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1、一、听力训练课堂表现:二、 Unit 1单词哪一个;哪一些有;和在一起眼镜她(宾格)他(宾格)知道;认识女警察建筑工人医生农民护士制服三、 Unit 1词组看起来像.在她旁边beside.带眼镜.戴着白帽子ahat带着婴儿a.穿着黑色制服a black.四、 Unit 1句型根据中文提示把句子补充完整。1.that?(那位女士是谁?)2.woman?(哪位女士? )3. Theglasses.(戴眼镜的那位。)4.don thim.(我不认识他。 )5.looksa.(他看起来像厨师。 )五、知识考点【知识考点一】介词 in 的用法:1) in 后面加上“衣帽”类单词,表示“穿(戴 )着”。如

2、:In a blue coat穿着蓝色外套in a red cap戴着红色棒球帽2) in 后面加“位置”类单词,表示“在里面”。如:The books are in my desk.这些书在我的书桌里。【知识考点二】Look like:看起来像 如:1They look like policemen.他们看起来像警察。跟 look 有关的短语: look at: 看; look after: 照顾Let slookthe picture.They often lookthe old man.Look like同义短语:be likeThey look like policemen. = Th

3、eylike policemen.【知识考点三】I don tknow 我不知道 句型转换:肯定句:I know the boy in blue jeans.否定句:I don tknow the boy in blue jeans.一般疑问句: Do you know the boy in blue jeans?肯定回答:Yes, I do;否定回答:No, I don t.【知识考点四】Who s ? 是谁?Who s = Who is 1) 问姓名:-Who sthat girl?2) 问身份: -Who sthat man in a red hat?3) 问职业: -Who she?W

4、ho s 和 whose 的区分:Whose:谁的 , 如:- She is Amy.- He smy uncle.- He is a cook.-is the black dress? -Itsmy sister s.【知识考点五】Which: 哪一个;哪一些, 放在句首,可接单数名词,也可接复数名词,既可提问人,也可提问物。one is your English teacher?do you like, apples or bananas?【知识考点六】People:人;人们只以复数形式出现,不能出现a people, one people的现象, people后不加 s. 如:Chine

5、se peoplemany peopleyoung people【知识考点七】With 的用法:有;和 在一起The mana red hat is a builder.戴帽子的那位男士是一名建筑工人。I go to schoolmy brother.【知识考点八】2Glasses: 1.眼镜; 2. 玻璃杯(复数)The man withis a doctor.There are threeof water on the table.【知识考点九】Beside:在 旁边The woman has a babyher.那位女士旁边有个婴儿。【知识考点十】Her: 1)她(宾格); 2)她的Do

6、 you know?uniform is black.【知识考点十一】Cook:1) 厨师;2) 煮David is a good.Hea big meal.课堂训练:1) 选择填空 .() 1.That man in a blue jacket is my father. Can you see?A. herB. himC. it() 2. Kate is a girlglasses anda brown dress.A. in,withB. with,withC. with, in( ) 3. Who sthat boy?-boy?-The one with a hat in a blue

7、 jacket.A.WhichB.WhatC.Who s() 4.That man in a white coatlike a doctor.A. lookB.looksC. are() 5. The woman in a yellow hat and blue jeans is like a.She works on the farm.3A. policemanB.nurseC.farmer() 6. There are twoin the garden.A. manB.menC. mans() 7. Hea farmer.A. look likeB.looking likeC.looks

8、like() 8. He has brownand big.A.hairs,toothB.hair,teethC.hairs, teeth2) 判断画线部分读音是否一致,是填 T,否填 F() 1. A. duckB. black() 2. A.niceB. cook() 3. A. askB.glass() 4. A. drawB. daughter() 5.A.rainB. train() 6.A.hereB. there() 7.A.newB. few() 8.A.bearB.near3) 选择括号里所给单词填空。1. A:(Which, Who)is the strong man in

9、 the garden?B: I think he is Jiamin sfather.2.A: There are two girls in the room.(Which,Who) is your cousin?B: The one with short hair.3.A: Who sthat lady(with, in )a grey sweater?B: She looks like a writer.44.The boy(in, with)glasses is my cousin Jim.5.The girls has a doll in her hands. The boy(wit

10、h, has)a ball under his arm.6.A: There is a lady with glasses on the sofa. What s(his, her) job?B: She looks like a reporter.7. A: Who sthat heavy many over there?B:He looks(like, at ) a cook in our school dining hall.8. A: Look(like, at ) the boy in the school uniform. Who is he?B: He s my cousin J

11、ohn.4) 将方框所给句子的编号填入对话中相应的空白处A She is lovely.B He looks like he sonly sixty.C He looks like you.D The little baby is my cousin, too.Ann:What is this, Kate?Kate:Itsa photo of my grandpasbirthday party. Look, this is my grandpa.Ann:How old is he?Kate:82.Ann:(1).Kate:Yes, he looks young.Ann:Who sthe boy

12、 in a blue T-Shirt? (2).Is he your brother?Kate:No, I don thave a brother.He is my cousin.Ann:And the woman with a baby in her arms? Whos she?Kate:She smy aunt. (3).5Ann:Itsa cute baby. Look at those big blue eyes.Kate:(4)Itsher birthday, too.Ann:Oh, really? How old is she?Kate:She is one.5) 根据所给情景,

13、选择合适的句子。A Thank you very much.B What time is it?C I usually get up at 6:30 on weekdays.D I am so tiredE When do you have class?()1.当你想知道几点了,你问:.()2.你想说你很累,你说:.()3.你想知道对方什么时候有课,你问:.()4.向对方表示感谢时,应说:.()5.你告诉别人你工作日通常六点半起床,应说:.6) 阅读对话,判断 T 或 F。A : Who sthat man?B: Which man?A: The one with a red hat in a

14、 grey jacket and black trousers. He has a spade( 铲子 )beside him.B: He sJack sfather. He is a good builder.A : And that woman in a white dress? She looks like a nurse.B: Oh, she sJack smother. She is thin and pretty. She is good at cooking.() 1. Jack is a good builder.() 2.Jack sfather is wearing a grey jacket and black trousers.() 3.Jack smother is thin.() 4.Jack smother is a good cook.() 5.The woman in a white dress looks like a nurse.课后作业:61 ) 英汉互译1.戴


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