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1、3. 控制方式 Automation control description设中控室自动控制 ,机上自动控制 ,机上人工控制和机旁现场控制方式 ,方式选择 开关设在机上控制室内。机上人工控制适用于调试过程中所需要的工况和自动控制 出现故障时 ,要求堆取料机继续工作 ,允许按非规定堆料方式堆料和取料工况。机旁 现场控制及人工控制适用于检修、调试和维护工况 ,此种控制方式下 ,堆取料机各传 动机构解除互锁 ,只能单独起动和停止。自动控制方式下的堆取料作业由中控室和机上控制室均可实施。There are four control modes for users to select only in t

2、he local control room: CCR auto control, local panel auto control, local panel manual control and local site control.Local panel manual control mode is only selected for some abnormal situation, like commissioning, or that the machine has to continue working when the CCR control mode cannot work. In

3、 this case, the piles location would not be pre-defined by program.Local panel manual control and local site control are set for local maintenance, commissioning or maintaining the process work in abnormal situations. In such cases, the individual devices would be started or stopped separately, and

4、are not interlocked by program.CCR auto control & Local panel auto control modes, in these automatic modes, the machine can be controlled automatically from CCR or from local control HMI screen by pre-defined program.3.1堆料自动控制 stacking control description料堆按逆时针方向连续堆成。堆料区域 120度。堆料臂从 0 度逆时针回转至 120度,同时

5、从+14度变幅至 -16度,随后堆料臂从 120度顺时针回转至 0度,同时从-16 度变幅至 +14 度。堆料臂的回转和变幅运动均为连续运动。Material piling machine piles materials continuously anticlockwise. The piling material area is 120 degrees. The material piling cantilever revolves from 0 degree to 120 degrees anticlockwise, in the mean time luffings from +14 d

6、egrees to -16 degrees. After then, the cantilever revolves back from 120 degrees to 0 degree, and amplitude changes from -16 degrees back to +14 degrees. The movements of swinging and luffing the cantilever are both continuous.当堆料臂回转往复堆料到料堆高度后 ,触动料位计发出信号 ,将水平回转移位 3 度,回转行程将由 120 度变为 123 度,接续的逆时针方式堆料的

7、回转行程仍为 120 度。 When the machine piles the material to the set height, the level switch would be triggered and the signal would be sent back to PLC. The cantilever will move back horizontally by 3 degrees. The revolving back angle would be changed to 123 degrees from 120 degrees. But the continuous re

8、volving angle is still 120 degrees anticlockwise.为减缓堆料臂改变回转方向时引起的振动 ,采用变频调速来控制堆料机的回转 , 使之制动前缓减速 ,起动后缓加速。堆料臂架变幅机构配置变量泵液压系统。其运 动是变速运动并与基本是匀速的回转运动合成 ,使堆料臂落料点始终与堆顶保持等 距。In order to reduce the vibration when switching the direction of the cantilever, the revolving motor is driven by frequency converter b

9、y decreasing the speed slowly before braking, and increasing the speed slowly for the next start. Hydraulic system would also be used for the luffing mechanism devices. The whole movement is combined with variable motion and constant revolving motion, thus, the distance between the pile top level an

10、d material discharge position can be maintained.变幅机构起动受回转机构起动信号控制 ,停止不受回转机构停止信号的控制。The starting process of the luffing mechanism would be influenced by the starting of the revolving mechanism. In contrary, the stop process would not be influenced by each.堆料臂架前端底部与堆顶间距保持在 0.81.2米。由设在堆料臂前端的料位探测器引导和控制。

11、The distance between the cantilever material discharge position and pile top position would be kept from 0.8 to 1.2m, and is detected by the level sensor installed in the front of the cantilever堆料机动作联锁 stacker movement interlock:正常起动:起动指令 回转和变幅起动 堆料皮带机起动 来料栈桥皮带机起 动,各环节起动间隔 10 秒可调。Normal start: Start

12、 command-evoIving system and luffing system start -belt conv eyor for stacker start-eedi ng belt conv eyor start. The in terval time betwee neach step is set as 10 seconds and can be adjusted.正常停机 :是上述顺序的逆过程。Normal Stop: feeding belt conveyor stop - belt conveyor for stacker stop - revolving system

13、and luffing system stop - Stop command. The interval time between each step is set as 10 seconds and can be adjusted.非正常停机 :所有传动同时停机。Abnormal stop: All the drives stop at the same time.堆料机正常停机时 ,堆料臂停到料堆堆料起始点处。In normal stop situation, the cantilever should go back to the feeding position at the firs

14、t beginning for this pile.3.2 取料机自动控制 Reclaimer automation control取料机始终按逆时针方向回转取料。The machine always revolves anticlockwise to reclaim the material.取料机运行包括端梁行走 ,刮板链运行和料耙驱动三部分。Reclaimer operation includes three parts of end beam travelling, scraper chain motion and material harrow drive motion.取料机取料能

15、力的调整 ,采用改变端梁运行速度 (变频调速来实现。Reclaiming capacity can be adjusted by changing the speed of the end beam travelling through VVVF control.取料机行走驱动装置 2套,同时工作 ,取料时工作电机采用电机变频调速 ,转向不 可逆 ;行走装置中还设有调车运行电机 ,为恒速可逆。There are two sets of travelling drives for reclaimer motion, both working simultaneously. The reclaim

16、 working motor is driven by VVVF, and irreversible. The transfer motion motor speed is constant and reversible.取料和调车运行工况对行走驱动装置的要求如下 :The requests for the travelling motion control when reclaiming materials and transferring are as fellow:取料运行:磁粉离合器结合 ,调车电机断电 ,取料运行电机接通起动。Material reclaiming operation

17、: electromagnetic clutch engaged, transfer motor power off, reclaim motor power on and started.调车工况 :磁粉离合器松开 ,取料运行电机断电 ,调车运行电机接通起动。取料运 行电机、离合器和调车电机互锁。Transferring operation: electromagnetic clutch disengaged, reclaim motor power off and transfer motor power on and started. Reclaim motor and transfer

18、 motor are mechanical interlocked by electromagnetic clutch.刮板驱动装置 2 套,恒速不可逆。Two scraper drives are constant and irreversible.料耙驱动的变频电机单向不可逆 ,料耙的双向运动 ,由行程两端接近开关使电磁 换向阀换向 ,实现料耙油缸带动料耙正反向行程连续运行 ,电控系统控制变频电机实 现液压缸的缓慢起动和停止。Material harrow is driven by VVVF and the motor direction is irreversible. The cont

19、inuous two-way motion of harrow is driven by the hydraulic system. When the proximity switches detect the harrow motion at each set point of the travelling, the electromagnetic directional valve will be energized or deenergized to change the direction. The hydraulic system is controlled by the PLC t

20、hrough VVVF.取料机动作联锁 :Interlock for Reclaimer Motion:正常起动:起动指令出料皮带机起动 刮板链驱动起动 料耙驱动起动 工 作取料运行机构起动 ,各环节间隔 10 秒可调。Normal start: Start comma nd-material tran sport belt conv eyor start -scraper cha in drive start -material harrow drive start -material reclaimi ng system start. The in terval time between

21、each step is set as 10 seconds and can be adjusted.正常停机 :停机指令下达后是上述顺序的逆过程。Normal Stop: after stop command, then the reverse sequence of the start procedure as mentioned above.非正常停机 :所有传动同时停机。Abnormal stop: All the drives stop at the same time.4. 监控和保护 monitoring and protection4.1堆取料机的堆料臂与桥梁之间相对角度实施监

22、控。堆料机悬臂与取料机桥 梁之间设双道行程限位开关。当相对角度为 64 度或 269 度时发出报警 ,指令由控制 系统发布 , 64和 269度报警为预警信号 ,在机上都有显示 ,断续声光显示在机上 ,61和 272 度停机,停机信号在中控室显示。堆料机自动进入正常停机 ,声光信号依然存在 , 报警信号可通过按钮消除。The angle between the cantilever of the stacker and the bridge would be monitored and recorded, and between which double limit switches woul

23、d be equipped to ensurethe safety. When the relative angle is 64 degrees or 269 degrees, sound light warning would be triggered and displayed on the HMI, lasted until the alarm release button is pressed. When the relative angle is 61 or 272 degrees, stop command would be triggered and the alarm woul

24、d be generated and sent to CCR. In this case, the normal stop sequence would be executed then.4.2 堆料臂架的变幅角度通过铰轴处编码器控制。堆料臂卸料点下方设料位计,通过料位计控制使堆料臂始终与堆顶保持尽可能小的等距落差。The amplitude angle of the stacker cantilever is measured and controlled by the encoder located at the boom pivot. Also the level meter would

25、 be installed under the discharge outlet of the cantilever, through which the min. possible distance between the discharge outlet and pile top would be maintained.4.3堆取料机各驱动机构电机设短路和过载保护并能予以显示。Short circuit and overload protection should be set and can be displayed for all the drive motors on stacker

26、.4.4 堆料机变幅液压站 ,取料机料耙液压站油温予以监控并能予以显示。Oil temperature for hydraulic system, including stacker cantilever amplitude control system and reclaimer material harrow control system, should be displayed and monitored.4.5堆料机堆料臂卸料点下方设防撞保护 ,传感元件为料位计 (CONASEN TC-1。 Level meter would be equipped un der the discha

27、rge outlet of the stacker can tilever to avoid the collision.4.6 刮板输送链尾轮处设断链监测 ,传感元件为接近开关。Chain scission monitoring would be equipped at the tail pulley of the scraper chain with the proximity switch.4.7 堆料机悬臂变幅行程两端各设 1 道极限行程限位开关和工作限位开关。Double limit switches would be equipped at each end of the stac

28、ker cantilever luffing range. One for ultimate limit and another for working limit.4.8 堆料机上胶带输送机上设两组跑偏保护装置 ,胶带第 1 级跑偏发出故障报警 信号 ,胶带第 2级跑偏信号发出 ,堆料机停机。胶带输送机正常停机延时5秒制动或断电 ,取料刮板机正常停机延时 60秒断电。The belt conveyors on the stacker are equipped with two sets of misalignment switches. One set for the first level

29、 belt misalignment will generates the waning. Another one for the second level misalignment will note only generates the alarm, butalso stop the system. In normal stop sequence, there should be 5 seconds time interval before the belt conveyor stop or brake, and 60s for the scraper chain.4.9堆料机设有 5 套

30、干油润滑泵站 ,控制系统对各泵站油位监控 ,泵站油位发讯号动作,控制系统报警。There are totally 5 sets of grease oil station for the system. The grease oil level would be monitored. Once the oil is too low, system would generate the alarm.4.10 取料机料耙油缸工作行程的两端设接近开关 ,控制料耙液压站系统中电磁 换向阀换向 ,实现料耙油缸正反行程运行。为防止料耙与支撑系统碰撞增设两个极 限行程开关。At two ends of th

31、e hydraulic system stroke for the material harrow drive, proximity switches would be equipped to control the electromagnetic direction valve, which is set to control the direction of the harrow. In order to protect the harrow from crashing into the supporting system, two ultimate limit switches will

32、 be set.4.11 堆料机急停设置如下 Emergency stop system for stacker are as fellow:4.11.1 堆料机上沿堆料臂设置两套胶带机驱动急停拉线开关。Two sets of pull cord switches for the belt conveyor on the stacker cantilever.4.11.2 堆料机回转平台上设急停开关组 ,可控制堆料机急停。Emergency stop button is set on the revolving platform of stacker to stop the system im

33、mediately.4.11.3堆料机回转驱动 ,堆料胶带机驱动 ,取料刮板链驱动 ,行走驱动就近设置现 场控制开关组 ,可控制本机构起动、停止、堆料机或取料机急停。For stacker revolving drive, belt conveyors, reclaimer scraper chain drive, travelling drives, local push buttons are set to start, stop or emergency stop the stacker & reclaimer in local control.4.11.4堆料机变幅液压站和取料机料耙液

34、压站控制 ,参考液压系统厂家提供的控 制原理图。For the hydraulic system of cantilever amplitude and material harrow control, please refer to the vendor s schemaatmicsdiaangdr specifications.4.12堆料机变幅油缸和取料机料耙油缸设置手动控制行程限位装置。For the hydraulic system of cantilever amplitude and material harrow control, devices to adjust the s

35、troke limits are equipped.4.13中心落料斗中设置堵料检测料位计(CONASEN TC-1,当料位计发出信号时,向DSC发出堵料报警信号,取料机各运行机构按顺序停机。Level meter (CONASEN TC-1is set to detect the material blockage in the falling hopper. When the sensor is triggered, DCS would generate the alarm, and the reclaimer should stop by sequence.5. 润滑控制 Lubrica

36、tion Control本堆取料机对 3个回转支承(油缸铰接点和外齿 ,端梁行走车轮 ,料耙车轮实施自 动定时干油润滑 ,共设置 5个独立的干油润滑泵站。润滑制度为 :上部和中部回转支 承(油缸铰接点和外齿 ,堆料机回转起动即供油 ,之后供油间隔 60 分钟,每次供油时间 为 1 0分钟;下部回转支承和端梁行走 ,取料机行走机构起动即供油 ,之后间隔 120分 钟,每次供油时间为 15分钟;料耙系统启动即供油 ,之后间隔 1 20分钟,每次供油时间 为 15 分钟。上述各润滑泵供油间隔时间可调。5 independent grease oil stations are set for the

37、stacker & reclaimer system, 3 sets of which are for 3 slewing bearings (cylinder pivot point and external gear, one for end beam travelling wheel, and the other for the material harrow wheel. The control principle is as follows: for the upper and middle slewing bearings, grease pump starts in accord

38、ance with the stacker revolving system, and the pump only continues working for10 min. every 60min. For the lower slewing bearing and end beam travelling wheel, the oil pump starts in accordance with the relaimer travelling system. Working for 15 min every 120 min. For material harrow system, pump s

39、tarts when the harrow drive starts, then working 15 min. every 120 min. The mentioned interval time can be adjusted.刮板链设置稀油润滑装置 ,润滑制度为刮板起动即供油 ,之后间隔 4小时即供油 , 每次供油时间为 10 分钟。The scraper chain drive is equipped with oil lubrication system, which starts in accordance with the scraper motor, then working

40、for 10 min. every 4 hours.在人工控制和机旁现场控制方式下 ,上述润滑方式为手动润滑。In the mode of local manual auto control or local site control, all the oil lubrication and grease lubrication can only be controlled at site manually, not by program.6. 照明 Illumination要求在堆料机落料区域 ,取料机取料区域 ,堆取料机的各转台区域、堆取料机的 各套驱动装置就近设置亮度足够和适宜的照明 ,

41、满足巡视和检修的需要 ,堆取料机各 人行通道 ,扶梯设置安全照明。Local illumination system should be considered to fulfill the request of on-siteinspection and maintenance work for such locations: material discharge area, material reclaiming area, each revolving platform and each drive system. Safety illumination should be conside

42、red for the pathway and stairs.7. 机械主机受控元件的电气技术数据 electrical drive technical specifications7.1 堆料机堆料胶带输送机驱动装置 1套,含下述元件各 1 台:Material piling belt conveyor drive system, consist of:电机EM4400-T 75kw 1800 rpm 575V 60Hz,带加热器、测温元件Motor EM4400-T 75kw 1800rpm 575V 60Hz, with heater and temperature measurer.液

43、力偶合器带温控开关Liquid coupling, with a temperature switch。制动器 :YWZD-315/50,575V,60HZ,0.5KW 。Brake: YWZD-315/50,575V,60HZ,0.5KW.保护装置含下列控制元件 protect devices include the following control component:DIM1.1打滑检测器1个,24V ,DC(详见附件样本DIM1.1 Belt slip detector, one set, 24V,DC (attached with the specificationsT3Z068双

44、向拉绳开关2个,24V ,DC (详见附件样本T3Z068 two-way belt pull cord switch, two sets, 24V ,DC (attached with the specificationsZS73SR跑偏开关4个24V ,DC (详见附件样本ZS73SR Belt misalignment switch, four sets, 24V,DC (attached with the specificationsZQ900-11防撕裂开关2个,24V ,DC (详见附件样本ZQ900-11 Belt tear detector, two sets, 24V,DC

45、(attached with the specifications7.2 堆料机回转驱动装置 1 套,含下述元件 1 台:Stacker revolving drive system includes:变频电机(Nema标准5.5kw 1800rpm 575V 60Hz变频调速,带加热器、测温元 件,强冷风扇 :575V,60HZ,0.5KWVVVF motor (NEMA standard: 5.5kw, 1800rpm, 575V at 60Hz. With heater, temperature measurement, and cooling air fan: 575V, 60Hz,

46、0.5kW.制动器 ,575V,60HZ,0.3KWBrake, 575V, 60Hz, 0.3kW.7.3堆料机变幅液压站1套,变幅功率15kw,参考液压系统厂家提供的电气原理 图。 Hydraulic system for stacker cantilever amplitude control, 15kw. Specifications refer to the vendor s schematic diagram.7.4 取料机刮板链驱动装置 2 套,每套含下述元件 1 台:Two sets of scraper chain drive system for reclaimer, ea

47、ch contains:电机 EM445T-4,110kw 1800rpm 575V 60Hz,带加热器,测温元件Motor EM445T-4, 110kw, 1800rpm, 575V, 60Hz, with heater and temperature measurement.液力偶合器带温控开关Liquid coupling, with a temperature switch7.5 取料机运行驱动装置 2套,每套含下述元件 1 台:Two sets of reclaimer drive system, each contains:取料运行电机 143T-0.75-4P 0.75kw 1

48、800rpm 575V 60Hz (变频调速,带加热器、 测温元件调车运行电机 EM2334T-5,5.5kw 1200rpm 575V 60Hz,带加热器、测温元件磁粉离合器 DLK1-40 24V ,DC,2250W,0.9A( 详见样本7.6取料机料耙液压站1套,功率75kw,参考液压系统厂家提供的电气原理图。Hydraulic system for reclaimer material harrow control, 75kw. Specifications refer to the vendor s schematic diagram.7.7 干油润滑泵站 5套,每套含 1 台:Fi

49、ve sets of grease oil system, each contains:电机 0.25kw, 1800rpm, 575V, 60Hz,带油位发讯器,DC24VMotor 0.25kw, 1800rpm, 575V, 60Hz, with oil level meter, DC24V.7.8 刮板链润滑 1 套,参考液压系统厂家提供的电气原理图。Oil lubrication system for scraper chain drive, specifications please refer tovendor s schematic diagram.8. 电机电压 575V 6

50、0Hzmotor voltage 575V 60Hz.9. 控制主机、变频控制器控制台置于机上控制室内,控制室内设空调。Plc panel and VVVF converter are located in the control room on the machine, with air conditioning.10. 堆取料机所需低压元件及变频器采用施耐德或AB产品(有UL或者CSA认证,主机设计考虑安装The brand of Schneider or AB would be considered for the LV components and VVVF drive (with U

51、L or CSA certificate.11. 回转碥码器选用径向接线方式。Radial lead-out connection is used for the rotation encoder.12. 电控系统应控制堆取料机实现下述功能 :The control principles of the PLC system are described as: 12.1堆料机在正常堆料作业时 ,电控系统应控制堆料臂如 3.1 条所述的动作要求 进行堆料作业。For material piling work, the stacker should follow the control instru

52、ctions as item described in item 初始料堆。料场没有料的情况下 ,要能够先堆出满足正常堆料要求的初始 料堆。建立初始料堆的原则是 :Initial material piling is taken place when there are no material piles at the first begging. Then the first qualified material pile should be acquired. The principles are as follows:(1 尽可能保证物料得到均化 ;Ensure the

53、 materials are homogenized.(2 在 120扇形区域内建立初始料堆 ;The initial material pile should be formed in the 120 degrees sector range.(3 建立完成的初始料堆的堆顶要 120范围内顺时针由标准堆高降到 0,并保证在正常堆料时堆料臂卸料点轨迹与堆顶为等落差。堆料臂前端距堆顶高度保持在 0.8 1.2 米。The top level of the formed initial material pile is requested to decrease from the standard

54、 level to 0 (bottom in the 120 degrees sector range clockwise. The parallel distance between the track of the cantilever discharge outlet and pile top level should be constant and maintained between 0.8 to 1.2m.12.3 残余料堆恢复。当来料系统出现故障时 ,控制取料机在取到料堆高度只有 标准堆高的 1/2 时取料机停止作业。来料系统故障排除 ,堆料机再次起动进行堆料时 , 控制系统要控

55、制堆料机将料堆恢复至正常作业时的形状 ,即堆顶满足正常堆料作业 的要求 ,然后堆料机转入正常堆料作业。Material piling recovery Once the material feeding belt conveyor fails, the reclaimer should stop running if the material piles drops to half level of the set value. After the feeding belt is recovered, the stacker can start, and only when the mater

56、ial piles level can fulfill the request for normal operation, the reclaimer can be put into operation again.12.4 错位堆料。当取料机运行至靠近堆料区域出现碰撞危险时,即取料机与堆料臂 逆时针行程起点的夹角为 64 度时控制系统应控制堆料臂自动逆时针位移 55 度, 此时堆 料机要在按层堆料的形状下将料堆恢复至正常堆料作业时的形状即堆顶满 足正常堆料 作业的要求,然后堆料机转入正常堆料作业。 Anti-collision operation To avoid the collision

57、, when the reclaimer runs near the stacker piling region, the stacking cantilever should revolve by 55 degrees anticlockwise if the angel between the reclaimer and the stacking cantilever in anticlockwise direction reaches 64 degrees. In this case, the stacker should work to recover the material pil

58、es to fulfill the normal operation request, and then the stacker would switch to normal operation mode. 12紧.5 急堆料。当取料机停止工作,而此时堆料还在运行,堆料臂逆时针运行的终点 与 取料机的夹角为 269 度时,控制系统应控制堆料机不再前行。此时如来料系统已没 有 物料,应控制堆料机停机,如还在继续给料,要发出信号给中控室的同时,控 制堆料机 分层将物料堆在没有达到标准堆高的料堆区域在。当堆料区堆尾达到自 然安息角 37时 应控制堆料机及整个来料系统停机。 Emergency material piling When the stacker is running while the reclaimer system shuts down, if the angle between the reclaimer and the end position of the stacking cantilever in the anticlockwise direction reaches 269 degrees, the stacker should not keep revolving


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