1、课程编号: 070305 Code: 070305 课程名称:单片机及应用 Name: Principle and Application of Single Chip Microcomputer (SCM) 学时: 44讲授学时, 12实验学时 Hours : 44.00 hrs lecture, 12.00 hrs lab 学分:3 Credit:3.00 课程简介:本课程介绍 MCS-51 单片机的功能结构、工作原理、指令系统、编程 技术、接口技术和实际应用。通过该课程的学习,使学生初步具备简单的单片机 应用系统的设计开发能力。 Brief introduction: This cour
2、se shows the introductions to functional structure, principle, instructions, assemble language programming, interface and application of MCS-51single chip microcomputer. By the study of this course, the students can get the design and development ability of simple SCM application system. 课程编号: 07030
3、6 Code : 070306 课程名称:计算机原理 Name: Principle of Microcomputer 学时: 72讲授学时, 16实验学时 Hours : 72.00 hrs lecture, 16.00 hrs lab 学分:4 Credit:4.00 课程简介:本课程是计算机科学技术专业的一门专业基础课;该课程介绍主流微 机的结构、指令及汇编语言程序设计和常用的接口电路。 Brief introduction: Principle of Microcomputer is a basic course of Computer Science and Technology;
4、The course introduces the structure of the mainstream computer, instructions and assembly language programming and common interface circuit. 课程编号: 070307 Code : 070307 课程名称:接口技术 Name: Microcomputer Interface Technology 学时: 28讲授学时, 12实验学时 Hours : 28.00 hrs lecture, 12.00 hrs lab 学分:2 Credit:2.00 课程简介
5、: 本课程是计算机应用专业的必修课; 该课程介绍微机的总线及接口技 术。通过该课程的学习,使学生能设计较为简单的接口控制线路。 Brief introduction: Microcomputer interface technology is a compulsory course of computer application major. The bus and interface technology are introduced in this course. By the study of this course, the students can obtain the design
6、 ability of some simpler interface control system. 课程编号: 070308 Code : 070308 课程名称:工程制图 Name: Project Drawing 学时: 48讲授学时, 16实验学时 Hours : 48.00 hrs lecture, 16.00 hrs lab 学分: 2.5 Credit:2.50 课程简介:本课程是计算机科学技术专业的一门专业基础课;该课程介绍绘制和 阅读工程图样的基本原理和基本方法。 Brief introduction: Principle of Microcomputer is a basi
7、c course of Computer Science and Technology; The course introduces the basic principles and methods of drawing and reading engineering drawings. 课程编号: 070311 Code : 070311 课程名称:科技英语 Name: Scientific English 学时: 48讲授学时, 0实验学时 Hours : 48.00 hrs lecture, 0.00 hrs lab 学分:3 Credit:3.00 课程简介: 本课程是计算机科学与技术
8、方向的专业课; 该课程是将计算机组织结 构、操作系统、 网络等知识在英语的环境下进行讲解分析, 其教学目标是增加学 生的计算机英语词汇量,提高学生专业方面的英语技能。 Brief introduction: Scientific English is a specialized course of computer science and technology major. In this course, the knowledge is introduced in English, such as principles of computer organization, operating
9、system, computer networks and so on. Teaching aims are to make students learn more English words about computer and enhance the computer English ability of students 课程编号: 070331 Code : 070331 课程名称:信号与系统及其数学基础 Name: Signals and Systems 学时: 64讲授学时, 12实验学时 Hours : 64.00 hrs lecture, 12.00 hrs lab 学分: 3
10、.5 Credit:3.50 课程简介:本课程是电子信息、通信工程等专业的一门专业理论基础课;主要内 容包括:连续系统的时域分析、离散系统的时域分析、连续系统的频域分析、连 续系统的 S 域分析、离散系统的 Z 域分析。 Brief introduction: The course is a professional theory basic course of Electronic information and Communication Engineering etc; it mainly involves: Time domain analysis of continuous syst
11、ems, discrete systems with time-domain analysis, frequency domain analysis of continuous systems, S-domain analysis of continuous systems, Z-domain analysis of discrete systems 课程编号: 070332 Code: 070332 课程名称:数据采集系统 Name: The Data Acquisition System 学时: 36讲授学时, 12实验学时 Hours : 36.00 hrs lecture, 12.00
12、 hrs lab 学分:2 Credit:2.00 课程简介: 本课程是计算机科学与技术、自动化专业的专业课。 内容主要包括数 据采集的基本原理,数据的采集、传输和处理技术 , 以及常用器件的结构、工作 原理、编程方法和电气特性等。 Brief introduction: The data acquisition system is a specialized course of both computer science and technology major and automation major. This course consists of the principle of da
13、ta acquisition; technology of data transfer and processing; the structure, principle and characteristics of electronic devicesetc. 课程编号: 070333 Code : 070333 课程名称: PLC 应用及开发 Name: Application and Development of PLC 学时: 56讲授学时, 16实验学时 Hours : 56.00 hrs lecture, 16.00 hrs lab 学分: 3.0 Credit:3.00 课程简介:
14、本课程是信息与计算科学、自动化等专业的一门专业基础课;主要介 绍 PLC 的软硬件结构和基本工作原理,内容包括: PLC 的接线、存储区分配、 指令系统、 I/O 单元、串行通信、程序设计。 Brief introduction: The course is a professional basic course of Information and Computing Science, Automation etc; The course introduces PLC hardware and software structure and the basic working principl
15、e, it mainly involves :PLC wiring, memory allocation, instruction, I / O modules, serial communications, program design 课程编号: 070334 Code : 070334 课程名称:嵌入式系统开发 Name: Embedded Systems 学时: 20讲授学时, 12实验学时 Hours :20.00 hrs lecture,12.00 hrs lab 学分: 1.5 Credit:1.50 课程简介: 本课程主要学习嵌入式系统设计原理及方法,通过本课程的学习, 使 学
16、生了解嵌入式处理器ARM7勺体系结构及指令系统,掌握嵌入式系统的分析与 设计方法。 Brief introduction: This course mainly introduces the design principle and methods of embedded systems. By the study of this course, the students can understand the architecture and instruction system of ARM7embedded processor, and get the analysis and desig
17、n methods of embedded system. 课程编号: 070402 Code : 070402 课程名称: C 语言程序设计 Name: Programming Language C 学时:96 讲授学时, 32实验学时 Hours : 96.00 hrs lecture, 32.00 hrs lab 学分: 5.0 Credit:5.00 课程简介:本课程是信息与计算科学的一门专业基础课;以研究程序结构和编程 技术为主要目标,内容包括:算法、基本数据类型、简单程序、选择结构、循环 结构、数组、函数、指针、结构体等。 Brief introduction: The cours
18、e is a professional basic course of Information and Computing Science; main objective is to study the program structure and programming technology, it mainly involves :algorithm, the basic data types, simple program, select structure, loop structure, array, function, pointer, structure, etc. 课程编号: 0
19、70403 Code: 070403 课程名称:数据库技术原理及应用 Name: Database Principles and Applications 学时: 24讲授学时, 16实验学时 Hours :24.00 hrs lecture,16.00 hrs lab 学分: 2.5 Credit:2.50 课程简介:本课程内容包括:Oracle数据库的体系结构及其管理方法,SQL语言 与PL/SQL程序的开发方法等。该课程旨在培养学生大型数据库的管理能力和开 发能力。 Brief introduction: This course involves the architecture of
20、Oracle database, its management methods, SQL and PL/SQL programming methods etc. The objective of this course is to educate students to get the large database management and development ability. 课程编号: 070407 Code : 070407 课程名称:操作系统 Name: Operating Systems 学时: 64 讲授学时, 24实验学时 Hours : 64.00 hrs lectur
21、e, 24.00 hrs lab 学分: 4.0 Credit: 4.00 课程简介: 本课程是信息与计算科学的一门专业基础课; 主要介绍操作系统的基 本原理、结构和实现方法,内容包括:作业管理、进程管理、存储管理、文件管 理设备管理、 Linux 操作系统分析。 Brief introduction: The course is a professional basic course of Information and Computing Science; The course introduces the basic principles of operating systems, st
22、ructure and implementation method, it mainly involves : operations management, process management, storage management, document management, equipment management, Linux operating system analysis. 课程编号: 070408 Code : 070408 课程名称: VB 程序设计与通讯 Name: Visual Basic Program Design 学时: 32讲授学时, 16实验学时 Hours :3
23、2.00 hrs lecture,16.00 hrs lab 学分: 2.5 Credit:2.50 课程简介:本课程是计算机科学与技术专业的一门专业选修课。主要介绍VB语 法及基本结构、可视化编程和面向对象的概念。通过本课程的学习, 使学生具备 用 VB 语言进行应用系统开发的初步能力。 Brief introduction: Visual basic program design is a specialized selected course of computer science and technology major. This course introduces the foll
24、owing knowledge: the syntax and structure of VB programming, the concepts of visual programming and object-oriented programming and so on. The students can obtain the basic ability of application system development using VB programming by the study of this course. 课程编号: 070419 Code : 070419 课程名称:数据库
25、原理 Name: Principles of Database 学时: 64讲授学时, 20实验学时 Hours : 64.00 hrs lecture, 20.00 hrs lab 学分: 3.5 Credit : 3.50 课程简介: 本课程是信息与计算科学的一门专业基础课; 主要介绍数据库的应用 和数据库系统的构成,内容包括:关系数据库、标准语言 SQL、关系数据库设 计理论、数据库保护、数据库设计。 Brief introduction: The course is a professional basic course of Information and Computing Sci
26、ence; The course introduces database applications and constitutio,n it mainly involves : relational databases,the standard language of SQL, relational database design theory, database protection, database design. 课程编号: 070421 Code : 070421 课程名称:计算机导论 Name: Introduction to Computers 学时: 64讲授学时, 0实验学时
27、 Hours :64.00 hrs lecture,0.00 hrs lab 学分: 2.5 Credit:2.50 课程简介: 本课程是计算机科学与技术专业的专业基础课, 为后续专业课程的学 习建立基础。 主要内容包括计算机系统的基础知识、 计算机的硬件和软件系统以 及计算机的应用。 Brief introduction: Introduction to computers is a specialized basic course of computer science and technology major. It provides the necessarybasic compute
28、r knowledge for subsequent professional course. This course mainly consists of the computer foundational concept, hardware and software of computer system, and the computer applications etc. . 课程编号: 070423 Code : 070423 课程名称: FORTRAN 程序设计 Name: Fortran Program Design 学时: 64讲授学时, 0实验学时 Hours : 64.00
29、hrs lecture, 0.00 hrs lab 学分: 3.0 Credit:3.00 课程简介:本课程是信息与计算科学的一门专业基础课; 主要介绍 FORTRAN 语 言的常用语法,内容包括: Fortran 基本语法、结构化程序设计、选择结构程序、 循环结构程序、结构数据类型、过程、文件。 Brief introduction: The course is a professional basic course of Information and Computing Science; The course introduces FORTRAN language syntax, it
30、mainly involves:Fortran basic syntax, structured programming, select structure program, loop structure program, structured data types, processes, documents. 课程编号: 070424 Code : 070424 课程名称:数据结构 Name: Data Structure 学时: 56讲授学时, 16实验学时 Hours :56.00 hrs lecture,16.00 hrs lab 学分: 3.5 Credit:3.50 课程简介: 本
31、课程是计算机科学与技术专业的专业基础课; 本课程介绍如何组织 数据在计算机中的存储、传递和转换,内容包括数组、链接表、栈和队列、树、 图、查找、排序等。 Brief introduction: Data structure is a specialized basic course of computer science and technology. This course introduces how to store and transfer data in the computer. The course involves mainly array, linked list, stac
32、k and queue, tree, graph, search, sort etc. 课程编号: 070430 Code : 070430 课程名称:软件工程 Name: Software Engineering 学时: 48讲授学时, 24实验学时 Hours : 48.00 hrs lecture, 24.00 hrs lab 学分: 2.0 Credit:2.00 课程简介: 本课程是计算机科学与技术专业的一门专业课;内容包括: 软件工程 概述、可行性分析、需求分析、概要设计、详细设计、面向对象分析与设计、编 码、软件质量与质量保证、项目计划与管理。 Brief introductio
33、n: The course is a specialized course of Professional Computer Science and Technology; it mainly involves: overview of software engineering, feasibility analysis, needs analysis, outline design, detailed design, object-oriented analysis and design, coding, software quality and quality assurance, pro
34、ject planning and management. 课程编号: 070461 Code: 070461 课程名称:计算机文化基础 Name: Fundamentals of Computer Culture 学时: 48讲授学时, 0实验学时 Hours :48.00 hrs lecture,0.00 hrs lab 学分:2 Credit:2.00 课程简介: 本课程是各非计算机专业学生的必修公共基础课。 主要介绍微机的基 本理论和基本常识,内容包括Win dows200(操作系统、字处理软件Word 2000、 电子表格系统 Excel 2000、演示文稿软件 PowerPoint
35、 2000、计算机网络基础等。 Brief introduction: This course is a basic common course of all but computer major. It introduces the basic theory of microcomputer, and mainly involves Windows 2000 operating system, Word 2000 processing software, Excel 2000 spreadsheetsystem, PowerPoint 2000 software, and computer
36、networks etc. 课程编号: 070462 Code : 070462 课程名称:程序设计语言 C Name: Programming Language C 学时: 72讲授学时, 16实验学时 Hours : 72.00 hrs lecture, 16.00 hrs lab 学分: 4.0 Credit:4.00 课程简介:本课程是非计算机专业理工科学生的计算机基础公共课;以研究程序 结构和编程技术为主要目标,内容包括:算法、基本数据类型、简单程序、选择 结构、循环结构、数组、函数、指针、结构体等。 Brief introduction: The course is compute
37、r public courses of engineering students who are non-computer science ; main objective is to study the program structure and programming technology,it mainly involves :algorithm, the basic data types, simple program, select structure, loop structure, array, function, pointer, structure, etc. 课程编号: 0
38、70465 Code: 070465 课程名称:局域网规划 Name: Local Area Network Planning 学时: 20讲授学时, 20实验学时 Hours :20.00 hrs lecture,20.00 hrs lab 学分:2 Credit:2.00 课程简介: 本课程是计算机科学与技术专业的专业选修课。 主要介绍局域网体系 结构、以太网交换技术、路由技术、局域网组网工程等。 Brief introduction: Local area network planning is a specialized compulsory course of computer sc
39、ience and technology major. Its mainly introduces LAN architecture, Ethernet swapper, routing, and LAN internetworking engineering etc. 课程编号: 070487 Code : 070487 课程名称:多媒体技术 Name: Multimedia Technique 学时: 48讲授学时, 16实验学时 Hours : 48.00 hrs lecture, 16.00 hrs lab 学分: 2.5 Credit:2.50 课程简介:本课程是计算机科学与技术专业
40、的一门专业课 ; 多媒体技术是多学科 与计算机综合应用的技术,内容包括:多媒体硬件组成、音频技术、图像技术、 动画技术、视频技术、编码等。 Brief introduction: The course is a specialized course of Professional Computer Science and Technology;Multimedia technology is a multi-disciplinary and comprehensive application of computer technology, it mainly involves : Multim
41、edia hardware, audio technology, image technology, animation technology, video technology, coding, etc. 课程编号: 070508 Code: 070508 课程名称:计算机图形学 Name: Computer Graphics 学时: 48讲授学时, 16实验学时 Hours :48.00 hrs lecture,16.00 hrs lab 学分:4 Credit:4.00 课程简介: 本课程是信息与计算科学专业的专业选修课。 主要介绍计算机图形原 理和各种图形生成的算法。 通过本课程的学习
42、, 使学生具有开发计算机图形应用 软件的能力。 Brief introduction: Computer graphics is a specialized compulsory course of information and computing science major. It mainly introduces the principle of computer graphics and algorithms built by various graphics. By the study of this course, the students can get the develop
43、ment ability of computer graphics applied software. 课程编号: 070511 Code : 070511 课程名称:信息安全 Name: Information Security 学时: 48讲授学时, 16实验学时 Hours : 48.00 hrs lecture, 16.00 hrs lab 学分: 2.5 Credit:2.50 课程简介:本课程是计算机科学与技术专业的一门专业课 ; 内容包括:数据加密 技术、网络与数据库安全、计算机病毒及防治、虚拟专用网、防火墙技术、网络 攻击与防范 入侵检测技术、电子商务安全。 Brief int
44、roduction: The course is a specialized course of Professional Computer Science and Technology; it mainly involves :data encryption, network and database security, computer virus and prevention, virtual private network, firewall technology, network attacks and prevent, intrusion detection technology,
45、 e-commerce security. 课程编号: 070514 Code: 070514 课程名称:信息论基础与应用 Name: Foundation and Application of Information Theory 学时: 54讲授学时, 10实验学时 Hours : 54.00 hrs lecture, 10.00 hrs lab 学分:4 Credit:4.00 课程简介: 本课程是信息与计算科学专业的专业课。内容包括信息的度量、 无失 真信源编码、信道及信道容量、限失真信源编码、信道编码等。 Brief introduction: This course is a sp
46、ecialized course of information and computer science major. It involves information measure, undistorted information source coding, channel and channel capacity, given distortion information source coding, channel coding etc. 课程编号: 070518 Code : 070518 课程名称:信息隐藏与数字水印 Name: Information Hiding and Dig
47、ital Watermarking 学时: 32讲授学时, 0实验学时 Hours : 32.00 hrs lecture, 0.00 hrs lab 学分: 2.0 Credit:2.00 课程简介:本课程是信息与计算科学专业的一门专业课;其作为隐蔽通信和知识 产权保护等的主要手段,内容包括:信息隐藏基本原理、信息隐藏技术、信息隐 藏分析、数字水印基本原理、数字水印技术、数字水印的攻击。 Brief introduction: The course is a specialized course of Professional Computer Science and Technology;
48、 As the primary means,it is covert communication and intellectual property protection, it mainly involves :the basic principles of information hiding, information hiding, information hiding analysis, the basic principles of digital watermarking, digital watermarking, digital watermarking attacks. 课程
49、编号: 070603 Code : 070603 课程名称:可视化程序设计 -Delphi Name: Visual Programming-Delphi 学时:48 学时, 16实验学时 Hours 48.00 hrs lecture,16.00 hrs lab 学分: 3.5 Credit:3.50 课程简介:本课程是计算机科学与技术专业的专业课。内容包括 Object Pascal 语言、面向对象程序设计、 Delphi 的可视化开发环境、 Delphi 数据库操作和编 程等。 Brief introduction: Visual programming-Delphi is a spec
50、ialized course of computer science and technology. It mainly consists of Object Pascal language, object-oriented programming, Delphi visual development environment, Delphi database operation and programming etc. 课程编号: 070604 Code : 070604 课程名称:计算机网络原理 Name: Principle of Computer Net 学时: 48讲授学时, 16实验
51、学时 Hours : 48.00 hrs lecture, 16.00 hrs lab 学分: 3.0 Credit:3.00 课程简介:本课程是计算机科学与技术专业的一门专业课 ; 课程介绍了计算机网 络及其新技术和新发展,内容包括:计算机网络的协议与体系结构、物理层、数 据链路层、局域网、广域网、网络层、传输层、应用层。 Brief introduction: The course is a specialized course of Professional Computer Science and Technology; It introduces the computer netwo
52、rk, the new development and new technologies of computer network, it mainly involves: computer network protocols and architecture, physical layer, data link layer, LAN, WAN, network layer, transport layer,application layer. 课程编号: 070612 Code: 070612 课程名称: Web 程序设计 Name: Web Programming 学时: 48讲授学时, 1
53、6实验学时 Hours :48.00 hrs lecture,16.00 hrs lab 学分: 3.5 Credit:3.50 课程简介:本课程是计算机科学与技术专业的专业选修课。内容主要包括 JavaScript开发语言、HTML网页制作技术等。通过本课程的学习,使学生初步 了解网站建立和维护的方法。 Brief introduction: Web programming is a specialized compulsory course of computer science and technology major. This course mainly involves Web d
54、evelopment language-JavaScript, Webpage making technique etc. By the study of this course, the students can understand elementary establishment and maintenance of website. 课程编号: 070614 Code : 070614 课程名称:网络安全系统 Name: Computer Network Security 学时:56 讲授学时, 12实验学时 Hours : 56.00 hrs lecture, 12.00 hrs l
55、ab 学分: 3.5 Credit:3.50 课程简介:本课程是计算机科学与技术专业的一门专业课 ; 课程介绍了计算机网 络安全系统,内容包括:网络安全的体系结构、数据加密技术、密钥管理与数字 签名、计算机病毒及防治、操作系统安全、防火墙技术、网络攻击与防范入侵检 测技术、电子商务安全。 Brief introduction: The course is a specialized course of Professional Computer Science and Technology; It introduces computer network security system, it
56、mainly involves:network security architecture, data encryption, key management and digital signature, computer virus and prevention, operating system security, firewall technology, network attacks and prevent the intrusion detection technology, e-commerce security. 课程编号: 070618 Code: 070618 课程名称: TC
57、P/IP 协议分析 Name: The Analysis of TCP/IP 学时: 24讲授学时, 16实验学时 Hours :24.00 hrs lecture,16.00 hrs lab 学分: 2.5 Credit:2.50 课程简介:本课程是计算机科学技术及应用专业的专业选修课。 本课程以 TCP/IP 协议为核心,讲授现代网络技术的基本概念,使学生熟悉 TCP/IP 协议的设计思 想和工作机理。 Brief introduction: The analysis of TCP/IP is a specialized compulsory course of both computer
58、 science and technology major and computer application major. This course focuses on TCP/IP and introduces basic modern network techniques concept. By the study of this course, the students can understand the design concepts and operating principle of TCP/IP. 课程编号: 070619 Code : 070619 课程名称:网络综合布线系统
59、 Name: Network Comprehensive Wiring System 学时: 48讲授学时, 16实验学时 Hours : 48.00 hrs lecture, 16.00 hrs lab 学分: 2.5 Credit:2.50 课程简介:本课程是计算机科学与技术专业的一门专业课 ; 课程介绍了设计、检 验、维护综合布线的技能和相关理论知识,内容包括:网络传输介质、网络互连 设备、总体方案设计、工程设计技术、无线网络、测试技术、验收与鉴定。 Brief introduction: The course is a specialized course of Professiona
60、l Computer Science and Technology; It introduces the skills of design, inspection, maintenance cable and theoretical knowledge, it mainly involves :network transmission media, network interconnection facilities, the overall design, engineering technology, wireless network, testing technology, accept
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