



1、代词专项练习Class _ Name _一、单项选择()1.2018 I have a bad cold. _ is why I didn t go to school. A. This B. That C. These D. It()2.My watch is old, but _ is new. A. his B. her C. your D. it s()3._ did Gina say when you told her about the game? A. How B. What C. Which D. Why()4.A lot of girls have tried, but _

2、have passed the exam. A. a few B. few C. a little D. little()5.Tom s parents are teachers. _ of them teach English. AEach. B. Either C. All D. Both()6.2016-_ did you write to last night? A pen pal. A. What B. When C. Whom D. Which()7.2015 -_ T-shirt is this? I think it s Tom s. A. Whose B. Which C.

3、What D. Who()8.2016-_ is your father? He s an engineer in a big factory. A. Who B. What C. Which D. Where()9.2016-Hey, Jane. _ are you feeling now? Much better. Thanks. A. What B. Where C. How D. When()10.2018The Chinese government has made _ possible for people to live happy lives. A. that B. this

4、C. it D. one()11.2015Hurry up, kids! The school bus is coming. We have _ time left. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little()12.2018 I don t care how you do the job. I only careThis B. It C. That D. What_ it can be done. Just give me a date! A. where B.()23.2018-_ kind oftea wouldyou like? I lovewhen

5、C. what D. whytea _ has a fruitytaste. A. Which; what B. What;()13.2016 They have provided several ways to solvewhich C. Whose; that D. What; whothe problem. We can choose _ to start with. A. it B.()24. 2016-_ teachers will you miss the most afterthat C. one D. eachjunior high school. Lisa?Ms. Lee a

6、nd Mr. Hunt. A.()14.2018- I m a little hungry, mum! There are someWhose B. Which C. What D. Whoapple pies on the table; you may take _. A. it B. this()25. 2016-The population of China is larger than _C. that D. oneofIndia. Yes,butIndia populationsisincreasing()15.-A latest English newspaper, please!

7、Only onerapidly. A. it B. one C. that D. thiscopy left. Would you like to have _, sir? A. it B. one()26. 2016-There are four bedrooms in the house, _C. this D. thatwith its own shower. That s what I want. I ve got a()16.I don caret what you say. I believe Icould beatkids. A. either B. neither C. eac

8、h D. noneyou at chess _ day of the week. A. some B. any C.()27.2015-Whatwould you like to drink? I verymeach D. everythirsty. _ you can get. Just get it now. A. Anything B.()17.2018-_ will you ask for help when you are inSomething C. Nothing D. Other thingtrouble? My parents, I think. A. Who B. What

9、 C.()28. 2018Do you think _ acceptable for a group ofWhere D. Whenwomen to dance to loud music on the square near your()18.2015When our teacher heard of the news, he washouse? A. it B. that C. this D. itstooangry to say _. A. everything B. nothing C.()29.2018Chinese people find _ our duty to helpsom

10、ething D. anythingdevelop African countries along the Belt and Road(一带()19.2016I dont understand what you said. Would you一路 ). A. it B. this C. that D. theseplease give me _ example? A. another B. other C.()30.2018- Doctor, what swrongwithme?-_others D. the otherserious. You have just got a cold.A.

11、SomethingB.()20.2018Bryan will not want to have _ to do withNothing C. Everything D. Anythinghorses in the future. A. everything B. something C.()31.2018-Insomecountries,peopleeatwithanything D. nothingchopsticks, but in _, knives and forks.Yousee.()21.2018He got up to get some hot water but foundPe

12、ople around the world have different eating habits. A.there was _ left in the bottle. A. a few B. few C. aothers B. other C. another D. alllittle D. little()32.2018- I m worriedaboutourtalentshow()22._ is a good idea to bring your camera becausetomorrow. Be confident! If youdontbelieveinyou may want

13、 to take photos of the autumn leaves. A.yourself,_will.A.nobodyB.anybodyC.everybody D. somebody()33.2018-Doyouplan to watch a news report or a(sports show tonight? - _. I can t stand them. I plan towatch a show calledThe Sound. A. Neither B. Both C.None D. Either()34.2016Isthere _ else inthe classro

14、om? It isempty. _ is listening to a speech in the school hall. A.anyone; AnyoneB.anyone; Everyone C. everyone;Anyone D. everyone; Everyone()35.2018-Iam planning a tripto Lianyungangthissummer. Howisthe weatherthere? Not sohot.Sometimes _ is a bit cool and wet. A. this B. that C.it D. one)36. Student

15、s are usually interested in sports. Some like running; some like swimming; _ like ball games. A.the other B. others C. the others D. other)37. Not long ago, our country sent up a rocket with two small satellites( 卫星 ) into space. One weighed 204 kilos and _ 25 kilos. A. another B. other C. others D.

16、the other)38.I ve been so bored for a long time. I hope to have_ to do. A. exciting anything B. nothing exciting C.something exciting D. exciting something二、根据句意选择合适的代词填空1. The rice in Heilongjiang is more delicious than _ in Sichuan.2. His interests are different from _ of his childhood.3. 2018My f

17、ather is a worker. _ is very kind.4. 2018Mike lost his school ID card this morning. He is looking for _ now.5.2018- Is this Kate s bicycle?No,is under the tree. She put it there this morning.6. 2018-Did anyone call me when I was out? Yes. A man who called _ Tom.7. 2018Thanks for inviting _ to your food festival. We really enjoyed ourselves.8.2018-Who threw the empty bottles on the floor? I don t know. They re not _. Ask Max, please.9. 2018Jackie Chan won an Oscar after _ 56-year-long career in the film industry.10. 2018-Do you know who taught


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