已阅读5页,还剩38页未读 继续免费阅读




1、 What is detail? ?Detail refers to specific information in a conversation or a lecture: ? Facts, description, definitions, reasons, examples, pictures, or terms Tips ? 1. To identify the key/content words/phrases ? 2. No inference is needed. Key points when listening ? 在做细节题的时候我们要着重关注谈话或演讲中的 专有名词专有名

2、词,数字数字和时间时间。记住说话人对概念,特有现 象的定义。 还要把握意思转折或话题转换的部分。 ?笔记:记框架+填细节 (淡定) ?耐心patience; ?细心carefulness; ?恒心persistence Two principles ?第一, ETS只会考察和主旨有关的 重要细节。过于 偏细节的实在没有听到,大可不必惋惜,影响后 面的发挥; ?第二,牢牢把握住往往和考点相联系的重要信号 词。比如说表示 因果的accordingly, thus 等词对 应于细节题中常考察的因果题。 ?常见的和信号词相关的考点有逻辑时间顺序、举 例、列举、相似或者对比、转折、强调、因果、 总结、定

3、义、建议、数字等。 举例 ?举例的具体内容、例子的作用 ?关注举例的上下文,说话的人为什么要举这个例子, 要证明什么,表明什么观点、态度,还有例子本身说 了那些内容。 ?听标志举例的关键词,比如:For example、like、for instance 、in this case、in another case、take the case of、on this occasion 听定义听定义 ?学科的专有名词 ?it refers to、that is 、that means、which means、 This is to say、in other words 、in another wor

4、ds 听强调听强调 ?提高声调、放慢语速、前边会有停顿,最常见的还是 会有标志词 ?And the most important is、This is very important、 A major point is、The important idea is、The thing aboutis extremely important、In fact 听原因 ?听原因细节时,要注意什么是因,什么是果 ?表示前因后果:So / therefore、consequently、as a consequence、for this purpose 、result in、 lead to ?表示前果后因:

5、Result from、stem for 、 originate from、spring from arise out of、it lies/is in (that) 听结尾听结尾 ?判断结尾的部分只要看考试界面的时间条 ?会出现表示结尾的词,例如:To sum up、To conclude / in conclusion、In summary / to summarize。 听数字、地点、人物听数字、地点、人物 ?听听数字、地点、人物时注意他们所代表的内容、所 指的内容还有有同类内容时他们的区别。 相似或者对比相似或者对比 ?表示相似的表达有:like、similar、resemblance

6、、to resemble、similarity, ? ?表示对比的表达:in contrast with. 、whereas、on the contrary、different from.、on the other hand、 however、but 陷阱及对策 ?无中生有、答非所问、偷梁换柱 ?不要被原词迷惑 ?注意同义替换 ?把握主线 2.2. A ?Questions1-2 ?“ the job board” just means the job is posted openly for students to look at. ?key sentence: Id like a quie

7、t job that would allow me to get some reading done. ?“reading”-study; ?“allow” means “let” Questions 3-5 ?3: ?1) the man: we need extra cashiers; why not volunteer to help ?2) the woman: I could spare a few hours ?4. ?key phrases: ten dollars, in book credit, use the credit at this sale ?Clues: 1) “

8、in cash” VS “in credit”. ? 2) “use the credit” means to buy books in credit ?5. ?key sentence: Ill be there around noon. credit ?Noun: ?信用;荣誉/功劳;银行存款; 【美】学分;(某门功课的)及格记录 C Verb. ?1. 相信 Nobody credited his story. 没有人相信他的话。 ? 2. 把.记入贷方 The bank credited 50,000 dollars to us. 那家银行贷了五万元给我们。 ?3. 把.归于 (+to

9、) The accident was credited to carelessness on the part of the driver. 这起事故是由于驾车人不小心引起的。 ?4. 认为.有(某优点,成就等) I credit him with honesty. 我相信他是诚实的。 ?5. 【美】给(学生)记学分 (+with) Questions 6-7 6. ?1) her assignments are ;stories to illustrate her lectures ?2) challenging+ useful+ makes us think= valuable 7. ?1

10、) write a lot of papers (work hard) ?2) makes you work in her class (expect the students to work) Questions 8-10 8. ?1) journal articles ?2) arranged logically 9. ?1) primate behavior ?2) other mammals or birds (animal) 10. key sentence: I have some free time tomorrow afternoon. 2.2. B Questions 1-4

11、 ?tribe; expedition; moose; beaver; elk; animals sought; take charge of; head the clan; procure the game; realm ?hunting season; began in the fall; continued until midwinter ?moose, deer, beaver, bear, elk were the animals sought ?take charge of the camps ?a woman headed each clan ? managed all of t

12、he agricultural operations Questions 5-7 ? there are a number of factors ?信号词:but; also; most importantly, however ?Experience is the best way to get a feel. ?Because art does have a history of insecure employment. ? It can be part-time or volunteer work. The important thing is getting started. Ques

13、tions 8-10 ?The first step ?Next, of course ?Then ?This is the first step in ?After you ?You are ready to 精听练习精听练习 2.2. C ?Questions 4-5 ?Horn ?Side-blown ?End-blown ?Finger holes ?Melodic range ?Versatility ?Signal; ritual ?Orchestra; symphony orchestra Musical terms ?节拍meter ?和声harmony ?速度tempo ?力

14、度dynamics ?曲式form ?主题theme ?副歌accessory theme ? 音域range ? 标准音standard pitch ? 音高pitch ? 音阶scale ? 调式mode ? 调key ? 旋律melody ? 节奏rhythm ?古典音乐classical music ?泛指时指过去时代 具有典范意义或代 表性的音乐(不含 民间音乐);专指 时指维也纳古曲乐 派的音乐或师法于 该乐派的音乐 ?爵士乐Jazz ?本世纪初产生于 新奥尔良的一种 融合了黑人的散 拍乐,灵歌与布 鲁斯的音乐形式。 ?管弦乐团管弦乐团orchestra orchestra ?由弦

15、乐器、管乐器与打击乐器组成的大型器乐合奏团 体。 ?ORCHESTRAORCHESTRA就是就是管弦乐团,它分成四部分:,它分成四部分: 1 1弦乐,包,包 括小提琴、大提琴等, 2铜管乐, 3木管乐和 4敲击乐 四组。弦乐组每种乐器有多人演奏 (竖琴除外 ),四 组演奏者由一人统筹兼领导,他就是乐团的指挥。 ?ORCHESTRA於17世纪出现,到 18世纪因海顿和莫扎特 的作品而清楚地建立模式。 19世纪加入了些新乐器, 乐团人数加大。 ORCHESTRA是西方古典 /正统音乐的 正宗。西方流行 /摇滚乐也经常运用 ORCHESTRA的部 分或全部团员协助演出。 ?铜管乐团brass ban

16、d ?由铜管乐器和部 分打击乐器组成 的乐团,其有别 于兼有木管乐器 的管乐团 ?管乐团wind band ?由木管乐器、钢 管乐器和打击乐 器组成的吹奏乐 团,也泛指军队 中的军乐团或同 一类型的管乐团 ?钢鼓乐团 ?steel band ?由不同类型的铜 鼓所组成的乐团, 人数几十至百余 人不等 ?交响乐团 symphony orchestra ?指大型的管弦乐 团 Questions 6-10 听意群听意群 意群一:cause ?意群二:how it works ?Complex ways ?Some; others; 1964, Hilo, Hawaii ?1896; this is

17、what happened; Japan 2.2. D Questions 3-5 ?well, for one thing ?pay attention to the following content ?large company; cash reserves; enable to absorb losses more easily ?essential to be a competent manager ?to run a store; to keep track of your inventory ?promoting your products in innovative ways

18、Questions 6-10 ?Muscle cell肌肉细胞 ?Saltine cracker威化饼干 ?Cramp抽筋 ?Lactic acid ferment乳酸发酵 ?Lactate乳酸 ?Scarce稀缺 ?Switch转化/开关 ?Aerobic respiration有氧呼吸 ?Balance food and water intake平衡食物和水的摄入量 ?on a hike; saw something happen ?desert canyon trail ?we gave water bottles ?water and food; but their teacher went back to get some more ?when the cell has no oxygen ?“see in action” =recognize in real life 2.2. E Questions 6-10 ?意群: ?1. definition ?2. types: each type + examples ?Def


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