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1、(湘少版)六年级英语下册(全册)配套同步练习汇总Unit1 A family outing1、中英结合go shopping骑take a walk看电影watch a movie购物do things together散步ride赏花look at the flowers家庭出游family outing2、我会翻译下列句子在一起做事情 今天我们将要去哪里? _ 我们今天将要去做什么? 我们将玩的很开心。_ 我们去购物好吗?_3、我会默写下列短语看电影 购物赏花吃晚饭 散步家庭出游We4、我会填,(填上完整的将来时结构:主语+be+going to/ will)o(ride) bike in

2、 the park. I(play) foot ball this afternoon. He (watch) a movie this weekend.I (climb) up a hill this weekendUnit 1 A family outing一、选择正确的选项,将单词补充完整。()1.tother (在一起)A.egB. geCee()2.ting (郊游)A.faB.woc.OU()3.re (骑)A. idB. adC. od()4.grdparent (祖父/母)A.eaB. anC.ar()5.fily(家庭)A.amBanc.ma二、给下列短语选择正确的翻译。()

3、1. go shoppingA.骑自行车()2. have a good time B.玩的开心()3. ride abicycleC.看花()4. familyoutingD.看电影()5. have awalkE.去购物()6. look at the flowers F.散步()7. watch a movie G.家庭郊游三、单项选择。()1. My family often goes to the beachSundays.A. inB. onC. at()2. Sheto go shopping with his parents tomorrow.A. is go B going

4、C is going()3. are we going this weekend?We? re going to the zoo.A. Where B. What C. How()4. Myfamily oftena movie togetherA.lookB.watchCwatches()5. Wecan lookthe flowers at the park.A.atB.inC.On()6. . Darninggoing tohis grandparentsA.is lookB. is visitC are; watching()7.Mr Wang likehis familythe be

5、ach for aswim.A. take; toB. bring to C to take; to)8. The children like to playthe beach.A. to B. inC. on()9 My familiesat weekends.A. go to outingB. go on an outingC. go an outinglunch)10. Li Ping wants to go to the restauranthis parents.A. for withB. to forC for; to四、选词填空.ride visit take together

6、enjoy1 WeJ 11 watch a movie.2. Weourselves at the zoo.3. I cana bicycle.4. He s going tohis grandparents.5. Are you going toa walk?五、连词成句。1. today, what, going, are, to, do, you (?)2. family, goes, my, to, library, the (.)3. we 11, walk, with, take, a, grandparents, your()4. we, go, shall, shopping

7、(?)5. can, look, flowers, at, we, the ()六、根据首字母及汉语提示填写单词1. Amy is going to the b(海滩).2. My fandly has a p(野餐)at the park.3. Mrs Liu b(带)food and drinks.(一起)4. Many f(家庭)like to go on an out going at weekends.5. They are happy to have time t七. 根据A栏中的问句从B栏中找答句。A()1. What does your family usually do at

8、 weekends?()2.Where are wegoingtomorrow?()3.What are yougoingto do this Sunday?()4Are we goingto play games?()5.Shall we go to thepark?BA. We are going to the Zhongshan ParkB. OK.C I m going to watch a movie.D. My family usually goes to goes to the beach at weekendsE. Yes, we are八、根据汉语意思补全句子。1. 我喜欢在

9、海里游泳。I likethe sea2. 刘先生一家经常在公园野餐。Mr. Liu s family oftenat the park.3. 我们喜欢一起在公园里做游戏。We like toin the park4. 他们更加爱对方了。They lovemore.Unit 1 A family outing一、词汇1. 在一起3. (外)祖父母5. 起做事7.去购物9. 看花二、句型1. 我们今天要去哪?2. 骑(自行车,马)-4.家庭郊游6. 看电影&散步10. 去郊游2. 我们去公园好吗? 3. 我们要去看望你的爷爷奶奶。4. 我们要在公园做什么?5. 我们可以骑自行车看花。6. 我们会玩

10、的很开心。7. 我们玩的很开心。8. 刘先生喜欢把他的家人带到海边去游泳野餐。9. 他们玩的很开心而且更爱彼此了。三、给下列短语选择正确的翻译。1. go shoppingA.骑自行车2. have a good timeB.玩的开心3.ride a bicycleC.看花4. family outingD看电影)5.have a walkE.去购物)6. look at the flowersF.散步)7. watch a movieG.家庭郊游四. 单项选择。Sundays.)1 My family often goes to the beachA. inB. onC. at)2. She

11、to go shopping with his parents tomorrow.A. is go B. going C is going3.are we going this weekend?We, reA. Where4. My familyA. look5. We canA. atgoing to the zoo.B. What C. HowoftenB.lookB.a movie together.watch C watchestheflowers at the park.inC.on五、连词成句。1.today,what,going,are, to, do,you2.family,g

12、oes,my, to, library, the ()3. we 11, walk, with, take, a, grandparents, your (.)4. we, go, shall, shopping (?)5. can, look, flowers, at, we, the ()Unit 2 Some stories are more interesting一.写出下列动词的过去式形式1.give-一2 go3 see4.drop5. walk6. think7.lose-8. open9. want-10.have一二.给下列短语选择正确的翻译。()1.cross the ri

13、verA.落入水里()2.a piece of meatB.多于,胜过()3.drop into the waterC.肉店()4. walk homeD.步行回家()5.a meat shopE. 一块肉()6. more thanF.过河三.单项选择。():LImy penyesterday.A.loseB. buyc.lost()2. My sister likesbooks very muchA. reading B readsC readA.ItB. ItsC. It sA.A.A.)4.This book isgood B gooder)5. Awalked)6. Weinthan

14、 mine.C. betterkid intoB. droppedthe river justlike readingB. on)7. This book isC. crossedbooksC. fornow (刚才).science.than that one.A.interesting B. good C more interestingA.A.)8.is good forRead B Reading)9. We can learn a lotfromB. onC.us.Readsthe books.C. to)10. There are many magic in this book.A

15、.storyB. storys C. stories四.选择单词并用其适当形式填空。open piece lose dance than1. Li Minghis pencil yesterday.2. I like singing more than3. The dogits mouth and its meat droppedinto is Bunny)3. Look at the cute cat.5. I have twoof me a t.五. 根据汉语意思补全句子。1. 我喜欢读书胜过看电视。I likewatching TV.2. 你的苹果比我的好。Y

16、our apple is.3. 这只狗丢了它的肉。The dog.4. 我的朋友昨天给了我一支钢笔。My frienda penme yesterday.5. 这只狗咼兴的往家走。The dog walked.六. 根据首字母及汉语提示填写单词1. Tim likes eating m(肉).2. He lives with his family h(快乐地).3. Path A is 1(更长)than Path B.4. The dog walked on a piece of w(木头).5. What k(种类)of books does Peter like?七. 用所给单词的适当形

17、式填空。1. Many children like(swim).3. Fairy tales are(interesting) than sciencebooks4. Your cake is(good) than his5. The dog(take) the meat and walked home happily.八. 读短文,做判断(正T or误F)Hello! I m Amy. I m from America I have a sister and a brotherWe all like reading books But we like different kinds of b

18、ooks My brother Eric likes reading interesting storybooks My sister Mary likes reading history books and science books And I like reading fairy tales and comic books Reading books is interesting and good for us. We often go to the library together There are many books in the library and we can read

19、the books we like()1. Eric is from China()2. Amy likes reading comic books()3. Mary likes reading storybooks()4. Eric doesn1 t like reading books()5. Mary is Amy s sisterUnit 2 Some stories are more interesting一.选出不同类的一项()1. A book B. dogC. catD. tiger5.big(比较级)6. give (过去式)()3.A.acrossB.crossC.lose

20、D.carry()4.A.goB.lostc.broughtD.took()5.A.happilyB.interestingC. sadD.terrible二.单项选择()1. The dog swims the riverA. at B. to C across()2. Playing football is than playing tennisA. more interesting B much interestingC. interesting()3. My watch dropped the water.A. on B. intoC toUnit 2 Some stories are

21、 more interesting一、选择合适的选项,补全单词。()1.PicA. e, oB. i, eC. e, e()2.croA. isB. ssC. so()3.opA. doB. drC. rd()4.m _A. eraB. eorC. ore()5.m _tA. eaB. aeC. ei二、按要求完成下列各小题。1. good (比较级) 2. go (过去式)3. many (比较级) 4. thought (原形)7. tall (比较级)8. a piece of (英译汉)三、单项选择。)l.Mr Black likesmore thanA. swimming , run

22、ningB swimming, to run)2.They went to BeijingA.happilyB. happy)3. That piecemeat isthan mine.A. moreB. bet ter)4 This is oneofmy favouriteA. science storyB. science stories)5. Amyherpen yesterday. Sheit.A. drop, loseB. dropped, lost四、阅读短文,选择正确答案。Im Lisa. I m twelve years old I like drawing pictures.

23、I also like listening to music I like singing more than dancing.I think music is interesting I have a brother I m older than him, but he is taller than me. He likes reading books more than singing He can learn a lot from books But he doesn, t like reading science books It s too difficult (困只隹勺) for

24、him. He often goes to the library to borrow books We all love him( )1. Lisa is years oldA. elevenB. twelveC. thirteen()2. Lisa likes more than A. dancing, singingB listening to music, reading booksC singing, dancing()3. Lisa s brother reading books except (除了)science booksA.likesB. doesn t likeC is

25、like()4. Why does Lisa, s brother like reading?A. Because he is oldB. Because he wants to be a scientistC. Because he can learn a lot from books()5. Where does Lisa* s brother often go?A. To the library B To the parkC. To the museum.Unit 3 We should learn to take care of ourselvesPart A-看图选择则正确的翻译。(

26、)()A.C.E.feel happydo exercisekeep our body cleanB. eat healthyD. do taichifood根据汉语意思不补全单词。1.exrci(锻炼)2.P (保持)3.(慢跑)4.1 thy (健康的)5.shId (应该)三.单项选择。1. Fruitandvegetables arefood.A. cleanB. hea 1thC.healthy2. I wanttoA. strongB. be strongC healthy3. You should wash your hands beforeA. eating B. eatsC.

27、 eat4I m twelve years old I canA. take care me B. take care of meC. take care of myself()5. We shouldour body clean every day.A. keepB. wantC. can四选择单词并用其适当形式填空。exercise walkshouldis take care of1. We should2. Lin Tao doeshappyevery morning.3. You should learn toyourself.4. We can jog and take long5

28、. Wewash our face andbody every day.五.连词成句。1. want, be, heaIthy, I , to ()2. should , we , clean, keep, body, our (.)learn, ourselves, to()3. take care of, should, we,4. every, should , do, we, exercise , day ()5. eat, should, heaIthy, we, food ()Part B-.英汉互译.00.1. have a rest2. feel happy3. an 80-y

29、ear-old man二. 单项选择()1.He alwaysA goB. goes4. 看报纸5. 上床睡觉6. 打太极拳to bed before 10:C. wentgirl.()2 Lingling is aA. ten years oldB. ten-years-old C.ten-year-old)3. My sis ter every morning.A. jogB jogs C jogging()4. We wanthealthy and strong.)5. You re 10.A. to be B beC. beingYou should learnA. take care

30、 ofB to take careC.your sei ftake care of三. 根据A栏中的问句从B栏中找答句。A()1. How old is your fat her?()2. What does he have for breakfast?()3. What do you do every morning?()4. Where do you go for your exercise?()5. What do you learn from Mr. Lin?A. I do exercise at the park.B We should do exercise every day.C

31、 He s 40 years oldD. I jog every morningE. He has two pieces of bread and milk四. 根据汉语意思补全句子。1. 我们应该学会照顾自己。We should learn to.2. 下午他通常听音乐。In the afternoon, he usually3. 在晚上,他有时看一两个小时电视。At night, he sometimes watches TV.4. 午餐,他喜欢吃米饭加蔬菜和鱼,he likes riceand fish5. 我们应该长时间散步。We should.Unit 3 We should lea

32、rn to take care of ourselves试试眼力:重组单词。1. h a e t y h 1 2. j g o 3. flee 4 k p e e5. c r a e 6. exrelcse7. h p p y a 8. t a e课后作业一、ChooseA.run B.jog C. swimA.healthyB. take CA.applesB bananasA.keepB. breakfastthe different ones.D. and.sing D. danceC. fruit D careC. dinner D. lunch二、Read and ch

33、oose.1.Weshould learntakecare of ourselves.A.toB. from C. on2.Weshould wash our handseating.A.toB. before C.on3.Weshouldourbody clean.A.keep B. to keepC.find4.Heexercise everyday.A.do B. dose C is三、Write the right form。1. will not (缩写形式)2. like (反义词)3- sun (形容词)4. go(第三人称单数形式)5. heavy (反义词)6. fat (比

34、较级)Unit 3 We should learn to take care of ourselves一、根据汉语意思补全单词。l. ex_ rci_e (锻炼)2. k_ _ p(保持) 3. j_ _ (慢跑)4. h_ _ lthy(健康的)5. sh_ _ Id (应该)6.b_d_(身体)二、单项选择。()1 Fruit and vegetables are foodA.clean B. health C healthy()2. I want to .A. strong B be strong C. healthy()3. You should wash your hands bef

35、oreA. eating B eatsC. eat()4. I, m twelve years old I can A. take care me B. take care of meB. take care of myself (我自己)()5. We should our body clean every day.A. keepB want C can()6. We want healthy and strongA. to be B. beC being()7. You re 10. You should learn yourself.A. take care ofB. to take c

36、areB. to take care of三、选择单词并用其适当形式填空。exercise walks should be take care of1. We should happy.2. Lin Tao does every morning3. You should learn to your sei f.4. We can jog and take long 5. We wash our face and body every day.四、连词成句。1. want, be, heaIthy, I , to ()2. should , we , clean, keep, body, our

37、 ()3. take care of, should, we, learn, ourselves, to()4. every, should , do, we, exercise , day ()5. eat, should, healthy, we, food ()五、英汉互译.1. before eating 2. feel happy 2. wash body 4. 洗脸 5. 走远路 6.健康食品六、根据A栏中的问句从B栏中找答句。A()1. How old is your father?()2. What does he have for breakfast?()3. What do

38、 you do every morning?()4. Where do you go for your exercise?BA. I do exercise at the parkB. He s 40 years oldC. I jog every morningD. He has two pieces of bread and milk七、根据汉语意思补全句子。1. 我们应该学会照顾自己。We should learn to.2. 下午他通常听音乐。In the afternoon, he usuallyUnit 4 Planting trees is good for usPart A一.

39、 选择正确的选项,将单词补充完整。)1. p nt (种植)A. alB eaC. la()2. pl(地方)A. aceB. ecaC. ane()3. bet辻ul (漂亮的)A. eaB. auCae()4.r (空气)A. aeB anC. ai()5. can (干净的)A. IoB. elC. le二.给下列短语选择正确的翻译。()1 Tree Planting DayA.植水果树()2. keep the air cleanB.使我们保持凉爽()3.plant fruit treesC.使这个地方漂亮()4. make the place beautifulD.照顾()5.loo

40、k afterE.保持空气清洁()6. keep us coolF.植树节三.单项选择。()1. Tree Planting Day is12th March.A. onBatC. in()2. The childrenenjoygames.A. playB. playsC playing()3. I shouldmy little sis ter.A take care B. look like C look after()4 Trees can keep the airA cleanB beautifulC. hot()5. Planting treesgood for us.A. amB

41、. isC. are四.选择单词并用其适当形式填空。look afterplantgoodmakewater1.We enjoytrees2.You shouldthe youngtrees every day.3.Can youyourself?4.Trees canthe place beautiful.5.Doing exerciseisforUS五.连词成句。1.keep , trees,us, can, cool(.)2. is, fun, planting, trees ()3. the, should, look, we, young, after , trees ()4. go

42、od, planting, for, is, trees , us ()5. will, plant, more, I, trees (.)Part B听力乐园一. 听音,选出你所听到的单词。()1.A cleanB. coolC. keepD.car()2.A hotB hotterC getD.getting()3.A buildingB. changingC. singingD interesting()4.A plantB. downC becomeD.long()5.A springB. airC freshD.rice二. 听音给下而的句子排序。()1. The Earth is

43、getting hotter and hotter.()2. Why do people cut down trees?()3. People cut down trees to make more roads and buildings.()4. Farmers need the land to grow food()5. Trees can help to make the air cool and fresh.()6. We need to plant more trees三. 根据首字母及汉语提示填写单词1. (植树节)is on 12th March.2. Don t cdown t

44、rees(砍)3. Farmers need 1(土地) to grow rice and vegetables.4. The E(地球)is getting hot ter.5. The Great Wall is a great p(地方)to visit.四. 单项选择()l.We needmore treesA. plant B. to plant C planting()2. Trees can keepcool.A. usB. weC ourin August.)3.The weather is gettingA. more hotB. hoterC. hotter)4. We s

45、hould not cuttrees.A. off B. up()5. There areC. downbooks in our library.A. many and manyB. more and moreC. some and some五. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. There(be) more and more cars now2. The weather is(change).3. You need(go) home now.4. I often help my mother(do) housework.5. (plant) trees is good for us.六. 根据

46、汉语意思补全句子。1.路越来越多了。There areroads.2 地球正在变得越来越热。The Earth is3. 为什么人们砍树?do peopletrees?4. 我们需要每天锻炼身体。Weevery day.5. 我们应该照顾它们。We should.Unit 4 Planting trees is good for us一、找出与众不同的那个选项。()1.A.cool()2.A.drawB.()3.A.growB.()4.A.makeB.()5.A.hotB.二、读一读,连一连。1. enjoy planting trees2. hotter and hotter3. more

47、and more roads4. trees with flowers5. plant more trees6. plant fruit treesB. beautifulC waterplaceC.keepcutC. funflowerC. treefreshc.airA.种果树B.种植更多的树C.有花的树D.越来越热E.喜欢植树F.植树节7. Tree Planting DayG.越来越多的道路三、单项选择。()1. Trees canthe air clean.A. keepB. to keepC.keeping()2.trees is fun.A. PlantB. PlantingC.

48、 Plants()3. They canmake out schoolA. beautysB. beautifullyC.beautiful()4.Doing exercise everydaygood for out body.A.isB. amC. are()5.Tree Planting Day inChina is12th March.A.inB. atC. on()6.Trees cankeepcool.A. weB.usC.our()7. He enjoysflowers.A. plantB.plantingC.to plant()8. I like treesmany greenleaves(树叶).A. withB. inC. intoUnit 5 Our Earth looks like this in spacePart A-选择正确的选项,将单词补充完整。()1. sp(太空)A. aceB. eacC. cae()2. f m(电影)A. alB. liC. il()3. int esting (感情趣的)A. 1ssB. erC.ea()4. Eth (地球)A.alB. l


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