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1、General View Historical figures in TCM Famous doctors At the peak of traditional Chinese medicine ,there comes forth many brilliant doctors known by the young and the old, such as Bian Que ,Hua Tuo ,Zhang Zhongjin, Sun Simiao. Their legends inspire us and make us confident of our traditional culture

2、. 3 Hua Tuo Bian Que Shen NongShen Nong Huang Di Huang Di vHe is the earliest ancestor of acupuncture and moxibustion(针灸鼻祖)(针灸鼻祖). vIt was similar to Shen Nong, Huang Dis Classic of Internal Medicine was also not written by himself. vIts said that it might be finished in Qin and Han Dynasty time She

3、n Nong vShen Nongs Herbal Classic wasnt written by himself, it was finished in Warring States Period or Qin and Han Dynasty time vShen Nong tasted hundreds of grass and found herbs vThis book was the earlist extant medical monograph (现存的最早的医学专著)现存的最早的医学专著) Hua TuoHua Tuo Hua TuoHua Tuo vHe is the ea

4、rlist ancestor of surgery,lived in late Eastern Han Dynasty. vHe was famous for surgical operation and ma fei san (a kind of narcotic made of herbs). vHe created a body building exercise called five animals exercise,it is based on the movements of tiger, deer, bear, ape(猿)猿)and crane(鹤)(鹤). Bian Que

5、 vHe is the sphygmology mediator(脉学介脉学介 导者)导者)of Traditional Chinese Medical Science and lived in Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period. The four diagnostic methods (四诊合参四诊合参望闻问望闻问 切)切)was created by him. Sun Simiao He is the king of medicine(药王)(药王),lived in Tang Dynasty.He finished the book

6、Golden Prescriptions for Emergencies 备急千金方备急千金方,it was the earliest clinical medicine encyclopedia(临床医学临床医学 百科全书)百科全书) in China. Zhang Zhongjing He is the herbalist doctor saint (医圣), lived in the Easten Han . He finished the famous medical monograph Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Disease伤寒杂病

7、论伤寒杂病论. He is He is the mediator of preventive medicine( (预防医预防医 学介导者),学介导者),he was born in he was born in the Eastern Jin Dynasty the Eastern Jin Dynasty and his theory contains and his theory contains the sprout idea (the sprout idea (萌芽思萌芽思 想想)of immunity.)of immunity. Main Philosophy and Culture

8、 Basis vConfucianism vTaoism vWarcraft Li Shizhen vLi Shizhen (李时珍李时珍) of the Ming Dynasty, whose monumental masterpiece, Compendium of Meteria Medica (本草纲本草纲 目目), includes 1,892 medicinal substances, 11,096 prescriptions, and 1,162 illustrations. The Four Traditional Diagnostic Methods Inspection O

9、lfaction Inquiry Pulse-taking Classic Works vHuangdis Canon of Medicine / Huangdis Internal Classic Plain Questions & Miraculous Pivot vClassic of Difficult Issues vTreatise on Cold Damage (exogenous febrile diseases) and Miscellaneous Diseases Treatise on Cold Damage (exogenous febrile diseases) Sy

10、nopsis of Prescriptions of Golden Chamber vShennongs Classic of Materia Medica Basic Character vholism vtreatment based on syndrome differentiation Basic Character vholism 1. human is an organic whole, governed by heart, centering on five viscera. Whats inside must be shown outside (with manifestati

11、ons). five viscera, six bowels, six extraordinary bowels meridians and collaterals head, face, stem and limbs, five sense organs, skin and striae, muscle and tendon, orifices, pulse, tongue, etc inside outside connection Basic Character vholism 2. unity of human and nature (correspondence between na

12、ture and human) inadaptation to new environment Epistaxis usually happens in springtime. Thoracic and hypochondriac diseases usually happen in summertime. Diarrhea and cold stroke usually happen in late summer. Wind malaria usually happens in fall. Arthralgia and syncope usually happen in wintertime

13、. Exercise to prevent cold, shade-sheltering to prevent summerheat. Basic Character vholism 3. unity of human and society When treat the rich, emphasize supplementing the healthy qi. When treat the poor, emphasize attacking/eliminating pathogenic qi. Basic Character vtreatment based on syndrome diff

14、erentiation syndrome: the pathogenesis behind a series of symptoms and signs shown outwardly (cause, location, property, tendency) four diagnostic methods: inspection, listening and smelling, inquiry, palpation (pulse taking) (inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation) establish the general an

15、d specific treating method, choose proper medicinals to form a formula same treatment for different diseases different treatments for the same disease Basic Perception vessence-qi vyin-yang vfive elements Basic Perception vyin-yang yang within yin yin within yin yang within yang yin within yang Basi

16、c Perception vyin-yang opposition of yin and yang mutual rooting / interdependence between yin and yang waxing and waning of yin and yang yin-yang balance yin-yang harmony yin-yang conversion / inter-transformation Basic Perception vyin-yang extreme yin resembling yang extreme yang resembling yin wa

17、xing and waning of yin and yang Basic Perception vfive elements water, kidney metal, lungs fire, heart to generate to restrict earth, spleen wood, liver Basic Perception vfive elements “The five kinds of materials in nature are all used by people. None of them can be dispensed with” “Water and fire

18、are used for cooking, metal and wood for cultivating and earth gives birth to everything, which are all used by people” “Wood gets cut by metal, fire extinguished by water, earth unclogged by wood, metal hurt by fire, water stopped by earth. Everything on earth follows this rule, and it is hard to l

19、ist one by one” Basic Perception vfive elements “Wood means to grow (upward) freely and unfold/stretch out” “Fire means to flare up” “Earth means to give birth to all things” “Metal means to suppress and change” “Water means to moisten and flow downward” essence, qi, blood, fluid and humor vessence

20、(prenatal essence, acquired essence) to generate fertility and reproduction to promote growth and development to produce marrow and encephalon, nourish bones and transform into blood to nourish and moisten to defend the body essence, qi, blood, fluid and humor vqi (prenatal essential qi, essential q

21、i from water and grain, pectoral qi) to promote and move to warm to defend the body to secure to transport and transform to nourish essence, qi, blood, fluid and humor vqi (prenatal essential qi, essential qi from water and grain, pectoral qi) qi movement: ascending, descending, exiting, entering (u

22、pward, downward, outward, inward movement) classification: genuine qi, source qi, pectoral qi, nutrient qi, defensive qi essence, qi, blood, fluid and humor vblood to nourish and moisten to carry and transport (fresh air and food nutrition, metabolized waste, interior message in communication betwee

23、n organs) to be the material basis for spiritual activity circulation: qi promoting and securing condition: sufficient volume of blood, proper temperature sound and unobstructed vessel normal function of heart, lungs, liver, spleen essence, qi, blood, fluid and humor vfluid and humor to nourish and

24、moisten to carry and transport (fresh air and food nutrition, metabolized waste, interior message in communication between organs) to be the material basis for spiritual activity circulation: qi promoting and securing condition: sufficient volume of blood, proper temperature sound and unobstructed v

25、essel normal function of heart, lungs, liver, spleen vexogenous disease six-meridian, defensive-qi- nutrient-blood, and three-energizer differentiation vinternal miscellaneous diseases visceral differentiation vexogenous disease six-meridian, defensive-qi- nutrient-blood, and three-energizer differe

26、ntiation vexogenous disease six-meridian, defensive-qi- nutrient-blood, and three-energizer differentiation vexogenous disease six-meridian, defensive-qi- nutrient-blood, and three-energizer differentiation vinternal miscellaneous diseases visceral differentiation main visceral function vlungs ascen

27、ding/ diffusion, descending/depurative downbearing, governing qi, respiration, and smoothing water passage, spreading defensive qi over the superficies vspleen (stomach) ascending (descending), governing muscle and limbs, digestion, transformation and transportation of food and fluid, restricting bl

28、ood within vessels vheart governing blood circulation and vessels, mind and spiritual activities vliver ascending/upbearing effusion, soothing/free coursing, regulating the smooth flow of qi and blood, help digestion, storing blood, governing sinews vkidney storing essence, prenatal yin and yang, wa

29、rming, promoting growth and reproduction, qi absorption vcommon heart disorders: depressive psychosis, mania, insomnia, frequent dreaming, palpitation, cardiodynia, vexation and fidget, amnesia, delirium and unconsciousness, intermittent, skipping or bound pulse, as well as orolingual pain or sore v

30、common lungs disorders: out of breath, shortage of breath, a low or hoarse voice, lassitude, general weakness, easily catching cold, running nose, aversion to wind, cough, asthma, spitting, chest distress, throat itching and pain, edema vcommon spleen disorders : abdominal distention and pain, poor

31、appetite or anorexia, listlessness and tiredness, tastelessness, sweet and sticky taste in mouth, diarrhea or constipation, dysentery, edema, prolapse of inner organs (including chronic diarrhea with proctoptosis, uterine prolapse, gastroptosis, nephroptosis), chronic bleeding (including hemafecia,

32、epistaxis (nasal), metrorrhagia, bleeding leucorrhea, gingival hemorrhage (gumline), if spleen qi weakens, face and lips appear sallow and lackluster vcommon liver disorders : depression, hypochondriac and lower abdominal distention and pain, irritability and testiness, breast nodule and pain, dizzi

33、ness, headache, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, abnormal digestion, poor appetite, belching, acid regurgitation, stabbing pain in the hypochondrium, abdominal masses, ascites, impotence, premature ejaculation, spermatorrhea, metrorrhagia, blurred vision, contracture of sinews, conv

34、ulsion, spasm, congested eyes with itching pain. vcommon kidney disorders : poor growing development, premature senility, dyspnea, chronic cough, asthma, short breath, amnesia, insomnia, lumbar and lower limbs aching pain or weakness, tinnitus, deafness, bone and muscle atrophy, edema, urine and sto

35、ol disorder, especially incontinence of urine and stool, impotence, premature ejaculation, spermatorrhea, infertility, coldness above knees and elbows. main visceral function vstomach receiving food and drink, digesting, descending, preference to moisture and aversion to dryness. disorders: food int

36、ake disorder, epigastric stuffiness, distention and pain, nausea, vomiting, belching, hiccup, regurgitation vsmall intestine receiving chyme, further digestion, separating clear from turbid. disorders: abdominal distention and pain, burburigmus, diarrhea. vlarge intestine absorbing water and fluid,

37、discharging wastes. disorders: constipation, diarrhea, dysentery with blood and pus stool, abdominal distention and pain, anus bulging and sinking main visceral function vgall bladder storing and discharging bile, helping digestion, dominating decision, and related to emotional activity. disorders:

38、bitter mouth, jaundice, timidity, easily getting frightened vurinary bladder storing and discharging urine. disorders: frequent, urgent urination with burning pain, anuresis and uroschesis three basic pairs of ascendant and descendant vheart and kidney: heart yang going down and kidney yin going up

39、to restrict and help each other (heart-kidney interaction) heart-sovereign fire, spirit and mind kidney-ministerial fire, prenatal essence common manifestations: palpitation, insomnia with dreams, fidget, amnesia, soreness of waist, tinnitus, nocturnal emission three basic pairs of ascendant and des

40、cendant vheart and kidney jiao tai wan: huang lian, rou gui sang piao qiao san: sang piao qiao, long gu, gui jia, ren shen, fu shen, dang hui, chang pu, yuan zhi three basic pairs of ascendant and descendant vspleen and stomach: they are interiorly and exteriorly related by the connection of meridia

41、n spleen-ascending clear essence stomach-descending turbid chyme common manifestation: bad appetite, anorexia, stomach or abdominal distention after meal, stomach or abdominal pain, regurgitation, belch, unclear head, diarrhea with loose stool, or even blood and pus three basic pairs of ascendant an

42、d descendant vspleen and stomach liu jun zi soup: dang shen, bai zhu, fu ling, gan cao, chen pi, ban xia three basic pairs of ascendant and descendant vliver and lungs: liver-ascending, upbearing effusing lungs-descending, depurative downbearing common manifestation: cough, hyperpnoea, asthma, heada

43、che, dizziness, reddened or hot eyes three basic pairs of ascendant and descendant vliver and lungs sang ju yin: sang ye, ju hua, chen pi, xing ren, lian qiao, lu gen, gan cao, bo he ling jiao gou teng tang: ling jiao, gou teng, ju hua, sang ye, di huang, shao yao, bai mu, fu ling, gan cao main asce

44、nding/upbearing force vspleen and liver help qi normally go upward, bringing blood and essence to the top to nourish the tissues and organs, help to maintain normal position of viscera and organs common manifestation: prolapse of organ or viscera, protracted diarrhea, unclear mind and head, listless

45、ness, sheng ma-helping spleen ascend, and sending up clear yang chai hu-helping liver stretch and effuse upward general conditions and symptoms vchill, fever, sweating, type of pain, head, body, chest and abdominal condition, vision, hearing, movement, sleep, urine, stool, menstruation, food intake,

46、 complexion, sound of speaking, cough, asthma, sneezing, spitting, breathing, belch, burburigmus, smell and color of discharges and secretion, tongue, pulse, etc. vcommon properties chill and fever exterior syndrome, sole chill interior cold, sole fever interior heat, forceful sound excess, weak sou

47、nd deficiency, distending pain qi stagnation, stabbing pain worsened at night blood stasis, oppressive pain cold or qi stagnation, pain prefers to warm or press deficiency, pain hates to press excess, yellow and foul discharges and secretion heat, pale and bland ones cold, pale complexion qi or bloo

48、d deficiency, sallow complexion spleen deficiency, reddened face heat, or yang excess, bluish color cold, purple color blood stagnation or cold 60 34在进行容器压力试验时,需要考虑哪些问题?为什么? 压力容器设计复习 (1)压力试验一般用水,进行液压试验。液压试验压力为: 其中:PT为内压试验的压力,p为试验内压,s为试验温度 下的许用应力,st为设计温度下的许用应力。 t T ppss25. 1 (2) 奥氏体不锈钢为防止氯离子的腐蚀,应控制Cl

49、-2510-6 (3) 为防止试验时发生低温脆性破坏,碳素钢、16MnR、正火 15MnVR温度不能低于5oC,其他低合金钢,温度不低于15oC Basic Character vholism 3. unity of human and society When treat the rich, emphasize supplementing the healthy qi. When treat the poor, emphasize attacking/eliminating pathogenic qi. Basic Perception vfive elements “Wood means

50、to grow (upward) freely and unfold/stretch out” “Fire means to flare up” “Earth means to give birth to all things” “Metal means to suppress and change” “Water means to moisten and flow downward” essence, qi, blood, fluid and humor vessence (prenatal essence, acquired essence) to generate fertility and reproduction to promote growth and development to produce marrow and encephalon, nourish bones and transform into blood to nourish and moisten to defend


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