已阅读5页,还剩55页未读 继续免费阅读




1、/ chapter 01 /* #include int main(void) int dogs; printf(How many dogs do you have?n); scanf(%d, printf(So you have %d dog(s)!n, dogs); return 0; */ / / / chapter 02 / fathm_ft.c - converts 2 fathoms to feet /* #include int main(void) int feet, fathoms; fathoms = 2; feet = 6 * fathoms; printf(There

2、are %d feet in %d fathoms!n, feet, fathoms); printf(Yes, I said %d feet!n, 6 * fathoms); return 0; */ / /* #include int main(void) / a simple program int num;/ define a variable called num num = 1;/ assign a value to num printf(I am a simple ); / use the printf() function printf(computer.n); printf(

3、My favorite number is %d because it is first.n,num); return 0; */ / / two_func.c - a program using two functions in one file /* #include void butler(void);/ ISO/ANSI C function prototyping int main(void) printf(I will summon the butler function.n); butler(); printf(Yes. Bring me some tea and writeab

4、le CD-ROMS.n); return 0; void butler(void)/ start of function definition printf(You rang, sir?n); */ / / / chapter 03 数据和 C /* / altnames.c - portable names for integer types #include the #include / supports portable types the system doesnt contain header file int main(void) int16_t me16;/ me16 a 16

5、-bit signed variable me16 = 4593; printf(First, assume int16_t is short: ); printf(me16 = %hdn, me16); printf(Next, lets not make any assumptions.n); printf(Instead, use a macro from inttypes.h: ); printf(me16 = % PRId16 n, me16); return 0; */ / /* / bases.c-prints 100 in decimal, octal, and hex #in

6、clude int main(void) int x = 100; printf(dec = %d; octal = %o; hex = %xn, x, x, x); printf(dec = %d; octal = %#o; hex = %#xn, x, x, x); /%# 十六进制前显示 Ox / 八进制数前显示 o return 0; */ / /* / charcode.c-displays code number for a character #include int main(void) char ch; printf(Please enter a character.n);

7、scanf(%c, printf(The code for %c is %d.n, ch, ch); return 0; */ / /* /print1.c-displays some properties of printf() #include int main(void) int ten = 10; int two = 2; printf(Doing it right: ); printf(%d minus %d is %dn, ten, 2, ten - two ); printf(Doing it wrong: ); printf(%d minus %d is %dn, ten );

8、/ forgot 2 arguments return 0; */ / /* print2.c-more printf() properties */ /* #include int main(void) unsigned int un = 00; / system with 32-bit int short end = 200;/ and 16-bit short long big = 65537; long verybig = 908642; /C 也可以使用前缀 h 来表示 short 类型。 / 因此 %hd 显示一个十进制的 short 整型。 %ho 为八进制形式。 printf(

9、un = %u and not %dn, un, un); printf(end = %hd and %dn, end, end); printf(big = %ld and not %hdn, big, big); printf(verybig= %lld and not %ldn, verybig, verybig); return 0; */ / /* showf_pt.c - displays float value in two ways */ /* #include int main(void) float aboat = 32000.0; double abet = 2.14e9

10、; long double dip = 5.32e-5; printf(%f can be written %en, aboat, aboat); printf(%f can be written %en, abet, abet); printf(%f can be written %en, dip, dip); return 0; */ / /* toobig.c-exceeds maximum int size on our system */ /* #include int main(void) int i = 47; unsigned int j = 95; printf(%d %d

11、%dn, i, i+1, i+2); printf(%u %u %un, j, j+1, j+2); return 0; */ / /* typesize.c - prints out type sizes */ /* #include int main(void) / c99 provides a %zd specifier for sizes printf(Type int has a size of %u bytes.n, sizeof(int); /4 bytesprintf(Type char has a size of %u bytes.n, sizeof(char);/ 1 by

12、tes printf(Type long has a size of %u bytes.n, sizeof(long);/4 bytes printf(Type double has a size of %u bytes.n, sizeof(double);/8 bytes return 0; */ / / / this is / chapter04 字符串的格式化输入 / 输出 / defines.c - uses defined constants from limit.h and float. useful ,you can know some limits of the system

13、/* #include #include / integer limits #include / floating-point limits int main(void) printf(Some number limits for this system:n); printf(Biggest int: %dn, INT_MAX); printf(Smallest long long: %lldn, LONG_MIN); printf(One byte = %d bits on this system.n, CHAR_BIT); printf(Largest double: %en, DBL_M

14、AX); printf(Smallest normal float: %en, FLT_MIN); printf(float precision = %d digitsn, FLT_DIG); printf(float epsilon = %en, FLT_EPSILON); return 0; */ / /* flags.c - illustrates some formatting flags */ /* #include int main(void) printf(%x %X %#xn, 31, 31, 31); printf(*%d*% d*% d*n, 42, 42, -42); p

15、rintf(*%5d*%5.3d*%05d*%05.3d*n, 6, 6, 6, 6); return 0; */ / /* floatcnv.c - mismatched floating-point conversions */ /* #include int main(void) float n1 = 3.0; double n2 = 3.0; long n3 = 00; long n4 = 90; printf(%.1e %.1e %.1e %.1en, n1, n2, n3, n4); printf(%ld %ldn, n3, n4); printf(%ld %ld %ld %ldn

16、, n1, n2, n3, n4); return 0; */ / / floats.c - some floating-point combinations /* #include int main(void) const double RENT = 3852.99;/ const-style constant printf(*%f*n, RENT); printf(*%e*n, RENT); printf(*%4.2f*n, RENT); printf(*%3.1f*n, RENT); /take care here printf(*%10.3f*n, RENT); printf(*%10

17、.3e*n, RENT); printf(*%+4.2f*n, RENT); printf(*%010.2f*n, RENT); return 0; */ / /* intconv.c - some mismatched integer conversions */ /* #include #define PAGES 336 #define WORDS 65618 int main(void) short num = PAGES; short mnum = -PAGES; printf(num as short and unsigned short:%hd %hun, num, num); p

18、rintf(-num as short and unsigned short: %hd %hun, mnum, mnum); printf(num as int and char: %d %cn, num, num); printf(WORDS as int, short, and char: %d %hd %cn, WORDS, WORDS, WORDS); return 0; */ / /* longstrg.c - printing long strings */ /* #include int main(void) printf(Heres one way to print a );

19、printf(long string.n); printf(Heres another way to print a long string.n); printf(Heres the newest way to print a long string.n);/ ANSI C return 0; */ / /* praise1.c - uses an assortment of strings */ /* #include #define PRAISE What a super marvelous name! int main(void) char name40; printf(Whats yo

20、ur name?n); scanf(%s, name); printf(Hello, %s. %sn, name, PRAISE); printf(Hello, %s. %sn, name, very good); return 0; */ / /* praise2.c */ /* #include #include / provides strlen() prototype /take care of this program /take care of here #define PRAISE What a super marvelous name! int main(void) char

21、name40; printf(Whats your name?n); scanf(%s, name); printf(Hello, %s. %sn, name, PRAISE); printf(Your name of %d letters occupies %d memory cells.n, strlen(name), sizeof name); printf(The phrase of praise has %d letters , strlen(PRAISE); printf(and occupies %d memory cells.n, sizeof PRAISE); return

22、0; */ / /* printout.c - uses conversion specifiers */ /* #include #define PI 3.141593 int main(void) int number = 5; float espresso = 13.5; int cost = 3100; printf(The %d CEOs drank %f cups of espresso.n, number, espresso); printf(The value of pi is %f.n, PI); printf(Farewell! thou art too dear for

23、my possessing,n); printf(%c%dn, $, 2 * cost); return 0; */ / /* prntval.c - finding printf()s return value */ /* #include int main(void) int bph2o = 212; int rv; rv = printf(%d F is waters boiling point.n, bph2o); / finding printf(The printf() function printed %d characters.n, printf()s return value

24、= how many characters printed rv); return 0; */ / /* skip2.c - skips over first two integers of input */ /* #include int main(void) int n; printf(Please enter three integers:n); scanf(%*d %*d %d, skip printf(The last integer was %dn, n); return 0; */ / /* strings.c - string formatting */ /* #include

25、 #define BLURB Authentic imitation! int main(void) printf(/%2s/n, BLURB); understand clearly printf(/%24s/n, BLURB); printf(/%24.5s/n, BLURB); printf(/%-24.5s/n, BLURB); return 0; */ / /* varwid.c - uses variable-width output field */ /* #include int main(void) unsigned width, precision; int number

26、= 256; double weight = 242.5; printf(What field width?n); scanf(%d, printf(The number is :%*d:n, width, number); printf(Now enter a width and a precision:n); /* means / still dont / still dont understand clearly scanf(%d %d, /%*.*f %24.5s printf(Weight = %*.*fn, width, precision, weight); what does

27、is mean? printf(Done!n); return 0; */ / /* width.c - field widths */ /* #include #define PAGES 931 int main(void) / still will print 931 / still will print 931 printf(*%d*n, PAGES); printf(*%2d*n, PAGES); printf(*%10d*n, PAGES); printf(*%-10d*n, PAGES); return 0; */ / / / chapter 05 运算符、表达式和语句 /* ad

28、d_one.c - incrementing: prefix and postfix */ /* #include int main(void) int ultra = 0, super = 0; while (super 5) super+; +ultra; printf(super = %d, ultra = %d n, super, ultra); return 0; */ / /* addemup.c - four kinds of statements */ /* #include int main(void)/ finds sum of first 20 integers int

29、count, sum; int num=0; count = 0; sum = 0; while (count+ 20)/ you should take care of num+; sum = sum + count; printf(count= %d sum = %dn,count, sum); printf( the time of loop is %dn,num); return 0; */ / /* bottles.c - counting down */ /* #include #define MAX 10 int main(void) int count = MAX + 1; w

30、hile (-count 0) printf(%d bottles of spring water on the wall, %d bottles of spring water!n, count, count); printf(Take one down and pass it around,n); printf(%d bottles of spring water!nn, count - 1); return 0; */ / /* shoes1.c - converts a shoe size to inches */ /* #include #define ADJUST 7.64 #de

31、fine SCALE 0.325 int main(void) double shoe, foot; shoe = 9.0; foot = SCALE * shoe + ADJUST; printf(Shoe size (mens) foot lengthn); printf(%10.1f %15.2f inchesn, shoe, foot); return 0; */ / /* shoes2.c - calculates foot lengths for several sizes */ /* #include #define ADJUST 7.64 #define SCALE 0.325

32、 int main(void) double shoe, foot; printf(Shoe size (mens) foot lengthn); shoe = 3.0; while (shoe 18.5) foot = SCALE*shoe + ADJUST; printf(%10.1f %15.2f inchesn, shoe, foot); shoe = shoe + 1.0; printf(If the shoe fits, wear it.n); return 0; */ / /* golf.c - golf tournament scorecard */ /* #include i

33、nt main(void) int jane, tarzan, cheeta; cheeta = tarzan = jane = 68; printf( cheeta tarzan janen); printf(First round score %4d %8d %8dn,cheeta,tarzan,jane); return 0; */ / /* squares.c - produces a table of first 20 squares */ /*/ have fun ,you can learn much #include int main(void) int num = 1; wh

34、ile (num 21) printf(%4d %6dn, num, num * num); num = num + 1; return 0; */ / /* wheat.c - exponential growth */ /* / 棋盘赠大米,国王傻眼啦 #include #define SQUARES 64 #define CROP 1E15 / squares on a checkerboard / US wheat crop in grains int main(void) double current, total; int count = 1; printf(square grai

35、ns total ); printf(fraction of n); printf( added grains ); printf(US totaln); total = current = 1.0; / start with one grain printf(%4d %13.2e %12.2e %12.2en, count, current, total, total/CROP); while (count SQUARES) count = count + 1; current = 2.0 * current; / double grains on next square total = t

36、otal + current; / update total printf(%4d %13.2e %12.2e %12.2en, count, current, total, total/CROP); printf(Thats all.n); return 0; */ / /* divide.c - divisions we have known */ /* #include int main(void) printf(integer division: 5/4 is %d n, 5/4); printf(integer division: 6/3 is %d n, 6/3); printf(

37、integer division: 7/4 is %d n, 7/4); printf(integer division: 7/-4 is %d n, 7/-4);/print -1 printf(integer division: -7/4 is %d n, -7/4);/print -1 printf(floating division: 7./4. is %1.2f n, 7./4.); printf(mixed division: 7./4 is %1.2f n, 7./4); printf(mixed division: -7./4 is %1.2f n, -7./4); / pri

38、nt -1.75 printf(mixed division: 7./-4 is %1.2f n, 7./-4); /print -1.7 printf(mixed division:-7./-4 is %1.2f n, -7./-4); return 0; */ / / sizeof.c - uses sizeof operator /%z dont work / uses C99 %z modifier - try %u or %lu if you lack %zd /* #include int main(void) int n = 0; size_t intsize; intsize

39、= sizeof (int); printf(n = %d, n has %u bytes; all ints have %u bytes.n, n, sizeof n, intsize ); return 0; */ / /* post_pre.c - postfix vs prefix */ /* #include int main(void) int a = 1, b = 1; int aplus, plusb; aplus = a+; plusb = +b; printf(a aplus b plusb n); printf(%1d %5d %5d %5dn, a, aplus, b,

40、 plusb);/ 2 1 return 0; */ / /* convert.c - automatic type conversions */ /* #include int main(void) char ch; int i; float fl; fl = i = ch = C; printf(ch = %c, i = %d, fl = %2.2fn, ch, i, fl); ch = ch + 1; i = fl + 2 * ch; fl = 2.0 * ch + i; printf(ch = %c, i = %d, fl = %2.2fn, ch, i, fl); ch = 5212

41、205.17; confused printf(Now ch = %cn, ch); return 0; */ / /* pound.c - defines a function with an argument /* #include void pound(int n); int main(void) int times = 5; char ch = !;/ ASCII code is 33 float f = 6.0; pound(times); pound(ch);/ char automatically - int pound(int) f);/ cast forces f - int

42、 return 0; void pound(int n) while (n- 0) printf(#); printf(n); */ */ / / print - still / / chapter 06 C 控制语句:循环 /* summing.c - sums integers entered interactively */ /* #include int main(void) long num; long sum = 0L; int status; printf(Please enter an integer to be summed ); printf(q to quit): );

43、status = scanf(%ld, while (status = 1) / = means is equal to sum = sum + num; printf(Please enter next integer (q to quit): ); status = scanf(%ld, printf(Those integers sum to %ld.n, sum); return 0; */ / /* t_and_f.c - true and false values in C */ /* #include int main(void) int true_val, false_val;

44、 true_val = (10 2); false_val = (10 = 2); printf(true = %d; false = %d n, true_val, false_val); return 0; */ / / boolean.c - using a _Bool variable /* #include int main(void) long num; long sum = 0L; int input_is_good; printf(Please enter an integer to be summed ); printf(q to quit): ); input_is_goo

45、d = (scanf(%ld, while (input_is_good) sum = sum + num; printf(Please enter next integer (q to quit): ); input_is_good = (scanf(%ld, printf(Those integers sum to %ld.n, sum); return 0; */ / / sweetie1.c - a counting loop /* #include int main(void) const int NUMBER = 22; / initialization / test / acti

46、on int count = 1; while (count = NUMBER) printf(Be my Valentine!n); count+; printf( the time of loop is %dn,-count); return 0; */ / / sweetie2.c - a counting loop using for /* #include int main(void) const int NUMBER = 22; int count; for (count = 1; count = NUMBER; count+) printf(Be my Valentine!n);

47、 printf( the time of loop is %dn,-count); return 0; */ / /* rows1.c - uses nested loops */ /* #include #define ROWS 6 #define CHARS 10 int main(void) int row; char ch; for (row = 0; row ROWS; row+) for (ch = A; ch (A + CHARS); ch+) printf(%c, ch); printf(n); return 0; */ / / rows2.c - using dependen

48、t nested loops /* #include int main(void) const int ROWS = 6; const int CHARS = 6; int row; char ch; for (row = 0; row ROWS; row+) for (ch = (A + row);ch (A + CHARS); ch+) printf(%c, ch); printf(n); return 0; */ / / scores_in.c - uses loops for array processing /* #include #define SIZE 10 #define PA

49、R 72 int main(void) int index, scoreSIZE; int sum = 0; float average; printf(Enter %d golf scores:n, SIZE); for (index = 0; index SIZE; index+) scanf(%d, / read in the ten scores printf(The scores read in are as follows:n); for (index = 0; index SIZE; index+) printf(%5d, scoreindex); / verify input

50、printf(n); for (index = 0; index SIZE; index+) sum += scoreindex;/ add them up average = (float) sum / SIZE;/ time-honored method printf(Sum of scores = %d, average = %.2fn, sum, average); printf(Thats a handicap of %.0f.n, average - PAR); return 0; */ / / an answer to the question 16 at page 151 /*

51、 #include void main() int year=0; double f; for(f=100;f0;f=f-10) printf(at the year %d , the money you have is %g n,year,f); f=f+f*0.08; year+; printf(at the year %dn,year); printf(you have no money now!n); */ / / / chapter 07 C 控制语句:分支与跳转 / colddays.c - finds percentage of days below freezing /* #i

52、nclude int main(void) const int FREEZING = 0; float temperature; int cold_days = 0; int all_days = 0; printf(Enter the list of daily low temperatures.n); printf(Use Celsius, and enter q to quit.n); while (scanf(%f, if (temperature FREEZING) cold_days+; if (all_days != 0) printf(%d days total: %.1f%

53、were below freezing.n, all_days, 100.0 * (float) cold_days / all_days); if (all_days = 0) printf(No data entered!n); return 0; */ / /* cypher1.c - alters input, preserving spaces */ /* / thats quote-space-quote #include #define SPACE int main(void) char ch; ch = getchar(); while (ch != n) if (ch = S

54、PACE) putchar(ch); else putchar(ch + 1); ch = getchar(); /* while not end of line /* leave the space /* character unchanged /* change other characters putchar(ch); return 0; */ / / cypher2.c - alters input, preserving non-letters /* #include #include / for isalpha() int main(void) char ch; while (ch

55、 = getchar() != n) if (isalpha(ch) putchar(ch + 1); else putchar(ch); putchar(ch); return 0; / if a letter, / change it / otherwise, / print as is / print the newline */ / / chcount.c- use the logical AND operator /* #include #define PERIOD . int main(void) int ch; int charcount = 0; while (ch = get

56、char() != PERIOD) if (ch != printf(There are %d non-quote characters.n, charcount); return 0; */ / / wordcnt.c - counts characters, words, lines /* #include #include / for isspace() #define STOP | #define false 0 #define true 1 int main(void) char c; char prev; long n_chars = 0L; int n_lines = 0; in

57、t n_words = 0; int p_lines = 0; int inword = false; / read in character / previous character read / number of characters / number of lines / number of words / number of partial lines / = true if c is in a word printf(Enter text to be analyzed (| to terminate):n); prev = n;/ used to identify complete

58、 lines while (c = getchar() != STOP) n_chars+;/ count characters if (c = n) n_lines+; / count lines if (!isspace(c) / starting a new word n_words+; / count word if (isspace(c) / reached end of word prev = c; / save character value if (prev != n) p_lines = 1; printf(characters = %ld, words = %d, line

59、s = %d, , n_chars, n_words, n_lines); printf(partial lines = %dn, p_lines); return 0; */ / /* paint.c - uses conditional operator */ /* #include / square feet per paint can #define COVERAGE 200 int main(void) int sq_feet; int cans; printf(Enter number of square feet to be painted:n); while (scanf(%d

60、, cans += (sq_feet % COVERAGE = 0) ? 0 : 1; printf(You need %d %s of paint.n, cans, cans = 1 ? can : cans); printf(Enter next value (q to quit):n); return 0; */ / / / chapter 08 字符输入 / 输出和输入确认 /* echo.c - repeats input */ /* #include int main(void) char ch; while (ch = getchar() != #) putchar(ch); p


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