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1、希望对您有帮助,谢谢2018 女生英文个性签名导读: 本文是关于 2018 女生英文个性签名的文章,如果觉得 很不错,欢迎点评和分享!1、如果未来不来,现在不在,过去不去。If the future doesnt come, not now, not in the past.2、在原谅与绝望之间游荡,唯一的感觉是伤。The only feeling of wandering between forgiveness and despair is grief.3、黑色的须眉渲染了苍白,漫天霜白亲吻的精准。The black eyebrows are pale and the white kiss

2、is accurate.4、生活坏到一定程度就会好起来的,因为它无法更坏。Life is bad enough to be good because it cant be worse.5、任何不幸,失败与损失,都有可能成为我们有利的因素。Any misfortune, failure and loss can be our favorable factors.6、走自己的路,想说谁说谁去吧。Go your own way and say who you want to say.7、你有你的优雅从容,我有我的与众不同。You have your grace, I have my special.

3、8、一个人至少拥有一个梦想有一个理由去坚强。A person has at least one dream for a reason to be strong.希望对您有帮助,谢谢9、结婚九块。离婚十二块。傻子才离婚呢。那么贵。Get married nine pieces. The divorce is twelve. Only a fool can divorce. So expensive.10、自己脚下的路,需要自己一步一步脚踏实地的走下去。The road under your own feet, you need to step on the ground step by step

4、.11 、恨别人,痛苦的是自己。To hate others is to be miserable.12 、如果这就是爱情,那么请你继续深爱。If this is love, please continue to love deeply.13、曾经的我把你当未来,现在的你把我当过去。I used to be the future for you, and now you are my past.14、听老人说稀里糊涂的爱分分合合最后总能在一起。Listen to the old man say that the mixed love of love is always together.15、

5、那些海誓山盟,你只是随便一说,可我没有随便一听。Those vows, youre just saying, but I dont listen.16 、朝着梦想的方向自信地走下去, 把生活过成你想想的样子。Go on confidently in the direction of your dreams and make your life a reality.17、此时盛夏,彼时深秋,花开花落,亦如空。At this time of summer, in the late autumn, flowers bloom希望对您有帮助,谢谢and fall like empty.18 、离开了沵

6、,就好似深海鱼离开了阳光,没影响。Left you, as if deep sea fish left sunshine, no impact.19、纵使你白发苍苍,依然是我身边那个可以撒娇的女孩。Even though you are gray, I still have the girl who can act.20 、我们还没有学会怎样去爱, 就爱上了那个会爱一辈子的人。We havent learned how to love, weve fallen in love with someone who will love them forever.21、别一厢情愿做过多的事,谁也不会感

7、谢你。Dont do too much, and no one will thank you.22、我没有那么矫情,不是说爱上你,就低到尘埃。I dont have a melodramatic, not to love you, to the dust.23、最怕拼命对我好的人一瞬间抽离,然后再对我冷淡。I am afraid to try my best to get away from me for a moment and then give me the cold shoulder.24、我失去了一个不爱我的人,你失去的是一个深爱你的人。I have lost a man who d

8、oesnt love me. You have lost a man who loves you deeply.25、怎么做伴娘,比做新娘还要紧张。How to be a bridesmaid is more stressful than being a bride.26、笑是最真实的伪装,泪是最自由的释放。希望对您有帮助,谢谢Laughter is the most authentic disguise. Tears are the most liberating release.27、总是不期望,让一不留意就想起那个不知伤悲的你。Always do not expect, let one

9、do not notice and remember that the sad you.28 、拥抱的时候,才会觉得很温暖,抱着你,我觉得很幸福。I feel very happy when I hug you. 29、不要形影不离、要你常常想起。Dont be so inseparable, you often think of it. 30、最深的落寞,源于曾经刻骨铭心的幸福。The deepest loneliness comes from the happiness which was engraved on the heart.31 、以前总是以后,你的虚情假意是真正的爱情。Befo

10、re always, your false love is true love. 32、如果、天长地久是奢望,那、我只要短短的一生。If, for the longest time, I hope, I will have a short life.33 、在人生的牌局中,发牌的是上帝,打牌的却是我们自己。In the game of life, it is god who plays the CARDS, but we ourselves.34、青春,就像受赞美的春天。Youth, like the celebrated spring.35 、人生的两个基本点,糊涂点,潇洒点。希望对您有帮助

11、,谢谢Two basic points of life, be silly, be smart.36 、不爱我,就别感动我。我很傻,会被你感动。If you dont love me, dont touch me. I am stupid and will be moved by you.37 、意料之中是戏,意料之外是计。 Unsurprisingly, the drama is unexpected.38、兄弟难当,一辈子的兄弟情比天还要长!Brother is difficult, the brotherhood of a lifetime is longer than the days

12、!39、你笑得时候,阳光穿过,连发梢都如此迷人。When you laugh, the sun shines through, and even the ends are so charming.40、封锁自己的灵魂,然而钥匙却被你永远的带走了。Close your soul, but the key is taken away forever.41、很多时候,你会发现,伤害的是别人,痛苦的却是自己。A lot of times, you will find that it hurts others, but it hurts you.42、勇敢的迈出第一步,心动不如行动吧!Take the

13、first step.43、不可挽回的东西很多,譬如对一个人的感觉。There are many things that cant be retrieved, such as the feeling of a person.希望对您有帮助,谢谢44、当所有的事情浮出水面,你才知道你只是一个人。When everything comes to the surface, you know youre only one person.45、我何尝不想小鸟依人为你柔情断肠,可你给我太多慌。I dont want the birds to make you feel bad for you, but y

14、ou give me too much panic.46 、不是每个人,都适合和你白头到老。有的人,是拿来成长 的。Not everyone is right for you. Some people grow up. 47、坚强的女孩子是会哭,但绝不会认输。A strong girl will cry, but she will never admit defeat.48 、只是一句话,一个动作,她竟然泪流满面。It was just a word, a movement, and she was in tears.49、表面上和你嘻嘻哈哈的我想你一定不知道我心里有多难过I dont thi

15、nk you know how sad I am.50、我开始慢慢逃避,逃避你对我的好。I began to run away from you and run away from you.51、爱情还模糊的时候我们总有用不完的热情。When love is vague, we always have an inexhaustibility of enthusiasm.52、是我给你伤害爱的理由却又不能接受心那么痛。My reason for hurting you is that I cant accept it.希望对您有帮助,谢谢53、原来人的心是可以装很多人时不时就换一个装来玩玩。It

16、 turns out that a persons heart can be filled with a lot of people who can change a costume every now and then.54 、我不懂我们是否有着各自的命运, 还是只是到处随风飘荡。I dont know if we have our own destiny, or are we just floating around in the wind.55 、人因愚蠢而善良,人因欲望而邪恶。Man is good because of folly, and man is evil because o

17、f desire.56、你的思念如此浓烈,我的情绪却如此纠结。Your thoughts are so strong, but my emotions are so intertwined.57、现在的人,表面都是心连心,实际都在玩脑筋。Now people, on the surface, are all hearts and minds.58、当别人提到你的时候直点头,想起你的时候尽摇头。Nod your head when someone mentions you and shake your head when thinking of you.59、世界上最遥远的距离,就是七夕到了,我

18、们还没在一起。The furthest distance in the world is the seventh day, and we are not together yet.60、请离我远点,看到你我会不舒服。Please stay away from me, I will be uncomfortable to see希望对您有帮助,谢谢you.61、那么多的身不由己,那么多的言不由衷。So many things cannot be said.62 、有一种距离,当越走远后,就再也走不到一起。There is a distance, and when you go farther,

19、you will never get together again.63、如果你不能陪我到最后,就不要半路进入我的生活。If you cant accompany me to the end, dont go into my life half way.64 、别问我爱情的事,我不懂,我只会玩爱情,不会猜爱情。Dont ask me about love, I dont understand, I can only play love, I cant guess love.65、只有深爱的人,才能再爱一次。Only those who love deeply can love again.66

20、 、抱歉我忘了我是谁,谁记得告诉我好么?Im sorry I forgot who I was. Can anyone remember to tell me?67、人生不是被注定好的,谁都有资格创造人生。Life is not meant to be. Everyone is qualified to create life.68 、也许是生活线的太广阔,反而找不到该前几的方向。It may be that the line of life is too broad to find the direction of the previous one.希望对您有帮助,谢谢69、一滴一滴的为你落

21、下的泪水,对于你而言;却一文不值。A drop of tears for you, for you; Its worth nothing. 70、忘记你,从忘记你的喜好开始。Forget about you and start forgetting your preferences.71 、用一生去诠释一句我爱你,不会后悔的。Use your life to paraphrase a I love you, and you wont regret it.72 、我只想要一个温暖的怀抱,哪怕短暂的一秒。I just want a warm embrace, even for a brief se

22、cond.73、心有多软,壳就要有多硬。How soft the heart is, how hard it will be.74、我要和你结婚,只是因为很爱很爱你。I want to marry you, just because I love you so much.75、我用行动让你知道,我在你面前说的不抛弃一直算数。I will let you know that I have kept my word before you.76 、我不喜欢你喝酒,因为我怕你醉了,陪在你身边的人不是 我。I dont like you to drink because Im afraid youre drunk and the people around you


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