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1、Lesson 8教学内容:Tiananmen Square(22-23页)教学目标:语言知识1. 能理解、掌握并会运用词汇:say ,help , worry , sad和句型:This is difficult . Dont worry ! I can help you .2. 在掌握现在进行时的基础上,能够灵活运用。语言技能(1)听懂,会说,认读并书写词汇:say ,help , worry , sad ;(2)认读、理解并运用基本句型:This is difficult . Dont worry ! I can help you .(3)能够根据课文内容进行对话表演。情感态度3. 通过学

2、习英语在情境中描述自己的所见所闻所做,把所学语言与生活实际相结合,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。4. 采取小组活动和评价的形式,加强学生的合作意识。学习策略5. 通过多种阅读方式,培养学生逐渐养成良好的英语阅读习惯;贯穿于课堂教学始终的形成性评价包含了个人评价和小组评价,有利于学生发展调控策略,形成自主学习能力。重点:1.学习单词say , help , worry , sad ,复习现在进行时。2.利用现在进行时,对图片进行描述。难点:正确使用现在进行时。教具(需要的话才写)备课时间: 2018年3月16日教学流程:Step l Class opening (4 minutes)ReviewT:F

3、ind a volunteer , the teacher shows the action words to him / her , he/ she looks at the words and do the actions to all the students . The students guess the words and say out quickly . 设计思路:利用游戏不仅给学生营造了一个轻松愉悦的学习氛围,而且复习了fly a kite , sing , dance , run 等动词及词组,为课堂教学奠定了良好的基础。Guessing game The teacher

4、shows the key words , and the students guess : Where is it ?T : Beijing big famous flag squareS : Think and guess . 设计思路:根据学生在上学期已经学习过有关Tiananmen Square的相关知识,利用猜谜游戏,给出关键词语,使学生轻松愉快的进入课堂学习。Step ll New concepts (35 minutes)The teacher shows the question : What are they doing on Tiananmen Square ?Then a

5、sk the students read the first paragraph and try to answer the question .(利用“小星星”进行自我评价)设计思路:寻读。在学生阅读前给出问题,让学生在朗读的过程中有了一定的目的性和针对性。2. The teacher shows the questions : What are Jenny and Danny doing ? Can Danny fly a kite ? What does Jenny say ? Then ask the students listen to the dialogue and try to

6、 answer the questions . (利用“小星星”进行自我评价)设计思路:带问题听录音,可以培养学生良好的听音习惯,训练学生在听录音的过程中捕捉到有效信息。. Play the audiotape and ask the students to choral read these three sentences : This is difficult ! Dont worry ! I can help you . Then read aloud by themselves . (利用“小星星”进行自我评价)设计思路:新课标明确指出,儿童学习英语的主要特点就是模仿,尽可能多的让学生

7、接触正宗的英语发音,是培养学生形成良好语言素质的关键。听录音模仿录音读句子,然后根据自己对文章的理解和自己的学习能力形成自己独立风格的朗读方式,从而培养学生的语感,为对话表演打好基础。 Pair work : Ask the students to turn to a shoulder partner and read the dialogue . The students can reverse roles and read the dialogue a second time together . Remind them to read with expression . (根据表演者的表

8、现,其他学生给出等级评价,很好5星,较好4星,一般3星。)设计思路:利用对话表演检查学生对课文的理解,创造人人参与的机会,满足学生渴望自己成功的情感需求,并达到理解,运用和发展语言的目的。Read and write . Ask the students read the last paragraph , then fill in the blanks according to the text . (利用“小星星”进行自我评价) (1) Jenny (can / cant) fly her kite very high . (2) Danny (can / cant) fly a kite

9、. (3) He hurts his . ( arm / leg )(4) He is . (happy / sad ) 设计思路:检验学生对课文整体内容的理解和掌握。Step lll Practice Game 1 :Do and tell . The students take turns doing actions to show the class and tell the class about . Divide the class into small groups . Ask one of each group to do the actions , others in this

10、 group then say : He / She is _ing. The students can take turns doing the actions . Game 2 : Look , do and talk . Ask a volunteer to come forward. The teacher shows the verb phrases to the volunteer , the volunteer should act them out . Then ask other students to describe with the structure such as

11、: He/ She is _ing . Game 3. Pair work In one minute, two students in a group try to write out more verb phrases and students names. There will be a winner that speak out the most sentences among the groups. He/ She should act the actions as calling his / her name. 设计思路:利用游戏调节了课堂气氛,缓解了学生的疲劳,进一步巩固练习应用

12、现在进行时。Practice 4 . Group work : Look , talk and write . (1)PPT show two pictures : Picture A and B . Each group can choose one to talk and write . 设计思路:课文第二部分看图讨论并写一写。这部分内容要求对于有的学生来说比较有难度,首先在小组内进行交流,然后在交流的基础上各自进行书面描述。这样,不仅培养了学生团队合作意识。有能力的学生在此环节还可以成为一名“小老师”,使学生真正成为课堂的主人,可以提高课堂学习效率。(2) Competition : E

13、ach group will show their English writing . (根据写作内容和书写格式给出评价:开头大写和末尾标点得一星;正确运用现在进行时一次得2星;书写工整得1星。)设计思路:鼓励学生勇于尝试,尊重学生个性差异,让不同层次的学生从不同角度体验到英语学习成功的喜悦。Practice 5 : Show and talk . Ask the students to show their own pictures and talk about it . (利用“小星星”进行自我评价)设计思路:出示学生的日常活动照片,让学生由课本转到实际生活,利用自己课堂所学来描述自己的活动,提高学生的学习兴趣。 教师评价总结学生交流情况并引导学生进行课下书面描述。 设计思路:了解和评价学生对本节课所学知识进行实际描述的情况,并指导学生进行写作。S


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