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1、 湖 南 都 市 职 业 学 院Hunan Urban Professional College教 案系(部): 经管基础课部 课程名称: 大学英语 教学学期: 20142014学年第一学期 教学时数: 72 授课班级:14级计算机,电商1、2班,国贸1、2班 主讲教师: 罗锦雯 第 五 教学单元(专题)教案Period 1教学内容UnitFive Listening and Speaking授课班级14级计算机,电商1,2班,国贸1,2班 教学课时2课时教学内容对接的职业工作与职业能力要求1. To master how to express agreement and disagreeme

2、nt2. To imitate the intonation and pronunciation of the dialogue.教学目标1. Train and improve the students listening and speaking abilities.2. Help the students learn how to express agreement and disagreement with the essential expressions.3. Invite students to create their own dialogues over the given

3、situations.教学重点与难点1.Words: puppy, guinea pig2. Useful expressions: 1)I think so, I suppose so, I think you are right.教学支撑环境与教学资源1. A multimedia classroom.2. A blackboard.3. A CD主要教学方法与手段1. Communicative approach.2. Work in pairs to make up dialogues by using the useful expressions3. Role-play method

4、学生课外学习任务1. Listen to listening materials every day. 2. Do the listening comprehension.教学小结In this unit, students have a lot of chances to practice listening skills through listening related information, and watching some video. They also practice making dialogue about expressing agreement and disagr

5、eementUnit One College LifePart One: Greetings and Presentation. 1. Greet the whole class and express good wishes for the Ss in the new term. 2. Ask some students to have self-introductions and talk about something on Englishlearning . lead-in Proverbs and Quotations 1 Animals are such agreeable fri

6、endsthey ask no questions, they pass no criticisms. 动物是令人惬意的朋友它们没有疑问,从不批评. 2 An animals eys have the power to speak a great language. 动物的眼睛有会说话的魅力. 3 Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our life whole. 狗狗不是生活的全部,却使我们生活完整. 4 Pets teach us to have more patience with life and to enjoy the simple

7、 things. 宠物教会我们更有耐心,享受生活中的简简单单。 5 Pets are our close companions because they ptovide love, comfort, safety, warmth, happiness, wonder, laughter, and friendship. 宠物是我们亲密的伙伴,它们带来了爱情、舒适Part Two: Watching, Listening and SpeakingCommunicative Function Introduction and GreetingsVideo Watching May I Take a

8、 Picture of You Words to help album: 照相薄 appreciate: 感激 terrific: 很棒的 exchange student: 交流学生Task: Watch and Respond Directions: Watch the video and choose the best answer.1 Richard Stewart is _. A a tourist B a writer C a journalist D a photographer2 Richard is taking pictures _. A for a movie B for

9、 a book C for a TV program D for a newspaper3 Mrs.Vann and her son are from _. A Florida B New York C California D Washington4 The little boy is _. A four years old B five years old C six years old D seven years old5 Alexandra is from _.A Greece B France C Canada D ItalyDirections: Watch the video a

10、gain and fill in the missing words.Richard: Excuse me, 1) _ is Richard Stewwart. Im a photographer. May I take a picture of you and your little boy?Mrs.Vann: Whats it for?Richard: Its for a book.Mrs.Vann: You are writing a 2)_?Richard: Its a book of pictures. I call it Family Album,U.S.A.Mrs.Vann: O

11、h, thats a nice idea. Well, its fine if you take our picture. Im Martha Vann.Richard: Thank you. I appreciate your 3)_. Im Richard. Whats your name?Gerald: GeraldRichard: How old are you, Gerald?Gerald: FiveRichard: And where do you 4)_?Mrs.Vann: We live in California.Richard: Well, welcome to New Y

12、ork. Ok, just a second. Im almost ready here.Alexandra: Can I help you?Richard: Oh, please. Hold Geralds hand,please. Great! Now pointing to the5) _. Terrific! Give Mommy a kiss, Gerald. Nice! Thank you, Gerald. And thank you, Mrs.Vann.Mrs. Vann: Oh, my6)_.Well be looking for your book.Richard: Than

13、k you. Good-bye. Bye, Gerald. Thanks again.Alexandra: Oh, youre welcome.Richard: Hey, let me take your 7)_!Alexandra: Wonderful. Please.Richard: Are you from New York?Alexandra: No, Im from Greece. Im a exchange student.Richard: When did you come here?Alexandra: 8) _ ago.Richard: Your English is ver

14、y good.Alexandra: Thanks. I studied English in school.Listening and Speaking Speaking1) Read the following useful expressions carefully and loudly. Useful Expressions Greetings: A B 1. Hi/Hello. Hi/Hello. 2. Nice to see you. Nice to see you, too. 3. How are you? Fine, thanks. How are you? 4. How are

15、 you doing? Very well, thank you. And you? 5. How are things? Not too bad. 6. Hows it going? Just so so. 7. Long time no see. Its been a long time. 8. How is everything going? Very well, thank you. 9. Whats up?/ Whats happening? Not a thing. Whats happening with you? 10. Hows life been treating you?

16、 Pretty good. I cant complain. Introductions 1. This is . 2. Come and meet. 3. Id like you to meet. 4. Let me introduce you to. 5. Hi, nice to meet you. I m. 6. Have you two met each other? 7. May I introduce myself? I m. 8. Im Bill Smith. You can call me Bill. 9. Hi. I dont think we ve met. My name

17、s. 10. Bill, this is Carolyn. Carolyn, this is Bill. He works with my husband. 2) Task: Create your own dialogues Directions: Practice with your partner on how to talk about study over the situations below or think of a situation of your own. If you need help, you may use the expressions and sentenc

18、e patterns in the Useful Expressions chart. 1. It is your first day of class. Your teacher decides that this is a good opportunity to have the students get to know one another. The students assignment is to meet and talk to as many people as they can. You are instructed to do the following: 1) ask t

19、heir name, 2) ask what their school major is, and 3) where they are from. Seeking more information is encouraged, such as what they like or dislike about college life, their future plans, and so on.2. Youre walking on campus with a fellow student. You are surprised to meet a high school classmate fr

20、om years ago. After your introductions, you all start discussing your interests and find out how much all of you have in common. You then start discussing the latest music groups, your favorite sport, etc. Listening Listening practice 1) Explain some new words for the studentswords: California, sale

21、sman, no kidding, department2) Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with the missing informationFirst, the teacher let the students read the materials quickly. Then, let the students listen to the material twice and fill in the blanksAfter listening, the teacher asks the students to giv

22、e their answers one by one, and the teacher checks the answers with the students together. Task 1 Listen and Respond Directions: Listen to the dialogue twice and answer the following questions, first for main ideas and then for more details. Questions on main ideas 1. Where do the two people meet? _

23、2. What does Lisa do? _ 3. What does Jerry do? _ for IBM Computer Company. Questions on more details 4. What does Lisa think of her job? Its _and she likes it.5. Why did Lisa mention her brother to the man? He also works for IBM Computer Company and Lisa thought they might _ 6. Did Jerry know Lisa s

24、 brother? Why? _. Jerry has worked for that company for _, and Lisa brother maybe works in another _. Task 2 Listen and Simulate Directions: Listen to the sample dialogues and complete the missing words. Then, make similar dialogues according to the given situations.Sample 1John: Wendy, _my friend L

25、i Ming.Wendy: Hi.Li Ming: _. Im a student at New York University.Wendy: I hope youre enjoying your stay here.Li Ming: Well, Im still feeling a little homesick(思家的) and so many things seem strange to me.Wendy: Youre sure to feel that way at first, I guess. What are you studying?Li Ming: Im majoring (

26、主修) in history. How about you? _?Wendy: Well, Im working as a saleswoman (女推销员) for Vega Computers downtown.Situation: Your job relocates(迁移) you to Hawaii. You are invited to a party by a fellow coworker (同事). Everyone at the party is a stranger to you except for your friend Joe, who had invited yo

27、u. Now you are being introduced to others at the party.Joe: Tom, I would like you to meet my brother David.Tom: Im very glad to meet you.David: Its a pleasure to meet you. So Tom, how do you like Hawaii so far?Tom: David: Sample 2Joan: Hi, Betty. Fancy meeting you here.Betty: Hi, Joan. How are you?J

28、oan: _, thanks, apart from a spring cold that I just cant seem to get rid of (排除).Betty: Sorry to hear that.Joan: _ these days?Betty: Pretty much the usual. Hes still with the building firm.Joan: How are your kids?Betty: _. The children keep me busy of course.Joan: I can imagine. Take care of yourse

29、lf, Betty.Situation: At a party you meet an old school friend that you havent seen for a couple of years since youve both graduated high school. You greet each other and start to talk about your old days in high school and your college life.Tom: Hello Mark, Its been a while since I saw you.Mark: Hi

30、Tom. How are you? What have you been doing since the last time we talked?Tom: Mark: Part Three: Homework 1. Finish some exercises on the workbook. 2. Prepare for the new lesson.第 一 教学单元(专题)教案 Period 2教学内容Unit One Text A Your Own Independence Day授课班级14级航空服务4-6班教学课时2课时教学内容对接的职业工作与职业能力要求1 To master the

31、 true meaning of your own independence day.2 To understand the true meaning of going to college.教学目标1.To train and improve Ss reading skills.2.To enlarge students vocabulary and key sentence patterns.3.Understand the main ideas of text A.教学重点与难点1.New words and expressions.2.the true meaning of going

32、 to college.3. Structure and Word formation.教学支撑环境与教学资源1. A multimedia classroom.2. A blackboard.主要教学方法与手段 用联想生成教学方法促进学生新旧知识的交融,注重培养学生用联想和推测来填补空挡的思维方式,以提问和讨论为主,注重师生互动。学生课外学习任务1.Finish the exercises of the text.2.Remember the news words and expressions after class.教学小结As the topic is closely related

33、to our daily life , nearly all students actively participated in the class discussion. Through the passage learning, students understand the true meaning of going to college as well as the key language points.Text A Your Own Independence DayStep 1: Greetings Greet the whole class as usual.Step 2: Wa

34、rm-up Discussion1. What differences do you find between college life and high school life?2. What does going to college mean to you?Step 3: Language Focus A. New words Ask some students to study the new words and phrases before the class and require them to explain the relevant usages of the words a

35、nd phrases to the other students in the class, and after that, the teacher makes supplements.1. responsibility n. duty, taking care of sb or sth 责任, 职责They are trying to escape responsibility for the fire.2. concern 1.v.be about 涉及,有关 These problems concern all of us.2 v interest oneself in somethin

36、g 关心, 关注 Some builders are more concerned about profits than safety.3 n giving attention or showing interest A big concern is the safety of people living in flooded area.3. handle 1.v.deal with, manage or control 对付,管理或控制 She didnt know how to handle the problem. How do you handle your anger?2 n 柄,

37、拉手 I turned the handle and opened the door.4. challenging a difficult in a way that tests your ability 挑战性的 Im ready to do all those thingsthat are more challenging.5. explore 1.v.examine sth. Carefully in order to find out more about it 探索,探究 We must explore all the to an a

38、rea in order to learn about it 勘探,勘查The movie told about the human desire to explore space.6. require 1.v.demand sth, as being obligatory 要求,规定Such technology doesnt require a lot of money. 构词 requirement n 要求, 必要条件 A college degree is a requirement for this job.7. pressure n. strong influence 压力 Th

39、e military is still under pressure to reduce spending. 构词 press v 按. 压He pressed a button to turn on the radio.8.personal a relating to a particular person 个人的,针对个人的Style and color are a matter of personal taste.Her personal life is a mystery to his fellow-workers.9. maintain 1.v.cause (sth) to cont

40、inue 维持We should do our best to maintain the balance of nature.2.v.keep (sth) in good condition 维修 People in this community maintain their houses well.10 remain 1 continue to be 保持The three men remained silent for a while.2 stay in the same place 逗留, 留下He remained at the camp while others went to lo

41、ok for food.3 be left after other parts have been removed.剩余After the flood,nothing remained of the village.B. Phrases and expressions1. make the most out of 发挥. 最大功效 We try to make the most out of everyday.2. when it comes to 当涉及,当谈到 Every woman desires the best when it comes to wedding preparation

42、.3. a matter of situation, question, or issue that depends on sth.else 是.的问题 Its just a matter of time.4.find ones niche find ones suitable position, place, job, etc. 找到适合的位置,职业,商机等 I dont think hes yet found his niche in life. They have found a niche in the toy market.5. set aside place sth to one

43、side 留出,把放置一旁He set aside half an hour to let us ask questions.6. or so about 大约, 左右We stayed at the party for an hour or so.7. figure out come to understand 理解, 弄明白 I cant figure out why he quit his job I cant figure out why he is absent.8. be/remain open to be willing to consider 对 开放, 乐意接受We are

44、open to possibilities in other directions.9. point of view a particular way of thinking 观点He doesnt support my point of view.10. pull off carry out despite difficulties 胜利完成 She tried her best to pull of the deal.11. fill in 适应Does these plans fit in with your schedule?12. stick to keep to 坚持We are

45、waiting to see if he sticks to his word.Step 4: Reading & understanding1. But with the independence comes responsibility. 但是伴随独立而来的是责任. 这是倒装句,正常语序是: But responsibility comes with the independence.搭配 take/accept/share/escape/claim responsibility.2. Experts say that the biggest struggle youll face sta

46、rting college will be concerning your abilityto handle your new independence. 专家说,开始大学生活你要面对的最大挑战是把握你新 独立性的能力. Youll face starting college是定语从句修饰struggle,其中的分词starting college 作时间状语,相当于when you are starting college.What I have to say to John doesnt concern you.我要和约翰说的事与你无关.3. There is a real temptat

47、ion to spend time making friends and finding your niche. 花时间去广交朋友和找到自己的定位是巨大的诱惑.4. You want to explore all the great new things college has to offer, but pace yourself. 你想要去探索学校提供的所有美妙的新事物,但要掌握好节奏. pace yourself =When you pace yourself, you slow down,with a plan to avoid rushing into things. By doin

48、g so, you are acting wisely. 例如: You should pace yourself when first starting to exercise, in order to avoid injury and exhaustion. 开始锻炼时你要掌握好节奏,以免受伤或精疲力竭.5. While its important to fit in, you have to realize what is most important to you. 合群虽然很重要, 但你必须认识到什么是对你最重要的.while 用作连词时除了可表示”当的时候”,还可以用来表示对比或相

49、反的情况意为”虽然,而”.如: He listens to the radio while driving to work. 他边开车去上班,边听音乐. I like coffee while he prefers tea. 我爱喝咖啡而他喜欢喝茶. Im not sure how hell fit in with the other employees.6.It is very hard to have the right of independence while being financially dependent. 在经济上依靠他人时,很难拥有自主权. while being fin

50、ancially dependent= when you are financially dependent7. If there are conflicts with your parents,they can be greatly increased by money. 如果与你的父母发生冲突,金钱会大大激化冲突. increase 1) v 增加,增强 They say this problem will probably increase in the future. 2) n 增加,增强 Tim got a salary increase of 10 percent.Step 5:

51、Summary Find out the characteristics of college life in the text:1)concern your ability to handle your new independence.!2)academic struggle for the first semester 3)peer pressure is intense 4) how to develop and stick to a budget.Step6: Finish the exercises from Page 10 to 12. 第 一 教学单元(专题)教案 Period

52、 3教学内容Unit One Text B Campus Romance授课班级14级航空服务4-6班教学课时2课时教学内容对接的职业工作与职业能力要求To know the cultural background of the text.教学目标1.Guide students to the correct use of the words and expressions appeared in the text.2.Develop students ability to identify the main idea and the topic sentence in reading.3.Train and improve Ss extensive reading ability.教学重点与难点1.Key words, phrases, some useful senten


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