1、1 confidential 直銷公司如何應用顧客關係管理直銷公司如何應用顧客關係管理 台灣直銷產業高峰會台灣直銷產業高峰會 成立大會成立大會 july 11, 2002 知識經濟服務業知識經濟服務業 2 confidential direct selling industry 傳銷產業傳銷產業(canada 2000) home/family care prods家用家用 (cleaning prods, cookware, cutlery) 30.5 personal care prods個人個人 (cosmetics, jewellery, skin care, etc) 39.3 se
2、rvices/misc./other 5.5 nutritional/vitamins健康健康19.4 leisure/educational prods (books, encyclopedias, toys/games) 5.4 estimated 2000 indep. sales contractors = 1,000,000+ percent of sales by major product groups in the home住家住家71.8 in the workplace工作工作15.2 over the phone電話電話8.4 via the internet 0.5 a
3、t the a temporary location 1.7 other locations 2.4 location of sales (as a % of sales dollars) multilevel 80.6 single level 19.4 compensation structure 2000 retail sales = canadian $1.6b 3 confidential 傳銷公司與a 傳銷公司傳銷公司a 直接/線上市場行銷 產品隨時間越增加 產品隨競爭越便宜 網頁行銷的優勢 配送的價格 independent business owners (ibos) 直銷員直
4、銷員 個體戶個體戶 agent 在資訊過度飽和與消費價值觀逐漸轉型之時,市場定位模糊的 商品與行銷通路必將在未來的市場上面臨嚴苛的考驗 4 confidential amway傳銷與傳銷與 up-sell and cross-sell 傳銷員向客戶拓展橫向跨業及向上連環相關產品 銷售的方法及過程? 上述方法及過程如何利用網頁行銷來達成? 傳銷員一般可從客戶的反應觀查出產品可賣性, 網上可有類似觀查點? 傳銷商應如何做: 針對買與不買客戶的習性及行為 針對買過的忠實客戶或新客戶 傳銷員如何拓展橫向跨業及向上連環相關產品的銷售 sources: lloyd, simon. the woes of
5、amway, business review weekly, june 1, 2001, p. 44-49. amway australia .au 5 confidential amwayau的經驗的經驗 二十四小時訂貨,50%網上訂 減少錯誤訂單,解省$70/訂單 amway可提供更豐富更即時 性的資訊給傳銷員 傳銷員可對自己的客戶,產品 線及營業利潤做更好的控管 傳銷擴散到更廣的幅員,更有 效率,降低成本 小額訂單 - 每$1m sales增加50% 訂單 增加配送成本 傳銷員拓展橫向跨業及向上連環 銷售比網頁有效 客戶期望價格更低 優點問題 6 confidential 快速競爭的環境
6、需要快速競爭的環境需要crm 不斷改進 開發及 保留客戶 工作效益 客戶交易 及商務 7 confidential what is crm? crm is a business strategy to select and manage your most valuable customers (策略策略) it requires a customer-centric business philosophy and culture to support effective marketing, sales, and service processes (客戶導向客戶導向) tools and
7、techniques = attracting and retaining customers (開發及保留客戶開發及保留客戶) centralized database to store information that can be used throughout the company to serve customers (客戶智庫客戶智庫) hint: it is not “with a software package.” 8 confidential the power of the people! technology is nothing without people crm
8、 tools designed to enable people in their customer marketing and retention efforts 9 confidential channel(s) offer time 客戶關係的關鍵客戶關係的關鍵 創造天時地利人和創造天時地利人和 客戶客戶 關係關係 db 10 confidential 網路客戶關係的優勢網路客戶關係的優勢crm promise capturecapture customercustomer informationinformation customize customize offeroffer use
9、 behavioraluse behavioral data to identify data to identify prospects, targetprospects, target media, offersmedia, offers pre-buypre-buy post-buypost-buy buybuy 客製化的產品客製化的產品 客戶的資訊客戶的資訊 個人化的傳銷個人化的傳銷 11 confidential building customer loyalty (客戶忠實度客戶忠實度) the vision: deliver benefits via crm that build
10、 customer loyalty the roles: define benefits + deliver benefits loyal customers = communicate benefits + 尋思尋思提供提供傳銷傳銷 忠實客戶忠實客戶 12 confidential the four things customers want what i expect 期待期待 what irritates me 不滿意不滿意 what i value 加值加值 what i dont care about 無所謂無所謂 13 confidential customer cycle the
11、 only benchmark that matters is the customers. 6. service 5. fulfillment 4. close 3. present 2. qualify 1. greet 14 confidential customer service on the web providing search and comparison capabilities ( 搜尋比較). providing free products and services(試用品). providing technical and other information and
12、service (服務). allowing customers to order customized products and services online (客制包裝). letting customers track accounts or order status (訂貨帳號追蹤). 15 confidential 提供客服的工具提供客服的工具tools for customer service personalized web pages 個人網頁 faqs 常見問答 tracking tools追 蹤工具 chat rooms 會談室 e-mail and automated
13、response 郵件自動回覆 help desks and call centers 電話查詢服務 troubleshooting tools 維修工具 16 confidential practical implementation creative approach fact-based marketing process change management system people crm電子商務的建構與執行電子商務的建構與執行 17 confidential 報表圖像報表圖像 分析採礦分析採礦 base module telemarketingtelemarketing in/ou
14、t in/out direct mail/fax/emaildirect mail/fax/email datadata collection(collection(資料收集資料收集) ) 資料庫資料庫 databasedatabase campaign managementcampaign management contact managementcontact management crm 電子商務的電子商務的運作運作 客戶互動客戶互動 支援支援 市場市場 傳銷傳銷 訂貨訂貨 18 confidential crm電子商務的架構電子商務的架構 分析分析 支援支援 運作運作 網站網站 市場市
15、場 訂貨訂貨 傳銷傳銷 客服客服 19 confidential benefits of crm target specific customer segments for marketing give 1-to-1 customer service through all channels 20 confidential 直銷員關係管理直銷員關係管理agent relationship management agent relationship management (arm) refers to all of the efforts made to apply crm to direct
16、selling business partners (agents). specific functions of arm applications(功能功能): agent profiles (資訊資訊) agent communications (聯繫聯繫) lead management targeted information distribution (選擇性傳銷選擇性傳銷) connecting the extended enterprise (上下游的連結上下游的連結) agent planning (傳銷業務規劃傳銷業務規劃) centralized forecasting (
17、統籌預估統籌預估) group planning(群組規劃群組規劃) e-mail/ web-based alerts (網上預警網上預警) messaging(簡訊簡訊) price lists(價格表價格表) community bulletin boards (社群社群互動互動) 21 confidential fed724 聯合福利網聯合福利網 22 confidential 網站應用 (web presence) source : gartner group 通路加值 (channel enhancement) 企業整合 (business integration) 企業轉型 (bu
18、siness transformation) 產業分工 (convergence) phase 1 phase 2 phase 3 phase 4 home page e-mail phase 5 需求鏈管理需求鏈管理 (demand management) 共應鏈管理共應鏈管理 (supplier management) 委外合作委外合作 (outsourcing) direct sale extended enterprise virtual enterprise 產業轉型產業轉型 (industry transformation) strategic value virtual community biz model 電子商務對傳銷業的影響電子商務對傳銷業的影響 23 confidential thank you contact: 黃光彩黃光彩 kuan-tsae huang taskco corporation e-mail:.tw tel: 02-8772-2300 x110 fax: 02-8772-2301 connecting business, delivering knowledge 24 confidential 太世科於2
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