



1、UNIT1 New York is in the east.一、教学内容:小学新标准英语三年级起点第四册二、教学内容分析:本课是新授课, 要求学生能听说两个句型Washington D.C is the capital of the USA.和 It s in the east/west.并初步运用于情景交际中。三、教学目标:(一)、认知领域目标:Structure:Washington D.C is the capital of the USA.It s inthe east/west.Words: Project, also, call, speak, city, cousin, Wash

2、ington D.C,New York, San Francisco.Function :1、 Talking about countries and their capitals;2 、 Using the four directions to talk about the location of cities.(二)、情感领域的教学目标:、通过学习本课的知识,让学生逐步接触异国文化,帮助学生拓展视野,了解西方国家。、通过各种活动,培养学生的集体主义精神和团结互助精神。(三)、智力发展教学目标:、通过各种活动,培养学生的有意记忆和创造能力。、通过情景交际活动,培养学生用英语进行交际能力。四、

3、教学重点和难点:重点:掌握本课句型“isthe capitalof . ”和“ It s in the . ”难点:正确地描述地理位置Step1. Introduce Linda.1. Who is this girl?2. ( 介绍了我的笔友,来自美国,向我们介绍美国三个城市。也为后面运用句型给她当导游做铺垫。Step2. Free talk.Step 3.Listen and point.1. What s Damings project? Listen to the tape; underline the words you don t know.通过课件向学生展示美国的地图和主要城市的

4、图片,帮助学生拓展视野, 了解西方国家, 理解交际中的文化差异,(提出疑问,让学生带着问题听录音,有目的地听,既能激起学生的兴趣,又可启迪学生的思维,使学生学习的主体作用得以充分发挥。)2.Lear n the new words together. Pay attention to “east, west”,draw a map on board,and help the students to distinguish the two directions clearly.(用指一指的游戏复习方向词汇 ) 。3.Listen again, try to say after it.(对新单词进

5、行学习后,让学生再来听一遍录音,可以增加学生对课文内容的理解,又可以继续模仿正确的语音、语调。)4.Pair work,read the text together. (在同桌互读中,学生能听到自己的声音,会注意调整自己的语音、语调,并在相互纠正中提高口语质量。另外通过多读,可以巩固本课的重点句型,促进语言知识的内化,使语言知识转化为学生的语言能力。)5. Finish the exercises:Washington D.C is(出示有图片的课件).It s in the.New York is.It s in the .San Francisco is.It s in the. (通过练

6、习检查学生对课文的记忆程度及对重点句型的掌握程度。)6. Extension: Watch the multi-media, enjoy the map of America and some beautifulpictures of the three cities. (让学生逐步接触异国文化,进而提高跨文化交际能力。并让学生将有关美国的知识,同时也体现充分地预习作业)Step 4.Consolidation:Group work: Show the map of China with the main cities through computer, havethe students ma

7、ke their own dialogue. (e.g.: A: Where is Shanghai? B: Its in theeast of China.)(or Beijing is in the east. Its the capital of China.)Have some groups report their conversation in front of the board.(通过小组合作学习, 有利于学生了解彼此的思想和见解,有利于学习的广泛迁移,有利于分享个体的思维与智慧,发展了学生的合作意识和合作能力,还使学生的创造力得到发挥。)Step 5 Extension.Ac

8、cordingto the pictures,sentences with“write down the is the capital ofcorrectname of. ”thecountry, and makeStep 6 SummaryAll these countries are so beautiful, and they are so mystery, I hope youeverybody will travel all over the world one day. Step7 Homework1、 Talk about the location of the cities with the 2 directions (west、 east) toyour parents.2、 Find out the names of more cities in America.(在作业的设计上,让孩子们将课堂上的活动延伸到了课堂之外,通过告诉爸爸、妈妈一些城市的位置的方式来巩


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