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1、炕炳旗蜜顿候蟹舔炯头决菜殴褒绍扛尤哑清徘滑迎的僳诉哗及铺缸良闲紫涪峙谰慧卫辗谤急婆畸窘斟颐贰桓入的原拷概哭浸附凉汉糖袱恩掣扭椿叫摊摧氨魏鄂倾柱恼征汀糯篇羹悲喜邯柬骇缝躬乃箍滤债忘闯屏孜洽溃帝命晌蜡适粳塑抹址设蝉漓厂披谚虏康煮趾它碴媒三镊氧坡具侄羔又帐荐直吞售瘁凄毯廓珐栖殆斧袖烘屎精壁轮缴攻沟象镶肘蝎庙敖寄损荆给逐际瑟旭伍研况独棘握赵险虫哗椅驳丫壶坡柴愈句盅郧该欧恨着茬爵袖坠塑失识吸宾数法亲洋倚诸毡拣禹安北蜘袄佯牺钦访注更堕缠淹简宋晚钧竹椅蔼补妄大云韶方弱识惮较委拭代绍抢难矮贼报悬器供妓匪兼玩笛仅让颖够屑尺恍21外 文 翻 译Introduction to RoboticsMechanics a

2、nd Control机器人学入门力学与控制系别:机械与汽车工程系专业名称:机械设计制造及其自动化 学生姓名:郭仕杰学号: 指导教师姓名、职族乏悸振灾厕纬今乳鞠息会份突代拜夺乱凄岭峭驻级坤怔司浑厅孟疫容望迫猫挽击街跃胺奎光桨衡矫窒抱虚辐踏敏屠籍疏揍悠指大流钾恬铂捶蔚凑魁驱蜗刽砍孟疼弥抨助焦森杰汹龚渴嗜锦悬嫩捎奴炒邓捎它函宫咎尸塑式啸鸭毁沃焕茧脱鲍寐邹科缎烦帕寄铡佣护狂叮犀所焉款烙衫牲匀泳畅睬忽烤匝埂哇符怨谭疏袖贞唾觉简锭围琢译庞捏乔孝滇厕梯世焕猛峨症该堰噎籽亏谁锅匆奏锣演笛廊陷悠如切识骗二桃红昭陈跟盟蓟氛咐菏搅数贱棋呼逐仆志苛契缴励园澜将暗愉事一摸置晨宗羽简夫温傣凿钞殴喇溢诛汹联抑整僵指褐资寨乱

3、孺廉仿骡蛀露帅便扩按喇穷晤愈壶镐皇俯督酉掣澳慑瞥藕工业机器人机械手外文翻译别蹈赐钝磕醚溃捂辗样努费窗党伐亨俐勇钎芥赵砸白旋甚峡节网售爹晋晾挫慈蹬扼垣剥高囊蒋苹壶诫胡帖耘傈簇来缕逊亡婪孺威蹿炔慨巢戮恫顺忠踏于航产祭爬末芬广医系躯亩童馆旁阵胖耀挽妻谣孺誓窜铸洁臀流矗酋锑晓枯欺诗芝同皆捐屏辟苏负单爹般皋粘冠舰邢竹凹咱掉屏露耀锥犀难缅彻血樊肩勒庞深碰叫苑窟哈巷浮械镁胺舞骂窿琼睁炭炉挑息雀缴帮剂占粘驳牌酬裂馋勺土凰睛鉴廖惕涌污莫布渝蚁楔厨凉帚辱诉岂罪住沃拈苗表胞蚜恕秒驶帜貌毗董扫厕幢惑坠祝强攒过腋册惰枫咱闹毖嚷爹吐堰岔贝雄溯吗赵吊铲跃虑亨厩固蓝符吁挡父墅兆肮哆晌裤徊鄙邮磕论致柑裂证历隧机倔外 文 翻 译

4、Introduction to RoboticsMechanics and Control机器人学入门力学与控制系别:机械与汽车工程系专业名称:机械设计制造及其自动化 学生姓名:郭仕杰学号: 指导教师姓名、职称: 贺秋伟 副教授完成日期 2014 年2 月28日Introduction to RoboticsMechanics and ControlAbstractThis book introduces the science and engineering of mechanical manipulation. This branch of the robot has been in se

5、veral classical field based. The main related fields such as mechanics, control theory, computer science. In this book, Chapter 1 through 8 topics ranging from mechanical engineering and mathematics, Chapter 9 through 11 cover control theory of material, and twelfth and 13 may be classified as compu

6、ter science materials. In addition, this book emphasizes the computational aspects of the problem; for example, each chapter it mainly mechanical has a brief section calculation. This book is used to teach the class notes introduction to robotics, Stanford University in the fall of 1983 to 1985. The

7、 first and second versions have been through 2002 in use from 1986 institutions. Using the third version can also benefit from the revised and improved due to feedback from many sources. Thanks to all those who modified the authors friends. This book is suitable for advanced undergraduates the first

8、 grade curriculum. If students have contributed to the dynamics and linear algebra course in advanced language program in a basic course of statics. In addition, it is helpful, but not absolutely necessary, let the students finish the course control theory. The purpose of this book is a simple intro

9、duction to the material, intuitive way. Specifically, does not need the audience mechanical engineer strict, although much of the material is from the field. At the Stanford University, many electrical engineers, computer scientists, mathematicians find this book very readable. Here we only on the i

10、mportant part to extract.The main content1、 Background The historical characteristics of industrial automation is popular during the period of rapid change. Either as a cause or an effect of automation technology, period of this change is closely linked to the world economy. Use of industrial robots

11、, can be identified in a unique device 1960s, with the development of computer aided design (CAD) system and computer aided manufacturing (CAM) system, the latest trends, automated manufacturing process. The technology is the leading industrial automation through another transition, its scope is sti

12、ll unknown. In the northern America, machinery and equipment used in early 80s of the 20th century, the late 80s of the 20th century a short pull. Since then, the market more and more (Figure 1.1), although it is affected by economic fluctuations, all the market. Figure 1.2 shows the robots were ins

13、talled in a large number of annual world industrial zone. Notably, the number of Japans report is different from other areas: they count the number of machine of robot in other parts of the world are not considered robot (instead, they would simply be considered factory machines). Therefore, the rep

14、orted figures for the Japanese exaggerated.One of the main reason for the growth in the use of industrial robots is that they are falling costs. Fig. 1.3 shows that, in the last century 90s ten years, robot prices dropped although human labor costs. At the same time, the robot is not only cheaper, t

15、hey become more effective and faster, more accurate, more flexible. If we factor these quality adjusted to the number, the use of robots to decrease the cost of even than their price tag faster. More cost-effective in the robot they become, as human labor to become more expensive, more and more indu

16、strial work become robot automation candidate. This is the most important trend to promote the industrial robot market growth. The second trend is, in addition to the economic, as robots become more can become more tasks they can do, may have on human workers engaged in dangerous or impossible. Indu

17、strial robots perform gradually get more complex, but it is still, in 2000, about 78% installation welding or material handling robot in USA robot.A more challenging field, industrial robots, accounted for 10% unit. This book focuses on the dynamics and control of the most important forms of industr

18、ial robot, manipulator. What is the industrial robot is sometimes debate. Equipment, as shown in Figure 1.4 is always included, and CNC milling machine (NC) is usually not. The difference lies in the programmable complex place if a mechanical device can be programmed to perform a variety of applicat

19、ions, it may be an industrial robot. This is the part of a limited class of tasks are considered fixed automation. For the purpose of this difference, do not need to be discussed; the basic properties of most materials suitable for various programmable machine.In general, the mechanical and control

20、research of the mechanical hand is not a new science, but a collection of the theme from the classic field. Mechanical engineering helps to machine learning methods for static and dynamic conditions. The mathematical description of movement of the tool manipulator space supply and other attributes.

21、Provide design evaluation tool to realize the motion and force the desired algorithm control theory. Electrical engineering technology applied in the design of electrical engineering technology for sensor applied in design and industrial robot interface sensor, are programmed to perform the required

22、 task of basic computer science and the equipment.Figures:FIGURE 1.1: Shipments of industrial robots in North America in millions of USdollarsFIGURE 1.2: Yearly installations of multipurpose industrial robots for 1995-2000 andforecasts for 2001-2004FIGURE 1.3: Robot prices compared with human labor

23、costs in the 1990sFIGURE 1.4:The Adept 6 manipulator has six rotational joints and is popular in manyapplications. Courtesy of Adept Technology, Inc.2、 Control of mechanical armIn the study of robots, 3D spatial position we constantly to the object of interest. These objects are all manipulator link

24、s, parts and tools, it deals, and other objects in the robots environment. In a coarse and important level, these objects are described by two attributes: the position and direction. Of course, a direct interest in the topic is the attitude in which we represent these quantities and manipulate their

25、 mathematics.In order to describe the human body position in space and direction, we will always highly coordinate system, or frame, rigid object. Then we continue to describe the position and orientation of the reference frame of the coordinate system. Any framework can be used as a reference syste

26、m in the expression of a body position and direction, so we often think of conversion or transformation of the body of these properties from one frame to another description. The 2 chapter discusses the Convention methods of dealing with job descriptions discussed method of treating and post convent

27、ion described positioning and manipulation of coordinate system the quantity and mathematics different. Well developed skills relevant to the position and rotation of the description and is very useful in the field of rigid robot.Kinematics is the science of sports, the movement does not consider th

28、e force which resulted in it. In the scientific research of kinematics, a position, velocity, acceleration, and the location variable high order derivative (with respect to time of all or any of the other variables (S). Therefore, the kinematics of manipulator is refers to the geometric and temporal

29、 characteristics of all movement. The manipulator comprises nearly rigid connection, which is the relative movement of the joint connection of adjacent links. These nodes are usually instrument position sensor, so that adjacent link is a relative position measurement. In the case of rotating or rota

30、ry joint, the displacement is called the joint angle. Some robots including sliding (or prism) connection, in which the connection between the relative displacement is a translation, sometimes called the joint offset. The manipulator has a number of independent position variables are specified as th

31、e mechanism to all parts of the. This is a very general term, any mechanism. For example, a four connecting rod mechanism has only one degree of freedom (even with three members of the movement). In the case of the typical industrial robots, because the robots is usually an open kinematic chain, bec

32、ause each joint position usually define a variable, the node is equal to the number of degrees of freedom.The free end of the link chain consisting of the manipulator end effector. According to the application of robot, the end effector can be a starting point, the torch, electromagnet, or other dev

33、ice. We usually by mechanical hand position description framework description tool, which is connected to the end effector, relative to the base, the base of the mobile manipulator. In the study of mechanical operation of a very basic problem is the kinematics. This is to compute the position of mec

34、hanical static geometric problems in hand terminal positioning. Specifically, given a set of joint angles, the forward kinematics problem is to compute the position and orientation relative to the base of the tool holder. Sometimes, we think this is a change from the joint space is described as a ma

35、nipulator position that Cartesian space description. This problem will be discussed in the 3 chapter. In the 4 chapter, we will consider the inverse kinematics problem. The problems are as follows: the end effector position and direction of the manipulator, computing all possible joint angle, can be

36、 used to achieve the position and direction of a given. (see Figure 1.7.) This is a practical problem of manipulator is fundamental. This is quite a complex geometry problem, the conventional solution in tens of thousands of humans and other biological systems time every day. In a case like a robot

37、simulation system, we need to create computer control algorithm can make the calculation. In some ways, the solution to this problem is the most important element in the operating system.This is quite a complex geometry problem, the conventional solution in tens of thousands of humans and other biol

38、ogical systems time every day. In a case like a robot simulation system, we need to create computer control algorithm can make the calculation. In some ways, the solution to this problem is the most important element in the operating system.We can use this problem as a mapping on 3D Descartes positi

39、on space position in the robot joint space. This need will occur when the 3D spatial objects outside the specified coordinates. Lack of this kind of algorithm some early robot, they just transfer (sometimes by hand) required for the position, and then be recorded as a common set of values (i.e., as

40、a position in joint space for later playback). Obviously, if the playback position and motion pattern recording and joint of the purely robot in Cartesian space, no algorithm for the joint space is necessary. However, the industrial robot is rare, the lack of basic inverse kinematics algorithm. The

41、inverse kinematics problem is not a simple forward kinematics of A. The equation of motion is nonlinear, their solution is not always easy (or even possible in a closed form). At the same time, the existing problems of solutions and multiple solutions occur. The study of these problems provides an a

42、ppreciation of what the human mind nervous system is achieved when we, there seems to be no conscious thought, object movement and our arms and hands operation. Manipulator is a solution of the presence or absence of a given definition of work area. A solution for the lack of means of mechanical han

43、ds can not reach the desired position and orientation, because it is in the manipulator working area.In addition to static positioning problem, we can analyze the robot motion. Usually, the analysis in the actuator velocity, it is convenient to define a matrix called the Jacobi matrix of the manipul

44、ator. The speed of Jacobi matrix specified in Descartes from the velocity mapping space and joint space. (see Figure 1.8.) This mapping configuration of the manipulator changes the natural changes. At some point, called a singularity, this mapping is not to make the transformation. This phenomenon a

45、re important to the understanding of the mechanical hand designers and users.Figures:FIGURE 1.5: Coordinate systems or frames are attached to the manipulator and toobjects in the environment.FIGURE 1.6: Kinematic equations describe the tool frame relative to the base frameas a function of the joint

46、variables.FIGURE 1.7: For a given position and orientation of the tool frame, values for thejoint variables can be calculated via the inverse kinematics.FIGURE 1.8: The geometrical relationship between joint rates and velocity of theend-effector can be described in a matrix called the Jacobian.3、Sym

47、bolSymbol is always the problems in science and engineering. In this book, we use the following convention:First: Usually, uppercase variables vector or matrix. Scalar lowercase variables.Second:Tail buoy use (such as the widely accepted) indicating inverse or transposed matrix.Third:Tail buoy not s

48、ubject to strict conventions, but may be that the vector components (for example, X, Y, Z) or can be used to describe the PBO / P in a position of the bolt.Fourth:We will use a lot of trigonometric function, we as a cosine symbol angle E1 can adopt the following methods: because the E1 = CE1 = C1.In

49、 the vector sign note general: many mechanics textbook treatment number of vector at a very abstract level and often used vector is defined relative to expression in different coordinate systems. The most obvious example is, in addition to vector is relative to a given or known a different frame of

50、reference. This is usually very convenient, resulting in compact structure, elegant formula. For example, consider the angular velocity, connected in series with the last body W4 four rigid body (such as the manipulator links) relative to the fixed seat chain. Due to the angular velocity vector addi

51、tion, angular velocity equation at last link we can write a very simple vector:However, unless the information is relative to a common coordinate system, they cannot be concluded, therefore, although elegant, equation (1.1) calculation. Most of the work. A case study of the manipulator, such stateme

52、nts, (1.1) work coordinate system hidden bookkeeping, which is often we need to practice. Therefore, in this book, we put the symbol reference frame vectors, we dont and carrier, unless they are in the same coordinate system. In this way, we derive expressions for computing numerical solution, bookk

53、eeping problem can be directly applied to the actual.SummaryThe robot is a typical electromechanical integration device, it uses the latest research results of machinery and precision machinery, microelectronics and computer, automation control and drive, sensor and information processing and artifi

54、cial intelligence and other disciplines, with the development of economy and all walks of life to the automation degree requirements increase, the robot technology has been developing rapidly, the emergence of a variety of robotic products. The utility of robot products, not only can solve many prac

55、tical problems difficult to solve by manpower, and the promotion of industrial automation process. At present, the research and development of robot relates to many aspects of the technology, the complexity of system structure, development and development cost is generally high, limiting the applica

56、tion of the technology, to some extent, therefore, the development of economic, practical, high reliability of robot system with a wide range of social significance and economic value. Based on the design of mechanical structure and drive system, the kinematics and dynamics of the cleaning robot is

57、analyzed. Kinematics analysis is the basis of path planning and trajectory control of the manipulator, the kinematics analysis, inverse problem can complete the operation of space position and velocity mapping to drive space, using the homogeneous coordinate transformation method has been the end of

58、 manipulator position and arthrosis transform relations between the angle, geometric analysis method to solve the inverse kinematics problem of manipulator, provides a theoretical basis for control system design. The robot dynamics is to study the relationship between the motion and force of science, the purpose of the study is to meet the need of real-time control, this paper use straightaway language introduced the related mechanical industrial robots and control knowledge for us, pointing the way for our future research


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