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1、洛阳理工学院毕业设计(论文)外文翻译资料指导教师职称:副教授部:经济与工商管理系业:工商管理学生姓名:郑雷震班级学号:B09090634指导教师姓名:Human Resource ManagementJapan ese bus in essma nageme ntpersonnel of the sup ervisi on and restra int mainly from two aspects: first, the holding company from the cross-shareholdings,if a poor p erforma nee or bus in ess op

2、erators can not afford, the major shareholder of the bus in ess op erators will be for criticism, and urge them to improve their work, un til the removal of the op erator; Ano ther imp orta nt oversight from the main bank. Main bank mon itori ng the way of bus in ess man ageme nt un der sp ecific ci

3、rcumsta nces: in the good p erforma nee of the company, the enterp rise is op erati ng nor mally, the mai n banks do not in terve ne, but whe n the poor p erforma nee of the company to dis play and con trol po wer. Main bank can be major shareholders, the Board repl ace the man agers. Cross-sharehol

4、di ngs in the company and the main bank hold ing system, the hold ing sole purpose is to make shareholders stabilization, mutual support and control, rather than to get a higher divide nd and bonus. Therefore, the stock is not easily shot, turno ver rate is low, the stock market and therefore have l

5、ittle effect on man agers. Mergers on the stock market,Japan is also rare, mak ing the market mecha nism of the bus in essma nageme nt of the effective ness of the exter nal con stra int is not.In Japan, due to exter nal market is relatively un derdevel oped in terms of British and America n, p lus

6、the in flue nee by Con fucia n culture, corpo rate family characteristics sig ni fica ntly, and man ageme nt tale nt is also a Ion ger p eriod of employment, the general p ractice of lifelo ng employment system, the relative mobility betwee n enterp rises much less. Enterp rise man agers are mai niy

7、 p romoted from within the enterp rise (in additi on to the lowest level of job outside), so good managementis more willing to risk is low, more opportun ities for adva nceme nt in the pu rsuit of in dividual M-enterp rise development, enterprises in Japan, M often gathered many of the more outstand

8、ing middle-level management personnel. In the promotion and remuneration, the imp leme ntati on of po wer series in wages, pro moti on system, with empio yees work ing years of age and growth of enterp rises to in crease wages and imp rove empio yee job level. For this system there is no in crease i

9、n wages and p romotio n by givi ng empio yees the ability or strength differenee, so for those who like the same age and length of service of empio yees, wages there would be no differe nee. Japan ese companies attach great importance to the development of enterprise training management personnel, m

10、any companies have their own training cen ters and training are. However, differe nt from Japan ese companies and the Un ited States, more emp hasis on gen eralist trai ning.In Germa ny, the dual track devel opment of huma n resources training model (that is, young people in schools and bus in esses

11、at the same time educati on and trainin g),Germa ny on huma n resourcesdevel opment, a major feature. Germa n trai ning system and mode of this study with the same highlights and a comb in ati on of theory and practice characteristics, the more successful resolution of the training system and employ

12、ment system in terface.In additi on, Germa n companies attach great imp orta nee to the service personnel (including managers at all levels) for continuing education and retraining. Germanys bus in ess com mun ity and flexible trai ning methods for empio yees, diversity, efficie ncy, the kind of tra

13、ining on the use of which ben efit. Content from the training point of view, a new adaptive training of workers, have jobs diverted to training, job training, promotion, professional training and corporate training managers at all levels. The training of pro fessi on als so that they are ofte n take

14、 n to study p roblems with orga nizing semi nars, excha nges,orga nizing short courses, the purpo se, direct ion, p ractical, very strong. Training for enterprise management approach often taken at different levels.Senior man ageme nt of enterp rises rely ma in ly on the self, orga nize them in to a

15、 con diti on of good en vir onmen tal sites, con duct discussi ons and excha nge; of middle man agers, most of the way to full-time trai ning, to the trai ning cen ter to lear n; on line man agers, ofte n type of educati on and trai ning to pro moti on mode, with the incen tive mecha nism is also ea

16、sy to find tale nt from which compani es, because this layer of workers who directly orga nize p roduct ion and bus in ess activities, the status of imp orta nt and irrep laceable role.Own ershi p structure is the formatio n of the determi nants of differe nt man ageme nt modelsDiffere nt own ershi

17、p structure is the formatio n of the company man ageme nt tale nt man ageme nt company the decid ing factor. Differe nces in the own ersh ip structure of the company, thus the formatio n of differe nt companies and man ageme nt tale nt management.Widely dispersed ownership of U.S. companies, the lac

18、k of strong corpo rate gover nance by shareholders in the sup ervisory board of bus in ess by the board of directors and the sup ervisory board ofte n a mere formality, the actual con trol easily transferred to the hands of managers. To this end the United States established a well-devel oped cap it

19、al markets and sound corpo rate laws and regulati ons, effectively in hibited from outside the opportuni stic behavior of man agers. Mean while, the dispersed ownership of the companys acquisition of the stock market provides a convenient, mak ing the market sup ervisi on as the most imp orta nt ext

20、er nal oversight mecha ni sms. Corporate cross-shareholdi ngs by Japan ese companies as the main features of the concen tratio n of own ershi p, or the relative concen trati on of the internal control management will play an important role, and supervision of enterprises through the acquisiti on of

21、the stock market op erators more difficult.So, the company is how differe nces in own ershi p structure formed? The latest research shows that own ershi p structure is not en tirely the formatio n of a comp etitive market outcome, the U.S. and Japan ese companies of differe nt own ershi p structure

22、is due to differe nt n ati on al laws, econo mic p ractices and other historical p ath caused by the differenee. For example, the United States banned the use of deposits held by commercial ban ks, stocks, mutual an titrust laws strictly limit the hold ing company.Japan eseco mpanies allow commercia

23、l banks to hold less tha n 5% of the companys stock, the associati on of the mutual hold ing company looser tradi ng restricti ons and so on.Therefore, we select the op erati on and man ageme nt tale nt man ageme ntmode, to consider the overall system environment, consider the situation resulting fr

24、om the history, con sider the own ersh ip concen trati on. Therefore, in the market system is not p erfect, not p erfect laws and regulati ons un der con structi on, the companys exter nal market-based management model is likely to result poor; for the relatively high concentration of large state-ow

25、ned enterprises, strengthen internal control and gover nance is very imp orta nt.The effects of two man ageme ntThe effect of An glo-America n modelAn glo-America n model of the internal man ageme ntof its rati on ality. Board ofDirectors and managers do their job, is conducive to the operator to co

26、ncentrate, improve management, use of the work of the operators to maintain enthusiasm and innovation, prompted the company to develop. However, at the same time, AngloAmerica n also obvious internal man ageme nt p roblems. British exter nal market-based man ageme nt n eed to address the questi on o

27、f how the op erators work to kee p the p assi on in the same time, the lack of adequate mon itori ng mecha ni sms and of a great derelicti on of duty and senior man agers to con trol the issue for personal gain. Begi nning of the 20th cen tury, 80 years, this issue may become in creas in gly promine

28、nt in the An glo-America n performanee. In particular, in 2002 Enron, WorldCom, Xerox and other corporate scandals have exposed the credibility with the market mechanism to ensure the authe nticity of finan cial in formati on and the independence of independent directors was sus pect in the sup ervi

29、si on of An glo-America n model more apparent defects . Therefore, in the Anglo-American, on board the improvement, the introduction of independent directors and outside directors on how to p lay a substa ntive role has become a focus of atte ntio n.Exter nal market-orie nted An glo-America n man ag

30、eme nt tale nt man ageme nt model is built on a more sound market mecha nism and legal system based on its man ageme nt of the company and op erate better sup ervisi on and restra int. But it also has the following shortcomings: the highly fragmented ownership structure resulted in the op erators sh

31、ort-term, Ion g-term damage to bus in ess in terests and devel opment; the high mobility of the companys equity capital structure so that the stability ofAnglo-American differenee, managers replaced too frequently; acquisition in many cases not con ducive to the man agers of their in itiative.An glo

32、-America n man ageme nt model, man ager market devel opment, bus in ess man ageme nt personnel rem un erati on are closely lin ked with the con tributi ons and the market, pay way more diverse, which makes un der America n man ageme nt i ncen tive compensation system better able to fully mobilize th

33、e management staff initiative.However, the U.S. corpo rate high-pro moted, high-reward, high-stimulated man ageme nt to some exte nt also be adversely affected. Very serious short-term phenomenon, many young people to work less tha n a year to rep lace the five or six times the work, this phenomenon

34、 is up set the companys Ion g-term training p rograms of the companys devel opment strategy. And with the in creas ing in come gap, the general staff turnover rate is also climbing, the companys operating efficiency will certainly be different degrees. Also, any nu mber of staff employment p olicies

35、 also brought serious in security, lowered their loyalty to the enterp rise; labor confron tatio n, the excessive concen trati on of decisi on-mak ing po wer also showed a larger ills.Effect of Germa n and Japan ese modelsGerma n-Japan ese model is better internal man ageme nt. I n this mode, the ba

36、nks ingen eral is the companys largest shareholder, the bank has accessto the company in control of information production and management of natural advantages, making the mon itori ng role of shareholders to better pl ay, sup ervisi on and man ageme nt of the bus in ess was better tha n bound good.

37、 In additi on, because the companys core shareholders - the shareholders of Bank is a stable, l on g-term in vestme nt focus, which can be subject to Ion g-term incen tive man ageme ntis con ducive to better achieve the companys Ion g-term devel opment.Germa n-Japan ese man ageme nt model, i n pro m

38、oti on and compen sati on in gen eral,the implementation of power series in wages, promotion system, with empioyees work ing years of age and growth of enterp rises to in crease wages and improve empio yee job level. Labor relati ons and comp rehe nsive coop eratio n have stre ngthe ned the staffs s

39、ense of security and sense of bel ongin g, i mprove staff-to-bus in ess loyalty .In general, little change in the Japanese model in the technical industries such as manu facturi ng, while a relatively stro ng adva ntage. However, this system also led manyJapan ese companies are overstaffed and in ef

40、ficie nt; additi on, because this system there is no in crease in wages and p romotio n by givi ng empio yees the ability or stre ngth differe nee, for those who like the same age and len gth of service of staff , there is no differenee in wages, but also makes difficult to stand out talents, was re

41、pressedand wasted a com mon phenomenon. In additi on, the incen tives of a sin gle, p articularly serious impact on n arrow ing in come gap and the supp ressi on of the enterp rise man agers en thusiasm and creativity classes.Both bus in ess man ageme nt personnel man ageme nt devel opment trendFrom

42、 the devel opment of man ageme nt tale nt man ageme nt tren ds, with thedevelopment of economic globalization, countries in corporate governance of mutual learning, mutual lear ning, a variety of man ageme nt tale nt man ageme nt is also evo Iving, and the mai n show the followi ng main Features:Uni

43、ted States and Britain began to learn German and Japanesemanagementmodel man ageme nt, atte nti on to in ternal control and Ion g-term incen tive.Germa n-Japan esemodel show n has the adva ntage, banksand Enterp rise GroupHoldi ngs in ways that favor Ion g-term devel opment to en courage enterp rise

44、s to focus on;and An glo-America n cap ital markets to stock-based op erators can easily lead to more in cli ned to take short-term, i n order to obta in short-term return on in vestme nt lost theIon g-term bus in ess opportun ities. To this end, Brita in and the Un ited States companies starti ng t

45、o focus on Ion g-term incen tive to cha nge bus in ess in the short term behavior and short-term employment means empioyees pay more attention to mobilizing the enthusiasm of empioyees.8O years since the 20th century, the gradual relaxation ofBritish and America n con trol of the finan cial system .

46、In p articular the Un ited States through 1999, Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999, the end of the commercial ban ks, securities and in sura nee sub-sector man ageme nt and sep arate sup ervisi on of the situati on. In 1986, the impi eme ntati on of the London Stock Excha nge, the first ma

47、jor reform to allow non-members can obtain 100% ownership of membership, which is equal to allow commercial banks to participate directly in the securities bus in ess. Deregulati on will allow the ban ks role in mon itori ng the company in creased.Un der British man ageme nt app roach con ti nues to

48、 pay richTraditional pay system in order to avoid all the disadvantages brought to skills-based pay system has become a U.S. corpo rate trend of pay reform. This salary system is based on the skills of empio yees are p aid accord ing to master, rather tha n the specific time they are engaged in paid

49、 work and reward. This kind of investment (in clud ing kno wledge, skills and abilities) for the measureme nt based pay system will help encourage empioyees to consciously acquire new work skills and knowledge for enterprise innovation. In addition, the variable pay system and the non-monetary compe

50、n sati on system is con sta ntly being used and devel oped.The gradual weake ning of Germa n and Japan ese man ageme nt model with in the direct control of the exter nal market bega n to stre ngthe n mon itori ngFrom the 80s, along with the development of securities markets and enterprise self-accum

51、ulati on cap abilities, direct financing bus in ess in Japan, Germa ny, the in crease in funding to en able enterp rises to reduced dependence on bank loa ns, corpo rate debt rate decreasedto weake ning the banks con trol of the bus in ess, Ja pan, Germa ny, the trend of concentration of share owner

52、ship structure began to weaken, the market exter nal mon itor role is being stre ngthe ned.Germa ny and Japan the traditi onal man ageme nt mode of employment, select ion methods are cha ngingIn Japan, the annual salary system, variable pay in creases and other huma n resources management system for

53、 Performanee feature has become increasingly evide nt, the flow of employment, the expansion of con tract empio yees, the tendency to further stre ngthe n the cost-im pact on the bus in ess op erati ons of the welfare system pension reform, the gen eral direct ion of devel opment can not be questi o

54、ned.In Japan, staff work with the values of diversity, empio yee self-c on scious high, and dismissal of the phenomenon of in crease in the employment relati onship and other adjustme nts, empio yees and bus in ess sense of the com mon sense and p rogressive loss of one. Coupled with the in creased

55、mobility of the labor market to the p remise of lifetime employment means employment is con sta ntly loose ning and cha nges. From the current actual situation, many Japanese companies have canceled the lifetime employment system, on Merits gradually being broke n. The origi nal ste p by ste p, the

56、internal pro moti on, the rules have cha nged. So some one said, Japan ese companies and personnel system three p illars of the two slowly fall.企业人力资源管理模式日本企业经营管理人才的监督和约束主要来自两个方面:首先是来自交叉持 股的持股公司,如果一个企业经营绩效差或者经营者没有能力,大股东就会对该 企业的经营者提出批评意见,督促其改进工作,直至罢免经营者;另一重要监督 来自主银行。主银行监督企业经营管理层的方式根据具体情况而定:在公司业绩 较好、企

57、业运转正常时,主银行不进行干预,但在公司业绩很差时,就显示控制 权力。主银行可以通过大股东会、董事会更换经理人员。在公司交叉持股和主银 行持股体制中,持股目的只在于使股东稳定化,相互支持和相互控制,而不是为 了得到较高的股息和红利。所以,股票不轻易出手,周转率低,股票市场因此对 经理层影响甚微。就股票市场上的兼并而言,日本也很少发生,这就使得市场机 制对企业经营管理层的外部约束效力不大。在日本,由于外部市场相对英美来讲不够发达,再加上深受儒家文化的影响, 企业家族特色明显,经营管理人才的雇佣期也较长,一般实行终身雇佣制,企业 间的人员流动相对少得多。企业的管理人员则主要是从企业内部提拔(除了最

58、低层的职位以外),因此优秀的管理人员更愿意在风险低、升迁机会较多的M型企业里追求个人发展,日本的M型企业里往往能聚集许多比较优秀的中层经营管理人 才。在晋升与报酬方面,实行年功序列工资、晋升制度,伴随员工年龄和工作年 限的增长,企业为员工增加工资和提高职位等级。由于这个制度在增加工资和晋 级上没有按照员工的能力或实力给予差别,因此对于那些同等年龄和工作年限一 样的员工,工资就没有差别。日本公司也十分重视企业经营管理人才的开发培训, 许多公司都有自己的培训中心和研修所。但是,日本企业与美国不同,更重视通 才的培养。在德国,“双轨制”的人才开发培训模式(即青年在学校和企业同时接 受教育和培训),是

59、德国人力资源开发上的一大特色。德国的这种培训体制和模式 突出了学用一致和理论与实际相结合的特点,较为成功地解决了培训制度与就业 制度的衔接。另外,德国企业十分重视对在职人员(包括各级管理人员)进行继续教育和 再培训。德国的企业界对职工的培训方法灵活,形式多样,讲究实效,哪种培训 有利就采用哪种。从培训的内容上看,有新工人适应性培训、有转业改行培训、 职务晋升培训、专业人员培训和企业各级管理人员培训等。对专业人员培训往往 采取让他们带着要研究解决的问题,举办讲座,开展交流,组织短训班,其目的 性、针对性、实用性非常强。对企业管理人员培训往往采取分层次的办法。企业 的高级管理人员,主要依靠自学,组织他们到一个条件好的环境场所,开展讨论 交流;对中级管理人员,大多数采取脱产培训的方法,送到培训中心去学习;对 基层管理人员,往


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