



1、伤感的句子英文 1 、我奋不顾身爱的人,最后都成了别人的爱人。 I desperately love people, and eventually becomethe lover of others. 2 、告白最坏的结果不是被拒绝,而是从此失去了一个朋友。 The worst result of confession is not rejection, but the loss of a friend. 3 、一场梦,一场空,再美的誓言,也有凋谢的一天。 A dream, an empty, beautiful oath, there is also a fading day. 4 、爱上了

2、却发现爱错了,错过了却发现爱上了。 Fall in love but find love wrong, miss but find love. 5 、如果有一天,我不再放下所有的骄傲去打扰你。 If one day, I will not put down all my pride to disturb you. 6 、世界上并没有谁离开谁就不能活了,自杀,只是懦者的行为。 No one in the world can live without anyone. Suicide is just the act of a coward. 7 、人生最大的幸福,是发现自己爱的人正好也爱着自己。 T

3、he greatest happiness in life is to find that the person you love also loves you. 8 、我可以很自信的告诉你,他会和你在起是因为你长得像我。 I can confidently tell you that he will be with you because you look like me. 9 、有没有那么一朵玫瑰,永不凋谢,永远骄傲和完美,永不妥协。 Is there such a rose that will never fade, will always be proud and perfect, a

4、nd will never compromise? 10 、翻出回忆往身上套,只是不想有人能够看出我现在的颓废。 Turn over my memory and put it on my body. I just dont want anybody to see my decadence. 11 、我们就像波罗的海和北海的海水,相遇却无法融合。 We are like the waters of the Baltic Sea and the North Sea, meeting but not merging. 12 、我要有多坚强,才能在别人提起你的时候一笑而过。 How strong am

5、 I to laugh when someone mentions you? 13 、别去打扰一个不愿意理你的人,因为他心里那个最重要的人不是你! Dont bother a person who doesnt want to take care of you, because the most important person in his heart is not you! 14 、我那低入尘埃的小暗恋,终于可以入土为安。 My little secret love, low in the dust, can finally settle down in the earth. 15 、所谓

6、青春就是是一场无声的兵荒马乱的战争,而我们终究溃不成军。 The so-called youth is a silent war, and we will eventually be defeated. 16 、其实,你知不知道,在你面前装陌生也是需要勇气的。 Actually, you know, it takes courage to pretend to be unfamiliar in front of you. 17 、电梯里有烟味,我宁愿走楼梯,你身边太挤我宁愿远离你。 Theres smoke in the elevator. Id rather take the stairs.

7、 Youre too crowded. Id rather stay away from you. 18 、总是在撕碎的瞬间,才能体现出它那刻骨铭心的美。 Always in the momentof tearing, can reflect its unforgettable beauty. 19 、月光的森然,乐律的精魂,一切只是幻影,稍纵即逝。 Moonlight, the soul of the music, everything is just a phantom, fleeting. 20 、我努力想结束这一切,才发现我早已落入万劫不复深渊。 I tried to put an e

8、nd to all this, only to find that I had fallen into the abyss. 21 、刚好你离开,刚好风很大,刚好眼泪溢出,只是刚好。 Just as you left, it happened that the wind was very strong and the tears just overflowed, but just right. 22 、时间很短,一分钟都不要留给那些你不在乎的人和事。 Time is short. Dont leave a minute for people and things you dont care a

9、bout. 23 、婆婆妈妈的结果:男性女性化,女性大妈化。 The result of mother-in-law: male feminization, female auntification. 24 、大概是因为你不孤单,所以我给的陪伴并不起眼。 Maybe its because youre not alone, so the company I give you is not impressive. 25 、他说他爱你,又没说只爱你,他说他爱你,又没说一直爱你。 He said he loved you, but he didnt say he only loved you. He

10、 said he loved you, but he didnt say he always loved you. 26 、新伤覆旧伤,盖不及,修不好,唯有勇敢是唯一自救武器。 The only self-saving weapon is bravery. 27 、爱情就想陶瓷娃一样,狠美,但却狠容易破碎。 Love is likea ceramic doll, cruel and beautiful, but cruel and easy to break. 28 、我们总是习惯,跟不在乎的人说一些在乎的话。 We are always used to saying something to

11、 people who dont care. 29 、如果你知道突如其来的想念有多强烈就会明白我一个人行走时的孤独。 If you know how strong the sudden miss is, you will understand my loneliness when I walk alone. 30 、别人吃饭回家生病都有人陪,女汉子只能自己陪自己。 When someonecomeshomesick and eats, they are accompanied by others. A woman can only accompany herself. 31 、明知道爱情并不牢

12、靠,但是我还是拼命往里跳。 Knowing that love is not reliable, but I still struggle to jump in. 32 、谁都是感情中的傀儡,有人为它喜有人为它忧。 Everyone is a puppet in the feelings. Some people likeit and others worry about it. 33 、时间在变,心在变,有些事情,回不去就是回不去。 Time is changing, heart is changing, and some things cant go back. 34 、谁像我一样,不停的

13、更换着签名,其实只是想让某一个人有所感触。 Who, like me, keeps changing signatures just to make someone feel. 35 、我可以装作还小,你可不可以不要变老致父母。 I can pretend to be young. Can you stop growing old - to your parents? 36 、你有了另一半别忘请我吃饭大,不了喝杯啤酒冲掉心酸。 Dont forget to invite meto dinner when you have another half. Dont wash your heart o

14、ut without a glass of beer. 37 、只怪我们太年轻,想要爱却给不了彼此想要的未来。 Its only because we are too young to give each other the future we want when we want love. 38 、只要结局是跟你在一起,过程让我怎么痛都行。 As long as the end is with you, the process can makemefeel any pain. 39 、宿命是一张摊开的安静的手心。我们站立其中。脆弱而暧昧。 Fate is an open and quiet

15、palm. Westand in it. Fragile and ambiguous. 40 、原来喜欢不可以伪装,原来快乐不可以假装,原来永远和瞬间一样。 The original likes can not be disguised, the original happiness can not be disguised, the original is always the same as the moment. 41 、你还欠我一句对不起,可我不会再说没关系了。 You still owe me a word of sorry, but I wont say that again. 4

16、2 、迟早有一天我会心寒至极离开你,再也回不来了。 Sooner or later, I will leave you with a cold heart and never come back. 43 、就让我一个人站在拥挤人潮听嘈杂的笑闹然后孤独终老。 Let mestand alone in the crowded crowd to listen to the noisy laughter and then die alone. 44 、宣泄那些无处安放的情绪,向往天空的,都是寂寞的。 Its lonely to let off those feelings that are nowhere to be put and yearn for the sky. 45 、原来,真的,一个人怕孤单,两个人怕伤害。 Originally, really, one person is afraid of loneliness, two people are afraid of injury. 46 、我可以永远笑着扮演你的配角,冷眼


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