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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全(A)公共英语二级模拟(暂无听力原文,只提供参考318(A)公共英语二级模拟(暂无听力原文,只提供参考318第一部分 听力理解第一节听下面5段话。每段话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Teacher and student.B.Customer and shopkeeper.C.Boss and secretary

2、.答案:C2. Where does the conversation take place?A.At a school.B.At a shop.C.At a bank.答案:C3. When will the speakers meet each other?A.At 10:00.B.At 11:00.C.At 9:00.答案:B4. What does the woman do probably?A.Shes a doctor.B.Shes a teacher.C.Shes a shopkeeper.答案:A5. How often does the man play basketball

3、?A.Once a week.B.Twice a week.C.Twice a month.答案:A第二节听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. What day is it today?A.Tuesday.B.Wednesday.C.Thursday.答案:C2. What happened to the woman yesterday?A.She was kept waiting for a long time at the bus stop.B.She took a taxi but

4、 still was late.C.She was ill and went to see the doctor.答案:B3. How long has the woman been in the doctors?A.For about two hours.B.For about three hours.C.For about four hours.答案:A (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 4. What does the man think of the mistake?A.Its just an ordinary mistake and doesnt matter.B.It co

5、uld make him lose an important business partner.C.It could make him lose a good job.答案:B5. What does the woman advise the man to do?A.Call his guests and explain the problem.B.Ask his guests to come in another day.C.Ask his guests to wait for him in the hall.答案:A6. What can we know about the person

6、who made the mistake?A.He often forgets what the guests say.B.He has been fired because of the mistake.C.He is a green hand in the restaurant.答案:C (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 7. What are the speakers talking about?A.New Years wishes.B.Losing some weight.C.Saving some money.答案:A8. What did the man do last y

7、ear?A.He got a good job.B.He stopped smoking.C.He joined a health club.答案:B9. Who wants to have a nice vacation?A.The man speaker.B.The woman speaker.C.Jeff.答案:C (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 10. What did the man want to do in the morning?A.Eat some noodles.B.Boil some milk.C.Feed his cat.答案:A11. How did the

8、 man hurt his head?A.He fell down from a ladder.B.A can of paint dropped on his head.C.He knocked his head against a window.答案:C12. What did the doctor ask the man to do?A.Keep his head clean.B.Keep his arm dry.C.Rest for two days.答案:B (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 13. How old was John when he won a silver m

9、edal?A.16 years old.B.17 years old.C.19 years old.答案:C14. What can we know about the computer?A.It helped John learn many computer skills.B.It had bad effects on Johns study and sleep.C.It helped John with his lessons.答案:B15. Why was John happy in the end?A.His mother showed him her love and respect

10、 for him.B.His mother helped him control himself.C.He could play computer games late at weekends.答案:A第二部分 英语知识运用第一节 单项填空从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。问题:1. Would you like to go to the park with me? Im afraid I cant go with you. _! A.Lets goB.Please goC.ByeD.Enjoy yourself答案:D问题:2. Would you like to g

11、o to the concert with me, Mary? I have got no interest in it; _, I have lots of work to do. A.otherwiseB.besidesC.howeverD.therefore答案:B问题:3. Put these glasses away before they _. OK, Ill put them in the cupboard. A.have brokenB.are breakingC.will be brokenD.get broken答案:D问题:4. May I take your order

12、 now? _ OK, I will come back in a few minutes. A.No, we need more time.B.Sure, wed love to.C.Yes, here it is.D.Could you bring me the bill?答案:A问题:5. _, this kind of works cant represent Chinese culture, so its not worth publishing.A.For meB.In my opinionC.To my mindD.All of the above答案:D问题:6. _ is w

13、ell known that the area is rich in oil.A.WhatB.ThatC.ItD.This答案:C问题:7. It is from the sun _ we get light and heat, _?A.which; arent weB.where; hasnt itC.in which; doesnt itD.that; isnt it答案:D问题:8. _ there is a tree on either side of the road.A.Every few metresB.Every few metreC.Every a few metresD.E

14、very a few metre答案:A问题:9. I am, just as is sung in a song, a _. I live on my own.A.someoneB.somebodyC.anybodyD.nobody答案:D问题:10. My son failed to be accepted by the firm after the interview. Now that he wasnt well prepared, he might as well A.not tryB.not to have triedC.not have triedD.not to try答案:C

15、问题:11. Research findings show that we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what we _ during the day.A.should have doneB.would have doneC.must have doneD.may have done答案:D问题:12. The road is designed for only motor vehicles, so once _, bicycles are not allowed to go along it.A.opensB.

16、having openedC.openingD.opened答案:D问题:13. She joined a football team last fall and was recently made captain. Never _ shed ever have that much energy. A.I had thoughtB.I would have thoughtC.could I have thoughtD.will I have thought答案:C问题:14. No one _ that to his face.A.dares sayB.dares sayingC.dare s

17、ayD.dare to say答案:C问题:15. The research on the new bird flu virus vaccine is challenging and demanding. Who do you think can do the job? _ my students have a try? A.ShallB.WillC.CouldD.Should答案:A第二节 完型填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 Animals 1 with each other in 2 ways. Some insects suc

18、h as ants 3 smell to tell other ants, Theres food over there. Bees communicate by sight. They 4 a kind of dance to tell other bees the 5 of a supply of flowers. Many mammals(哺乳动物) such as elephants and whales 6 information by 7 . A 8 whale can 9 another whale 1,200 km away! We humans use 10 . Many p

19、eople 11 , Do animals use language, too? Can humans and animals communicate with each other? 12 the 1960s and 1970s, two teachers at the University of Nevada, Beatrix and R. Allen Gardener, 13 American Sign Language (ASL) to young chimpanzees (猩猩). They 14 their first chimpanzee Washoe. 15 age five

20、Washoe knew and used more than 160 signs. With these words, she communicated with 16 . She also 17 herself and other animals. Washoe and 18 chimpanzees often put signs together to 19 a new word. Metal hot 20 a cigarette lighter, for example. 1.A.contactB.contractC.communicateD.connect答案:C2.A.sameB.d


22、sD.behavior答案:B11.A.wonderB.wanderC.wonderfulD.suspect答案:A12.A.OnB.AtC.InD.Both答案:C13.A.learntB.showC.gaveD.taught答案:D14.A.namedB.toldC.askedD.spoke答案:A15.A.AtB.ByC.TillD.After答案:B16.A.animalsB.chimpanzeesC.humansD.mammals答案:C17.A.signed toB.said toC.talked withD.called答案:A18.A.anotherB.otherC.the o

23、therD.most答案:C19.A.formB.inventC.makeD.discover答案:C20.A.wasB.isC.wereD.are答案:A第三部分 阅读理解阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。A Sugar is so much a part of our modem life that we only really think about it when, for some reason, we cannot obtain it. It has been known to man for at least 3,000 ye

24、ars, but it has come into common use only in modern times. Until quite recently it was considered as a medicine and as a luxury for the very rich only. Sugar is, then, very important to our civilization. But what exactly is it? Of course, most of us recognize sugar immediately as the sweet material

25、which we put in coffee or cakes. This common form of sugar is derived from two plants: the sugarcane ( a type of grass which grows to a height of twenty feet) and the sugar beet ( which grows underground). But there are in fact many types of sugar, and the chemist recognizes hundreds of different va

26、rieties, each coming from a different source. About 90% of the sugar is produced as food. Only 10% is used in industry for purposes other than food production. Yet sugar has great possibilities for use as the basis of chemicals. It can even be used for making plastics. In the future these potential

27、uses will certainly be developed more than in the past. There are many reasons why we should increase the production of sugar. Most importantly, it is one of the most highly concentrated of energy foods. Thus sugarcane and sugar beet produce an average of 7,000,000 calories per acre. In this way the

28、y have the advantage over potatoes which give only 4,000,000, while the figure for wheat and beans is 2,000,000 each. So three acres of land growing wheat, beans and potatoes give only slightly more energy than one acre of sugar. 1. The heading of Paragraph 1 may be _.A.What Sugar IsB.Sugar Through

29、the AgesC.The Advantages of SugarD.Present and Future Uses of Sugar答案:B2. The third paragraph emphasizes _.A.about 90% of sugar is used as foodB.only 10% is used in industryC.sugar is used for making plasticD.future uses of sugar答案:D3. How many common forms of sugar are exemplified in this passage?A

30、.One.B.Two.C.One hundred.D.Several hundreds.答案:A4. The main reason why we should increase the production of sugar is _.A.it tastes sweetB.we can save plenty of landC.we can get more foodD.its one of the least highly concentrated of energy foods答案:BB Of many problems in the world today, none is as wi

31、despread, or as old, as crime. Crime has many forms, including crimes against property, person, and government. Crime, in all its forms, penetrates every layer of society and touches every human being. You may never have been robbed, but you suffer the increased cost of store-bought items because of

32、 others shoplifting and you pay higher taxes because of others tax evasion. Perhaps your house is not worth as much today as it was a few years ago because of the increased crime rate in your neighborhood, or maybe your business is not doing as well as it used to because tourism is down due to incre

33、ased terrorism in your part of the world. Whatever you do, wherever you go, you are a victim of crime whether you like it or not, whether you know it or not. Crime, especially violent crime, has risen to a point where many people are afraid to walk alone in their own neighborhoods, afraid to open th

34、eir door after dark. Expert argues whether the number of crimes committed is actually on the rise. This issue is particularly true in eases of family violence, the abuse of husbands, wives or children. Throughout much of history, eases of family violence and neglect often went unreported because of

35、the attitude of society, which considered family matters to be private. 1. Which description about crime is NOT correct, according to the passage?A.It is the most widespread problem.B.It has the most distant origin.C.It has many forms.D.It has very little to do with ordinary people.答案:D2. Tax evasio

36、n in the first paragraph means _.A.not paying due taxesB.imposing taxes on othersC.collecting taxesD.paying overdue taxes答案:A3. According to the author, people became victims of crime _.A.only when they are robbed or kidnappedB.even they are not directly involved in any crimeC.when they witness some

37、 crime scenesD.because they tend to commit certain crime答案:D4. Violent crime nowadays _.A.is most widespreadB.arouses greatest attentionC.is severer than ever beforeD.makes people less self-confident答案:A5. It can be inferred from the passage that _.A.cases of family violence are on the riseB.there h

38、ave been more cases of family violence than those recordedC.cases of family violence are fewer than those of other crimesD.victims of family violence dont report for fear of losing face答案:BC Long hours at the screen can cause aching eyes, blurred vision and headaches, experts say. In fact, eyestrain

39、 surpasses even wrist pain as the top physical complaint among heavy computer users. When peering into the computer screen, the eyes focusing muscle is at constant tension. Like any muscle, it feels sore when overloaded. And when someone spends a lot of time looking at something close, the eye muscl

40、e can get stuck on the near-focus setting and have difficulty relaxing, leaving the person temporarily nearsighted, a condition called accommodative spasm(痉挛) that can last seconds or hours. This is why after looking at a monitor all day, some computer workers complain that their distance vision is

41、blurred when they attempt to drive home. The letters on the screen are not as clearly defined as on a printed page. Take a magnifying glass to your monitor and youll see the letters, each made up of pinpoint sources of light, have no sharp edges. But those liquid crystal display (LCD) monitors, like

42、 those found on laptop computers, are easier on the eyes because they display sharper images. And studies have shown that when people are working on a computer, their rate of blinking goes down by two-thirds, which can result in dry, stinging eyes. This is especially a problem for contact-lenses wea

43、rers. 1. _ used to be the biggest physical problem that computer users had.A.Dry eyesB.Blurred visionC.HeadacheD.Wrist pain答案:B2. LCD monitors are better in terms of eye protecting because _.A.they are more expensiveB.they will not blur the users eyesC.they bring about no eye problemsD.they display

44、letters with sharp edges答案:A3. Which group of people are most likely to get dry, stinging eyes.9A.Drivers.B.Doctors.C.Glasses wearers.D.Contact-lenses wearers.答案:CD Convenient, nutritious, cheap and available year round, carrots are not just for rabbits. But the Easter Bunny would certainly approve

45、of a carrot dish as part of a holiday meal. Because of their natural sweetness, carrots have long been part of the dessert menu as well as the salad bar. In the Middle Ages, carrots were used in sweet cakes and other desserts. They are still used in sweets in the Middle East and Asia, and are often

46、preserved in jams. In California, carrot juice is popular. Carrots were first cultivated in central Asia and the Middle East, and used as a medicine rather than as a vegetable. But carrots werent always orange. In the 10th century, they were white or purple. The Dutch developed orange carrots in the

47、 1600s. Carrots are a great convenience food. Theyre inexpensive and available year round. And even children who wont touch other vegetables eat carrots. Choose carrots with a bright, even color and smooth skin. Avoid limp(萎蔫的) ones, which are past their prime. Pick medium-sized carrots, which are s

48、weeter and more flavorful than small ones, and more tender than larger, more mature carrots. Before storing, cut off any greens, since they can absorb moisture. Avoid storing carrots near apples, which emit a gas that can give carrots a bitter taste. 1. Which is not an advantage of carrots mentioned

49、 in the passage?A.Easy to get.B.Full of nutrients.C.A favorite food for rabbits.D.Sweetness.答案:C2. Carrots were first used to _.A.deal with illnessesB.make sweetsC.absorb moistureD.feed rabbits答案:A3. Carrots were probably _ in the 12th century.A.redB.orangeC.whiteD.green答案:C4. According to the passa

50、ge, carrots _.A.are not used in sweets nowadaysB.are the most nutritious food for childrenC.can be used to cure cancersD.can not be put together with apples答案:DE The Swedes are among the most charming peoples in Europe. And their charm comes from an apparent contradiction in the national character.

51、They are extremely conservative in social relationships; within the family and when meeting friends and business acquaintances, their conduct is governed by strict social patterns. At the same time, they are one of the most intellectually progressive people in the world. They are always open to new

52、ideas. All social occasions in Sweden are regulated by rules and traditions. And these traditions are expressed in a specific ritual(仪式) made up of formal bows, handshakes, and greetings. When a visitor enters a Swedish home, he is invariably received with a Welcome; when he leaves, his host will te

53、ll him You will be welcome again. These charming phrases are an indestructible part of Swedish social life and they give it an old-world flavor of good manners. Equally attractive is the Swedish acceptance of modern technological equipment. A traveler never needs to search for a telephone in Sweden: telephone booths are placed at regular intervals along the main streets and highways. And in church, for example, long benches are fitted with hearing aids for worshippers who may be hard of hearing. Swedish homes are among the best equipped in the world and travelers in Sweden find their journ


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