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1、KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS所有人都知道这些代表事项:This Sale and Purchase Agreeme nt for AU Metal(Here in after referred to asAgreeme nt ” )is entered into and executed on this day the 16 th January, 2017, by and betweenthefollowing parties:于2017年1月16日下列双方执行此黄金买卖合约书(以下简称为 合约”)SELLER卖方Seller Name 姓名Passport

2、Number护照号码Natio nality 国籍Address 地址Hereinafter referred to as theSELLER ” 以下简称为卖方”BUYER 买方Buyer Compa ny买方公司Represe ntative代表Passport Number护照号码Natio nality 国籍Address 地址Hereinafter referred to as theBUYER ” 以下简称为 买方WHEREAS, the undersigned, Seller, has the authority to sell and deliver this precious

3、 AU Metal and en ter into this Agreeme nt for AU Metal un der the Tran sacti on Code:The Seller also con firms with full pers onal authority and legal resp on sibility that she is ready, willi ng and able to sell the said Gold Bars (AU Metal) and provides her Bank Deposit Accou nt, with banking deta

4、ils attached hereto asAppe ndix A .在此,卖方签署,按本合约交易代码:确认有权可岀售及提供有关黄金条。卖方同时确认有充分的授权及有权力范围及法律责任下,已经准备好愿意及有能力提供本合约书有关之金条给买方,并提供他的银行存款账户的银行坐标如附录A。WHEREAS, The Buyer con firms with full corporate authority and legal resp on sibility, that he is ready, willing and able to buy the said Gold Bars (AU Metal).

5、And Buyer provides proof of fund to con firm that Buyer has sufficie nt funds to purchase and guara ntee for the payme nt of 1MT of AU Metal as a first tranche. And Buyer also provides his Bank Deposit Account, with banking details attached hereto asAppe ndix A.在此,买方确认在公司权力范围具有充分的授权及法律责任下,已经准备好,愿意及有

6、能力购买上述的金条(AU金属)。买方并提供其银行资金证明作为确保该资金足够支付第壹批贰佰(1)公吨金条之交易。买方并提供其银行的详细坐标如附录A。NOW THEREFORE, in con siderati onof the mutualin terestsand cove nan ts,the partieshereby con firm with full pers onal and corporate and legal resp on sibility,un der pen altyofperjury, and uncon diti on ally agree to the follo

7、w ing terms and con diti ons stipulated hereu nder:因此现在,考虑到双方的共同利益及契约,双方特此确认充分的个人和公司的权利,在法律责任根据伪证处罚法律,无条件的同意下列的条款及条文规定如下:Commodity 商品Specificati ons 规格Qua ntity数量Hallmark戳记Purity纯度Price价格Discou nt折扣Con sulta ncy fee顾问费Delivery Locati on : 交货地点First lift第一批Subseque nt lift :随后各批Payme nt付款方式Tran sacti

8、 on Code:Seller s Code:Buyer s Code:1. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 条款及条件AU metal Gold in Bar Form. Less than 5 years.炼制少于伍(5)年的条状黄金。12.5 Kilogram Bar.每条壹拾贰点伍(12.5)公斤金砖。200MT (Two Hun dred Metric Tons) with roll over and exte nsio n.贰佰(200)吨,是可以继续循环并延展。Intern ati onal Acceptable Hallmark.国际上可以接受的戳记。999.5/10

9、00 finen ess.999.5/1000的纯度或是更好。The sec ond fixing London Bulli on Market associati on (LBMA).伦敦黄金市场协会第二次市场挂牌交易价格。Total discou nt 12.00% based on the sec ond fixing of London MetalExchange (LME); net to the Buyer 9.00%.依据伦敦黄金交易市场协会第二天挂牌交易价格,总折扣为12.00%,给买方的净折扣为9.00%。3.00%.3.00%.1.50% for Buyer Interme

10、diaries paid by Buyer s account.1.50% 为买方代表和所有买方的中介由买方的账户上付款。1.50% for Seller s Intermediaries paid by Seller s account.1.50%为卖方代表和所有卖方的中介由卖方的账户上付款。At the Buyersdesig nated warehouse of the locati on in Hong Kong.买方指定在香港的的仓库。One (1) Metric Ton Per day for Five (5) Days.首批安排每天一吨,總共5天5吨。Five (5) Metri

11、c tons per day. Buyer hold a right to request forin creas ing the qua ntity of the AU Metal to be delivered per day, but Buyer need to issue the formal writing information to inform Seller Two (2) days in adva nee.每天伍(5)吨,买方有权要求增加每日运送黄金数量,但买方需要提前两天发岀正式的书面信息通知卖方。By ledger to ledger on a Bank to Bank

12、basis. 以银行对银行转账的方式。2. DOCUMENTATION 文件:The Seller shall authenticate, provide and guarantee that documents and each tranche/lift shall be accompa nied by the follow ing docume nts:卖家必须保证每一批交易所提供的下列文件是真实的:1. Certificate of Assayer for weight and purity;测试金者其重量及纯度报告证明2. Commercial In voice;商业发票;3. Cer

13、tificate of Ownership;所有权证明;4. Certificate of Origin;产地证明;5. Certificate of In sura nee;保险证明;6. Packing List;包装清单;7. Export Permit and all export docume nts;岀口许可证及所有岀口文件;8. Safe Keep ing Receipt from storage/ warehouse in Hong Kong;在香港的存储/仓库黄金保管存单;9. Tax Cleara nee in cludi ng Declarati on that the

14、Product is Free from Lie ns and En cumbra nee. 关税证明及证明金块干净 ,无抵押、无留置。3. PAYMENT 付款Based on the discou nt Rate:依據基本折扣率:Total discou nt 12.00% (Twelve Perce nt) and Net to Buyer 9.00% (Ni ne Perce nt):总折扣为12.00%,给买方的净折扣为9.00% 。1) Buyer pays to Seller 89.5% (Eighty Nine Poi nt Five Perce nt).买方只需付款 89.5

15、 %到卖方账户。2) Seller s payC on sulta ncy fee to Sell er s In termediaries 1.50% (One Poi nt Five Perce nt).卖方须付中介顾问费1.50% 给买方顾问。3) Buy er s paysC on sulta ncy fee to Buyer s In termediaries 1.50% (One Point Five Perce nt).卖方须付中介顾问费1.50% 给卖方顾问。4. PROCEDURES操作流程1. Seller and Buyer sign the agreement for

16、AU Metal by face to face or electronically,theelectro nic sig natures are deemed acceptable to both parties, and excha nge Colorcopiesof passports of Seller and Buyer and their witness.买方和卖方签署合约,面对面或电子签章方式是被双方所认可的合约,以及交换买方及卖方及双方见证人之护照复印件。2. Thereafter Buyer and Seller lodge the sig ned agreeme nts f

17、or AU Metal to their respectivebanks. Buyer issues the confirmation letter to the Seller for setting up the window timefor her Bank officers to comme nee the tran sacti on.随后买卖双方将已签署之合约各自交予其银行。买方发岀确认函予卖方确定开始银行窗口时间以便其银 行官员进行交易。3. On the appointmentday du ring the window time, Seller Bank Officer shal

18、l directlycon tactBuyer sank Officer to ack no wledgeof hav ingreceived the agreeme nt and beready to perform as per transaction Code: . Then :在约定银行窗口的时间内,卖方的银行官员联系买方银行官员确认已收到双方交易代码:之合约书,并准备按此进行交易。然后:4. Buyer s bank officer will con firm the availabilityof cash on deposit in the amou nt of USDTwo Bi

19、lli on for the Proof of fund and guara ntee for purchasi ng 200MT of AU Metal byfaxing the Bank Tear Sheet to Seller s Bank Officer within the windowtime of the samebanking day, and Buyer also n eeds to send the copy of the Bank Tear Sheet by email toSeller as evidenee and together with the Letter o

20、f Authorization asAppendixB for theverification on a bank to bank basis.买方的银行官员确认买方存有足够的现金贰拾(20)亿美元作为资金证明及保証购买贰佰(200)吨黄金,在银行窗口的时间内把银行对账单用传真交给卖方银行官员,同时买方将银行对账单副本用电邮寄给卖方作为凭证,及授权函查询 如附录B以银行对银行的方式查核。5. After positive verification and acceptanee of Buyerby SeltePOFsbank officer,Seller sBank officer will

21、issue an Invitationletter as AppendixD to invite both of Buyer andSeller dslegations toattend a Table Top Meeting (TTM) in Seller s Bank which is HSBC,Hong Kong main office for block ing the fun ds.当卖方银行官员接受买方的资金证明后,卖方银行官员将出具邀请函邀请买卖双方代表到卖方的银行汇丰银行开会以便锁定资金。6. Duri ng the TTM, Buyer will in struct his

22、Bank officer to block the funds in the amou nt of USDTwo (2) Billion as agreed by both parties for guaranteeing to purchase AU Metal from Selleras schedule of delivery asAppendix C . of the agreement as per transaction Code:在开会期间,买方必需指示买方银行官员锁定本合约书交易代码:的资金,经双方同意,锁定的金额是貳拾(20)亿美元,作为卖方依照运送时间表岀货给买方的保证购买

23、保证金。7. After Buyer s funds has been blocked, Seller shall then arrange with their bank to issue aCash Performa nee Bo nd of Bank Draft of two perce nt (2%) of the value of the 200MT ofAU Metal which is in the face value amount of USD One Hundredand Sixty Milliontoguara ntee for deliver ing the AU Me

24、tal to Buyer as schedule of delivery asAppe ndix C随后卖方应与银行安排出具金额等值200吨黄金的百分之二(2%)的银行本票,其票面金额为壹亿陆仟万美元,作为卖方依照运送时间表岀货给买方的保证的现金履约保证金。8. After the Performa neeBond has bee nissued by Seller,the nSeller hands over thePerforma nee Bond to Buyer and Buyer shall the n sig n an ack no wledgeme nt of receipt o

25、fthe said Performa nee Bond.在履约保证金岀具后,卖方亲自将履约保证金交给买方,而买方需签署确认收到履约保证金。9. With in the same day in the meet ing room, Buyer provides a Map of the delivery locati onand also provides the name together with his color copy of passport(orHongKongIDCard) of the authorized pers on who will sig n for ack no w

26、ledgeme nt to receive One Metric ton (1MT) of AU Metal to Seller. Then both parties sign the schedule of delivery and setup the date and time for deliveri ng the first lift ofOne Metric ton (1MT)of AU Metal toBuyer s designated location in Hong Kong. Within the same day, Buyer shall also arrangewith

27、 their ba nk to issue a Ba nk Draft of One Metric ton (1MT)totheSellerforguaranteeing the payment. Seller will hold this Bank Draft (BD) as additional collateral forthe daily delivery & payment of the One Metric ton (1MT).在同一天的会议室里,买方提供送货地址给卖方,同时提供代表买方签收壹黄金(1)吨的名称和他的彩色护照复印件(或者香港身份证)双方签署的运送时间表,并同时设定送

28、货的日期和时间,以便运送壹(1)吨黄金到买方指定在香港地区的地点。在同一天里,买方应与银行安排出具金额黄金壹(1)吨的银行本票交给卖方作为付款保证。卖方将持这银行本票作为附加抵押品每天运送黄金壹(1)吨的付款。10.On the appointment day, Seller delivers One Metric ton (1MT) of AU Metal to Buyer s desig nated locati on. Buyer sig n for ack no wledgeme nt to receive One Metric ton (1MT)ofAU Metal, as soon

29、 as assay ing is completed and the request, Buyer shall make apayme nt by TT to sellermaim office before04:00p.m.(H ong Kong Time)Metric ton (1MT) delivered to Buyer in the morning.在约定的时日,卖方运送壹(1)吨的黄金到买方指定的地点。 成,“检测报告”符合买方的要求,买方应在当天下午assay report ” meets with Buyerss account, which is HSBC, Hong Kon

30、gof the same day for the receipt of One买方签字确认收到黄金壹(1)吨。一旦化验完04:00时(香港时间)之前以TT电汇款方式付款上午所运送黄金壹(1)吨的货款到卖方在香港上海丰银行有限公司银行的账户。11. The procedure of #10 above should be repeated to performfor Five (5) days. After theFifth paymentby TT to seller s accoohtOne Metric ton (1MT) is completed, Seller shallreturn

31、the Bank Draft of One Metric ton (1MT) to Buyer. Then Buyer shall provide the Bank Draft for Five Metric tons (5MT) to Seller immediately for further deliveri ng the AUMetal to Buyer as schedule of delivery asAppe ndix C.Tran sacti on Code:Seller s Code:Buyer s Code:以上第拾(10)条的作业流程必须重复执行5次,至到第5次以TT电汇

32、款方式付款黄金壹(1)吨到卖方的账户上后,卖方将把黄金壹吨付款保证的银行本票退还给买方,然后买方立即将黄金伍 (5)吨的付款保证的银行本票交给卖方,依照运送时间表作进一步的运送黄金。12. On the next ba nking day, Seller delivers Five Metric to ns (5 MT) of AU Metal to Buyer s desig nated locati on. Buyer sig n for ack no wledgeme nt to receive the Five Metric tons (5MT)of AU Metal, as soon

33、 asassaying is completed and theassay report ” meets with Buyersrequest, Buyer shall make payment by TT to seller account which is HSBC, Hong Kong main office before 04:00p.m. (Hong Kong Time) of the same day for the receipt of the FiveMetric tons (5MT) delivered to Buyer in the morning.在下一個銀行工作日,卖方

34、运送黄金伍(5)吨的到买方指定的地点。买方签字确认收到伍(5)的的黄金。一旦化验完成,“检测报告”符合买方的要求,买方应在当天下午04:00时(香港时间)之前以TT电汇款方式付款上午所运送黄金伍 (5)吨的货款到卖方在香港上海丰银行有限公司银行的账户。13. Further deliveries of size and frequency of lifts to be followedaccordingto the Sale andPurchase Agreeme nt after the delivery of the 200MT of AU Metal has bee n complete

35、d as per Tran sacti on Code :往后的交易依照交易代码:.规定的数量200吨完成,可以延展。5. NON-CIRCUMVENT & NON- DISCLOSURE 不踰越,不泄密Seller and Buyer accept and agree to the provisi ons of the in ter nati onalchamber ofcommerce, Paris, Fra nee, for non-circumve nti on and non-disclosure, with regards to all and every one, in clud

36、 ing third party assig nments with full reciprocati on for a period of 5 (Five) years from the last performa nee of delivery.买卖双方以及所有与此合同书有相关联及收取回报的任何一方,同意接受法国巴黎国际商会不踰越、不泄密的条文,从最后一次交运日开始起算期限为五(5)年。6. BANKING COORDINATES银行坐标Seller s Banking Detail and Buyer s Banking Detail are described aAppendix A买

37、卖双方的银行详细坐标在附录A内详述。7. TIME LIMITATION 时效It is understoodthat within Ten (10) banking days after settingup windowtime tocomme nee the tran sacti on betwee n Seller and Buyer in the Procedure Clause No.2Buyeris obliged to provide the proof of fundof USD Two Billio nto Seller. Should Buyer beunable to p

38、rovide the proof of fund during these Ten (10) banking days, this Sale and Purchase Agreement for AU Metal will be automatically rendered null and void, without any written notification.据了解,买方和卖方在黄金买卖合约书的作业流程第2条签订设置窗口时间开始交易后,买方有义务提供资金证明貳拾(20)给卖方,如果买方在这壹拾 (10)天之内无法提供资金证明给卖方,这黄金买卖合约书应自动呈现无效,没有任何书面通知。8

39、. OTHER CONDITIONS 其他条件1. Both parties agreed that only both parties bank officers can commu ni cate with each other except those commu ni cati onsare allowed by both parties. In the eve nt anythird party pers on of eitherparty commu ni cateswith other partys bank officer, thisAgreeme nt shall be au

40、tomatically termi nated.3.4.Seller Bank Officer shall have thes financial documentation. In return, documents and deliver to Seller s of the documents will be verifiedall lie ns and en cumbra nces.双方声明并保证根据风险和伪证处罚法的有关条例 的每一方对本合约的条款都已认真研读和仔细考虑 源的,并且对所有优先权和抵押权是自由和干净的,双方都准备好了 ,愿意和能够履行各自的义务,在此,其中包括黄金和资金

41、是完好的、洁净的、无犯罪来双方同意只有双方的银行官员可以相互沟通,除在本协议中所指明的方式。在发生任何一方的第三者与另一方的银行官员沟通,本协议将自动终止。2. The coord in ati on and the in formati on on the status report betwee n the banks of thetwo parties must be performed by writte n docume nts.有关此交易之进行情况,包括买卖双方银行之协商 ,银行之汇报,需用书面文字的方式进行。During the WindowTime to verify Buye

42、r POF,right to solicit the necessaries relating to Buyerthe Buyer a nd his Bank will provide the solicited Bank via its representative. And the correctness later on.当交易进行需确认买方资金证明(POF)时,卖方银行官员有权要求获取买方之相关财务文件。而买方及其银行将通过其代表提供相关文件,文件内容之真实性容后确定。The two parties exchange valid email address in the specifi

43、ed file are:” Seller tTpakorn_01.twand “ Buyer ”:双方指定文件交换有效的邮箱是:卖方”:tipakorn_01.tw买方”:9. WARRANTY 担保Each party represe nts and warrantsun der risk and pen alty of perjury that therespective parties are ready, willing and able to perform the respective obligations of each party to t

44、his agreeme nt and that the mutual con siderati ons, which in clude the AU10. APPENDIX 附录The followi ng pages have bee n added to and are con sidered by all PARTIES to be an in tegral part of this Agreeme nt:买卖双方及有关人士确认下列附录为本合约书之一部份:APPENDIX A: Ban ki ng Details.银行资料。APPENDIX B: Letter of Authorizat

45、io n.授权查询函APPENDIX C:Compa ny certifies公司证明文件复印件APPENDIX D: Corporate Resolution董事会决议书APPENDIX E: Copy of passports Corporate ChairmanAPPENDIX F: Con firmation Letter for win dow time.董事主席护照复印件。 银行窗口时间确认函。APPENDIX G: Copies of passports of Seller and Seller APPENDIX H: Cop ies of passports of Buyer

46、and Buyer卖方及卖方见证人护照复印件。s w买方及买方见证人护照复印件。*THIS SPACE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK*这空间故意地被留下的空白*Metal and Funds are good, clean, and are of non-criminal origin and are free and clear ofAll sig natories hereto ack no wledge that they have read and each PARTY fully un dersta nds the terms and con diti on

47、s contained in this Agreeme nt and by their in itials and sig natures hereby uncon diti on ally agree to its terms as of the date no ted herei n.,其小签及本文所有签署人及所有参与方确认知悉,亦完全了解本协议书之条款及条件。从本合约所注明之日期全名签署兹以无条件同意本协议书之条款。SIGNATORIES BELOW ARE BOTH PERSONAL AND CORPORATE LIABILITIES.Seller 卖方Name姓名Passport N

48、o.护照号码Sig nature签名Seller s Witness卖方见证人Name姓名Passport No.护照号码Sig nature签名Buyer 买方Name姓名Passport No.护照号码Sig nature签名Buyer s Witness买方见证人Name姓名Passport No.护照号码Sig nature签名Seller s Code:Buyer s Code:APPENDIX A 附录 ASeller s Banking Details 卖方的银行坐标Bank Name银行名称The Hongkong And Shanghai Banking Corporatio

49、n LimitedBank Address银行地址HSBC Main Building 1,Queen s Road, Central, Hong KongAccou nt Name账户姓名Accou nt No.银行账号SWIFT Code银行国际代码HSBCHKHHHKHBa nk Officer银行官员Bank Teleph one电话+852 28221111Seller s Bank officer will provide his direct Bank fax number to Buyer s Bank officer during the Window Time.Bank F

50、ax 传真在银行窗口时间里,卖方的银行官员将会提供他的直线传真号码给买 方的银行官员。Buyer s Banking Details 买方的银行坐标Bank Name银行名称The Hongkong And Shanghai Banking Corporation LimitedBank Address银行地址HSBC Main Building 1,Queen s Road, Central, Hong KongAccou nt Name账户姓名Accou nt No.银行账号SWIFT Code银行国际代码HSBCHKHHHKHBa nk Officer银行官员Bank Teleph on

51、e电话Bank Fax 传真心APPENDIX B 附录 B(Buyer s Letter head)买方抬头Letter of Authorizati on授权书Date 日期 :16 th January, 2017Ref. : Transaction Code交易代码:To 致 :Ms Somrudee BoontanondhaSubject: To verify Bank deposits accou nt No .of The H ongkong And Sha nghaiBanking Corporation Limited核实香港上海汇丰银行有限公司银行账号码.With refe

52、rence to the Sale and Purchase Agreement for AU Metal dated 16th January, 2017 (Ref.Transaction Code: ; Seller s CocAJHK/ -.and Buyer s Code:参照此黄金买卖合约,签订日期2017年1月16日,交易代码:;卖方代码:AUHK/:.和买方代码We, :Limited, representative by Mr holder of PassportNo.as a Buyer of theagreement, herewith authorizes with fu

53、ll legal and corporate responsibility and authority to Ms SomrudeeBoontanondha holder Thailand Passport No. AA1 375058, as a Seller of the agreement, through her bankofficer Mr. Joseph Chan to verify my deposit bank account No .in The Hongkong And ShanghaiBanking Corporation Limited, in the amount e

54、quivalentto USD Two (2) Billion (USD2,000,000,000.00)as the POF for guarantee for Purchasing 200MT of the AU Metal of the agreement as per Transaction Code: . , as per details attached herewith:我們,.有限公司,委任.先生,持有护照号码 .,在此合约中为买方,藉此授权给SomrudeeBoontanondha,持有泰国护照号:AA1 375058 ,在此合约中为卖方,透过她的银行官员陈约瑟先生查核我在香

55、港上海汇丰银行有限公司存款帐户号码 存有资金貳拾(20)亿美元,作为所述之交易代码BUFFALO14 购买黄金贰佰(200)公吨,依据以下之银行坐标:Ba nk Name银行名称The Hongkong And Shanghai Banking Corporation LimitedBank Address银行地址HSBC Main Building 1,Queen s Road, Central, Hong KongAccou nt Name 账户名称Accou nt No.账号SWIFT Code 银行国际代码HSBCHKHHHKHBank Officer银行官员Bank Telepho

56、ne银行电话Bank Fax银行传真That all details for the Verification will be performed and confirmed on a Bank to Bank Basis, as agreed by both parties.依照上面所有的资料是由银行对银行的核实That all concerned parties shall be protected in relying upon this authorization.双方都同意承认保护有关系的这个授权关系人This Letter of Authorization is solely for the purpose of Proof of Fund arrangement for


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