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1、精品文档Unit 4 Our World Topic 2Section C 说课稿一、教材分析1、 教材的地位、作用及处理本课是第四单元第二话题的C 部分本话题主要是围绕地震,地震中如何保护自己等话题展开。该部分的主要语法有:多音节和部分双音节形容词比较级和最高级的变化规律。本节课通过文章的形式具体介绍有关地震的知识以及在地震中如何保护自己。本篇文章以 How to Protect Yourself in the Earthquake为题,分别对地震知识进行介绍,在室内外对付地震的方法及余震的介绍,最后紧扣主题加入情感教育。要求学生通过本篇文章,了解地震知识,能够正确应对自然灾害,并能够模仿作

2、者的写作方式,根据已有经验,结合本课知识,写出有关在其它自然灾害面前如何保护自己的文章。本节课的主要活动为1a 和 2a。1a 部分是通过阅读短文,复习比较级和最高级的用法,获取在地震中如何进行自我保护的方法,训练学生借助已有知识帮助阅读理解的技巧。1b 通过阅读 1a在图片下方写关键词的活动,帮助学生理解1a 短文大意,巩固部分语言点。1c 通过回答问题,训练学生进行推理的能力。2a 通过图文匹配、小组讨论,复习表示建议的句型 You should, You shouldnt,学习逃离火灾的常识,为2c 的写作做铺垫。 2b 该部分通过找出更多的表达并归入“应该做的事项”和“不应该做的事项”

3、,巩固已学表达,培养学生的总结归纳能力。2c 通过让学生写短文,训练学生综合运用所学,向他人传达如何在火灾中进行自我保护的写作能力。2、 教学目标根据英语课程标准的要求及本话题的任务,结合学生的实际情况,我确定了本课的教学目标。1) 知识目标a.学习和掌握词汇: middle, shake, understand.精品文档理解词汇: downstairs, indoors, doorway, furniture, power line, shock, aftershock短语: remember to do sth. , close to , stay away from, get away

4、from, be over,b.重点句(1)Knowing some ways to protect yourself will help to keep you safe in the earthquake.(2)The safest place is(3)Remember to protect your head and neck with your arms.(4)Sitting on the floor in a doorway or close to a wall is safer than standing in the middle of a room.(5)Stay away

5、from windows, fall furniture and pictures or anything that may fall onyou.(6)That is the most important thing to do in the earthquake.(7)There will be some shocks after most earthquakes.c.语法能够熟练地应用形容词的比较级和最高级。3、 能力目标能基本听懂本课文本材料,能写出简单的介绍如何在发生自然灾害的时候保护自己的文章。能流利地和他人谈论在自然灾害中如何保护自己。能读懂介绍自然灾害的文章,以及相应的保护措施

6、。能正确模仿本课课文,有条理地写出在自然灾害中如何保护自己的措施。4、 教学重点、难点重点:学习在地震中如何保护自己的知识。复习和巩固形容词的比较级和最高级。能模仿本课所学文章,写一篇有关其它自然灾害的文章。难点:模仿课文写一篇有关其它自然灾害的文章。二、教学内容设计思路.精品文档本课课型为阅读课。我以本话题SectionA,B 中提到的地震来引课,把1a 中的pre-reading部分设计为一个小竞赛,让学生先预知本课所学的内容,导入1a。1a 主要分为五个步骤: 1)整体阅读,完成1b。2)细节阅读,完成1c。3)学生跟读课文,老师讲解重难点4)复述课文 5)做一个活动,让学生加深课文内容

7、。2a、2b 是本课教学内容的第二部分。以小组活动为主。1)让学生以小组讨论形式做 2a 练习、学习逃离火灾的常识,为2c 的写作做铺垫。 2)让学生找出更多属于“应该”、“不应该”栏的表达。学生小组活动,利用2b 中的句型表达2a 中的观点,写成相应的写句子,然后选一名学生朗读句子。将 2c 部分设计为课后作业。三、教法和学法本课主要运用“任务型语言教学法”和五步教学法。任务型的教学活动,是让学习者通过运用语言完成各种各样的活动。在教师精心设计的各种“任务”中,学生能够不断地获得知识或得出结论,从注重语言本身转变为注重语言习得。从而获得语言运用的能力而不是仅仅掌握现成的语言知识点。随着“任务

8、”的不断深化,整个语言学习的过程会越来越自动化和自主化。通过五步教学法,先学后教法,情景教学法,精讲巧练,由浅入深,由易到难,循序渐进的深化教学内容,展开以教师主导,学生为主体的师生双边教学活动。四、教学过程InteractionStepStudent activity Teacher activity pattern.精品文档1. The whole1.Learn the new words1. Let Ss fillin theclass workblanks2. The whole2. Learn something about roducetheclass workea

9、rthquakeearthquake3.Individual3.Read the sentences and markwork and theT (true) or F (false).whole classIntroductionwork4. The whole4.Kown the importance of howclass worktoprotectourselvesintheearthquake1.The whole1. Studentsread throughtheclass workpassage justnow. Try tofindthe paragraph whichcang

10、ivethe answers. Writedownthekey words under each picture.2.Group work2. Students discuss inPresentationgroups. Put thepicturestogether with their own words.Payattentiontothe linkingwords.1.Individual1. Students read theworkandpassage again and find out thegroup workanswers. In order to save time,Con

11、solidationtheyneednt read sentence bysentence. Readthequestionsfirst, then find out the answerswiththe helpofthe keyinformation3. Play a game. Make a competition.Teacher shows some sentences to students. Students stand up quickly and speak out true or false. Finish 14.Show the key sentence “knowing

12、some ways to protect yourself will help to keep you safe in an earthquake”1. Show pictures in 1b tostudents. Ask students to write down the key words under each picture.2. Give students 2 minutesto discuss in groups. And invite students to report with the help of the pictures: how to protectourselve

13、s in an earthquake.1. Give students3 minutes to read the passage againand answer the questions in 1c.精品文档2.Group work2. Students share their2. Invite students to answerand individualanswersquestionswork3.Thewhole3. Students discuss in3. Show the fifth question toclassworkgroups actively.students, an

14、dencourageandstudentstospeakoutgroup workmorewaystoprotectourselvesfromanearthquake.4.Thewhole4. Students read 1a4. Play 1a sentence byclass worksentence by sentence. Try tosentencefollow the tape5.Thewhole5.Learn the key points5.“ Knowing someclass workwaystoprotectyourselfwill help to keep you saf

15、e inan earthquake.” “ or close to a wall issafer ” “Remember toConsolidationprotect your head and neckwith your arms” “Stayaway from windows ” “Thedanger is not overwhenthestrong shakingstops” “Therewillbesomeshocks after mostearthquakes”.6.Group work6. Retellthe passage. Eachgroup retell one paragr

16、aph7. Individual7. Students may haveworkdifferentreactions. Thenletstudents discuss who is right orwrong. Ask Ss to usethesentences in 1a.6.Let Ss fill in the blanks to retell the passage7. Play a game.Teacher shouts “earthquake”loudly and runs out of the classroom quickly. Then come back to see the

17、 students. Thispractice is very important for students because they may use it one day.精品文档Finish 2a, 2b1.Group work1. Students match the1. Show the phrases andpictures with thethe pictures in 2a. Askphrases.Anddiscussinstudents tomatch thegroups with these phrases.phrases with the correctpicturesan

18、dthendiscuss in groups whatyoushouldandshouldntdo in a fire.2.Group work2. Students look at the2. Show 2b to students,table carefully and discuss inand ask students to discussgroups with the help of 2a.in groups.PracticeThey can discuss in groupswith the help of the teacherlike this:A: The most importantthing to do is tocall 119 for


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