1、WORD 格式整理版最新英美概况练习参考答案(本答案不包括练习中的开放性习题、思考题和讨论题)=PART TWO The United StatesChapter Eight The LandP. 209 210I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. the Star-Spangled Banner, Defense of Fort McHenry, 1812.2. the Stars and the Stripes,Old Glory, the Star-Spangled Banner.3.The White Hous
2、e, The Capitol, The Pentagon.4.June, 14thth, June 14.5. the Potomac, no state, the Federal government.6. 36, 36 states.7. Amerigo Vespucci, American War of Independence.8. Pierre L Enfant, light, service.II Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.1. C 2. D 3. C 4. A B C D 5. C DIII Decide
3、 which of the following statements is TRUE:1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. TIV Answer the following questions.1. (1) At first the Continent was named as“America” after explorerAmerigoVespucci.(2)Duringthe American War of Independence,the formerBritishcoloniesfirstused“thethirteenunitedStatesofAmerica”intheDe
4、clarationofIndependence .(3) The official name of America was adopted on November 15, 1777, when theSecond Continental Congresspassed the Articles of Confederation.2. The 50 stars represent the 50 States, while the 13 stripes represent the original thirteen colonies.White indicates purity and innoce
5、nce; red indicates valour and bravery, and blue symbolizes vigilance, perseverance and justice; it is also a symbol of respect to God.学习指导参考WORD 格式整理版3. The stars and strips have different meanings.Eachstar represents each state in America, while strips represent the original thirteencolonies before
6、 the independence of America.4. (1) The lyrics of the national anthemcome from “Defense ofFort McHenry ”,a poem written during the War of 1812.The poem was set to the tune of a popularBritish drinking song,“TheAnacreonticSong” (or“To Anacreon in Heaven ”) .(2) The Star-Spangled Banner was used offic
7、ially by the Navy in 1889, and was made the national anthem by congress on March 3, 1931, which was signed by President Herbert Hoover.5. The White House was built in1792 and its original color was grey.During the War of 1812, it was badly damaged by the British troops, and in 1814 it was repainted
8、white.President Roosevelt named it“WhiteHouse” inthe 1940s.P. 213I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. the central part of, Mexico and Gulf of Mexico, east, west.2. 48, Hawaii, Alaska.3. the Rio Grande, Pacific.4. 9,629,091, the third, Canada.5. Alaska, Texas.6. Arctic, glaciers.I
9、I Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. T2. T3. T4. F5. FIII Answer the following questions.1. (1) The Atlantic coast, the Pacific coast and Hawaii provide convenient sea routes for foreign trade.(2) The long coastline with many harbors and inlets provides favorable conditions for fore
10、ign trade and the fishing industry.(3) Mainland America, mainly within the northern temperate zone, is favorable for agriculture.2. The U.S. and Canada share the “ worldslongestundefended border . ” The borderwas demilitarized after the War of 1812 and has remained peaceful. Militarycollaboration be
11、gan during World War II and continued throughout the Cold War on both a bilateral basis and a multilateral relationship through NATO. BothcountriesareNATO members andhavehighmilitaryinterdependency,in学习指导参考WORD 格式整理版particular, during the Cold War against Soviet threat.Today Canadians and Americans
12、are incloseculturalproximity,sharingthesamelanguage, similar religion and political systems as well as many values.Theireconomic relationsareso close(theyhave been each other s No. 1 tradingpartner for years) that the two countries have established the North AmericanFreeTradeAgreement,theworld s lar
13、gestfree -tradezone. Both enjoythemostdeveloped and richest economies in the world as well as a comparable standardofliving(Canadas welfaresystemiseven more comprehensiveand coversmorewidely).To guard the over 8000-kilometer long land border is not only expensive butalso unnecessary (in a sense, imp
14、ossible, because it is too long), becauseneither people worry that their neighbors would cross the border on a largescale or stay in their country for a long time.3.The borderbetween theU.S. and Mexico isheavilyguarded(mostlyon the Americanside)againstillegalimmigrantsenteringtheU.S. whilepeoplecan
15、enterMexicofreely. The cause is mostly economic rather than political. There is a hugedisparityinthestandardoflivingbetween the U.S. and Mexicowhose percapitaGDP is only about 20% that of the U.S. (2012 World Bank statistics). It isestimated six out of the eleven million illegal immigrants living in
16、 the U.S.areMexicans,and millionsmore plantoentertheU.S. They tryto benefitfromtheAmericanbusinessorjobopportunitiesor from the American welfaresystemor even to engage in drug-trafficking and smuggling. Another purpose is tocombatcrimeand terrorism,particularlyafterthe 9.11terroristattacks.TheU.S.-M
17、exican border areas witness the most serious drug-trafficking and gangviolencein theworld.SomeMexicans,inparticularthosehaunted by theseriousdrug-relatedviolenceinrecentyears,trytoescape fromthe violenceinMexicoby moving to the U.S. In a word, if the US-Mexico border is open and unguardedas the U.S.
18、-Canadaborder,therewouldbe millionsofMexicans tryingtomigratetoAmericaso thattheconsequentproblemswouldbe verydifficultfortheU.S.deal with.4.Alaska,facingRussiaacrossBeringStrait,islocatedbetween theArcticandPacific oceans, so its important for strategic position and transportation.5. Hawaii, like a
19、 chain of beads, is located in the central Pacific Ocean, the best place to enjoy the oceanic scenery.It is famous for natural scenery: white beach, blue sky, and palm trees, etc. The famous Pacific Fleet is located at Pearl Harbor, Oahu Island.P. 221 222I Fill in the blanks with proper words or exp
20、ressions.1. Lake Superior, Erie, Ontario.2. Columbia Plateau, the Great Canyon.学习指导参考WORD 格式整理版3. the Rockies, the father of waters.4. dairy farming, Harvard, Yale, MIT.5. Death Valley, Great Salt Lake.6. 38, Yellowstone National Park, Old Faithful.7. 4,800, British Columbia, the backbone of the con
21、tinent, Mt. Elbert.8. Hoover Dam, The Rio Grande, Ruhr.9. half,“Barn of America ” , Great Lakes.10. dividing line, Lake Erie, New York.II Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.1. A B C2. D3. A D4. A B5. DIII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. TIV Ans
22、wer the following questions.1. New England is a region in the northeastern corner of the United States consisting of the six states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts,Rhode Island,and Connecticut, where the earliest Englishsettlements in NorthAmerica was made.In the late 18th century, t
23、he New England Colonies initiated the resistance tothe BritishParliamentseffortstoimpose new taxeswithout theconsentof thecolonists.The confrontationledtotheDeclarationofIndependence inJuly1776,which resultedin the War ofAmericanIndependencethat broughtaboutthebirthof the United States of America.2.
24、 The Appalachians holds one sixth of the continental territory. The mountains are relatively low, and the average altitude is only 800 meters high.Theseold mountainswithrounded topsand wooded hills,and have much beautifulscenery and many tourist resorts.3. It is the most important and longest river
25、in the US. It flows about 6,400 km.from the Rockies to the Gulf of Mexico, and the fourthlongestriverin the world.With hundreds of tributaries, theriver is known as“the fathero f waters”.The chieftributariesare theMissouriRiver,theOhio River,and theArkansas,etc.4. They are the largestlakegroup in th
26、e worldand containabout halfof the world sfresh water. All the five lakes are inter-connected, reaching the Atlantic byway of the St. Lawrence River. They are the important economic lifeline of theMidwest.The world-famous Niagara Falls also attracts numerous visitors.5.The Great Plainstretches from
27、the west of the Mississippi to the Rockies, and学习指导参考WORD 格式整理版covers a distance of about 6,400 kilometers. The land is flat and open, and isoriginallycovered withrichprairiegrass,but no trees.Today the area is stilla cattle country. Much of the nations wheat is grown here,therefore the areais known
28、 as the“ breadbaske t ” of America.The Grand Canyon is located in Colorado Plateau, and is cut by Colorado River.It is one of the great natural wonders of the world, and is set up as national park. It measures about 277 miles long, up to 18 miles wide between the tops of its steep walls, and more th
29、an a mile deep.P. 224-225I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. little, 63%.2. the Central Plains, the Rockies, electricity.3. Bingham.4. 1/3, Washington, Oregon.5. Gulf of Mexico, Okalahoma.6. gold, gold, Gold Rush.II. Respond to the following items.1. America is rich in water res
30、ources. As a whole the country has little troublewith water shortage. Except for the desert regions around the southern Rockies, there are large supplies of fresh water and numerous fertile valleys.2. About 1/3of Americais covered with forests. The greatest virgin forests arein the states of Washing
31、ton andOregon. Americahas about 500 millionacres ofcommercial forests and about 75%of commercial timber is produced in the eastern part of the country.3. In 1848, gold was discovered in California. The news soon spread out, andthousands of immigrants from around the world invaded the Gold Country of
32、 California . The peak of the rush was in 1849, thus the many immigrants became known as the 49ers.4. Coal deposits are widely distributed in America, and most coal reserves are to be found in the Appalachians, the Central Plain, and the Rockies.Most of iron ore is mainly found in the Appalachians a
33、nd the areas near Lake Superior, and themost important mining area is in Minnesota.P. 226-227I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. northern temperate(P225 书中该词拼写错误) , landforms and surroundingwaters.2. temperate,tropical.学习指导参考WORD 格式整理版3. temperate, north, hurricanes.4. maritime,
34、 distinct, similar.5. Mediterranean, arid, semiarid.6. temperate, temperature.II Answer the following questions.1. The United States is mainly situated in the northern temperature zone. But, owing to its large size, varied landforms and surrounding waters, the climateis tropical in Hawaii and Florid
35、a, arctic in Alaska, semiarid in the Great Plains, and arid in the Great Basin.2. New England belongs to maritime climate. It has distinct seasons with a longcold winter, and short and warm summer. Spring and Fall are warm, and the region receives plenty of rainfall.The Middle Atlantic States have a
36、 similar climate to that of New England, but the average temperature is a little higher.3. The Great Plains have a variety of weather throughout the year, which is very cold in winter and very hot in summer, with often strong winds.4.The climate around the Great Lakes is temperate. Winters are somet
37、imes extremely cold; summers are very hot; the region receives sufficient rainfall. The windblows freely, and often causes sudden and extreme changes in temperature and creates many tornadoes.P. 232IDecide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. F2. F3. F4. T5. T6. TP. 237I Write down the names
38、 of the places according to the photos.1. Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco2. Niagara Falls3. Las Vegas4. Red Rock Country5. The Grand Canyon6. DisneylandP. 240I Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. F2. F3. T4. F5. FChapter Nine The People and Their CultureP. 243I Fill in the blanks w
39、ith proper words or expressions.学习指导参考WORD 格式整理版1. third,China,313.7 million.( 书中 in 2010 错误 ,应改为 in 2012.)2. 1%, high, below.3. urban, 250.4. northeastern part, 1/4, half.5. New York city, 27 million, Chicago, 9 million.6. California, Texas.II Answer the following questions.1. American population i
40、s characterized by variety in composition. The White is the main stream, and takes up about 72.4% of the total population. Hispanics16.3%, Blacks 12.6%, Asians 4.8 %, American Indians and Alaska Natives 0.9%, and Native Hawaii and other Pacific Islanders 0.2%.2. The most densely populated region is
41、the northeastern area, including parts ofNew England, the Mid Atlantic and Mid West. The size of the region takes up about 1/4 of the total, but almost 1/2 of the total population lives there.3. Comparing withthe largesize,the populationdensityof the GreatPains is low.The northernpartisratherempty.
42、In the combined area of North and South Dakotas,Nebraska and Kansas, an area as greatas France and Italyput together,thereareonly 6.2 million inhabitants in 2010.4. The northeastern part is the most densely populated region in America, becausethis place is the birthplace of America, also the highly
43、developed area.Since theunfavorablelivingconditions inthe west part ofthe GreatPlainsandRockies, the population is thin.The south and west used to thinly populated, but with the rapid development inrecentyears,the populationincreasesfast,and the populationalong the PacificCoast grows dense.P. 247-24
44、8I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. 55 million, Mexico.2. variety, 100, 31.3. African Americans, slaves.4. Civil Rights, equal civil rights.5. Texas, New Mexico.6. American Indians, Indian Reservations.II Answer the following questions.1. Melting pot is metaphorically used to r
45、efer to the US because it is a country of many ethnic groups from different parts of the world, who came to the New World for freedom in politics or religion. They have been dissipating theirdifferentethniccultu restowardssome “standard ”bylivingand working学习指导参考WORD 格式整理版together in the“melting pot
46、” of the US and gradually forming a new nation.2. IndianReservationis the livingplaceof Indians.Indianswere drivenwestwardto livein these barren desertplaceswhen Europeans settledin American continent.In these isolated places, they were allowed to keep a part of their own cultureand customs.But the
47、Reservations lacked basic public facilities and life-sustaining opportunities. The situation is somewhat better today, but there continues tobe problems3. The Hispanics are Spanish-speaking people from Latin America. Over half ofHispanicAmericans are of Mexican descents.The second largestgroup is of
48、 PuertoRican origin. Other origins include Cuban Americans, Colombian Americans, Dominican Americans, etc.P. 250-251I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. 337, 176.2. Spanish, French.3. English, American.4. Spanish, Spanish.5. Cantonese, third, Chinese American.6. their native, Eng
49、lish.II Answer the following questions.1. About 337 languages are spoken by Americans, of which 176 are indigenous, and 52 languages formerly spoken in the country are now extinct.2. American English was inherited from British colonization, but there are some changes in spelling, grammar, vocabulary
50、 and pronunciation, etc.3. Spanishis the second most common language in America. The UnitedStates holdsthe world s fifth largest Spanish-speaking population. Spanish is also anofficiallanguageofPuertoRico.Spanishisalsothe most widelytaughtsecondlanguage in America.4. The largest French-speaking comm
51、unities are in Northeast Maine; Hollywood and Miami, Florida; New York City; and certain areas of rural Louisiana.P. 253-254I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. high adherence, diversity.2. Christians, Protestants, Roman Catholics.3. 30, Baptists, Methodists.4. Judaism, Chinese A
52、mericans.学习指导参考WORD 格式整理版5. African Americans, African slaves.6. India, Asian countries.II Answer the following questions.1.The principleoftheseparationofchurchandstatecomes fromAmericanConstitution. The First Amendment of the US Constitution guarantees the free exercise of religion and fords the establishment of any religious government.2. R
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