1、中考英语完成句子模拟题1. 今天天气很热, 为什么不把外套脱下来呢?It is very hot today, why not _ _ your coat?2. 我们的英语老师不但英语说得好,法语也说得不错。Our English teacher can speak well _ _ English _ French.3. 广州是一个历史悠久的城市。Guangzhou is a city _ _ _ _.4. 爸爸把太多糖加在奶茶里,以致于一点也不好喝。Dad put _ _ sugar into the milk tea _ it tasted bad.5. 我们应尽力帮助别人。We sho
2、uld _ _ _ to help others.6. 飞机因意外未能按时起飞。The plane didn t _ _ on time because of the accident.7. 树木能阻止风把沙土吹走。Trees can _ the wind _ _ the sand and soil away.8. 老师告诉我们许多野生动物处于危险之中。Ur teacher told us that many animals _ _ _.9. 晚会上我们都玩得很开心。We all _ _ at the party.10. 在新学校,凯特与她的新同学们相处得很好。Kate _ _ _ _ her
3、 new classmates in the new school.11. 汤姆生病了,难怪他看起来那么疲倦。Tom is ill. _ _ he looks so tired.12. 在我看来, 我们不要在这么糟糕的天气去公园_ _ _, we should not go to the park in such terrible weather.13. 如果明天下雨, 我们最好别去参观博物馆。We _ _ _ visit the museum if it _ tomorrow.14. 迈克,记住明天不要再把作业忘在家里。Mike, remember _ _ leave your homewo
4、rk at home again.15. 导游要我们马上上车。The guide asked us to _ _ the bus at once.16. 经过一段时间的学习,他发现英语很有趣。After studying for some time, he _ _ interesting to learn English.17. 是时候去机场了,否则我们要迟到了_ _ _ leave for the airport, or we ll be late.18. 他跑得很快以致我们追不上他。He ran _ fast _ we can t catch up with him.19. 老师一离开教室
5、,学生们就开始讨论了。The students began to discuss _ _ _ the teacher left the classroom.20. 嘲笑残疾人是不礼貌的。It is _ to _ _ the disabled.21. 昨天迈克付了 500 元买了那个 MP4.Mike _500 yuan _ the MP4 yesterday.22. 信不信由你,我外公打篮球很棒。Believe it or not, my grandfather _ _ _ basketball.23. 杰克用一种不同的方式算出了答案。Jack worked out the answer _
6、_ _ _.24. 看,我们的教室多么干净明亮!Look! _ _ and _ our new classroom is!25. 这本书对他来说太难了,他一点都读不懂。This book is _ _ for him to understand.26. 要独自完成这个汽车模型对他来说有点困难。_ is a little difficult _ him to complete the model car by himself.27. 你戴的手表多么漂亮啊!_ _ _ watch you are wearing!28. 没有什么可以阻止我们去帮助那些穷人。Nothing can _ us _ _
7、those poor people.29. 抱歉,我不小心错拿了你的雨伞。Sorry, I took your umbrella _ _.30. 他学习更努力了以便可以赶上他的同学们。He worked harder _ _ he could catch up with his classmates.31. 这个小男孩太矮了,够不上架子上的书。The little boy is _ _ _ reach the books on the shelf.32. 愚人节那天人们都喜欢互相开玩笑。On April Fool s Day, people like _ _ _ each other.33.
8、完成那个项目花了他三天时间。_ _ him three days _ _ the project.34. 对于玛丽来说五点起床是很困难的事情。It is very difficult _ Mary _ get up at 5 o clock.35. 她是个如此可爱的女孩以致大家都喜欢她。She is _ _ lovely girl _ we all like her.36. 送这么多书给我们学校,你真是太友好了。_ is very friendly _ you _give so many books to our school.37. 没有什么可以阻止我们去帮助那些穷人。Nothing can
9、 _ us _ _ those poor people.38. 所有的家庭作业都必须马上交上来。All the homework _ _ _ in at once.39. 汤姆是一个多么不寻常的孩子啊!_ _ _ boy Tom is!40. 我很高兴我爸爸终于戒烟了。I m very glad that my father _ _ _ at last.41. 据说明年这条河上还会建一座桥。It is said that a new bridge _ _ _ over the river next year.42. 直到做完了所有作业她才玩游戏。She _ play games _ she f
10、inished all the homework.43. 医生说杰克还不够健康,还不能回学校学习。The doctor said Jack was not _ _ _ go back to school.44. 当别人遇到麻烦时我们不应该嘲笑他们。We shouldn t _ _ others when they are _ _.45. 这些花必须天天浇水,否则就会枯死。These flowers _ _ _ every day, or they will die.46. 看!那矮个子男孩跑得多快啊!Look! _ _ the short boy is running!47. 你提供的信息真有
11、用啊!非常感谢啊!_ _ _ you gave us! Thank you very much!48. 去年我们学校新建了一座教学楼。A new school building _ _ in our school last year.49. 我每晚花半小时看中央电视台的新闻。_ _ me half an hour _ _ CCTV news every night.50. 我小的时候,父亲对我非常严格。When I was young, my father _ very _ _me.51. 在他七岁时,他病得很厉害。He was ill badly _ _ _ _ seven.52. 这个苹果
12、太高了,你够不着。The apple is _ _ for you _ _.53. 刘老师叫我们不要在图书馆里吵闹。Miss Liu asked us _ _ _ noise in the library.54. 我不敢肯定他是否生病了。I am not sure _ he _ _ or not.55. 如果你早上不吃早餐,你整个上午就会感到累。If you don t have breakfast in the morning, you _ _ tired the whole morning.56. 我不知道这个句子什么意思。I don t know _ _ _ _.57. 我觉得学日语很难
13、。I find _ difficult _ _ Japanese.58. 牛肉和面包都是他喜欢的食物。_ beef _ bread _ his favorite foods.59. 我想知道你明天是否会来。I wonder _ _ will come or not tomorrow.60. 你应该经常和朋友们保持联系。You should _ _ _ _ your friends often.61. 在我看来,这本书很值得一读。In my opinion, this book is _ _.62. 她的笑容给我留下了深刻的印象。Her smile _ a deep _ _ me.63. 你离开
14、课室时别忘了关灯。Don t forget _ _ off the lights when you leave the classroom.64. 昨天老师对我的回答表示很满意。The teacher _ very _ _ my answers yesterday.65. 我正在给妈妈找一件生日礼物。I am _ _ a birthday present for my mother.66. 首先,你必须要按时完成作业。_ _ _, you must finish your homework on time.67. 你多久去一次超市购物?_ _ do you go shopping in the supermarket?68. 我们在回家的路上碰见了一位老朋友。We met an old friend _ _ _ home.69. 看太多电视对你的眼睛有害。Watching too much TV _ _ _ your eyes.70. 我昨晚花了一个小时才完成作业。I _ an hour _ my homework last night.71. 我们应该注意保持健康。We shou
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