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1、Lesson 6: A famous football player教学目标:1. 学生能够在图片和教师的帮助下听并理解故事。 2. 学生能够回答课后问题。 3. 学生能够用自己的话复述故事。 4. 学生通过学习故事,体会到贝利努力、感恩的精神,并学习他这种精神。 5.通过寻读、精读、略读等学法指导,使学生掌握一些学习方法、学会自主学习教学重难点:重点:理解故事,并能够在图片的提示下复述故事。难点:理解并会读句型:He dug a hole for the Christmas tree.教学过程:一、Class Opening and Review:1. Greeting 2. Review

2、the sports.T: Class, I will show you some pictures. Please tell me what sport is it?(设计意图:通过展示各种运动图片,让学生了解各种运动名称,拓展学生思维,激发学生兴趣,导入新课。)二、New ConceptsStep1:T:What sport did he play?Ss: Football.T: Yes. But he played football with a bottle. Why? Why did he play football with a bottle? Can you guess?S1:

3、I think because he was poor.S2: Because he didnt have money to buy a football.T: Yes, you are right. The boys family was very poor. But he liked playing football very much. What happened next? Do you want to know his story?Ss: Ye, I do.T: Okay, lets watch his story with two questions. First, how man

4、y people are there in the story? Who are they?(设计意图:通过设置问题Why did he play a football with a bottle? 引发学生思考,展开故事,让学生带着问题看故事视频,让学生初步感知故事内容。)Step2: T:Now we know Pele played football with bottles and boxes. What did he want?Ss: He wanted a football.T: Thats right! And one day a coach saw him. What did

5、the coach do? Please read picture2 and underline the answers.T: What did the coach do?S1: He saw Pele.S2: He thought he would be a good football player.S3: He gave him a football as a gift.T: How did Pele feel? He must be very happy. Christmas is coming. If you are Pele, what will you do for the coa

6、ch?Ss: I will(设计意图:让学生带着问题读图二,并用下划线标出答案,教给学生寻读的学习方法,让学生换位思考,如果你是贝利你会送教练什么礼物,提高学生思维和口语表达能力。)Step3: T: Lets see what did Pele do for the coach? Look! He dug a hole. Look, this man dug a hole for a tree. And this old man dug a hole for what? Can you guess?S1: He dug a hole for flowers.T: And Pele dug a

7、 hole for the coach. Why? Why did Pele dig a hole? Why didnt he buy anything?Ss: Because he was poor.T: Yes. And he wanted to say thank you to the coach. He is grateful to the coach. And how did the coach feel?Ss: He was happy.T: What did he say?Ss: This is the best Christmas gift!T: This time lets

8、listen and imitate picture3.(设计意图:让学生先预设,贝利会送给教练什么礼物,再展示贝利挖坑的图片,并引导学生思考,为什么贝利要挖一个坑,使学生明白贝利懂得感恩的优秀品质。让学生听课文模仿录音,使学生有感情的朗读第三部分。)Step 4:T: Look at the picture. In 1958, Pele won the World Cup. He was so excited. What did the coach do this time? And how old was he? T: Pele was a famous football player.

9、He was called the King of football. Lets watch a video about him.T: Wow! So great! Someone says, Pele became a famous player because he was strong. Someone says because he was clever. And someone says because he was lucky. What do you think? Why could Pele be a famous player?(设计意图:让学生观看贝利踢球视频,使学生直观感受贝利


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