1、姹借疆鏈鸿繍琛屾苯杞満杩愯 turbine operation 1. 鏈虹粍鐨勫惎鍔? 1. STARTUP OF TURBINE 1.1 姹借疆鏈虹粍鍦笅鍒楁儏鍐垫椂绂佹鍚姩 鑻忎腹鍠鍖楃數绔欐苯鏈鸿祫鏂欒嫃涓瑰杸鍖楃數绔欐苯鏈鸿祫鏂? a锛夊嵄鎬繚瀹夊櫒鍔綔涓嶆甯革紝楂樺帇鑷姩涓绘苯闂佽皟鑺傛苯闂佹娊姹介嗘闂崱娑垨涓嶈兘鍏充弗鏃讹紱 b锛夋苯杞彂鐢垫満缁勮浆鍔儴鍒嗘湁鏄庢樉鐨勬懇鎿锛涙満鍐呮湁鏄庢樉鐨勯噾灞炲銆? c锛夎皟閫熺郴缁熶笉鑳界淮鎸佹苯杞満绌鸿礋鑽疯繍琛岋紝鎴栨満缁勭敥璐熻嵎鍚庝笉鑳界淮鎸佽浆閫熷湪鍗辨繚瀹夊櫒鍔綔杞熶互 涓嬶紱 d锛変富杞存檭鍔肩浉瀵逛簬鍘熷鍊煎浜?.02mm
2、锛堣浆瀛愭俯搴潎鍖鐘舵佸厑璁哥殑鍘熷鏅冨姩鍊间笉澶簬 0.05mm锛? e锛夎緟鍔补娉碉紝椤惰酱绯荤粺鍙婄洏杞缃甯告椂锛? 1.1 Forbidden startup scope of turbine a) When emergency governor acts abnormally, HP automatic main stop valve, governing valve or bleed steam check valve has blockage or can not be closed fully; b) There is obvious friction sound in rot
3、ary part of turbo-generator unit; there is obvious metal collision sound. c)Speed governing system can not maintain no-load operation of turbine, or after unit rejects load, it can not maintain rotary speed below the action speed of emergency governor: d) vibration value of main shaft is 0.02mm bigg
4、er than original value (the original vibration value in even state of rotor temperature is no big than 0.05mm); e)When auxiliary oil pump, jacking oil system and turning gear device are abnormal; ? f锛夋姉鐕冩补鎴栭忓钩娌规补璐笉鍚堟牸锛屾补娓綆浜庢甯革紙娌圭郴缁熷厖婊补鍚庯級锛? ? g锛変繚娓笉瀹屾暣锛? ? h锛変富瑕佷华琛紙濡傝酱鍚戜綅绉伙紝鐩稿鑶儉锛岃浆閫熻鍙婇噸瑕侀噾灞炴俯搴锛屼富 钂告
5、苯鍘嬪姏鍜屾俯搴绛夛級澶辩伒鏃讹紱 ? i锛夋苯缂歌皟鑺傜骇鍖哄煙涓婁笅缂告俯搴秴杩?50鈩冿紱 ? k)姹借疆鏈虹湡绌轰笉鑳戒繚鎸?.067MPa鏃躲? f) EH oil or turbine oil is not qualified, and oil temperature is abnormal (after oil system is full of oil); g) Insulation is not complete; h) Main instruments (such as axial displacement, relative expansion, tachometer a
6、nd important metal thermometer, main steam pressure condenser vacuum meter and thermometer) has failure; i)The upper and the lower casings temperature of turbine governing stage area exceeds 50鈩? j)Vacuum of turbine can not keep at 0.067MPa. 鑻忎腹鍠鍖楃數绔欐苯鏈鸿祫鏂欒嫃涓瑰杸鍖楃數绔欐苯鏈鸿祫鏂? 鑻忎腹鍠鍖楃數绔欐苯鏈鸿祫鏂欒嫃涓瑰杸鍖楃數绔欐苯鏈鸿
7、祫鏂? ? 1.2鍚姩鍓嶇殑鍑嗗宸綔 1.2 Preparation before turbine startup: ? a锛夋鏌补绯荤粺锛屾补绠便佹补绠亾銆佸喎娌瑰櫒涓嶆紡娌癸紝娌圭娌逛綅姝父锛? ? 娌圭鍜屽喎娌瑰櫒鏀炬补闂叧涓紝鍐锋补鍣繘銆佸嚭鍙补闂浜庡紑鍚綅缃紝 ? 浜祦銆佺洿娴佺數鍔鼎婊戞补娉靛叆鍙棬寮鍚紝鍑哄彛闂紑鍚紱 ? b锛夌數鍔富闂搁棬鍙婂叾鏃佽矾闂浜庡叧闂綅缃紱 ? c锛夎嚜鍔富姹介棬銆佽皟閫熸苯闂浜庡叧闂綅缃紱 ? d锛夌閬撳拰姹界几鏈綋鐤忔按闃澶勪簬寮鍚綅缃紱 ? e锛夊悇鎶芥苯绠亾閫嗘闂浜庡叧闂綅缃紱 a) Check whether oil system, oil
8、tank, oil pipes and oil cooler leak, oil level is normal, outlet valve of oil tank and oil cooler closes tightly, inlet and outlet oil valve of oil cooler is in open position, inlet valve and outlet valve of AC and DC electric lube oil pump are open. b) Electric main stop valve and other bypass valv
9、es are in closed position; c) Auto main stop valve and speed governing valve are in closed position; d) Drain valves of pipe and casing proper are in open position; e) Each bleed steam pipe check valve is in closed position; ? f锛夎酱鎵胯繘娌规俯搴笉浣庝簬35鈩冿紱 鑻忎腹鍠鍖楃數绔欐苯鏈鸿祫鏂欒嫃涓瑰杸鍖楃數绔欐苯鏈鸿祫鏂? ? g锛夋姉鐕冩补婧愬悇闃闂姸鎬佹纭紝娌规
10、俯鍗囪嚦 20鈩冧互涓婏紝鎶楃噧娌圭郴缁熷帇鍔涜皟 鑷?4MPa銆? f)Inlet oil temperature of bearing is no less than 35 鈩冿紱 g) Valves of fire-proof oil source are in right state, oil temperature rises above 20鈩? and the fire-proof oil system pressure is adjusted to 14MPa. ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.3閿呯倝鐐圭伀鍓嶇殑鎿嶄綔 a锛夋姇鍏彂鐢垫満鍐峰嵈绯荤粺锛? b锛夊惎鍔帓鐑熻缃紱 c
11、锛夊惎鍔氦娴佹鼎婊戞补娉碉紝浣挎鼎婊戞补绯荤粺寮濮嬪惊鐜紱 d锛夋补寰幆杩涜10min鍚庯紝鍚姩楂樺帇娌规车锛? e锛夋寜椤惰酱瑁呯疆璇存槑涔姇鍏杞磋缃傛鏌悇杞存壙椤惰酱娌瑰帇姝父锛岀劧鍚庢姇鐩樿溅 瑁呯疆锛屾祴閲忓杞存檭鍔害锛屽惧惉鏈虹粍鍐呴儴澹伴煶锛? ? f锛夋补绯荤粺鐨勭粨鏋勫拰鍙傛暟妫鏌繀椤讳弗鏍硷紝鍚垯瑕侀犳垚涓噸浜嬫晠锛? 鑻忎腹鍠鍖楃數绔欐苯鏈鸿祫鏂欒嫃涓瑰杸鍖楃數绔欐苯鏈鸿祫鏂? 1.3 Preparation before boiler ignition: a) b) c) d) e) Put generator cooling system into operation;
12、 Startup smoke venting device; Start up AC lube oil pump to make lube oil system began to circulate; After oil circulation is maintained for 10 minutes, start up HP oil pump; Start up jacking oil pump. Check whether jacking oil pressure of each bearing is normal, and then put turning gear into opera
13、tion, measure shaking degree of main shaft and listen to inner part of unit; f) Strictly check structure and parameters of oil system, or it may cause serious accident; 鑻忎腹鍠鍖楃數绔欐苯鏈鸿祫鏂欒嫃涓瑰杸鍖楃數绔欐苯鏈鸿祫鏂? ? g锛夋鏌繚鎶郴缁熸甯革紱 ? h锛夊惎鍔竴鍙板嚌缁撴按娉碉紝寮鍚啀寰幆闂紱 ? i锛夊惎鍔按鐜湡绌烘车鎶界湡绌猴紱 ? j锛夊喎鍑濆櫒鍘嬪姏鎶借嚦75KPa(a)鏃讹紝閿呯倝鐐圭伀銆? g) Ch
14、eck whether protecting system is normal; h) Startup one condensate pump and open recirculation valve; i)Start up water ring type vacuum pump to vacuate; j)When the pressure in condenser is 75KPa(a), ignite boiler. 1.4閿呯倝鐐圭伀鍚庣殑鎿嶄綔 ? a锛夊惎鍔竴鍙扮粰姘存车锛? ? b锛夊綋涓昏捀姹藉帇鍔涜揪0.98MPa锛屾俯搴揪250鈩冩椂鍚戣酱灏侀佹苯銆傞佹苯鍘嬪姏0.11锝?
15、0.127Mpa.娓害150鈩? 1.4 Preparation after boiler ignition: a) Start up one feed water pump; b) When main steam pressure reaches 0.98MPa, and temperature reaches 250鈩? send steam to gland seal. Steam conveying pressure is 0.11锝?.127Mpa and temperature is 150鈩? 鑻忎腹鍠鍖楃數绔欐苯鏈鸿祫鏂欒嫃涓瑰杸鍖楃數绔欐苯鏈鸿祫鏂? ? 1.5鍐锋佸惎鍔啿杞
16、潯浠? ? a锛変富钂告苯鍘嬪姏0.98MPa锛屼富钂告苯娓害250鈩冿紱 ? b锛夋补娓?0鈩冿紝鍒?5鈩冮棿锛屾鼎婊戞补鍘嬪湪0.098卤0.0196MPa闂达紝璋冭妭娌瑰帇鍦細鎶?鐕冩补涓?4.8 MPa,閫忓钩娌逛负1.96卤0.1MPa闂达紱 ? c锛夊喎鍑濆櫒鍘嬪姏鍦?5-50kPa闂达紱 ? d锛夌洏杞繍琛屾甯革紝杩炵画鐩樿溅鏃堕棿涓嶅皬浜?2h锛? ? e锛夊杞存檭鍔间笉瓒呰繃鍘熷鏅冨姩鍊?0.02mm銆? ?1.5 Rolling conditions for Cold state startup operation of turbine : ? 1) Main steam
17、pressure is 0.98MPa, and main steam temperature is 250 鈩? ? 2) Oil temperature is between 40 and 45 鈩? lubrication oil pressure is between 0.098卤0.0196MPa, governing oil pressure: fire-resistant oil is 14.8 MPa, turbine oil is between 1.96 卤0.1MPa; ? 3) Condenser pressure is between 45-50kPa; ? 4) T
18、urning gear is normal, and continuous turning gear time should not be less than 2 hours; ? 5) vibration value of main shaft should not exceed 0.02mm of the original value. 鑻忎腹鍠鍖楃數绔欐苯鏈鸿祫鏂欒嫃涓瑰杸鍖楃數绔欐苯鏈鸿祫鏂? ?1.6鍐茶浆銆佸崌閫熴佹殩鏈恒佸畾閫?Rolling, speed up, warming-up, constant speed ? 1.6.1鍐茶浆鍓嶆姇鍏富鏈轰繚鎶缃? ? 1.6.2鎶曞
19、叆鎺掓苯缂稿柗姘淬? ? 1.6.3閫氳繃DEH锛屽紑鍚數鍔富闂搁棬銆佽嚜鍔富姹介棬锛岄愭笎寮鍚皟閫熸苯闂紝浠瘡鍒嗛挓100r/min鐨勫崌 閫熺巼鍗囬熷埌500r/min锛屽叾涓綋200r/min鏃跺仠椤惰酱瑁呯疆锛屼綆閫熸殩鏈?min锛岃繘琛屾鏌拰鍚煶锛屼綆 閫熸殩鏈虹粨鏉熷悗锛孌EH浠瘡鍒嗛挓100r/min鐨勫崌閫熺巼鎻愬崌杞熷埌1500r/min锛屼腑閫熸殩鏈虹害20min锛?缁画浠瘡鍒嗛挓100r/min鍗囬熺巼鍗囧埌3000r/min锛屽畾閫熴傞氳繃涓寸晫杞熸椂鍗囬熺巼搴斿湪姣忓垎閽?300r/min锝?00r/min锛堝彲璋冿級锛岄氳繃涓寸晫杞熸椂杞存壙鐩栨尟鍔笉瓒呰繃0.10
20、mm锛堝叏杞寸郴涓悇杞瓙 鍦脊鎬敮鎵夸笅鐨勪复鐣岃浆閫燂細楂樺帇1753r/min浣庡帇1592r/min鍙戠數鏈鸿浆瀛?76r/min锛夈? ? 1.6.1 Put main machine protecting device into operation before rolling. ? 1.6.2 Put exhaust casing spray water into operation. ? 1.6.3 By DEH, open electric main gate, automatic main throttle valve, slowly open speed governing
21、 valve, the speed will rise to 500r/min at the rising rate of 100r/min. When the speed is 200r/min, the head shaft gear shall be stop to warm up at low speed for 5min, then make examination and check if there is any sound. After warming up, the rotating speed of DEH will rise to 1500r/min at the ris
22、ing rate of 100r/min, then warming up at high speed for about 20min, finally, the rotating speed of DEH will rise to 3000r/min at the rising rate of 100r/min, then maintaining this rotating speed. When in critical rotating speed, the rising rate shall be from 300r/min to 600r/min (adjustable), the d
23、egree of vibration of bearing cap shall not be more than 0.10mm (the critical rotating speed of each rotor under elastic support is: 1753r/min at high pressure, 1592r/min at low pressure, the rotating speed of generator rotor is 976r/min). 鑻忎腹鍠鍖楃數绔欐苯鏈鸿祫鏂欒嫃涓瑰杸鍖楃數绔欐苯鏈鸿祫鏂? ? 1.6.4鏈虹粍瀹氶熷悗锛岃繘琛屽叏闈鏌紝纭俊涓鍒囨甯
24、革紝鍙寜璋冭妭淇濆畨绯荤粺璇曢獙瑕佹眰杩涜鍚?鏈夊叧椤圭洰鐨勮瘯楠岋紝璇曢獙鍚堟牸鍚庯紝鏈虹粍鍙苟鍒楀強甯礋鑽枫? ? 2.6.4 After the rotating speed is maintained, complete inspection shall be carried out to ensure the turboset is normal. If necessary, all rated tests according to requirements for testing adjusting and governing system, after passing the t
25、est, the turboset can be connected with electric network and operated with load. ? 1.7骞跺垪涓庡甫璐熻嵎 Connecting with electric network and operating with load ? 1.7.1骞跺叆鐢电綉鍚庯紝淇濇寔閿呯倝姹藉帇涓嶅彉锛岀敤寮澶皟閫熸苯闂鍔犺礋鑽凤紝鐩村埌鍏紑锛屽厛鎺甫 5MW宸彸鐨勫垵濮嬭礋鑽凤紝鐒跺悗閿呯倝鎸夋粦鍙傛暟鍐锋佸惎鍔洸绾匡紙瑙佸浘 1锛夊崌鍘嬪崌娓礋鑽烽殢涔嬪 鍔狅紝鍏蜂綋杩囩濡備笅锛? ? 1.7.1 After connecting
26、 with electric network, maintain the boiler pressure, then increase the load by slowly opening the speed regulating valve until it is completely open. First, operating with initial load of about 5MW, then raise both the pressure and temperature according to the curve of parameters for cold start (se
27、e Figure 1), the load will be increased, the procedure in detail is as follow: ? 0MW鈫?0MW锛? 20min ? 10MW鏆栨満 warming up锛? 40min ? 10MW鈫?0MW锛? 60min ? 40MW鏆栨満 warming up锛? 60min ? 40MW鈫?00MW锛? 80min ? 1.7.2骞跺垪銆佸甫璐熻嵎闃舵涓庡啿鍔佸崌閫熼樁娈典竴鏍烽兘鏄湪 DEH绯荤粺鎺埗涔嬩笅杩涜銆? ? 1.7.2 As the phase of rotating and speeding up, t
28、he phase of connecting with electric network and operating with load is controlled by DEH system. ? 1.8鍗囬熷拰鍔犺礋鑽疯繃绋嬩腑娉剰浜嬮 ? 1.8 Notes during speeding up and operating with load 鑻忎腹鍠鍖楃數绔欐苯鏈鸿祫鏂欒嫃涓瑰杸鍖楃數绔欐苯鏈鸿祫鏂? ? a锛夊湪鍗囬熸垨鍔犺礋鑽疯繃绋嬩腑锛屽鍑虹幇寮傚父鎸姩锛屽簲绋嶉檷杞熸垨鍑忚礋鑽凤紝鎵惧嚭鍘熷洜锛?娑堥櫎鎸姩锛屽苟鍦杞熸垨璐熻嵎涓嬬瀹氳繍琛屼竴娈垫椂闂达紝鍐嶇户缁崌閫熸垨鍔犺礋鑽
29、凤紱 ? a) During speeding up and operating with load, if there is any abnormality, the rotating speed shall be slowed down a little or the operating load shall be decreased slightly to diagnose causes and eliminate undesired vibration, make stably running at this rotating speed and load for a certain
30、period of time, then speeding up or increasing load continuously; ? b)鏈虹粍鍐锋佸惎鍔椂锛屽簲璁板綍濂藉悇鏆栨満杞熷拰璐熻嵎涓嬬殑楂樺帇鍐呯几涓嬪崐璋冭妭绾閲戝睘娓?搴互浣滀负鏈虹粍鍋滄満鍚庡啀娆惎鍔椂鐨勪緷鎹紱 ? b) During cold start of turboset, the rotating speed for each time of warming up and the metal temperature at the lower governing region inside the high pre
31、ssure casing shall be written down, ? c)鍗囬熷拰鍔犺礋鑽疯繃绋嬩腑搴旀帶鍒朵笅鍒椾笂闄愬硷細 鑻忎腹鍠鍖楃數绔欐苯鏈鸿祫鏂欒嫃涓瑰杸鍖楃數绔欐苯鏈鸿祫鏂? ?c) During speeding up and increasing load, the following upper limit values shall be controlled: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 涓昏捀姹芥俯鍗囩巼2.5鈩?min The rising rate of main steam temperature shall not be more than 2.5鈩?
32、min. 涓昏捀姹界绠娓崌鐜?鈩?min The rising rate of temperature at wall of main steam pipe shall not be more than 7鈩?min. 楂樺帇涓绘苯闂佽皟閫熸苯闂榾澹佹俯鍗囩巼5鈩?min The rising rate of temperature at the wall of high pressure main throttle valve and speed regulating throttle valve shall not be more than 5鈩?min. 姹界几鍙婃硶鍏伴噾灞炴俯鍗囩巼
33、2.5鈩?min The rising rate of metal temperature of casing and flange shall not be more than 2.5鈩?min. 涓婁笅缂告俯宸笉澶簬50鈩? The temperature difference between upper and lower casings shall not be more than 50鈩? ? ? ? 娉曞叞宸佸彸娓樊15鈩? ? The temperature difference between the left and right side of flange shall no
34、t be more than 15鈩? ? 娉曞叞涓娿佷笅娓樊20鈩? ? The temperature difference between the up and down side of flange shall not be more than 20鈩? ? 姹界几鍙婃硶鍏板唴銆佸澹?0鈩? ? The temperature difference between the inside and outside of casing and flange shall not be more than 80鈩? ? 姹界几涓庢硶鍏?0鈩? ? The temperature of casin
35、g and flange shall not be more than 80 鈩? ? 澶栫几娉曞叞涓涓庤灪鏍?0鈩? ? The temperature at the middle of flange outside the casing and that of bolt shall not be more than 50鈩? ? 楂樺帇缂哥浉瀵硅啫鑳涓嶅緱瓒呰繃+4.0锝?2mm ? The relative expansion of high pressure casing shall not be more than +4.0锝?2mm浣庡帇缂哥浉瀵硅啫鑳涓嶅緱瓒呰繃+7.0锝?4.0
36、mm銆? ? The relative expansion of low pressure casing shall not be more than +7.0锝?4.0mm 鑻忎腹鍠鍖楃數绔欐苯鏈鸿祫鏂欒嫃涓瑰杸鍖楃數绔欐苯鏈鸿祫鏂? 2.杩愯涓殑缁存姢鍙婃鏌繍琛屼腑鐨勭淮鎶強妫鏌?2. Maintenance and check in operating ? 2.1涓婅堪1.8銆乧锛変腑鐨勬帶鍒跺煎湪杩愯涓兘瑕侀伒瀹堬紝浠笅杩樻湁涓浜涜繍琛屼腑鎺埗鎸囨爣銆? 鑻忎腹鍠鍖楃數绔欐苯鏈鸿祫鏂欒嫃涓瑰杸鍖楃數绔欐苯鏈鸿祫鏂? ? 2.1The upper limit values listed
37、in above section 1.8. c锛?shall be followed during running, besides, there are also some parameters listed as follows to be controlled. ? 2.2鏈虹粍鐨勯瀹氬弬鏁版満缁勭殑棰濆畾鍙傛暟 2.2 Nominal parameters of turboset ? 涓昏捀姹藉帇鍔涳細涓昏捀姹藉帇鍔涳細8.83MPa Main steam pressure 锛氾細8.83MPa ? 涓昏捀姹芥俯搴細涓昏捀姹芥俯搴細535鈩冣剝 Main steam temperatu
38、re 锛?35鈩? ? 2.3鍙傛暟鍦笅鍒楁儏鍐典笅浠嶅彲淇濇寔棰濆畾鍔熺巼闀挎湡杩愯鍙傛暟鍦笅鍒楁儏鍐典笅浠嶅彲淇濇寔棰濆畾鍔熺巼闀挎湡杩愯 ? 2.3 The turboset can be running with normal parameters for a long time in case of following situations ? a)鎺掓苯鍘嬪姏0.0079Mpa锛屾柊姹藉帇鍔? 8.34锝?.42 MPa锛屾俯搴?25锝?45鈩冭寖鍥村唴锛屼笖涓?鑰呭彲鍚屾椂鍙樺寲锛? ? a) The exhaust pressure is 0.0079Mpa, the fres
39、h steam pressure is 8.34 锝?.42 MPa, the temperature is 525 锝?45鈩? furthermore, the fresh steam pressure and temperature can be changed simultaneously; ? b)鏂拌捀姹藉弬鏁颁笉浣庝簬棰濆畾鍊硷紝鎺掓苯鍘嬪姏涓嶅浜?0.035MPa銆? ? b) The parameters of fresh steam is not less than nominal parameters, the exhaust pressure is not more t
40、han 0.035MPa. ? 2.4姹借疆鏈哄厑璁哥煭鏈熻繍琛屼箣鏈楂樻柊钂告苯鍙傛暟涓?9.42MPa鍙?45鈩冧絾姝袱鏋侀檺 鍊间笉鑳藉悓鏃跺嚭鐜帮紝涓斿湪浠讳綍涓涓瀬闄愬间笅杩炵画杩愯鏃堕棿涓嶅緱瓒呰繃 30min锛?鍏勾绱杩愯鏃堕棿涓嶅緱瓒呰繃20h銆? ? 2.5涓昏捀姹戒綆浜?12鈩冩椂锛屽簲鍑忚礋鑽疯繍琛岋紝姹芥俯闄嶅埌 502鈩冩椂锛屽皢鐢靛姩涓婚椄 闂墠鐨勭枏姘撮棬鎵撳紑锛岄檷鍒?92鈩冨紑濮嬬枏姘达紝娓害闄嶅埌452鈩冩椂锛岃礋鑽峰噺鍒伴浂 锛屽姹芥俯缁画涓嬮檷鍒?32鈩冧粛涓嶈兘鎭鏃讹紝搴旀墦闂稿仠鏈恒? ? 2.4 The maximum parameters for
41、 short period time of running for turboset is 9.42MPa and 545鈩? however, the two upper limit values can not be maintained at the same time, furthermore, the running time of turboset at each upper limit value shall not be more than 20h. ? 2.5 If the main steam temperature is lower than 512 鈩? the ope
42、rating load shall be decreased. When the steam temperature is down to 502 鈩? open the draining valve installed before the electric main gate. Only the steam temperature is down to 492鈩?can the discharging be carried out. When the temperature is down to 452鈩? the operating load will be reduced to zer
43、o. If the parameters still can not be recovered to normal values even when the steam temperature is reduced to 432 鈩? the gate shall be closed and the turboset shall be stopped. 鑻忎腹鍠鍖楃數绔欐苯鏈鸿祫鏂欒嫃涓瑰杸鍖楃數绔欐苯鏈鸿祫鏂? ? 2.6鏂拌捀姹藉弬鏁板彉鍖栦綆浜庡厑璁稿彉鍖栬寖鍥寸殑浣庨檺鍊兼椂锛屽簲璁炬硶灏藉揩鎭鍒版 甯稿硷紝濡傜煭鏃堕棿涓嶈兘鎭鏃讹紝鍙牴鎹笅鍒楀師鍒欏噺璐熻嵎锛? ? 2.6 When
44、 the parameters of fresh steam are lower than the lower limit value of allowable range, measures shall be taken to try to recover the normal values. If they can not be recovered in short period of time, the operating load shall be reduced according to following guides: ? 鍚勭洃瑙嗘鍘嬪姏涓嶈秴杩囪1涓暟鍊硷紱 鑻忎腹鍠鍖楃數绔
45、欐苯鏈鸿祫鏂欒嫃涓瑰杸鍖楃數绔欐苯鏈鸿祫鏂? ? The pressure at each monitoring phase shall not be more than that listed in table 1; ? 琛? Table 1 鑻忎腹鍠鍖楃數绔欐苯鏈鸿祫鏂欒嫃涓瑰杸鍖楃數绔欐苯鏈鸿祫鏂? 璋冭妭绾? 绾鍙? 鍚嶢fter Number of governin stages g stage 5绾悗 After 5 th stage 11 绾悗 8绾悗 After th After 8 11 th stage stage 14 绾悗 After 14 th stage 16 绾悗
46、 After 16 th stage 19/24 绾?鍚? After 19 th / 24 th stage 鍏佽鏈澶? 鍘嬪姏MPa Allowable maximum pressure/ MPa 7.0 3.65 2.01 1.12 0.52 0.25 0.08 ? b)杞村悜浣嶇鍙婃鎺酱鎵垮洖娌规俯搴笉寰楄秴杩囨甯歌繍琛屾椂鏈澶伐鍐典笅鐨勭浉搴旀暟 鍊硷紱 ? b) The axial displacement and scavenge oil temperature of thrust bearing shall not be more than corresponding valu
47、es in case of normal running at most serious operating situation; ? c)鏈虹粍涓嶅嚭鐜板叾瀹冨紓甯告儏鍐点? ? c) There is no abnormality in turboset. ? 2.7鏈虹粍鍦?0%-100%棰濆畾璐熻嵎(TMCR)涓嬭繍琛屾椂锛屽綋鍐峰嚌鍣帇鍔涘崌楂樺埌 ? 18.6KPa鏃讹紝姹借疆鏈哄簲鍏堝噺璐熻嵎锛屾仮澶嶇湡绌恒傚帇鍔涘崌楂樺埌 20KPa鏃讹紝鍙戝嚭 璀姤淇彿銆傚綋鍘嬪姏缁画鍗囬珮鍒?1KPa鏃讹紝鎵撻椄鍋滄満銆備綆浜?0%(TMCR)棰濆畾 璐熻嵎鏃剁殑鑳屽帇鎺埗璁惧畾鍊艰鈥滆儗
48、鍘嬮檺鍒朵繚鎶洸绾库濄? ? 2.7 When the turboset is running at 80%-100% (TMCR) of rated load, and the condenser pressure rises to 18.6KPa, the operating load shall be first reduced then recovered to vacuum. When the pressure rises to 20KPa, an warning signal will be sent out. If the pressure continues to rise t
49、o 21KPa, the gate shall be closed and the turboset shall be stopped. If the turboset is running at lower than 80%(TMCR) of rated load, the setting values of backing pressure can refer to 鈥?Curve of controlled and protected backing pressure鈥? 鑻忎腹鍠鍖楃數绔欐苯鏈鸿祫鏂欒嫃涓瑰杸鍖楃數绔欐苯鏈鸿祫鏂? ? 2.8鎺掓苯缂告俯搴湪绌鸿礋鑽锋椂涓嶅緱瓒呰繃 1
50、20鈩冿紝婊礋鑽锋椂涓嶅緱瓒呰繃80鈩冦? ? 2.8 The temperature inside the casing in case of no-load shall not be more than 120鈩? and that in case of full load shall not be more than 80 鈩? ? 2.9鏈虹粍鍦?000r/min涓嬭繍琛岋紝鎸姩涓鑸笉瓒呰繃0.05mm锛屽湪涓熸椂涓嶅緱瓒呰繃0.04mm ? 2.9 When the turboset is running at the rotating speed of 3000r/min, the
51、 degree of vibration shall not be more than 0.05mm. When the turboset is running at medium speed, the degree of vibration shall not be more than 0.04mm. ? 2.10鍦?0锝?00%MCR璐熻嵎杩愯鏃讹紝钂告苯鍙傛暟姝父锛屽叧闂富鎶芥苯鍣悗锛屾淳姹借缃殑鐪?绌轰笅闄嶉熷害涓嶈瓒呰繃姣忓垎閽?.27脳103Pa銆? ? 2.10 When the turboset is running at 80 锝?00%MCR load, the param
52、eters of steam shall be normal. If the main steam extractor is closed, the lowering speed of vacuum degree in steam exhaust shall not be more than 0.27 脳103Pa/min. ? 2.11鎺姏鐩樼揣闈犲伐浣滅摝鏃跺畾涓鸿酱鍚戜綅绉荤殑闆朵綅 锛屽綋杞村悜浣嶇杈?0.8mm鏃跺彂鍑烘姤璀俊 鍙凤紝+1.0mm鏃跺仠鏈猴紝-1.0mm鏃舵姤璀紝-1.2mm鏃跺仠鏈恒? ? 2.11 The axial displacement is named z
53、ero position when thrust disc is vey near the working pad. When the axial displacement of thrust disc is up to +0.8mm, a warning signal will be sent out; when that is up to +1.0mm, the turboset will be stopped; when that is -1.0mm, there will be a warning; when that is -1.2mm, the turboset will be s
54、topped. 鑻忎腹鍠鍖楃數绔欐苯鏈鸿祫鏂欒嫃涓瑰杸鍖楃數绔欐苯鏈鸿祫鏂? ? 2.12楂樺帇缂哥浉瀵硅啫鑳杈?3.5mm鎶锛?1.5mm鎶锛涗綆鍘嬬几鐩稿鑶儉杈?+6mm鎶 锛?3.5mm鎶銆? ? 2.12 When the relative expansion of high pressure casing is up to +3.5mm, there will be a warning; when that is -1.5mm, there will be a warning; when the relative expansion of low pressure casing is
55、 up to +6mm, there will be a warning; when that is -3.5mm, there will be a warning. ? 2.13鏈満缁勫湪50Hz鐢电綉鍐呭伐浣滐紝鍏佽棰戠巼鍦?48.5锝?0.5Hz鑼冨洿鍐呮尝鍔? ? 2.13 The turboset shall be connected with the electric network with 50 Hz, the allowable frequency is from 48.5 to 50.5Hz. ? 2.14鍗辨繚瀹夊櫒鐨勫姩浣滆浆閫熷湪3330锝?360r/min锛屽嵄鎬繚
56、瀹夊櫒鍔綔鍚庯紝搴斾繚璇佽嚜鍔?涓绘苯闂佽皟閫熸苯闂侀珮鍘嬬几鎺掓苯閫嗘闂互鍙婂悇娈垫娊姹介嗘闂弗瀵嗗叧闂? ? 2.14 The rotating speed of emergency overspeed governor is 3330 锝?360r/min. After the emergency overspeed governor is started up, the automatic main throttle valve, speed regulating valve, exhaust steam non-return valve on high pressure casing
57、 and non-return valves on each bleed steam section shall be closed tightly. ? 2.15娌圭郴缁熼噰鐢?6姹借疆鏈烘补銆? ? 15 The oil system shall use 46 turbine oil. 鑻忎腹鍠鍖楃數绔欐苯鏈鸿祫鏂欒嫃涓瑰杸鍖楃數绔欐苯鏈鸿祫鏂? ? 2.16璋冭妭绯荤粺姝父娌瑰帇:鎶楃噧娌逛负14.8MPa,閫忓钩娌逛负1.96卤0.1MPa锛屾鼎婊戞补鍘嬩负 0.098卤0.0196MPa锛屽綋娑粦娌瑰帇闄嶄綆鍒?.069MPa鏃讹紝鍚姩浜祦娑粦娌规车锛岄檷鍒?0.059MPa鏃讹紝鍚
58、姩鐩存祦浜嬫晠娌规车锛岄檷鍒? 0.029MPa鏃讹紝鍋滄鐩樿溅銆? ? 2.16 The normal oil pressure of regulating system is: 14.8MPa for fire-resistance oil, 1.96卤0.1MPa for turbine oil, 0.098 卤0.0196MPa for lubrication pressure. When the lubrication pressure is down to 0.069MPa, start up the AC lubrication pump; when the lubricatio
59、n pressure is down to 0.059MPa, start up the DC lubricating pump; when the lubrication pressure is down to 0.029MPa, stop the turning gear . ? 2.17鍐锋补鍣嚭鍙补娓簲淇濇寔鍦?8锝?5鈩冦傝酱鎵垮洖娌规俯搴?5鈩冩椂鎶锛?5鈩冩椂鎵撻椄 鍋滄満銆? ? 2.17 The exit oil temperature of oil cooler shall be maintained between 38 and 45鈩? When the tempera
60、ture of scavenge oil is up to 65 鈩? there will be a warning, when the temperature of scavenge oil is up to 75 鈩? the gate will be closed and the turboset will be stopped. ? 2.18姝父杩愯鏃讹紝娉剰妫鏌皟閫熺郴缁熷悇杩炴帴閮垎锛岀淇棤鏉捐劚鐜拌薄銆? ? 2.18 When the turboset is in normal running, all connections of speed regulating syst
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