



1、双语小改变带你收获健康来吧,朋友们,我们一起来学习一英语吧!接下来,WTT给大 家准备了双语小改变带你收获健康,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。双语小改变带你收获健康What is one small life change you have made recently to better your hea1th?你最近有什么小的生活改变使你更健康了?获得225.9k好评的回答Alex Stahl:I used to work 9 - 5, get home, watch tv, order in, stay up late, wake up tired, rinse and repeat.我以前的工作是

2、朝九晚五,回到家,看电视,定外卖,熬 夜,早上醒来很疲惫,如此恶性循环。When I got engaged, I knew that the pictures from our wedding day would be the ones we showed our children years from now and I did not want that image to be what it was I saw in the mirror I knew I had some work to do (and bless my wife, she encouraged me to be h

3、ealthier and start walking)订婚以后我知道多年以后我们会给孩子看婚礼当天的照片, 我不想到那时孩子们看到的是我现在在镜子里看到的样子,我知 道自己有事做了(还要感谢我妻子,是她鼓励我要更健康并开始散 步的)。So what was the one small life change that improved my health? I set up rules I set up two rules specifically:那么我改善健康的生活小改变是什么呢?我设定规则。我具体 制定了两条规则:1. No mat ter wha t, you are going fo

4、r a walk toda y.1. 无论什么情况,今天都要去散步。2. No drinking or eating out during the week2. 一周不出去喝酒或吃饭。Regarding the first rule, rain or shine, morning or night, I was going to go outside and walk around the neighborhood. Sure there were days where I meant to go but didn t, and days where something came up and

5、 I couldn, t find the hour or two I needed to hit my goal. But by setting that goal to walk every day, I ended up walking around 22–25 days a month.说到第一条规则,无论下雨或晴天、早上或晚上,我都会出 去到周围散散步。当然有些天我本打算散步但没去,还有时有事 了抽不出一两个小时完成当天的散步目标。但通过每天设定散步 目标,最终一个月我走了大约22– 25天。Regarding the second rule, I enjoy

6、 drinking socially. So I defined the week as Monday through Friday day. Those 4 5 days I was going to eat healthy. Make my own breakfast daily, prep lunches for the work week, and cook my own food at home.说到第二条,我喜欢跟朋友出去喝酒,所以我规定的“一 周”指的是周一到周五,这4天半我的饮食很健康,每天自己做 早餐,准备好周一到周五的午餐,在家自己做晚饭。Then e Friday nig

7、ht, I could go out and have a few beers with my buddies, or stay in and share a bottie of wine with my fiancee, and I would go out to eat on Saturdays and Sundays, basically all rules were off for about 56 hours.然后就到周五晚上了,我会出去和哥们儿喝点啤酒,或者在 家和未婚妻喝一瓶红酒,周六周日晚上出去吃,这56个小时基本 把所有规则都抛诸脑后了。While this probably

8、 slowed my progress down significantly, I found it incredibly easy to stick to. And since I st订1 stuck to my daily walks, they helped as a reminder to rein in my weekend consumption just a little bit and as my walking progressed, so too did my calorie deficits (at least during the week).虽然这可能严重减缓了我改善健康的速度,但我发现坚持起 来简直太容易了。我每天仍坚持散步,也有助于提醒我稍微控制 一下周末的饮食。散步还在继续,体内热量也在继续减少(至少周 一到周五是这样)。The end resuIt was a daily calorie deficit of about1,500 calories during the week and a gain of about 500 - 1,000 calories on th


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