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1、New Horizon College English (Reading & Writing)(Second Edition)Book ThreeUnit 3 (4 periods)Where Principles Come FirstTime AllocationI. Warming-up activity + Pre-reading (1 period)II. Text analysis and language points of Section A (2 periods)III. Exercises of Section A +Section B (1 period)Par I:Int

2、roduction:Background Information1. Understanding American educationEducation in the United States is usually divided into four levels.Early Childhood Education (1st level): Its main purpose is to prepare children for school.Primary (2nd level) and Secondary (3rd level) School: Begins around age six

3、for U.S. children. They attend five or six years of primary school. Next they go to secondary school, which consists of either two three- year programs or a three-year and a four-year program. Americans call these twelve years of primary and secondary school the first through twelfth grades. Most Am

4、ericans attend twelve years of primary and secondary school. With a secondary school diploma or certificate, a student can enter college, university, vocational (job training) school, and other professional schools.Higher Education (4th level): After finishing high school (twelfth grade), U.S. stude

5、nts may go on to college or university. College or university study is known as higher education. Study at a college or university leading to the Bachelors Degree is known as undergraduate education. Study beyond the Bachelors Degree is known as postgraduate education, which leads to the Masters or

6、Doctors degree.2. The Hyde SchoolIn 1966, Joseph W. Gauld founded the first Hyde School in Bath, Maine in response to a system of education which he believed was failing its children because of conflicting priorities. The Hyde of today upholds Five Words as the core principles on school campuses in

7、Bath, Maine and Woodstock, Connecticut and in a growing number of public and private schools: Courage, Integrity, Leadership, Curiosity, and Concern.3. Boarding schoolsBoarding schools are independent, college preparatory schools that provide housing facilities for students and faculty. Boarding sch

8、ools are sometimes referred to as intentional communities because the faculty at boarding schools work very hard to create an environment for students that is safe, academically challenging, active, and fun. Boarding schools are well known for their academic excellence. With small class sizes, diver

9、se curricula, and individual attention from teachers and advisors, the boarding school experience gives students many distinct advantages. Boarding school students acquire the abilities that help ensure success in college and in life. Interactive activity: (More information on Additional Material Pa

10、rt)1. Song: Scarborough Fair2. Audio: Elaine Chao3. Open question: What do you expect to learn from college?Section AI. New Words:1publicity/ / U1.公众的注意;名声2.(商业)广告,宣传,宣扬构词 public adj. 公众的,公共的,公开的;publication n. 出版(物),发行搭配 seek/avoid publicity 追求/避免公众注意 例句The companys continued use of such dangerous

11、chemicals has attracted a lot of negative publicity. 这个公司继续使用这样的危险化学品招来了不少批评。The concert wasnt given much advance publicity, so many tickets remained unsold. 音乐会事先没有做很多宣传,所以许多票没有卖出去。2.cultivate/ / vt. 1. 培养,陶冶,发展2.耕种,耕作构词 cultivation n.耕种,耕作;cultivatior n. 耕种者,耕耘机搭配 cultivate the habit of 养成的习惯culti

12、vate a taste for培养对的兴趣 例句At this school we aim to cultivate the minds of all the children we teach. 在这所学校里,我们旨在陶冶学生的心灵。Most of the land there is too poor to cultivate. 那里的大部分土地太贫瘠,无法耕种。3.comprehensive / /a.综合的,全面的,广泛的构词 comprehend vt.理解,了解comprehension n. 理解(力)搭配 a comprehensive test 综合测试a comprehen

13、sive training综合性的训练辨析 comprehensible a. 明了易懂的例句She has a comprehensive grasp of the subject. 她对该问题有全面的理解。The store offers a comprehensive range of kitchen equipment. 这家商店卖的厨房用具很齐全。 4.controversial / /a. 有争议的,引起争议的构词 controversy n. 争议,争论搭配 a controversial TV program有争议的电视节目a controversial new law有争议的

14、新法律 例句He wrote a very controversial book but I think hes since regretted it. 他写了一本很有争议的书,但我想他随后就后悔了。5. suspend / /vt. 1. 暂停,中止2. 悬挂3. 开除构词 suspense n.悬念,悬而未决;suspension n. 悬,吊;暂时剥夺搭配 a suspended sentence缓刑 suspend sth. from 把挂(吊)在上例句The shipping service has been suspended because of bad weather.因为天气

15、恶劣,船运服务被暂停了。She was suspended from her job shortly after the incident. 事故发生后不久,她就被开除了。6strain / /n. 1.(对精力、能力的)苛求2.拉紧,绷紧v.拉伤;尽力使用,使紧张 例句 The recent decline in the dollar has put a bigger strain on the economic system. 最近美元贬值给经济体系带来了更大的压力。I had to strain my ears to catch what they were saying. 我得竖起耳朵

16、去听他们在说什么。辨析 strain, stress, tensionstrain强调影响身心健康的紧张状态。 stress指由于生活或工作上的困难引起的心理上、生活上及情绪上的紧张。 tension一般指双方或各方关系不和而造成的紧张状态。7.preliminary / /a.预备的,初步的n. (usu. pl.) 初步做法,准备工作搭配 a preliminary meeting 预备会议preliminary remarks开场白例句In preliminary discussions, American officials rejected the requests. 在初步讨论中,

17、美国官员拒绝了这些要求。There are a lot of preliminaries to be gone through before you can visit certain foreign countries.在访问某些国家之前,你有许多准备工作要做。8.quest / /n. C 探寻,寻求,研究搭配 a quest for a better life 对更加美好的生活的追求 ones quest to find true love 对真爱的寻求a spiritual quest精神追求例句Nothing will stop them in their quest for tru

18、th.没有什么可以阻止他们对真理的探索。She does exercises four times a week in her quest to achieve the perfect figure.为了追求完美体形,她一周锻炼四次。9. conventional/ /a常规的,惯例的,传统的构词 convention n. 惯例习俗搭配 conventional attitudes 传统的态度辨析 convention, custom, habit, practice例句Theyre such a conventional family they must have been frighte

19、ned when their son dyed his hair pink.他们是一个很传统的家庭-看到他们的儿子把头发染成粉红色肯定会感到非常吃惊。I quite like him but hes so conventional. 我很喜欢他,只是他非常守旧。10.session/ / n.1. C (从事某项活动的) 一段时间2. C学年;学期;上课时间3. 会议搭配 in session开会 out of session 休会emergency session of parliament 国会紧急会议辨析session, assembly, conference, convention例

20、句The 21-year-old runner twisted his ankle in a training session last Friday.上星期五,这个21岁的跑步运动员在训练时把脚踝给扭了。Some crowded schools have double sessions.有些学生多的学校分两批上课。11.utmost / / n. U 极限,最大限度; a. 最大的,极度的搭配 do / try ones utmost: do / try ones best例句 He will try his utmost to help them by means of his conve

21、ntional medical knowledge. 他会尽力用他所知道的传统医疗知识来帮助他们。12.worthwhile / / a.值得(做)的搭配It is worthwhile to do sth./doing sth. 做某事很值得例句 Working for so little money just isnt worthwhile. 为这么点钱工作不值得。13.insult/ / vt.侮辱,辱骂n. C 侮辱,辱骂辨析insult, shame, humiliate例句 First he drank all my wine and then he insulted all my

22、 friends.他先喝光了我的酒,然后又辱骂了我所有的朋友。She made the usual insults about my appearance.她又像平常那样侮辱我的外表。Phrases1. see sb./sth. as consider sb. or sth. to be认为某人或某物是搭配see through看穿,识破 see (to it) that 一定注意到,务必使 see sb. off给某人送行例句Her classmates see her as a future President.她的同学们把她看作是未来的总统。 2. prepare sb. for sth

23、. make sb. ready for sth.使做好准备例句The doctor prepared my mother for her operation.医生使我母亲做好接受手术的准备。3. be scheduled to do be arranged to do 被安排,定于搭配draw up/make up/plan a schedule 制定时间表例句 She is scheduled to give a speech tonight. 她定于今晚作演讲。The train is scheduled to arrive at 8:45, but its running twenty

24、 minutes late. 这列火车预定于8:45到达,但是它晚点了20分钟。4. over protest: despite opposition在有异议的情况下例句She paid the fine over protest. 她极不情愿地交付了罚款。A nuclear plant was built in the area over the farmers protests. 一座核电厂不顾农民的抗议在这个地区建了起来。 5.complete with fully supplied with包括,备有例句 There is a good hotel not far from the c

25、ity, complete with swimming pool and garden leading directly to the beach. 离城市不远有个很好的旅馆,带有游泳池和通向海滩的花园。 6. do ones utmost 竭尽全力例句Each area felt it must do its utmost to make its part of the celebration a success.每一个地区都感到要竭尽全力使该庆祝活动在当地办得成功。7. kind of slightly; to some extent有点,有几分例句Im not sure why, but

26、 I feel kind of sorry for him. 我不知道为什么,但我有点替他惋惜。Im kind of worried about the interview. 我对面试有点担心。II. Text Structure AnalysisPart 1 (Para1-2) the principles of the Hyde School Part 2 (Para3-11) The efforts to make the Character First idea accepted by other schools.Part 3 (Para.12-16) Hydes approaches

27、 to educationPart 4 (para.17-20) Beneficial results for the teachers as well as the students III.Writing Skills This essay looks like a report, which tries to explain some ideas, report some events and prove some conclusions. One of the writing techniques used by the author is a general statement be

28、ing supported by examples. Lets Take Para 5-11 as an example.A general statement: The quest for truth is also widespread at the school in Connecticut.One example:In what class: In one English classHow many students:11 studentsHow much time: 5 minutesWhat to do: An energetic exchange evaluating their

29、 class performance for the day on a 1-10 scale.Section B Background InformationNew York Stock Exchange(纽约股票交易所)The oldest and largest stock exchange in the U.S., located on Wall Street in New York City. The NYSE is responsible for setting policy, supervising member activities, listing securities(上市股

30、票), overseeing the transfer of member seats, and evaluating applicants. It traces its origins back to 1792, when a group of brokers (经纪人)met under a tree at the tip of Manhattan and signed an agreement to trade securities. Unlike some of the newer exchanges, the NYSE still uses a large trading floor

31、 (See the picture.) in order to conduct its transactions(交易). It is here that the representatives of buyers and sellers, professionals known as brokers, meet and shout out prices at one another in order to strike a deal(达成交易). This is called the open outcry system and it usually produces fair market

32、 pricing. II. Vocabulary Development1. Words: 1. thereby / /ad. because of this; as a result of this action 因此,从而例句I missed the last flight, and thereby decided to stay the night at the airport.我误了上一趟航班,所以决定在机场过夜。They paid cash, thereby avoiding interest charges. 他们付了现款,因此不必另外加息。2.consensus n. C, U共

33、同看法,(意见等的)一致例句There is no consensus among the experts on some foods. Advice changes depending onwhom you listen to.专家们对某些食物的看法并不一致。各有各的说法,要看你听谁的。The consensus in the office is that hes useless at his job.办公室成员一致认为他在工作中碌碌无为。3. exert / /vt. 1 努力,用力,尽力2 运用(能力或技巧),发挥例句Shell have to exert herself more th

34、an she does now if she wants to succeed in sales.要想在销售方面成功,她将不得不加倍努力。He exerted considerable influence on the thinking of his students on this issue. 在这个问题上,他对学生的思想影响很大。 2. Phrases1. come to grips with(also get to grips with):着手解决(问题)或对付(挑战)例句I have to come to grips with this difficult problem. 我得对付

35、这个难题。The speaker talked a lot, but never really came to grips with the subject. 那位演说者讲了许多,但始终没有真正涉及主题。2. fall through 失败,成为泡影例句Our holiday plans fell through because of transport strikes. 由于交通系统罢工,我们的休假计划成了泡影。The plan fell through when it proved too costly. 当被证明成本过高时,该计划就落空了。 3.press for 反复请求,紧急要求.搭

36、配press on 强迫. .的接受 press into 挤进,压进例句The unions are pressing for improved working conditions. 工会一再要求改善工作条件。Many parents have been pressing for the local school to be reopened. 许多家长要求当地学校重新开放。4in a pinch必要时 (This is American English. In British English we have at a pinch.)例句We really need three but w

37、e could manage with two at a pinch. 我们确实需要三个,但必要时两个也可以应付。 Six people, and more in a pinch, could be seated comfortably at the table. 这张桌子可以舒舒服服地坐六个人,如果有必要,还可以多坐。必要时5exert oneself 努力例句Youll have to exert yourself more if you want to pass your exam. 如果你想通过考试,就必须更加努力。You wont make any progress if you d

38、ont exert yourself a bit more. 如果你不多用点功,你就不会有长进。III. Questions for consideration:What are cultural differences in Western and Japanese Decision-making?1. I to You VS You to YouWesterners: present arguments from their own point of view; sometimes set up confrontation.Japanese: try to understand the o

39、ther persons point of view; try to reduce confrontation and achieve harmony.2. Consensus Opinion VS Bottom-up Direction Westerners: proceed mostly from top management and often do not consult middle management or the worker.Japanese: travel upward through an organization and have an impact on the ev

40、entual decision3. Western Communication Style VS Japanese Communication Style Westerners: deadline approach.Japanese: thorough job approach.Westerners: specific decisionJapanese: broad direction.Westerners: take time for in-depth planning.Japanese: move forward, implement the decision.11Additional M

41、aterial1. The theme song of “The graduate”表现的是一位在前线作战的士兵对恋人的思念,士兵请求去斯卡布罗市镇的人带去给姑娘的问候。在每一段歌词的第一句后,插入了一句看似毫不相干的唱词:“那里有欧芹、鼠尾草、迷迭草和百里香”。正是这句歌词的反复出现,使歌曲的怀旧气氛被浓墨重彩,使人对斯镇自然纯朴的美丽风光充满了无限的向往。在歌曲中出现的和声颂唱(Cantile)使得这首抒情歌曲韵味无穷。 这首歌作为.Sarah Brightman对于我们大多数人来说可能是个陌生的名字,但如果你看过94年巴赛罗那奥运会MTV的话,相信你一定记得那位与卡雷拉斯对唱的女声,她迷

42、人的嗓音让人过耳难忘,此人就是来自英国的女歌手Sarah Brightman。 莎拉在欧美已走红多年,她主演的那些音乐剧,诸如歌剧魅影 、猫 、歌与舞的主题曲和剧中的歌曲不径而走,广为传唱,莎拉也被誉为“歌舞剧皇后”。但国内乐迷结识莎拉只是近一两年的事,因为莎拉的唱片进入国内市场的极少, 目前能见到的有Time to say goodbye 、Eden 、莎拉布莱曼演唱的韦伯音乐剧金曲 、The trees they grow so high。 一般来说歌星或歌唱家都能根据其发声方法将其归入相应的演唱类别 ,或美声 ,或通俗。但莎拉布莱曼是个例外,你很难将其归入到某一种唱法之中,因为她既能唱美

43、声也能唱流行歌曲,而且这两种唱法听来都很有魅力,因此喜爱她的歌的各种各样的人都有。可以说莎拉布莱曼跨越了流行与古典为雅俗所共赏。 Sarah演唱的流行歌曲十分悦耳动听,她那带有磁性的美艳嗓音有一种不可抵挡的诱人魅力,其音色明亮、柔和、艳丽,听起来秀美玲珑,两耳生辉.Sarah以勤奋、聪慧和天赋让世界为之倾倒,她不愧为“音乐剧皇后”。 Sarah Brightman was born on 14 August 1960 in Berkhampstead, England. She began dancing at the age of three, and ten years later mad

44、e her London theatrical debut in Charles Strouses I and Albert. By 1976, she was a dancer on the television series Pans People. She first came to real notice in 1978 when, with the dance group Hot Gossip, she made the UK Top 10 with the disco-pop single I Lost My Heart To A Starship Trooper. It was

45、all a far cry from her childhood ambition to become a ballet dancer. Three years after her chart success, she was cast in the role of Jemima in Andrew Llloyd Webbers musical Cats, and was noticed again - this time by the composer himself - he divorced his first wife to marry Sarah in 1984. The marri

46、age lasted for six years, and, during that time, Brightman became established as one of the premier leading ladies of the musical theatre. After Cats, she appeared for a season at the Old Vic in Frank Dunlops 1982 adaptation of Masquerade, and later in the year she was in Charles Strouses short-live

47、d musical Nightingale. ll this time she was taking singing lessons, training her superb soprano voice so that she could undertake more demanding roles than those in conventional musical comedy. In 1984 she appeared in the television version of Lloyd Webbers Song And Dance, and also sang on the Top 3

48、0 album. A year later, she made her operatic debut in the role of Valencienne in The Merry Widow at Sadlers Wells, and gave several concerts of Lloyd Webbers Requiem in England and America, which resulted in another bestselling album. It also produced a Top 5 single, Pie Jesu, on which Brightman due

49、tted with the 12-year-old Paul Miles-Kingston. In 1986 she enjoyed a great personal triumph when she co-starred with Michael Crawford in The Phantom Of The Opera, and recreated her role two years later on Broadway. She had UK Top 10 hits with three songs from the show, The Phantom Of The Opera (with

50、 Steve Harley), All I Ask Of You (with Cliff Richard) and Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again. In the late 80s and early 90s, she toured many parts of the world, including Japan and the UK, in a concert production of The Music Of Andrew Lloyd Webber: A Concert Spectacular. In December 1991, at the e

51、nd of the American leg of the tour, she took over the leading role of Rose in Aspects Of Love for the last few weeks of the Broadway run. She also joined the West End production for a time. In 1992 Brightman was high in the UK chart again, this time duetting with opera singer Jos Carreras on the Oly

52、mpic Anthem, Amigos Para Siempre (Friends For Life). In 1993 she made her debut in the straight theatre with appearances in Trelawny Of The Wells and Relative Values. Since 1995, Sarah has toured several times with Placido Domingo, and she has appeared in Christmas In Vienna. Based mostly in Germany

53、 in the 90s, Brightman continued to perform in Australia, Canada, America and elsewhere. In 1997 her duet with the blind Tuscan tenor Andrea Bocelli, Time To Say Goodbye, topped the charts throughout Europe. In the same year, her tour of the UK, in company with the English National Orchestra, includ

54、ed a concert at Londons Royal Albert Hall. She had another surprise UK hit single in 1997 when Timeless went near the top of the charts. She also established herself as a bestselling diva in the USA with albums such as Time To Say Goodbye and Eden . Other solo albums include The Trees They Grow So H

55、igh, The Songs That Got Away, As I Come of Age, Dive, Fly, The Andrew Lloyd Webber Collection and La Luna.color美国电影毕业生主题曲 Are you going to Scarborough Fair? 您是去斯卡布罗集市吗? Parsley, sage, rosemary & thyme 芜荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香 Remember me to one who lives there 代我向那里的一个人问好 She once was a true love of mine. 她曾经是我真心深爱的姑娘 A


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