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1、四 、六级写作精华(2003.12)谨以这份简洁资料提供给2003年12月四、六级模考班的同学,希望它能帮助大家在这次考试中的写作部分获得理想的成绩严明( Don )题型分类 (Classification of every essay): 一、第一种题型(对比观点选择题;Essay I):1、 大多为三点提纲,提纲模式一般为:有一些人;还有人;我的看法或观点;2、 少数时候也会出现两点提纲的情况,此时可以补充成三点提纲来写作。二、 第二种题型(社会热点话题;Essay II):1、 应该为三点提纲,但是通常以两点提纲出现的题目居多,所涉及主题为当时社会热点;2、 如果是两点提纲,则补充成三点

2、提纲写作。 3、 通常模式为:现象概述细节(原因、危害、方式等)自我评论三、第三种题型(图标题;Report; Essay III):1、 以图表作为信息来源的写作模式2、 通常模式为:描述图表解释原因自我评论四、第四种题型(书信题; Essay IV): 1、写书信一、对比观点选择题(Essay I): 典型的对比观点选择题的文章模式:Paragraph I : (1)引出将要评论的事物或者是观点; (2) 简明扼要的提出人们在这个问题上的两种不同看法。Paragraph II: (1) 提出一种观点或优点; (2) 本段的支持性分论点; (3) 本段总结(可以省略)。Paragraph I

3、II: (1) 承上启下的过渡句;(2) 提出另一种观点或缺点; (3)本段的支持性分论点 (4)本段总结(可以省略)。Paragraph IV: (1) 平衡两种看法; (2) 给出自己的观点。Example:Nobody can have failed to notice that have become popular in China in recent years. Wherever you go, you will find people playing them, both in public places and in homes. But we have to ask our

4、selves whether the craze is beneficial or harmful。The people who approve of say that they help to . In addition,. Last but not least,However, the opponents of point out that can have negative side-effects. Moreover,Weighing up the arguments of both sides, perhaps the best policy is to regulate in su

5、ch a way as to maximize its advantages. At the same time, should be banned. Furthermore, young people should be advised that is bad for their.第一段(引言段)的写作:1. In recent years, with fast economic growth, have appeared in many families in China. Peoples attitude towards the varies widely. People are div

6、ided on the question as to whether . Different people will have /offer different views/perspectives/answers on . 2. With the increase in the general standard of living, some ordinary Chinese families begin to afford a . Yet, peoples opinions of vary from person to person. varies greatly/widely. publ

7、ic attitude toward it is quite of the contrary. differs sharply.3. has become a hot popular topic among people recently. Opinions vary from person to person.4. The issue of has been widely argued/debated currently5. There is a public debate/discussion/controversy today about the problem of 6. Ever s

8、ince early this century, has become an essential part of our modern life. is the driving force behind the swift progress of industry, agriculture , science and technology. Besides, it ensures that we have comfortable and healthy living conditions. Nobody can deny that the development of our civiliza

9、tion depends on 第二段的写作:1. Most people would agree that there can be no substitute for. They say that . Besides, they assert, 2. There is no doubt that benefit people hugely. 3. Another attraction about is that 4. Moreover, one of the advantages of is that 5. But the most important advantage of is th

10、at6But we must not lose sight of the fact that there are advantages to . More importantly, there can be no substitute for .第三段的写作:1 DespiteIn spite of the advantages, they brings their own disadvantages/problems/negative effects.For all 2Like anything else, they also have their own weakness/limits.3

11、However, they are not without shortcomings/faults.4Yet others speak of the problems have brought. They complain that5However, may also bring with it problems our society had not previously faced.6Despite the increase in efficiency and convenience generated by , the changes they bring could very well

12、 lead to potentially adverse consequences.7. This may be so, but it must be pointed out that also has its drawbacks.第四段的写作:1Unquestionably, the challenge of means we all should consider how we can control them, so that they will not control us.2Whether the private car are a blessing or a curse is a

13、difficult question to answer, yet the desire for the comfort and independence can bring will not be eliminated.3Anyway/Anyhow/In any case, whether the effect is good or bad is a difficult question to answer, one thing is certain: it has changed and will continue to change the way of our entertainmen

14、t, our leisure and our life.4. Given the choice between these two methods of , I prefer . This is because I am the sort of person who finds it difficult to concentrate on . 5. , I feel, is the only one in which most people feel comfortable applying all their energies to the all-important task of acq

15、uiring 6. There is no doubt in my mind that nowadays is a far better way to than 7In my opinion, the advances made in recently have made obsolete.二、 社会热点话题(Essay II): 文 章 结 构 模 式:Paragraph I: (1)引出要评论的事物或观点(general); (2)提出问题(specific)。Paragraph II: (1)作者对该现象或问题的基本看法,即文章的论点句; (2)支持性的细节分论点; (3)本段总结(可以

16、省略)。Paragraph III: (1)总结全文,定下结论(通常为我的对策或看法)。Example:My View on Fake CommoditiesLike most people, I welcome the advent of the market economy. Nevertheless, it must be admitted that, along with the benefits of the market economy, have come problems. In my opinion, the biggest problem is the large numb

17、er of fake and shoddy goods, which are found all over the country and do great harm to society.Fake and shoddy goods are harmful on two levels. Some people think that the quickest way to make profits is by selling poor-quality commodities, and this undermines the nations economy. At the same time, s

18、ome fake and shoddy goods are bad for peoples health. This makes consumers distrust the sellers and the free market in general.In view of the seriousness of this problem, it is essential that laws and regulations be worked out to ban the manufacture and circulation of fake and shoddy goods. At the s

19、ame time, consumers should be educated to identify sub-standard commodities. With proper laws and an alert public, it will only be a matter of time before fake and shoddy goods become things适 用 句 型:首段引出话题:1. Nowadays, has become a problem we have to face. 如今已经成为我们必须面对的问题。2. Nowadays, more and more p

20、eople are concerned about the problem . 现在越来越多的人开始关注的问题。3. Recently, the rise in the phenomenon of has drawn/aroused/captured worldwide attention. 最近现在的日益增多已经引起了全世界的注意。4. Recently, the issue/problem/question of has been brought into focus/brought to public attention/posed among public attention.最近问题

21、已经成为人们关注的焦点。5. In recently years, many cities/nations/people have been faced/troubled with the serious problem of . 在最近几年里,很多城市/国家/人已经面临问题/受到的干扰。6.Nowadays more and more people come to realize/be aware of the importance of . 越来越多的人开始意识到的重要性。7. It is undeniable/There is no denying the fact that has b

22、ecome the utmost concern among people nowadays. 不可否认,已经成为人们最关注的问题。第二段细节论证:(分析原因): convincing given1、Among the most reasons cited by people for, one important offered identified stressed should be emphasized mentioned 在人们所提出的对最重要/有说服力的原因当中,有一点值得强调。 regard sign of see trend result of2、One may view the

23、 increase as a response to think of phenomenon reaction to 这个趋势/增长/现象应当被看成是的一种象征/结果。 increase change mainly results from 3、The failure in largely / success partly arises from due to the fact thatis owing to attributable to several factors 的增长/改变/失败/成功的主要/部分原因是这样的。4、We may blame for, but the causes f

24、or the problem criticize roots phenomenon go far deeper. 我们应当在方面批评,但这个问题的产生是有更深层次的原因的。三、图 表 题(Essay III): 文 章 模 式:Paragraph I:(1)描述图表:趋势描写; (2)描述图表:必要数据支持(细节性)。Paragraph II:(1)提出自己理由和观点; (2)细节性分论点(支持自己观点)。Paragraph III:(1)预测未来和提出解决方法; (2)总结全文和表达作者自己观点。 适 用 句 型:(参见社会热点话题)1. As we can see from the cha

25、rt/graph/table/diagram, 2. As can be shown in the table ,如图所示6. B has the largest percentage/proportion of B在方面占有很大的比重。7. account(s) for/ take(s) up 10%. 占有108.On the top of the list is , which accounts for 60%. 占比重最高的是,占60。9. At the bottom is , which accounts for 10%. 占比重最低的是,占10。10. A is ranked/ra

26、ted first, followed by B at 30% and C at 25%. A占最高比重,紧随其后的是占30的B和占25的C。11. The number of increased/rose suddenly/rapidly/dramatically/substantially/considerably/sharply/steeply from 1900 to 2000.在1900到2000间,的数量有了急剧的增长。12.There was a sudden/rapid/dramatic/substantial/considerable/sharp/steep increase

27、/rise in the number of from 1990 to 2000. 在1990到2000间,的数量有了急剧的增长。13.The number of increased/rose steadily/gradually/slowly/slightly from 1990 to 2000. 在1990到2000间,的数量在持续稳定的增长。14. There was a steady/gradual/slow/slight increase/rise in the number of from1990 to 2000.在1990到2000间,的数量在持续稳定的增长。15. 下降:dec

28、rease/fall/drop; a decrease/drop/reduction/decline in the number of 16. The situation/figures reached/hit a peak/a high at 60% in . The situation/figures peaked at 60% in . 情况(数据)在达到定点,为60。17The situation/figures bottomed out at 20% in . The situation/figures hit a trough at 20% in .情况(数据)在达到最低点,为20

29、。18. A is twice/three/four times what it was in 1990. A is twice/three/four times the amount in 1990. A is twice/three/four times as much/many as in 1990. 与1990相比,A是原来的2(3、4)倍。19The figure was roughly doubled/tripled/quintupled between 1900 and 2000. 从1990到2000间,数字大约是原来的2(3,5)倍。四、书 信 题 ( Essay IV ):

30、 (一)开 头 段:1、告知对方你的身份(假如对方不认识你)Dear Sir/Mr. Prometheus,I was a student at your college, enrolled in Philosophy Department./ I am a at your / I am a at your college, enrolled in the course. / My name is , I am .2、问候收信人(假如他/她是你的朋友)Dear Prometheus,Hello/Hi. How are you? / I hope everything is fine. / Ho

31、w are things going with you? / How are you getting on in/getting along with? 3、解释写信的原因(1)致谢: I deeply appreciate your courtesy and I hope to reciprocate your favor when the opportunity arises. / I am greatly indebted to you for (the double) you have gone to on my behalf. / Thank you for your letter

32、about studying in Canada./ I am writing to you to express my heartfelt gratitude. / I am writing to tell you how grateful I am for. / I would like to thank you most sincerely for. (2)抱怨:I am writing to complain about the poor service at your dining-room./ I am writing to express my dissatisfaction w

33、ith/at / I wish to make a complaint about. / I am writing to draw your attention to. / I am afraid I have got a complaint about. (3) 致歉: I would be grateful if you would be so kind as to provide me with certain essential information regarding the following aspects./ I am writing to you because I am

34、unable to. / I an terribly sorry that. / I would like to express my apologies for not being able to. (4)询问:I would like to obtain/request/seek/inquire about some information about / I am writing to ask if you can do me a favor. / I would like some detailed information on/about(二) 结 尾 段:1、发出请求 (1) Pl

35、ease give this matter your immediate attention. (2)I would very much appreciate it ifas soon as possible. (3)Please render me some valuable advice which is conducive to my final decision.2、提供帮助 (1)I hope these will be helpful, and please feel free to contact me for more information. (2)will be takin

36、g over responsibility for you and if you should need any assistance, she/he will be pleased to help you. 3、再次表示歉意或感激 (1)Thank you for your kind assistance. (2)Please accept my heartfelt thanks and deepest gratitude, now and always. (3)I am sorry that I cannot, and trust that you will understand. (4)

37、In addition, let me apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused.(5)I shall feel obliged by a reply at your earliest convenience.(6)Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused. 4、期盼回信 (1)I look forward to your prompt response.(2)Looking forward to a prompt reply.(3)I expect to hear from

38、 you very soon. (4)I hope to receive your reply shortly. (5)I am already eagerly awaiting your reply to this first letter.CET Band 4.6: It Pays to Be HonestDirections: Write a composition about 120/150 words based on the following outline:1) 当前社会上存在许多不诚实的现象2) 诚实利人利己,做人应该诚实English version:Nowadays, t

39、here is a sharp increase of dishonest phenomena. Some students cheat in exams for higher marks; some corporations issue fake messages in irresponsible advertisements in order to gain profit; and for the same purpose some doctors treat their patients with unnecessary and expensive medicines, sometimes endangering the patients health and even their lives. These behaviors have already aroused growing concern from the pu


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