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1、牛津译林版英语七年级下册第三单元单项选择专项练习(含解析) 七年级下册 第三单元 单项选择专项练习 Part one ( )1. _ the local people now like shopping at the supermarket. A. Most B. Many C. Most of D. Much of ( )2. It _ me forty minutes to do my homework every day. A. spends B. takes C. costs D. has ( )3. Id like to introduce _ to you. A. a friend

2、 of my B. a friend of mine C. a my friend D. my a friend ( )4. _ is your home from the centre of Beijing? Its about half an hour by bike. A. How long BHow many C. How far D. How often ( )5. There are many trees on _side of the road. A. both B. all C. each D. every ( )6. There _ lots of _of art in th

3、e museum. A. are; works B. is; work C. are; work D. is; works ( )7. Id like to _ a new bicycle _ my son as his birthday present. A. buy; to B. buy; for C. give; for D. show; to ( )8. _ going fishing after we finish our homework? Good idea. A. Can I B. What about C. Why not D. Why dont ( )9. If you _

4、the underground, youll have to wait for the next one. A. catch B. lose C. take D. miss ( )10. Could we have a picnic here, Mum? Im afraid we _. The boys tent is nearby. A. couldnt B. can C. cant D. could ( )11. My mother _ my sister and me to the museum a month. A. brings; two B. takes; twice C. bri

5、ngs; two times D. takes, second ( )12. In some _countries, shops are_at weekends. A. west; close B. west; closed C. western; closed D. western; close 牛津译林版英语七年级下册第三单元单项选择专项练习(含解析) ( )13. Im afraid I cant help you your problem. Thank you all the same. 1 can ask my teacher _help. A. for; for B. for; w

6、ith C. with ; with D. with; for ( )14. I cant play football with you. I have many things _. A. do B. to do C. doing D. does ( )15. Where do your brothers work? They are both _ and work in a post office 5kilometres _ my home. A. postmen; far away from B. postmans; away from C. postmen; away from D. p

7、ostmans; far away from ( )16. _book is it, do you know? Its mine. A. When B. Where C. Whos D. Whose Part one解析 1C 解析:因为local people是可数名词,不能用much修饰,则D项错误;又因most和many后面如果直接加名词,那么名词前不能加the,则A、B两项错误。故选C。 2B 解析:It takes sb some time to do sth意为“花费某人多少时间去做某事”,为固定用法。故选B。 3B 解析:句意:我想把我的一位朋友介绍给你。“我的一位朋友”的表达方

8、式为a friend of mine或one of my friends。故选B。 4C 解析:根据答句“Its about half an hour by bike.”可知,问句是询问路程,所以用How far提问。故选C。 5C 解析:空格后的side为单数,所以both和all不可用,则A、B两项错误; each意为“每一个”,适用于两者或两者以上的范围,every意为“每一个”,适用于三者或三者以上的范围。道路应该有两边,所以用each。故选C。 6A 解析:work of art意为“艺术品”,work意为“作品”时,是可数名词,所以根据lots of可知,动词应用are,work后

9、面应加 -s。故选A。 7B 解析:句意:我想为我儿子买一辆新自行车作为他的生日礼物。“为某人买某物”用 。B表示。故选buy sth for sb牛津译林版英语七年级下册第三单元单项选择专项练习(含解析) 8B 解析:句意:在做完我们的家庭作业后去钓鱼怎么样?好主意。Can I后面用动词原形;Why not后面加动词原形;Why dont后面加sb再加动词原形; What about后面加doing。根据空格后的going可知,此处应用What about。故选B。 9D 解析:句意:如果你错过这班地铁,你将不得不等下一班。catch意为“抓住”;lose意为“失去”;take意为“带走”;

10、miss意为“错过”。故选D。 10.C 解析:根据后句“男孩们的帐篷在附近”可以推知,恐怕不能在这野餐。问句“Could we?”是表示委婉语气,并非过去时态,所以在进行否定回答时不能用couldnt,而应用cant。故选C。 11.B 解析:句意:我妈妈一个月带我妹妹和我去两次博物馆。take意为“带走”;bring意为“带来”,则A、C两项错误; twice意为“两次”,second意为“第二”,则D项错误。故选B。 12.C 解析:west意为“西方”,是名词,western意为“西方的”,是形容词,第一空应用形容词来修饰名词countries,则A,B两项错误;close意为“关”,

11、是动词,不可用于be动词后,closed意为“关着的”,是形容词,和be动词连用,则D项错误。故选C。 13.D 解析:固定词组help sb with sth意为“在某方面帮助某人”; ask sb for help意为“向某人求助”。故选D。 14.B 解析:句意:我不能和你踢足球了,我有许多事情要做。空处应用动词不定式作后置定语。故选B。 15.C 解析:“They are both”提示第一空应用名词复数,postman意为“邮递员”,其复数形式为postmen,则B、D两项错误;根据“5 kilometres”可知,第二空不能再用far,应用away from,意为“离有多远”,则A

12、项错误。故选C。 16.D 解析:根据答句“It,s mine.”可知,问句表示“你知这是谁的书吗?”根据句意可排除A、B两项;whose意为“谁的”,而whos是who is的缩写形式,意为“谁是”,不符合语境,则C项错误。故选D。 Part two ( )1. Some students are doing homework, and _are reading English in the classroom. A. the other B. other C. others D. others ( )2. The meat on the plate _so delicious. Lets

13、try it together. A. smells B. sounds C. sees D. feels 牛津译林版英语七年级下册第三单元单项选择专项练习(含解析) ( )3. Look! _ bags are full of books. A. Jim and Sams B. Jims and Sams C. Jim and Sam D. Jims and Sam ( )4. Would you like to try Chinese food? Yes, _. A. any; please B. some; Id love to C. any; thanks D. some; but I

14、m full ( )5. There are about two hundred families _ in thiscommuruty. A. living B. to live C. are living D. live ( )6. Is Tom in the next room? Well, its hard to say. But I heard him _ loudly whenpassed by just now. A. speak B. to speak C. spoken D. speaking ( )7. Lily, do people in England celebrat

15、e the Mid-AutumnFestival? No, they dont. It is _festival, not _ A. our; their B. ours; theirs C. our; theirs D. theirs; our ( )8. There are _things _today. A. much more; to do B. many more; to do C. much more; doing D. many more; doing ( )9. The meat smells very_. Who cooked it? Oh, my mother. She c

16、ooks . A. well; good B.good; well C. good; good D. well; well ( )10. _is it from your school to the bus station? Its ten minutes on foot A. How long B. How far C. How often D. When ( )11. The trip _ about one hour from the zoo to the museum. A. costs B. pays C. spends D. takes ( )12. His brothers ca

17、r will _his home to take part in the party. A. drive us B. take us to C. drive us to D. take us ( )13. Get up, or youll _ the early bus. A. forget B. catch C. miss D. take ( )14. Would you like to watch a film with us this weekend? 牛津译林版英语七年级下册第三单元单项选择专项练习(含解析) _, but I have to prepare for the repor

18、t. A. No,I cant B. Yes, I can C. Id love to D. I would not ( )15. Wait a minute. Ill _ in the classroom. A. show you it B. show it to you C. show you to it D. show it you ( )16. Most of the books _his, but most of the money _his wifes. A. are; is B. is; are C. are; are D. is; is Part two解析 1. C 解析:句

19、意:一些学生在做家庭作业,另一些在教室里读英语。固定吉构“some others”意为“一些另一些”。故选C。 2. A 解析:句意:盘子里的的肉闻起来真香,让我们一起品尝吧。smell意为“闻起来”;sound意为“听起来”; see意为“看到”;feel意为“感觉”。故选A。 3B 解析:根据空格后的名词bagss是复数可以推知,此处表示Jim和Sam各自的包,“共同拥有”用Aand Bs表示,“两人各自拥有”用As and Bs表示。故选B。 4B 解析:“Would you like?”意为“你想要吗?”表示希望得到对方的肯定回答时应用some,不用any,则A、C两项错误;对于这个句

20、型的肯定回答用“Yes,Id love to”。故选B。 5A 解析:句意:大约有两百户家庭住在这个社区里。固定结构“There be + 名词 + doing”意为“有在做”。故选A 。 6. D 解析:句意:Tom在隔壁房间吗?哦,很难说。但刚才我经过时。我听见他正在大声说话。“听见某人正在做某事”用hear sb doing sth表示。故选D。 7C 解析:第一空因为后面有名词festival,所以空格处用形容词性物主代词,则B,D两项错误;第二空后面没有名词,因此用名词性物主代词来代替“形容词性物主代词 + 名词”,则A项错误。故选C。 8B 解析:因为things是可数名词复数,所

21、以应用many而不用much修饰,则A、C两项错误;根据句意“今天有更多事情要做”可知,第二空处用动词不定式作后置定语,修饰things。故选B。 9B 解析:sme1l意为“闻起来”,是系动词,后接形容词,则A、D两项错误;cook意为 。B项错误。故选C“烹饪”,是行为动词,应用副词修饰,则牛津译林版英语七年级下册第三单元单项选择专项练习(含解析) 10.B 解析:答句“步行十分钟”表示路程,用How far提问。故选B。 11.D 解析:spend意为“花费”,主语应是sb,pay意为“付款”,主语也是sb,而此句中主语为The trip,则B,C两项错误;又因cost意为“花费”,一般

22、用于指花费金钱,take意为“花费”,可用于指花费时间,所以A项错误。故选D。 12.B 解析:本句主语为His brothers car.动词不能再用drive,因为drive的主语应是sb,则A,C两项错误;又因home是副词,但his home中,home为名词,所以take sb to his home中的to不可省去,则D项错误。故选B。 13.C 解析:句意:快起床,否则你会错过早班车。forget意为“忘记”;catch意为“赶上”;miss意为“错过”; take意为“乘坐”。故选C。 14.C 解析:句意:这周末你想要和我们一起看电影吗?我想去,但我必须为一份报告做准备。A项

23、意为“不,我不能”;B项意为“是的,我能”;C项意为“我想去”;D项意为“我将不”。故选C。 15.B 解析:固定词组 show sb sth或 show sth to sb均意为“把某物展示给某人看”,当sth为代词it或them时,只能用show sth to sb故选B。 16.A 解析: books是可数名词的复数形式,第一空用are;money为不可数名词,第二空应用is故选A。 Part three ( )1. There is no bus. He has to _there_his bicycle. A. go to; on B. go to; by C. go; on D.

24、go; by ( )2. I hope you _and visit my new house soon! A. can come B. to come C. comes D. be coming ( )3. On _ Day, we can buy wonderful presents _our fathers. A. Fathers; to B. Fathers; to C. Fathers; for D. Fathers; for ( )4. How long does it _ you to get to your school from your home? A. take B. s

25、pend C. cost D. pay ( )5. This is _bedroom. It is clean and bright. A. Tom and Jack B. Toms and Jacks C. Toms and Jack D. Tom and Jacks ( )6. Welcome to our restaurant. What can I do for you? 牛津译林版英语七年级下册第三单元单项选择专项练习(含解析) Id like to_a pizza and a bowl of noodles. A. make B. cook C. raise D. order (

26、)7. Tom _to go far if he _some help. Our house is next to his. A. doesnt need; need B. neednt; needs C. doesnt need; needs D. neednt; need ( )8. _do some reading if you have _to do? A. Lets; nothing B. Why not; nothing C. Why dont you; something D.What about; nothing ( )9. There are e many children

27、_ boats on the lake now. A. row B. to row C. are rowing D. rowing ( )10. Miss Green often teaches her students_English songs.She teaches _very well. A. to sing; them B. singing; them C. to sing; their D. singing; theirs ( )11. The air _ fresh after the rain. And the sky is blue. A. feels B. tastes C

28、. looks D.sounds ( )12. Hainan _its blue sky and fresh air. So it is. Thats why more and more visitors spend their holidays here. A. is weak in B. is famous for C. is used to D. is good for ( )13. Her speech at the meeting sounds_. It sounds_ a great plan for our company. A. well: B.good; C.good; li

29、ke D.well; like ( )14, Sam, _make your hands _ again. A. dont; dirty B. dont; dirtier C. doesnt; dirty D. doesnt; dirtier ( )15. I share my room _ a friend of _ . A. to; me B. with; mine C. with; me D. from; mine Part three解析 1C 解析:因为there是副词,前面不加任何介词,所以go to there表达有误,则A、B两项错误;又因bicycle前有形容词性物主代词hi

30、s,则不可用介词 by,而是用介词on。故选C。 2A 解析:根据hope的用法“hope to do sth”或“hope + 从句”可知,本句应是“hope + 从句”结构,hope后面的从句用一般将来时态用情态动词“can + 动词原形”作谓语部分。故选A。 3C 解析:“父亲节”的表达方式为“Fathers Day”,则B、D两项错误;固定词组buy 。C项错误。故选A意为“给某人买某物”,则stuy sth for sb牛津译林版英语七年级下册第三单元单项选择专项练习(含解析) 4A 解析:句意:从你家到学校花费你多长时间?It takes sb some time to do st

31、h为固定用法。意为“花费某人多少时间做某事”。故选A。 5D 解析:根据题中“This is”和“It is”可知,只有一个卧室,所以卧室是Tom和Jack共同拥有的,“两人共有”的表达方式为A and Bs。故选D。 6D 解析:根据“Welcome to our restaurant.”可以推知,去饭店吃饭应是点菜,应用order。make意为“制造”; cook意为“烹饪”; raise意为“筹集”; order,意为“点,要”。故选D。 7C 解析:固定词组dont need to do sth或 neednt do sth意为“不必做某事”,由此可知B,D两项错误;第二空因为主语为h

32、e,动词用三单式,则A项错误。故选C。 8B 解析:句末用的是问号,句首不能用Lets,则A项错误;What about后加doing,而题中空格后为do,则D项错误;根据句意“如果你没有什么事可做,为什么么不读书呢,”可知,此处应用nothing。something意为“某事”,nothing意为“没什么事”。故选B。 9D 解析:固定结构”There be + sb + doing sth“意为“有某人在做某事”。故选D。 10.A 解析:固定词组teach sb to do sth意为“教某人做某事”,则B、D两项错误;因为teach是动词,后面用人称代词宾格,则C项错误。故选A。 11

33、.A 解析:句意:雨后空气感觉很新鲜。天空很蓝。fee1意为“感觉”;taste意为“品尝”;look意为“看起来”;sound意为“听起来”。故选A。 12.B 解析:句意:海南以它蓝蓝的天空和新鲜的空气而闻名。的确如此。那就是越来越多的游客在那里度假的原因。 be famous for意为“因而出名”,符合句意。故选B。 13.C 解析:第一空前的sound为系动词,意为“听起来”,后面加形容词,则A、D两项错误;第二空因为后面的a great plan是一个名词短语,所以用sound like,意为“听起来像”。故选C。 14A 解析:Sam后面加了逗号,由此可知后面是一个祈使句,用do

34、nt开头,则C、D两项错误;根据句意“Sam,不要再把你的手弄脏了”可知,第二空用形容词原级,所以B项错误。故选A。 15B 解析:固定词组share sth with sb意为“和某人分享某物”,则A、D两项错误;“我的一个朋友”的表达方式为a friend of mine,则C项错误。故选B。 Part four ( )1. Do you know everyone from Class One? Er I know some of _ . A. they B. their C. them D. theirs ( )2. Please dont make so much noise her

35、e. _. A. Yes, please B. Of course C. Sorry, I wont D. You are right ( )3. _room is on the third floor and _ is on the second floor. A. Our; theirs B. Theirs; his C. Our; their D. His; our 牛津译林版英语七年级下册第三单元单项选择专项练习(含解析) ( )4. Do your parents _the underground to go to work every morning? A. by B. on C.

36、 ride D. take ( )5. The bedroom with a picture of flowers on the door is_. A. Lily and Lucy B. Lilys and Lucys C. Lilys and Lucy D. Lily and Lucys ( )6. There _a Christmas party in Sunshine Secondary School next Friday evening. A. is going to B. will have C. is going to have D. will be ( )7. How _ t

37、his place is! Yes. We could only hear the birds singing. A. large B. warm C. quiet D. beautiful ( )8. _there _for a pizza? Of course not. A. Is; enough money B. Is; money enough C. Are; enough money D. Are; money enough ( )9. _ they like shopping. We _take them to the shopping mall. A. Maybe; may B.

38、 May; maybe C. May be; may D. Maybe; may be ( )10. What _ your brother_? He is friendly and helpful _my parents. A. does; like; likes B. is; like; likes C. is; like; like D. does; like; like ( )11. I often listen to music on _. I like music. A. my way to home B. my way home C. mine way to home D. mi

39、ne way home ( )12. Its important for us _more knowledge(知识) A. learning B. to learn C. for learning D. learns ( )13. _ is it from Sunshine Town to the centre of Beijing? Its about 20 kilometres _ our school A. How far; far from B. How long; away from C. How long; far away from D. How far; away from ( )14. Is this pencil case yours? No, its not mine. It must be_. A. somebody else B. somebodys else C. somebody elses D. else somebodys ( )15. We are _ meeting our hero, the star player in Jiangsufootball team. A. plan


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