外贸函电 Unit 7 counter offers_第1页
外贸函电 Unit 7 counter offers_第2页
外贸函电 Unit 7 counter offers_第3页
外贸函电 Unit 7 counter offers_第4页
外贸函电 Unit 7 counter offers_第5页
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1、unit seven counter-offers and counter-counter offers terms 1、还盘 counter offer 2、 参考价 reference price 3、开盘价 opening price 4、收盘 closing offer 5、现行价 current price, ruling price, prevailing price 6、合理价格 reasonable price 7、特殊价格 special price 8、大路货 faq 9、差价 price difference, price gap 10、凭等级买卖 sale by gra

2、de 11、凭规格买卖 sale by specification 12、凭标准买卖 sale by standard terms 13、品质以卖方样品为准 quality as per sellers sample 14、品质以买方样品为准 quality as per buyers sample 15、公吨 metric ton 16、长吨 long ton 17、短吨 short ton 18、净重 net weight 19、毛重gross weight 20、以毛作净 gross for net 21、皮重 tare weight 22、回扣 relate 23、竞争性价格 comp

3、etitive price 24、批发价 wholesale price 25、零售价 retail price 写信的要点写信的要点 l报盘信函收悉 l抱怨价格太高 l还盘建议 l结束 常用句型常用句型 句型1:对价格的抱怨 (1)我们很遗憾告知你方,尽管我们很满意你方产品 的质量,但我们认为你方价格偏高。 we regret to inform you that your price is rather on the high side though we appreciate the good quality of your products. (2)我们很遗憾你方价格与现行价格不符。

4、we very much regret that your price is out of line with the prevailing market. 常用句型常用句型 (3)尽管我们渴望与你方成交,但我们遗憾地 说你方价格不可接受。 although we are desirous of doing business with you, we regret to say that your price is unacceptable to us. 常用句型常用句型 句型2 与其他供货商价格相比 (1)印度产的商品以大约低于你方10%的价格在本地 出售 indian makes have

5、 been sold here at a level about 10% lower than yours. (2)与其他货源的价格相比,你方的价格比他们的报 价几乎高出10%。 when comparing with the other suppliers prices , your price is almost 10% higher than theirs. 常用句型常用句型 (3)你方的价格比我们从其他货源得到的价格 高得多。 your price compares much higher than that we can get from elsewhere. 常用句型常用句型 句型

6、3 还盘建议 (1)为了促进贸易,我们还盘如下:500吨核桃,每吨 600美元成本加保费欧洲主要港口。 to step up trade, we counter offer as follows:500 tons of walnuts at usd 600/ton cif emp. (2)由于核桃行市下跌,除非你方能够降价5%,否则无 法成交。 as the market of walnuts is declining, there is no possibility of business unless you can reduce your price by 5% . 常用句型常用句型 (

7、3)我们不否认你方产品的质量比印度产品好, 但差价绝不可能大于10%,我们还盘是每吨 900美元成本加保费运费汉堡。 we dont deny the quality of your products is superior to that of indian makes but the difference in price should in no case be as big as 10%.our counter offer is usd 900 per ton cif hamburg. 常见短语常见短语 1、quoted price 所报价格 2、draw ones attention

8、 提请注意 3、on usual terms 按照惯常条款 4、in reply 回复 5、make a reduction 减价 6、book ones order 接受某人订单 7、in view of 鉴于 8、make a counter offer 做出还盘 9、decline a counter offer 拒绝还盘 10、for ones information 供某人参考 练习练习 一、用适当的词填空。 1.we you 500 tons groundnuts at $100/ton on cif london for may shipment. 2.this offer is

9、 to your reply here before or at noon time oct. 20. 3.the best we can is to a reduction of 3% in our quotation. 4.we very much that we are unable to your counter offer. 练习练习 5. as the market is ,we suggest you your price by 3%. 6. as soon as we are in a to make an for cotton piece goods, we shall in

10、form you by e-mail. 7. as we are in the for table cloth, we should it if you would send us your best quotation. 8. we wish to draw your to the good quality of our products of. 练习练习 9. in to your letter, we enclose our latest illustrated catalogue for your . 10. any orders you with us will receive ou

11、r prompt and careful . 练习练习 答案 1.quote basis 2. subject reaching 3.do make 4.regret accept/entertain 5. declining reduce 6. position offer 7. market appreciate 8.attention instead 9.replyinformation/reference 10.place attention 练习练习 三、完成句子 1.我们很遗憾你们的发盘比美国供应商的价格高出 5%。 2.羊毛行市目前疲软,除非你方能降5%,否则无 法成交. 3.

12、兹遗憾通知你方,本地买主认为你方报价太高。 4. 我们的报价相当合理,且已为你地其他客户所 接受。 5.至于男士衬衫,我们盼望能够按接近我们的价格。 练习练习 答案 1.we very much regret that your offer is 5% higher than those from the american suppliers. 2.as the market of wool is declining, there is no possibility of business unless you can reduce your price by 5%. 3.we regret

13、to inform you that our customers here find your price too high. 答案答案 4.as our price is quite reasonable, it has been accepted by other customers at your end . 5.as regards mens shirts, we look forward to dong business with you at a figure close to our quoted price. 练习练习 五.translate the following let

14、ter 敬启者: 感谢你们6月26日的报盘以及寄来的餐具样品。尽 管我们很欣赏这些餐具的优良品质,但我们遗憾的说, 你们的价格似乎太高。如果接受你们的报价将使我们 在销售中无利可图,因为其他供应商对同样品质的商 品出价更低。 因此我们建议你方将价格减至25美元/套,否则无法 成交。 我们期待着你们的确认。 谨上 练习练习 dear sirs, thank you for your offer of june 26 and samples of dinner sets you kindly send us. while we are appreciating the good quality of your dinner sets, we regret that your price appears to be on the high side. to accept the price you quoted would leave us no margin of profit in our sales, since the other supp


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