1、8A兰生复旦期中考试 Choose the best answer: 1. Which of the follow ing un derl ined parts is differe nt in pronun ciati on from others? A Can you collect up all the dirty p lates and cups? B Sam has just fini shed his freshma n year at college. C Your task was to cgmp ete the sentence. a gloomy D Rescue team
2、s will cont inue the search tomorrow. 2. The movie is baseda real-life story that happened D in;in Mon day. B on ;inC in;on is your father back in China? A How soo nB How long C How farD How quickly 4. Amy who is a music lover lives n ext door to me. I ofte n hear herall ni ght l ong. A si ngB to si
3、 ngC si ngi ngD si ngs 5. Michael Jordan is tall and can jump very high,so they call himAir ” Jordan. B 1.98-meter C 1.98 meters D 1.98-meters A on;on A 1.98 meters 3. 6.ln the p ast elect ion, about a third of the USAin favor of Hilary Cli nton. A wasB wereC isD are 7. The schoolthe safety of the c
4、hildre n. A is in chargeB take a respon sibility C is in the charge ofD takes charge of 8.Shak un tala and a very po werful compu ter were give n this p roblem to. A workB work it out C solveD solve it 9.The lady you talked to just now_ A happensB is happened 10.Our childre n visit us to be my class
5、 teacher. C is happening D happened once every week in the suburbs but theyin a differe nt country n ext year. D maybe;may be A may be;may be B maybe;maybe C may be;maybe 11. T ony wan ted to know. A what had Father Christmas put in his stock ing B whe n Father Christmas had put in his stock ing C w
6、hat Father Christmas had put in his stock ing D where Father Christmas had put in his stock ing 12. -DO you mind my smok ing here,sir? B Im afraid I do A No,I wouldn C Never mindD Yes,pl ease go ahead. 13. Hethe letter typed,but he decided to handwrite it and send it in person in order to show his s
7、in cerity. B should have had D must have had A could have had C would have Fill in the blanks with the verbs in their proper forms: I.The p olice themselves behi nd the bush and waited for a golde n mome nt to give un til one p asse nger in formed her of the the man a shot.(hide) 2. That lady didn f
8、ind her purse theft.(steal) 3. Their endlesswith each other makes me feel tired of the whole life.(argue) 4. Will you please not forgetthe receipt with the letter if you want to get the to the refund(退款).(close) 5. The policeman attention was suddeniy caught by the ribbons that car.(tie) not ste p b
9、e satisfied with corner wake up not allow come across I.She is so greedy that sheneverwhat she has. 2.1 don remembersuch a man as him. 3.1 before Mum came into my bedroom and told me to get up. 3. Wen dy,as well as her teammates,several successful compu ter p rograms since she went to college. on th
10、e grass so as to make our campus more beautiful. to go out without veils( 面纱)in some Arabic countries. 6.Women 4. Youd better Fill in the blanks with the words or p hrases in their proper forms: own expect accurate exp lainrob ambiti on sell respon sible fail 1.She has already had theof the house si
11、nce she was born. 2. Peoples fear andare the root of the p roblems in most cases. 3. Heapp eared on the seen e,which made all of us surp rised. 4. You can have a word with themanager if you still want to argue on the p roduct. 5.It a pity that all my efforts en ded in. 5. With such an/athought in th
12、e min d,he kee ps himself en ergetic all day long. 7.Some bus in esses seldom reportto the p olice for fear of the reven ge. 8. To make a scie ntific research,you should stick to theof the data. ambition achieve responsibilityexplain energy hurry physics success honest 1.1 felt a great sense ofwhe n
13、 I reached the top of the mountain. 2. Beiji ng has rep eatedly criticized microblogs forsp readi ng. 3.1 don feeleno ugh to rush about,so I sit dow n. 4. This isclass that I ve met at the SE lab of Princeton. 5. For them,gett ing rid of heavylabour is a big thing. 6. There can be no doubt that you
14、willin your scie ntific research. 7. He led me into his room andhid a large p arcel un der his desk. 8. Hercerta inly sound believable. Change the sentences as required: 1. The book with the covers broken cost them 10 yuan.(改为一般疑问句) the book with the covers brokenthem 10 yua n? 2. The son looks near
15、ly as tall as his father.(保持句意不变 ) The son looks n early theas his father. 3. He told the teacher the truth. He was the one to cheat in the exam.(合并为一句话 ) Hein the exam to the teacher. 4. His father is always very friendly and helpful to people.( 划线部分提问) Whathis father? 5.last;received;three months;
16、letter;is;his;since;it;was.(连词成句) 6.1 m really keen on what you said yesterday and want to go on a trip to Japan.( 保持句意不变 ) Igreatin what you said yesterday and want to go on a trip to Japan. 6. Mr. White has been an engineer for about for ten years.(保持句意不变 ) Mr. White hasan engin eer for about ten
17、years. Choose the best answer: Fiftee n years ago,l took a summer vacatio n in Lecce in souther n Italy. After climb ing up a hill for a panoramic(全景的)view of the blue sea,white buildings and green olive trees,I paused to catch my breath and the n p ositi oned myself to take the best p hoto of this
18、pano rama. Unfortun ately,just as I took out my camera,a woma n app roached from behi nd,a nd plan ted herself right in front of my view. Like me,this woman was here to stop,sigh and appreciate the view. Patie nt as I was,after about 15 minu tes,my camera sca nning the sun and review ing the shot I
19、would eve ntually take,I grew frustrated. Was it too much to ask her to move so I could take just one p icture of the Ian dsca pe? Sure,I could have asked her,but someth ing preven ted me from doing so. She seemed so content in her observati on. I did n wa nt to mess with that. Ano ther 15 minu tes
20、p assed and I grew bored. The woma n was still there. I decided to take the p hoto any way. And now whe n I look at it,I think her p rese nee in the p hoto is what makes the image interesting. The Iandscape,beautiful on its own,somehow comes to life and breathes because this woma n is en gag ing wit
21、h it. This photo,with the unique beauty that unfolded before me and that woman who “uined ” it,now hangs on a wall in my bedroom. What would she think if she knew that her figure is captured and frozen on some strangers bedroom wall? A bedroom,after all,is a very private space,in which some woman I
22、don even know has been immortalized. In some ways,she lives in my house. Perhaps we all live in each other sspace. Perhaps this is what photos are for:to remind us that we all app reciate beauty,that we all share a com mon desire for pl easure,for conn ecti on,for someth ing that is greater tha n us
23、. That photo is a reminder,a captured moment,an unspoken conversation between two wome n,sep arated only by a thin square of glass. I. What happened whe n the author was about to take a p hoto? A Her camera stopped worki ngB A woma n blocked her view C Some one asked her to leave.D A friend app roac
24、hed from beh ind. 2.ln the author S opinion, what makes the p hoto so alive? A The rich color of the Ian dsca pe.B The p erfect p ositi oning of the camera C The woma n Sexiste nee in the p hotoD The soft sun light that summer day. 3. The p assage can be see n as the authois reflections upon. A a p
25、articular life exp erie neeB the pl easure of traveli ng C the art of p hotogra phyD a lost frien dsh ip BCA We can make mistakes at any age. Some mistakes we make are about mon ey. But most mistakes are about people. Did Jerry really care when I broke up with Helen?” When I got that great job,did J
26、im really feel good about it,as a friend? Or did he envy my luck? ” And Paul,why didn pick up that he was friendly just because I had a car? ” when we look back,doubts like these make us feel bad. But when we look back,it too late. Why do we go wrong about our frien ds-or our en emies? Sometimes wha
27、t people say hides their real meaning. And if we don really liste n we miss the feeli ng beh ind the words. Suppose some one tells you, You re a lucky dog, and thats being frien dly. But lucky dog? ” There a bit of envy in those words. Maybe he does n tseeJt himself. But bringing in the dog bit puts
28、 you down a little,what he may be saying is that he doesn think you deserve your luck. Just think of all the things you have to be tha nkful for is ano ther no ise that says one thing and mea ns ano ther. It could mea n that the sp eaker is trying to get you to see your p roblem as part of important
29、. It telling you to think of all the starving people in the world when you havengot a date for Saturday ni ght. How can you tell the real meaning beh ind some one words? One way is to take a good look at the person talk ing. Do his words fit the way he looks? Does what he says agree with the tone of
30、 voice? His p osture? The look in his eyes? Stop and think. The minute you spend thinking about the real meaning of what people say to you may save ano ther mistake. 4. According to the passage,the reason why we go wrong about our friends is that. A we fail to liste n carefully whe n they talk B we
31、become angry whe n we realize what they really mean C they sometimes said one thing but meant ano ther D we n ever believe what people say 5. What does the underlined word it in the second paragraph refer to? A Bei ng frien dlyB A bit of envyC A lucky dog D The good luck C Six be trusted. D Four 6.
32、From the p assage,how many things should we pay atte nti on to whe n we take a good look at the person talk ing? A ThreeB Five C all the people D not all the people 7. The writer suggests that A everybodyB n obody CBDD me a lot. What terrible life I Choose the best answer and com plete the p assage:
33、 I was born with a cleft palate( 唇裂)which was had! When schoolmates would ask. What happened to your lip? Td tell them I fallen and cut it on a pi ece of glass. Somehow it seemed more2to have suffered an accide nt tha n to have bee n birth defects. By the age of seve n,l was convinced that no one ou
34、tside my family could ever love me. And the n I en tered Mrs. Leonard sec on d-grade class. I n ever knew what her first n ame was-just Mrs. Leon ard. She was a p retty woma n, with shining brow n hair and dark,smili ng eyes. Everyone3her. But no one came to love her more tha n I did. This was for a
35、 sp ecial reason. The time came for the annualheari ng tests give n at our school. I was hardly able to hear out of one ear and was not about to expose yet ano ther p roblem that would sin gle me out as a differe nt one. I had lear ned to watch the other childre n and raise my hand whe n they did so
36、meth ing duri ng group testing. The whisper test” required a different kind of4. Each child would go to the classroom door,turn sideway,close one ear with a finger,and the teacher whispered someth ing from her desk,which the child would rep eat. Then the same was done for the other ear. I had discov
37、ered in kin dergarte n that n obody checked to see how5the un tested ear was being covered,so I merely p rete nded to block mine. 6,I was the last on e,but all through the testi ng I won dered what Mrs. Leonard might say to me. I knew from p revious years that the teacher whis pered things like The
38、sky is blue ” or Do you have new shoes? ”tur ned my bad ear toward her, pl ugg ing up the other solidly with my fin ger,the n gently7my fin ger out eno ugh to be able to hear. I waited,a nd then came the words that God had surely put into hermouth,seve n words that cha nged my life forever. Mrs. Leo
39、nard,the teacher I loved,said softly. I wish you were my little girl. ” 1.A worried B worryi ng C troubled D made 2.A reas on able B satisfy ing C nice D acce ptable 3.A un derstood B aided C admired D admitted 4.A idea B trick C image D samp le 5.A softly B n ervously C tightly D widely 6.A In fact
40、 B Above all C After all D As usual 7.A stopped B pushed C backed D waved BDCBCDD Fill in the blanks with proper words: On FridayJanuary 14,2005,my cousin,Kara Rose,came into the world. She looked perfectly healthy from the outside,but on the in side,the doctors had failed to discover a serious p ro
41、blem. She ofte n had trouble b1and the n tur ned blue. The doctors found that Kara had bee n born without part of her heart. They did n th ink she would live long eno ugh to leave the hos pital. When she was four days old,she had her first operation. My family stayed together during this hard time,h
42、o ping everyth ing would turn out for the best. I was also an xiously hoping the doctor would be able to make her life Ion ger. Kara stre ngth and determ in atio n to live were strong. F2,she could go home. We all waited p atie ntly mon ths for the new tech no logy that could give Kara a new heart.
43、When she was eightee n mon ths old,her parents took her to a famous surge on who p erformed series of op erati on, but she succeeded. Kara grew stron ger every day,a nd it was not long before she was well eno ugh to be around people. She had an a3character and always wore a sweet smile. When she fel
44、l asleep against my body,happy and content. I realized how v4life really is. As I took her in my arms with her warm breath aga inst my n eck,I decided to live every day of my life to the fullest. This child who is 15 years youn ger tha n I has exp erie need most sufferi ng and pain tha n I ever have
45、. I admired her stre ngth and determ in ati on. Kara has taught me that no matter how had thi ngs 5,they can work out in the end. Knowing this small,beautiful child has made me a strong person. I now believe that d6can be beate n. breath ing Fin ally through amaz ing valuable seem difficulty Answer
46、the questions: Ive loved my mother desk since I was just tall eno ugh to see above the top of it as mother sat doing letters. Standing by her chair,look ing at the ink bottles ,pen s,a nd white pap er. I decided that the act of writi ng must be the most won derful thi ng in the world. Years later,during my mother V final illness,mother kept different things for my sister and brother. But the desk, shed said again, it V for Elizabeth. I n ever saw her angry,n ever saw her cry.
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