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1、 华文新魏、小初号字、单倍行距、居中打印时请删除xxx外国语学院黑体、小初号字、单倍行距、居中打印时请删除学年论文(宋体、五号字、单倍行距、空4行-打印时请删除)Analysis of English Neologism英语专业用英语:字体为Times New Roman字号:二号加粗 单倍行距(宋体、五号字、单倍行距、空11行-打印时请删除) 论文作者:(小三,黑体,左对齐)指导教师:(小三,黑体,左对齐)专业英语年级:2012级/2013级/2014级姓名:(小三,黑体,左对齐)学号:(小三,黑体,左对齐)首行缩进2个字符,下同Title: 三号Times New Roman 加粗论文题目

2、: 四号Times New Roman(四号字空一行)Title: Analysis of English Neologism 三号加粗Times New Roman(四号字空一行,或者为二级标题) 四号Times New Roman 1.5倍行距Abstract: Language may change when changes take place in social life. As the most active factor of language, lexicon is very sensitive to the changes in social life. Even very

3、small changes would be reflected more or less in the language, especially in the vocabulary. That is why English neologisms came into being. Neologism refers to words and expressions created to express new things, new concepts, new ideas and new problems in written and oral communication. The purpos

4、e of this paper is to demonstrate that the development of English neologism is the integration of multi-concepts of values with the application of word-formation theory. The research on neologism is in step with the compilation of neologism dictionaries. In recent years, about 20 such dictionaries h

5、ave been published. Thus theoretically and practically, it is of great significance to analyze English neologism comprehensively. (注:一段文字为宜,最多两段) 三号加粗Times New Roman加粗四号Times New RomanKey words: English neologism;word-formation;language changing (四号字空行或者第二行缩至与第一个关键词对齐) (四号字空一行)Contents (二号字加粗居中Times

6、 New Roman)(四号字空一行)I. Introduction.1II. Jane Eyres Ambiguous Rebellion.4A. XXXX . 51.52.5B. XXXX.8III. Self-Respect and Self-Abasement.12A. XXXX.13B. XXXX.16IV. Conclusion.26Works Cited四号Times New Roman1.5倍行距xxx级英语专业学年论文/2013级英语专业学年论文 / 2014级英语专业学年论文I. Introduction(小四Times New Roman加粗居中)(一级标题居中,下面空一

7、行, )正文要求:1、从introduction 部分开始设置页码,居中,一直到works cited。 2、A4 页面,上下边距:2.54 ;左边距:2.5;右边距:2.17。引用的原文用引号3、Times New Roman小4号字,1.5 倍行距。Just as the world is changing, so is the language. Language is the most essential tool in the activities of human beings. People need language everywhere for communication a

8、nd cooperation. People have to improve their “communicative competence” (Hymes 79). Language, as a kind of phenomenon, has a close relationship with the society(Leech 56). (注:英文文献标注作者姓与页码之间加空格,汉语的用逗号)间接引用格式However, with the advance of modern society, people come to realize that the existing vocabula

9、ry can hardly meet the requirements when they discover new things and bring about new ideas. John Lions argued that neologism is common in all languages(qtd. in Boswell 25). As a result, neologisms are used in practice.To some extent, if the product succeeds, the name will also become very popular.

10、For example, in recreational field, Mickey-Mouse formerly a trademark used for cartoon character, but now it means pretty. Pingpong formerly a trademark registered by Parker Brother in 1901, but from then on, in China history the Pingpong diplomacy appeared. (authors surname page number)(注:直接引用的原文超过

11、四行的整段部分左右缩进2个字符且首行缩进2个字符,不是起始段的引用部分首行不缩进;后面加上文献标注,上下各空一行;)Meanwhile, the world economic situation made the International Community realize the importance of international cooperation in all fields. We promote further cooperation in politics, economy, diplomacy and other fields.A. New Development(二级及

12、以下标题加粗,不缩进,上下不空行)Besides, the enterprises want to be success, it not only needs chief executive officer, but also needs chief operating officer, chief financial officer and chief information officer.(注:段落内的例词和例句用斜体) II. Jane Eyres Ambiguous Rebellion论文正文中作者所持观点夹住如下:Eg. 1 如果你参考的书名和作者都是中文的,那么写法如下Hu Zh

13、uanglin held that.(胡壮麟,95)参考文献中必须有:胡壮麟.语言学教程M. 北京: 北京大学出版社,2001.Eg. 2 如果你参考的书名是英文的,而作者是汉语拼音的,那么写法如下Wang Qiang believed that .(Wang Qiang, 112)参考文献中英文文献就要有Wang Qiang. A Course Book of English Language Teaching. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2002III. Self-Respect and Self-Abas

14、ementXXXXXXXIV. ConclusionThe English history has never seen such an overwhelming of neologisms, especially within the past few years. In the process of developing, English language absorbs and adapts the elements of vocabulary. It constantly renews itself to express new ideas and developments. As i

15、s known to all, the relationship between language and society is inseparable. Thus, this paper aims to demonstrate that the development of English neologism is the integration of multiple concepts of values with the relative word-formation theory.The thesis is just a tentative study of English neolo

16、gism. Therefore, it must have imperfections due to research competence. Analysis of English neologisms from other perspectives of linguistics shall be suggested in future.第 3 页 共 5页悬挂缩进2个中文字符,4个英文字符Works Cited(小三号字,居中)(小四号字,空一行)英文专著题目用斜体Algeo, John. 50 Years Among the New Words. New York: Cambridge

17、University Press, 1991.英文文献中使用英文标点符号Anderson, James. Structural Aspects of Language Change. London: Longman Group Limited, 1973.Wang Qiang. A Course Book of English Language Teaching. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2002文章题目加 “”Young, D. “Functional Constraints on Variation in

18、 Interlanguage Morphology.” Applied Linguistics 14(1993): 76-97.期刊名用斜体高永林. 翻译国家对新词的研究,2007-05-28.胡壮麟.语言学教程M. 北京: 北京大学出版社,2001.谢娅莉.英语新词汇研究J. 安徽师范大学学报,2003(3): 64-68.朱丽萍.报刊新词及其翻译研究D. 上海: 上海外国语大学,2006.文献为期刊的须标注文章所在的页码范围(英文文献在前,汉语文献在后,按首字母排序)英文:小四号Times New Roman中文:小四号宋体1.5倍行距第 4 页 共 5 页中文参考文献的标注范式按中华人民共和国国家标准GB-87执行1.专著的标准格式:主要责任者.文献题名M.出版地:出版者,出版年:起止页码(任选


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