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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语一级(B)模拟86公共英语一级(B)模拟86第一部分 听力第一节 图片判断 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.答案:A解析M: Who is riding the broomstick in the sky.解析 录音原文:who is riding the broomstick in the sky? 谁在天上骑着扫帚? 关键词:ride broomstick骑扫帚。2.答案:A解析W: A whale is the largest animal in the world.解析 录

2、音原文:A whale is the largest animal in the world. 鲸鱼是世界上最大的动物。关键词:whale鲸鱼。3.答案:C解析M: My favorite fruit is apple.解析 录音原文:My favorite fruit is apple. 我最喜欢的水果是苹果。关键词:apple苹果。4.答案:C解析W: Im not afraid of mouse.解析 录音原文:Im not afraid of mouse. 我不怕老鼠。关键词:mouse老鼠。5.答案:B解析M: We often make snowmen in winter.解析 录

3、音原文:We often make snowmen in winter. 冬天我们经常堆雪人。关键词:snowman雪人。第二节 对话应答 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.20 yuan.B.40 yuan.C.60 yuan.答案:BI spent 40 yuan on this book.解析 此句意为:我买这本书花740元。关键词是40,所以B为答案。2.A.To the airport.B.To the bus stop.C.To the hotel.答案:AI want to go to the airport.解析 此句意为:我要去机场。关键词是the airpo

4、rt. 所以A为答案。3.A.At a store.B.At a school.C.At a cinema.答案:CI want to see another film解析 此句意为:我想看另一部电影。关键词是film,看电影当然是在电影院。所以C为答案。4.A.Im fine, thank you.B.How do you do?C.Nice to see you.答案:AHow are you?解析 这句话是问候语。应答一般为Fine,thank you,所以AJ为答案。5.A.Fine, thank you.B.How do you do?C.How are you?答案:BHow do

5、 you do?解析 当别人用How do you do?问候时,应答也是How do you do?所以B为答案。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6.A.Of course.B.Thats all right.C.No, not at all.答案:C解析Im sorry, but would you mind my opening the window?解析 听力原文:Im sorry, but would you mind my opening the window? 对于would you mind的回答要用yes或no,选项CNo, not at all. 表示不介意。7

6、.A.Oh, you are right in the comer.B.Turn left, and youll see it on your fight.C.I dont like it.答案:B解析Excuse me, wheres the restroom?解析 听力原文:Excuse me, wheres the restroom? 对于这句话的回答应该指示具体的路线或方位,所以只有选项BTurn left, and youll see it on your right. 符合语境。8.A.I prefer cooking to eating.B.I prefer eating to

7、cooking.C.I prefer drinking to eating.答案:A解析What do you like better?解析 听力原文:What do you like better? 只有选项AI prefer cooking to eating. 是正确答案。其他两项都有语法错误。9.A.I have learned English the year after next year.B.I began to learn English the year before last.C.Ill learn English in about three years.答案:B解析Ho

8、w long have you studied English?解析 听力原文:How long have you studied English? 询问多长时间,回答时应用表示一段时间的短语或者回答从开始持续到现在,所以要用选项BI began to learn English the year before last.10.A.To a cinema.B.Its a long way to go.C.Long time no see.答案:A解析Where are you going?解析 听力原文:Where are you going? 询问地点回答时应该用表示地点的词语。这里选项AT

9、o a cinema. 符合语境。第三节 对话理解 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.A knife.B.Fork.C.Chopsticks.答案:C解析M: Do you need a knife and fork, Eva?W. No, Ill just use chopsticks.Q: What will Eva use?解析 女士说她要用筷子:No, Ill just use chopsticks2.A.This afternoon.B.Tomorrow morning.C.The day after tomorrow.答案:B解析M: Can I see you i

10、n my school this afternoon or tomorrow morning?W: Tomorrow morning is OK. There is a basket ball lesson this afternoon.Q: When will they meet?解析 他们约定见面的时间是明天早晨:Tomorrow morning is OK. There is a basketball lesson this afternoon3.A.In the library.B.In a bus.C.At a bus stop.答案:B解析M: Excuse me, madam.

11、Why dont you sit here? Im setting off at the next stop.W: Oh, well, thank you. Its very kind of you.Q: Where are they talking?解析 他们谈话的地点是在公共汽车上。4.A.She has a headache.B.She has a rest.C.She has a bad cold.答案:A解析W: Sam, would you mind turning down your music? I have a bad headache.M: Sorry. Mum. Do y

12、ou need some medicine?W: No, its OK, love. I just need to lie down and rest.Q: Whats the matter with Sams mother?解析 女士说她头痛:Sam, would you mind turning down your music? I have a bad headache5.A.Playing the piano.B.Playing a CD.C.Singing a song.答案:C解析M: What are you singing, Betty?W: Its called Summer

13、 Time. Have you ever heard it?M: Never.Q: What is Betty doing?解析 贝蒂在唱歌。选项CSinging a song正确。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6.A.His bike is broken on his way to school.B.The traffic is too heavy.C.He gets up late in the morning.答案:B解析M: Excuse me, may I come in?W: Oh, Jim. Come in, please. You are late again.

14、Why?M: Because the traffic is too heavy.Q: Why is Jim late again?解析 从对话中男士的回答:Because the traffic is too heavy. 可知,吉姆之所以迟到是因为堵车,故选B。7.A.Dancing.B.Singing.C.Tennis.答案:C解析W: What do you do in your free time, Tom?M: I like to go dancing and singing, but my favorite activity is tennis.Q: Whats Toms favo

15、rite activity in his free time?解析 从对话中男士的回答:I like to go dancing and singing, but my favorite activity is tennis. 可知,汤姆最喜欢的运动是网球,故选C。8.A.On Monday.B.On Tuesday.C.On Wednesday.答案:C解析M: What day is it today?W: Its Tuesday.M: Well, our class will have a football match tomorrow. Would you like to watch

16、it?W: Sure. Id love to.Q: When will the football match be held?解析 从对话中可知,今天是星期二。男士说:我们班明天将有场足球比赛。明天就是星期三,所以足球比赛将在星期三举行,故选C。9.A.10:35.B.10:20.C.10:05.答案:A解析W: Ladies and gentlemen! The flight to London will leave in 15 minutes.M: Lets hurry. Its 10:20 now.Q: When will the plane to London take off?解析

17、飞往伦敦的飞机将于15分钟后起飞,而现在是10点20分,所以飞机将于10点35分起飞,故选A。10.A.Next Sunday.B.Next Friday.C.Next Saturday.答案:C解析M: Shall we go to the amusement park next Friday?W: Its closed on Friday.M: How about Next Saturday?W: OK.Q: When will they go to the amusement park?解析 男士说:我们下周五去游乐园吧! 女士回答:星期五游乐园关门。男士又建议下周六去,女士同意了,所以

18、他们下周六将去游乐园,故选C。第二部分 阅读第一节 短文理解1 The history teacher is having a lesson, but Frank is thinking about other things. The teacher asks, Frank, do you know who is the first president of the United States? Frank stands up, but he cant answer this question. So the teacher gets angry and shouts, George Wash

19、ington! Frank sits down. Stand up! the teacher says angrily, I dont let you sit down. Oh, Im sorry, says Frank, I thought you called another student. 1. Frank isnt listening to the teacher carefully. A True. B False. 答案:A解析 根据第一句The history teacher is having a lesson,but Frank is thinking about othe

20、r things可知老师上课的时候弗兰克在想别的事情,也就是没有认真听讲。所以应选A。2. They are having a Chinese lesson. A True. B False. 答案:B解析 根据第一句The history teacher is having a lesson可知这是历史课。所以应选B。3. The teacher calls another student named George Washington. A True. B False. 答案:B解析 根据第二段可知老师并没有叫别的学生,而且根据常识我们也知道美国的第一位总统是乔治华盛顿。所以应选B。 Ne

21、xt Sunday morning, Lin Tao and his friends are going to the park. They are going to meet at half past seven outside the school gate and get there by bike. But Lucy cant go with them. In the park there is a small zoo. In the zoo there are some animals. Lin Tao and his friends are going to have a good

22、 time next Sunday. 4. They are going to the park by bus. A True. B False. 答案:B解析 从They are going to.and get there by bike. 可知,他们将骑自行车去公园,而不是乘汽车去公园,故选B。5. In the park there is a small zoo. A True. B False. 答案:A解析 从In the park there is a small zoo. 可知,公园里有个小的动物园,故选A。6. They are going to meet at half t

23、o seven outside the school gate. A True. B False. 答案:B解析 从They are going to meet at halt past seven outside the school gate.可知,他们将于7点半在校门口见面,而不是6点半,故选B。 Jim has some new pencils. They are red, black, blue, white and green. Jim likes them very much. He draws with them. Now he is drawing a house. The

24、door is green. The walls are white. The windows are big. How nice it is! In front of the house he draws some red flowers. There is a black and white sheep behind the house. We all like the picture. We say we will put it on the wall of our classroom. 7. Jim has no pencil at all. A True B False. 答案:B解

25、析 从Jim has some new pencils. 可知,吉姆有一些新铅笔,故选B。8. There are some flowers behind the house. A True. B False. 答案:B解析 从There is a black and white sheep behind the house. 可知,房屋后有一只黑白相间的羊,而不是花,故选B。9. We will put the picture on the wall of our classroom. A True. B False. 答案:A解析 从We say we will put it on the

26、 wall of our classroom. 可知,我们要把画挂在教室的墙上,故选A。 Sam is an old man. He likes walking in the street after supper. And he usually goes home at seven oclock. But a car stops at his house tonight. A policeman helps Sam get out. Then he tells Sams wife, The old man got lost in the street. He asked me to take

27、 him home. After the policeman leaves, his wife asks, Sam, you go to that street every night. How can you get lost? I am not lost. I just dont want to go home on foot, Sam answers. 10. Sam likes walking in the street after lunch. A True. B False. 答案:B解析 从He likes walking in die street after supper.

28、可知,Sam喜欢晚饭后去散步,而不是午饭后去散步,故选B。11. Sam did something wrong, so the policeman came. A True. B False. 答案:B解析 从Then he tells Sams wife, The old man got lost.me to take him home. 可知,警察认为Sam迷路了,才把他送回家的,而不是因为Sam干了错事,警察才来的,故选B。12. Sam is not lost. A True. B False. 答案:A解析 从最后一句I am not lost. I just dont want

29、to go home on foot. Sam answers. 可知,他没有迷路,只是不想步行回来,故选A。第二节 短文理解2 In England, afternoon tea, taken between four and five, is the most informal (非正式的) meal of the day. If you are a friend of the family, you may drop in for tea without an invitation or telling that you are coming. Very often it is not

30、served at a table. The members of the family and visitors take tea in the sitting-room. Each person has a cup and saucer, a spoon (汤匙) and a small plate for bread-and-butter and cake. By the way, do not help your- self to cake first; bread-and-butter first, then cake if there is any. Another piece o

31、f advice. do not put more than one piece of bread or cake on your plate at the same time. 1. In England, tea is usually served _ .A.early in the morningB.early in the afternoonC.at 4.30 in the afternoon答案:C2. An ordinary English tea usually consists of _ .A.either tea or foodB.both tea and foodC.onl

32、y tea and milk答案:B3. If you want to have tea at a friends, _ .A.you may ask if there is tea in his homeB.it is important to wait for his invitationC.it is not necessary to let him know before答案:C 根据下面短文回答下列问题。 Mark Twain was an American writer. One day he went to a city by train. He wanted to see on

33、e of his friends there. He was a very busy man. He usually forgot something. When he was in the train, the conductor asked him for his ticket. Mark Twain looked for his ticket here and there, but he couldnt find it. The conductor knew Mark Twain. She said, Show me your ticket on your way back. And i

34、f you cant find it, it doesnt matter. Oh, but it does, said Mark Twain. I must find the ticket. If I cant find it, how can I know where I am going? 4. Mark Twain is _.A.a FrenchmanB.an EnglishC.an American答案:C解析 马克吐温是美国作家:Mark Twain was an American writer.5. He went to a city to _.A.be a very busy m

35、anB.see a friendC.forgot something答案:B解析 他到一个城市去看朋友:One day he went to a city by train. He wanted to see one of his friends there. Sue is a secretary in a large office. Although she likes many of the people she works with, she doesnt like her boss. It seems that every few minutes he is interrupting

36、(打断) her work to have her do little extra (额外的) jobs for him. Most of these jobs are not very important, and she thinks that he could do them himself or have someone else do them for him. Sue often has to work overtime (加班) to get her own work done. 6. Sue likes _.A.her bossB.her workC.the people sh

37、e works with答案:C7. Which of the following is true?A.Her boss likes to interrupt her work and talk with her.B.Her boss likes to give her the most important work.C.Her boss likes to interrupt her with small unimportant jobs.答案:C8. Sue thinks _.A.the boss himself can do some of the workB.The boss should use more workersC.the boss can only ask her to do the work答案:A 根据下面短文回答下列问题。 When a group of women got on the bus, every seat was already taken. The conductor(售票员) found a man who seemed to be asleep (睡着了) o Fearing (担心) that the man might miss hi


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