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1、动作描写Part1身体动作1.点头,面部运动nod ones head up and down上下点头shake one s head from side to side左右摇头lift/ raise ones head抬起头bow/ droop one s head低头give sb. a determined nod坚定地点点头smile at sb 朝某人微笑give sb. a reassuring smile投给某人一个安慰的微笑give/ manage/ force a weak smile强颜欢笑be all smiles满是笑容laugh from ear to ear笑得合不

2、拢嘴1) He came up, head bowed.他低着头走了上来。2) His head didnt droop(低垂) and his eyes were brighter than usual3)Pam sat in the corner with his head hung down (头低着)4)His jaw dropped in amazement.他下巴惊讶得掉下来5) The smile froze(僵住) on his face; his mouth fell wide open6)we nodded our heads in agreement, understan

3、ding each other2.动“嘴”,嘴部运动gaspforfreshair 拼命呼吸新鲜空气gaspforbreath气喘吁吁puffandpant气喘呼吁takeabite/sip咬/喝了一口yawnsleepily困倦地打哈欠cutin插话talkinwhispers低声说话clearonesthroat清嗓子GroupI1)ShegreetedJamesandinquired(问),“Areyou ready?Jamesdidntrespond2)“Here,Mum!Here!Tonyexclaimedashe wavedwildlyinthecrowd3)Myteammates

4、wereallscreamingasdashed(冲向)towardthefinishingline4)Thestadiumgotreallynoisyatthattime,with everybodyshoutingatthetopofhisvoice5)Thelastwordscameoutinaneagerrush(蹦出来)6)Helookedatme,bitinghislips(咬着嘴唇),as if thinking.Group21)theyletoutasurprisinglyloudvoice.2)Hemurmured(低声说)athankyouandranhome allthe

5、way.3)Heinterruptedthesilencewithanannouncement “Thedeadlinetoenterforhecompetitionis tomorrow.”4) Iwasgettingreadytoblowoutallthecandlesand she isgettingreadytohelpmeincaseIranoutof air.“Timetogo.Iwhisperedtothegirl,wishingshecouldfollowmerightaway.5) Ayoungmancameto thepolicestation,surroundedbyag

6、roupofjournalists,declaringthathehadspottedthemurderer6)Iwaslaughingandpanting(喘气),tryingtokeepup(追上)whenIwastrippedover(绊倒)by a stone7) Scoldedbytheteacher,Ibitmyliptostopmyselfcryingout(咬着嘴唇不让自己哭出来)/Iswallowed hardagainstthreateningtears(我强忍住眼泪)3.动“眼”,眼部运动stareatsb.盯着看某人lookintooneseyes看着的眼睛glarea

7、t怒视takeaquickglance快速看glancethrough快速测览lookoveronesshoulderat.回头看eyesb.upanddown上上下下打量某人widenoneseyes睁大眼睛narrowoneseyes眯眼GroupI1) Seeingnootherpeoplenoticeus,Iroseand slippedaway(溜走)silently2) Weallgatherinfrontofthetelevision,prayingto catchaglance/glimpseof(瞄眼)thefamous player.3)Hereyesfellonthebo

8、okinhishand4)Werecognizedthefamouscomedianuponhis arrival5)Iwastakingmytime,strolling/wanderinginthe parkandlookinginshopwindowsnowandthenGroup21)Singinghappily,shegazedat(盯着看)hersurroundingswithinnocentbutcuriouseyes.2)Thewomanwasstaringeagerlyatthegirl,tryingtomakeaconversation3)ThenIhurried/shotd

9、ownstairsandexaminedthe parcelsaddressedtome(寄给我)4)Whenhefinishedheraised/liftedhiseyesand lookedoutofthewindow.5)Shehadspottedamanpacingdownthehall.Group31)HecouldnttakehiseyesofftheiPad(把眼睛脱离2)Sheglancedshylyathimandthenloweredher eyes.3)Thepolicemanonastreetcornereyedhimupand downsuspiciously(怀疑地

10、上下打量他)4)Annenarrowedhereyes,wonderingthepossible storybehindthescenes5)I didntevenblink(眨眼)incaseImissedherGroup41)James eyeswidenedinsurprise2)Shenoddedseriously,eyesglistening/shiningwith held-backtears.3)Swallowinghard,Istaredintoherred-rimmed eyes(哭红的睛)foralongmoment.4)Ashewalkedbacktothemiddle,

11、theeyesofallclassmatesarrowedintohim(如箭般射向他)5)Iwatchedhelplessly,asthewomanfeltmoreand morefrustratedandhopeless.各种“哭”的表达:1) He burst out crying./He burst into tears /Tears welled up in her eyes. /He was in tears. /He had tears in his eyes /Tears rolled down his cheeks.The old song always brought te

12、ars to my eyes/Her eyes were blurry with tears.(泪眼模糊了她的双|Tears blurred her eyes. /She sobbed heavily.2)She swallowed hard against threatening tears /Bill fought back his tears and tried to comfort Sarahs mother3)Her hands were shaking. She was on the verge of(在边沿) tears4) Jennys eyes were watering f

13、rom the choking smoke(呛人的烟) that filled the room5)Jim came round later, crying his eyes out, asking me to forgive him6)I left quickly, not wanting to break down in front of the children.7) There was a lump in my throat(因感动、悲伤而哽咽,喉咙哽住) and I didn t speak because I knew I would cry(8) Itsnogoodturning

14、onthewaterworks.You cantstayhomefromschool.turnonthewaterworks(口语)(撒娇)哭出来,(故意)哭起来9)lookedupatJodythroughred-rimmedeyes(眼眶红了的眼睛)10) Doraliftedthelid,tearsbeginningtoblurher vision(眼泪模糊她的双眼)4.动“手”,手部运动claponeshands拍手putoneshandson找到holdsth.tightinoneshand手里紧紧拽着diveintoonespocket手伸进口袋slapsb.ontheback拍某

15、人的背signal/wavesb.tobequiet示意某人安静beononeshandsandknees四肢着地hugsb.tightly紧紧抱住某人fumblefor(到处、手忙脚乱)摸索followhispointingfinger顺着他指着的方向看过去1)Hepattedmyhead,andinquired “Isthereanything particularyouwant?”2)Hewassqueezingmywristsohardthatitached.紧紧地捏着我的手胞,疼得厉害。3)She stroked(抚摸) her fingers through my hair,and

16、 said:“ Of course there is a Santa Clause.”4)He reached into his pocket and withdrew/produced(拿出) a note.5)She didnt say a word, but smiled a watery smile and held my hand tightly6)Wanting to appear agreeable(和蔼可亲的),I bent down, picked up the ball and, eyes half-shut, threw it back as hard as I coul

17、d各种“拥抱”1)Stunned/Shocked, I stood up and gave her an awkward hug/hugged her in an awkward way2)speechless, she smiled radiantly and gathered her son into her arms.说不出话来,她灿烂地笑着,把儿子抱在怀里。3)She came over and threw her arms round her smiling father(双臂抱住微笑的父亲)各种“鼓掌”1)the whole class burst out clapping and

18、 cheering./The whole class was filled with thunderous applause.全班爆发出热烈的掌声和欢呼声2)The stadium exploded with yells of disbelief.体育场里爆发出难以置信的欢呼声3)the class clapped warmly as Mr. Lee presented me with the reward.4) A thunderous applause burst out.5) Peoplebrokeintoastormofapplause.6)Mr.Smithmadeamainspeec

19、handreceivednearly30roundsofwarmapplause.7) Theannouncementoftheelectionwonaburstof longandwarmapplause.8)Therearewinningwavesofapplause9) Cheersandapplausetookoverthewholeroom10)Theexpertsreallydeserveabigroundofapplause fortheireffortstoconstantlymakeprogressinthe AIfield11)Everyonestartedtoclapth

20、eirhands.SuzyKhan gavethemashysmileandtheapplausewas deafening. 12)Apoliterippleofapplauseaccompaniedthechairwoman assheapproachedthestage. 当女主席走近舞台时,一阵礼貌的掌声伴随着她5. 动“脚”,脚部运动stamponesfeet跺脚jump/bounce/leapupanddown上蹿下跳slipupstairs/shootdownstairs溜到楼上/飞奔下楼sneak/slip/stealinto偷偷溜进stagger/struggle/rise/

21、jumptoones feet站起来kneeldown跪下Ahotpainshotthroughmyleg一阵剧痛急速穿过我的腿。各种站1)they all just stood there staring at me, motionless(不动地)2 She planted her feet firmly in front of me.她坚定地站在我面前。3) For a moment I just stood there, paralyzed(果若木鸡)4)I stood rooted to the ground, my mind going blank.我站在那里一动不动,脑子一片空白

22、各种“走”:1) (With a sinking heart, )He/he dragged his heavy legs back home, tired out2)He stepped onto the stage nervously, not daring to look at the audience.3)He stole into/slipped away the classroom from the back door with no one noticing him.4) Disappointed and frustrated, the poor man made his way

23、 back to his family.5)Then Lisa stood up and made her way through the crowd toward me6) The player lost his balance, staggered back and toppled over.这个运动员失去了平衡,向后趔趄摔倒了7)she slipped out of bed and tiptoed to the window.她溜下床,踮起脚尖走向窗户8 One of them approached and asked politely if I would throw the ball

24、 back to him各种“跑”:1)The boy ran about in the house restlessly.那男孩在屋里不安地跑来跑去。2)The minion made a rush for the door and escaped from the scene.小黄人向门冲去,逃离了现场。3)He ran/rushed down the street, trembling with great panic.4)Racing home, Tom burst through the front door5) The elderly man fled away with grea

25、t panic.老人惊恐地逃走了。6) He rushed to the front door, trembling withexcitement6.动“身”,身体运动1)she felt asleep and dreamed of seeing Tom2)They are sitting outside in the cool night on a wooden porch, talking quietly3)The little girl slowly pushes herself on the swing(秋千)4) Suddenly a tall figure dressed in a

26、 dark coat appeared before me.5)Deathspokewithathreateningvoice,and disappeared6)Inaflashmyfriendwas in thecarandgone disappearinginacloudofdust7)Isuddenlyfoundmyselfinalargeroomwherethousandsof candleswereburning.8)OnceIwasonthebus,Icrouchedin蜷缩)aseatandshutmyeyes9)Itossedandturnedinbed.Finally,Idr

27、iftedofftosleep.我在床上辗转反侧,最终迷迷糊糊地睡着了10)Thedogwascurledup(蜷缩)onthefloor ,tremblinginhissleep.Part2大脑动作Group11)Theseeventsconstantlyremindmeofmyfathers absence2)Iimmediatelypicture/imaginehimwalkingthrough thedoor,wearingashiningsmile.3)Atthatverymoment,hewonderedwhetherhe wouldbesentencedtodeathforkil

28、lingpeople4)Hewasdeterminedtotellpeoplethetruth,buthis voicewascarriedawayinthewind5) Realizingthepolicehadarrestedthewrongperson hegatheredthegreatcouragetoexposethereal criminal意识到警察抓错了人,他鼓起勇气揭发了真正的罪犯6) SomehowIgottheideathatitwouldbefuntowakenmyfatherbyshoutingtohisear7)ThenItriedtofigureoutwhatI

29、shoulddonext8)TherewasnothingIcouldaccomplishthere,Iconvinced myself在那里我什么也做不了。我说服我自己。9)Iwillcherishthefondmemoriesfortherestofmy life10)Atthisdarkandhopelessmoment,awonderfulidea cametohim.Itfilledhismindwithagreat bright light.11)Hismindwasahazeoffearandconfusion.由于害怕和困惑,他的脑子一片混沌。12)Thereasonformy

30、visithadobviouslyslippedhis mind.他显然已经忘记了我的来意group21)Afterheknewwhattheproblemwas,hismind begantorace,tryingtothinkofagoodsolution.(飞速运转)2)Whenleftalone,hewould alwaysbehauntedbythat horriblememory.(不好的回忆)素绕心头挥之不去3)Whenhewastakingashower,abrilliantidea suddenlycrossedhismind.(突然闪过他的脑海)4)Anideaflashe

31、dacross(=crossed)hismind./An ideaoccurredto/hit/struckhim./Anideaformedinhis mind5)Myparentswordsechoed(回响)inmyhead.6)Thegoodmemorywascalledupanditlingeredinmy mind.这段美好记忆被回想起来,在我记忆中长存。7)Shetrieddesperatelytorememberwhereshehad seenhimbefore8)Shewasdeepinthoughtandheardlittleofwhatwas beingsaidaroun

32、dher9)Theopportunityhadgoneandhismindscrabbledfor alternatives机会已经失去了,他苦苦思索别的方案。心理描写1.表害怕( frightened):我感到很害怕。(1)I was scared to death with eyes full of horror.被吓得要死,眼睛里充满了恐惧。/ I was struck with horror.我被吓呆了。/ I was choked by fear.我被吓得透不过气来。(2)I felt so scared that my throat tightened and my knees f

33、elt weak.(嗓子发紧,膝盖发软)(3)I froze with terror, too scared to move an inch(吓呆了,不敢动弹)(4)I was seized by a strong sense of horror and my palms were sweating.(我被深深地恐惧感所控制,手心出汗)(5) The horrible scene made my blood run cold and struck fear into my heart.那可怕的场面使我毛骨悚然,使我胆战心惊。(6) That made me feel sick and shiv

34、ery(抖的)All sorts of nightmare pictures came into my mind(7)I shook all over in a cold sweat.我冒冷汗,直哆嗦。(8)A terrible fear took hold of/seized me. /Fear slowly( quickly) crept upon me(爬上我的心头(9) I didn t have the nerve(没有胆量) to move an inch and I was shaking like I had rubber bones(软骨头)(10)My face turne

35、d pale and I stood there tongue tied(舌头打结).(11)A flood of fear welled up in me. /Fear flooded over me一阵恐惧涌上我的心头。(12)The horrible scene just made my hair stand on end(令我头发倒立)(13)I was sick with fear, but the thought of the consequences urged me on.我吓得要死,但一想到后果,我就只有往前2.表兴奋( thrilled)她兴奋极了。(1)She felt

36、thrilled. /She was wild with excitement=delight). /She was pleased beyond description.|She shed tears of joy.她高兴得流下了眼泪。/She was overflowing with happiness. -She was glowing with pride.她洋溢着幸福(自豪)。/ Joy welled up inside her.她心中酒起喜悦。/ She was floating on air.她漂浮在空中(2) She couldn t contain(控制)her excite

37、ment and danced/jumped for joy(3)She was in cheerful spirits and grinned from ear to ear.她兴高采烈,笑得合不拢嘴。(4)Her eyes twinkled with excitement/pleasure她激动得两眼放光。(5) Her eyes were shining and her heart was thundering with excitement.(心激动得砰砰跳)(6) Her eyes were sparkling like diamonds at the good news.听到这个好

38、消息,她的眼睛像钻石一样闪闪发光。/ The smile on her face shone like a diamond at the good news.(7) A big smile spread across her face.她脸上绽开了灿烂的笑容。(8)A wide excitement took hold of her她兴奋得不能自已。/ A ripple of excitement ran through her.一股激动的涟漪涌向她3.表悲伤(sad)她/他悲伤不已(1)She felt extremely sad and was blurry with tears(被泪水模

39、棚)/ was in tears/ had tears in her eyes,|burst into tears/burst out crying.(2) I felt a lump in my throat(喉咙哽咽) as the sorrows went through my mind: my tears gathered and flowed down my face(3) She felt she was floating in an ocean of sadness(4)Her heart ached, tears streaming down her cheeks.(心痛;眼泪

40、直流)(5)She was numb with grief and had trouble speaking.她悲伤到失去知觉,不能开口说话。(6)She felt seized by a burst of sadness and couldnt help crying bitterly.她被一股悲伤之感控制,忍不住哭泣。(7) She suddenly choked with sobs(泣不成声),her tears gushing from her eyes.她突然泣不成声,眼泪夺眶而出。(8)He stood silently, tears rolling down his cheeks

41、(9) He tried to contain his grief(克制悲伤)but everyone around him could sense it.(10)She bit the lower lip to stop it from trembling and then tears filled her eyes and started running down her wrinkled face.她咬了咬下唇,以防止它抖,然后眼泪充满了她的眼睛,开始从她布满皱纹的脸上流下来(11)He buried his head in his hands and tried to block ou

42、t the sadness erupting inside him他把头埋在双手里,试图挡住自己内心爆发的悲伤。(12)She felt a wild grief building inside her-taking her over-until she could only break down in an agony of weeping.她感到内心有一种强烈的悲痛,逐渐控制她,直到她在哭泣的痛苦中崩溃(13) Her hands were shaking and she was on the verge of tears(她快要哭了)(14)Hearing the news, so de

43、sperate was he that he drowned his sadness in wine4.表开心( happy)他开心极了。(1)He was happy/delighted/full of joy/all smiles.It seemed as if the baby were on top of the world(非常开心)(2)His face beamed and his bright smile lit up the room.(眉开眼笑;笑容照亮房间)(3) His eyes danced with joy and sweetness.(欢欣雀跃)(4) His f

44、ace lit up with pleasure.面露喜色。(5)A sense of joy and happiness suddenly went through him5,表羞愧(ashamed)她感到非常差愧(I)She felt so ashamed that she could feel her face burning,(脸上滚烫)(2)So ashamed was she that she could feel the blood rush to her face.(血液涌上脸類)(3)So ashamed did he feel that she was close to t

45、ears,(快哭了)6.表生气( angry)他感到非常生气(1)He was seized by anger that he stormed out of the room, slamming the door furiously behind him.(怒气冲冲地冲出房间;狠狠摔门/ He ran out of the room in a burst of anger(2) Boiling/Fuming with rage. he shook his fist at me.(怒火中烧;挥舞拳头)(3) Filled with fury/Flying into a rage, he was

46、unable to utter a single word(充满愤怒;说不出话)(4) He was breathing fire and fury.他充满着怒火(5) His face clouded with anger.他气得脸色阴沉,(6)All at once a feeling of anger swept through him.(7) His green eyes were shining with irritation/anger, and his voice trembled with anger.(8) He was sweating and burning with r

47、age(满头大行,怒火中烧), He glared at me with burning eyes.(9) Her reply fueled(激起了) Sheldons anger and he erupted like a volcano. /His anger boiled over.她的回答激起了谢尔顿的怒,他像火山一样爆发了。/他勃然大怒7.表绝望( desperate)Tony感到很绝望(1)Tony felt sick with despair and a flash of grief came upon him(2)As the result of an accident, To

48、ny was suddenly thrown into a world of darkness and sank intohopelessness(被投入黑暗之中;陷人绝望)(3) Tony felt left out and was getting desperate with loneliness托尼觉得自己被冷落了,因为孤独而变得绝望。(4) Tony didnt know how to look forward and felt deserted into darkness.8.表紧张( worried/ anxious)Jenny十分紧张。(1)Jenny was worried s

49、ick. Her throat was dry and her face was burning up.(2)Jenny took long breaths and her tongue felt thick and heavy in her mouth珍妮做了深呼吸,舌头感到又厚又沉(3)Jenny was so worried that she had her heart in her mouth.(4)She was so anxious that she was like a cat on hot bricks.(急得像热锅上的蚂蚁)(5)The thought of standing

50、 up in front of everyone made her feel sick Inside.9.表惊呆:Sam惊呆了!(1)Sam was frozen up-He couldnt move(2)Sams mouth was wide open in amazement.(3)His jaw dropped in amazement10.表轻松:他松了一口气(1) He breathed a sigh of relief.他松了一口气。He felt greatly relieved and his joy was immense.他感到如释重负,快乐无限。(2)He began t

51、o calm down and his heart started slow down(3)He could feel the tension released and a warmth spread through his body他能感觉到紧张感的释放,一种温暖的感觉传遍全身(4) His breathing grew slower, as a new calm settled over him他重新获得新的平静,呼吸减慢了。(5) He regained his calmness and could think straight clearly.他恢复了镇静,头脑清醒。环境描写1平静It

52、 begins when a feeling of stillness creeps into my consciousness. Everything has suddenly gone quiet. Birds do not chirp. Leaves do not rustle. Insects do not sing.起初,有一种平静的感觉悄悄袭上我的心头。刹那间,万物都突然寂静无声。鸟儿不在啁啾,树叶不再沙沙作响,昆虫也停止了欢唱。2烦躁The air that has been hot all day becomes heavy. It hangs over the trees,

53、presses the heads of the flowers to the ground, sits on my shoulders. With a vague feeling of uneasiness I move to the window.cloud has piled on cloud ,rearing against blue sky.整日闷热的空气变得格外呆滞,它笼罩着树木,逼得花朵垂向地面,也压得我的肩头沉甸甸的。我怀着隐隐约约的烦躁不安,信步走到窗前,云层重重叠叠,高耸在蓝天之上。3惊恐(1)The sky is overcast, darkened with gloom

54、y clouds.乌云密布;黑云压顶(2)On that dark and stormy night, the waves were crashing and the winds were howling.在那个黑暗的夜晚,海浪肆意拍打,狂风咆哮。(3) The rain came pouring down, the streams rose and the winds blew and beat against the house. 大雨倾盆而下,溪水上张,风吹着拍打着房子 (4)the clouds reveal their darker nature. They impose themselves before the late-afternoon sun, and the day darkens early. Then a gust of wind whips the dust along the road, chill warning of what is to come.云层也露出了阴暗的本来面目。它强行遮住西斜的太阳,使天色早早就黑了下来。接着,劲风骤起,一路卷起尘土飞扬。冷嗖嗖的,预示着即将来临的一切。(5)In spite of myself, I jump at the following crack of thunder. It rat


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