 雪津推荐软性合作(参考)雪津推荐软性合作(参考) 占领标志性栏目,体现龙
55、头老大地位。占领标志性栏目,体现龙头老大地位。 软性回报内容:广告与节目间过渡片花、节目片尾冠名信息压字幕、主持人口播冠名企 业信息、下节内容提示角标、转场版、主持人桌牌 54 冠名回报模拟冠名回报模拟冠名标版冠名标版 program sponsorship simulation-boardprogram sponsorship simulation-board 55 冠名标版次序冠名标版次序orderorder 片头 starting scene 5秒冠名标版 5sec sponsorship board 15秒广告 15sec duration ad 节目内容 program 56 冠名回
56、报模拟冠名回报模拟片花片花 program sponsorship simulation-video clipsprogram sponsorship simulation-video clips 57 冠名回报模拟冠名回报模拟片尾字幕片尾字幕 program sponsorship simulation-ending subtitleprogram sponsorship simulation-ending subtitle 58 冠名回报模拟冠名回报模拟主持人口播主持人口播 program sponsorship simulation-anchorperson broadcastingpr
57、ogram sponsorship simulation-anchorperson broadcasting 欢迎您回到张裕 新闻追追追 welcome back to changyu news 59 广告转场版模拟广告转场版模拟 ad transforming board simulationad transforming board simulation 说明: 转场版位于栏目广告段结束后回到节目时过渡位置,企业信息约占屏幕1/3,时长5秒。 notes: after the inserted ads, right before back to the program. brand inf
58、o shares 1/3 of the screen and lasts for 5 seconds 60 下节关注模拟下节关注模拟 program forecastingprogram forecasting 说明: 角标约占约1/20屏幕大小,时长约10秒。 notes: the corner-tag shares 1/20 of the screen and lasts for 10 seconds 61 桌牌模拟桌牌模拟 desk board simulationdesk board simulation 桌牌广告是指在新闻节目播放期间,在主持台上一 侧放置一立牌,上挂企业logo或产
59、品名称的特殊广 告形式。 an ad board on the desk by the anchorperson. 桌牌广告出现在节目播放过程中,跟随主持人播报 出现,连续滚动播出、次数多、时间长 ,传播性价 比高。 attach to the program with high frequency, long duration and profitable ppr. 桌牌广告随节目播出,节目收视率等于广告收视率, 到达率高 。 desk ad board shares the ratings of the program with high reach level. 观众在收看节目的同时能收
60、看到商品广告,关注力 高,更容易产生品牌嫁接 。high contact degree to achieve brands grafting 柔性广告形式,观众抵触力小,尤其适合成熟品牌 进一步锻造品牌价值感。placement pattern is good for consolidating developed brands image. 62 09年浙江省媒介投放策略年浙江省媒介投放策略 y09 zj media strategy 63 浙江省啤酒品牌花费占比浙江省啤酒品牌花费占比 sos in zj 08年年1-6月月 10824万万 26个品牌个品牌 07年年 22599万万 28个
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