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1、。Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf第一场 :(播放背景乐:喜羊羊和灰太狼)(小天使和五位演员上台亮相,小天使介绍角色,介绍到谁谁就做动作展示一下自己。)Angle :On the beautifulgreen meadow, livesPleasant Goat(招牌动作) , FatGoat(睡觉状) , Beauty Goat( I ampretty,right?), Grey Wolf( 阴笑 ), Red wolf(嘻笑) .(五个角色迅速下场,拿上棍子对峙状,上场)Angle :The wolves use theirbrainsevery day, an

2、d tryto catch these goats.So a longbattle between the goats and the wolves begins.(大家定格亮相,从两边下场。)第二场:(红太狼从狼堡出来,在水果树下照镜子,抹口红,臭美样子。灰太狼在狼堡口抬箱子。)Grey Wolf :Honey, can you carry the box for me?(红太狼不情愿)Red Wolf :What do you want to do?Grey Wolf : I want to put the box under the tree.Then I can pick some f

3、ruitfor ourlunch.Red Wolf :Oh, I cant eat the goats! I can only eat the fruit.Grey Wolf :Ready? One, two .(灰太狼和红太狼抬着箱子走几步后,红太狼猛得把箱子一扔,砸到了灰太狼的手指)。1。Grey Wolf :Oh, my fingers!Red Wolf :Whydontyou catch the goats? Yourebusy alldays. But I canteat a bite ofthe goat. Now, go, get me a goat. Im starving n

4、ow.(灰太狼忙跳上树,摘了一个果子,赶紧捧着送到红太狼的嘴边)Grey Wolf :Honey, heres some fruit. How delicious! You have some fruit first. I go tocatch the goats for you at once. Believe me!(红太狼不情愿,但又无可奈何)Red Wolf :I am not a goat but a wolf. I want goats.(摸摸自己的肚子,做饿状。吃了果子。结果吃完之后就晕过去。)(灰太狼大声哭泣)Grey Wolf :Honey, whats wrong with

5、 you?(从天上飘进来一个美丽的小天使。 )Angle :Grey Wolf, you know? You did lots of bad things. God must punish you. Youshould do somegood thingsfor the goats,or your wife cantbe awake.(灰太狼立刻擦干眼泪,对她深情款款地)Grey Wolf :Oh, I see. Wait for me, honey, I can save you.(灰太狼把红太狼推回狼堡,并且背上包往羊村跑去)第三场:(几只小羊在玩球)Pleasant Goat :Catc

6、h! Beauty Goat.(喜羊羊传给美羊羊,美羊羊又扔给懒羊羊)Beauty Goat :Catch! Fat Goat.( 球砸到了懒羊羊)Fat Goat :Im tired. Let me have a rest. I want to sleep.(球滚走了,喜羊羊去捡球,看见灰太狼从远处跑过来。)Pleasant Goat :Look, Grey Wolf is coming. Run, quickly, run.。2。( 小羊们大叫 ) :“Run, go, run!Grey Wolf : Dont be afraid.”Dont run, dear goats,I want

7、to be your friend.(喜羊羊叫住大家 )Pleasant Goat:Stop! Stop, wait a moment. What? You want to be our friend? You dontwant to eat us, right?Grey Wolf :Yes, now I want to try my best to help you. Believe me! I beg you.(小羊们相互看看,不太相信的表情)Pleasant Goat :Really?Beauty Goat :I dont know.Fat Goat :Oh, Im sleepy. Yo

8、u discuss it. I want to sleep.Grey Wolf :To express my sincerity, I bring some presents for you.(拿出丝巾)Grey Wolf :This is a beautiful scarf. Its for you, Beauty Goat.Beauty Goat :Thanks a lot.(美羊羊高兴地戴了起来)Beauty Goat:Wow,hownice!Itsfrom Grey Wolf and Red Wolf, I cantbelieveit.( 戴好后,向前一步走 )Grey Wolf :L

9、ook, am I pretty? I am very happy.(边唱边跳起舞来。配音乐If you are happy做美丽造型! )(灰太狼又拿出一盒巧克力)Grey Wolf :This box of chocolate is for Fat Goat. But hes asleep.Maybe I can give it to .(懒羊羊立马跳起来了)Fat Goat :Oh, Im here. Im awake. Chocolate is my favourite food.(懒羊羊夺过巧克力就跑出去吃了) (边跑边舔嘴唇)。3。Fat Goat :I go out to eat

10、 them. Wow, chocolate! Pleasant Goat: He likeseating best.He always forgets to sleep when he has something to eat.Beauty Goat :Yes!Pleasant Goat :Grey Wolf, what do you mean? Be our friend? If you want to dosomething for us, you can wash clothes for us.Grey Wolf :Im very glad to do that. Where are t

11、he clothes?Pleasant Goat :Beauty Goat!Beauty Goat :I am coming. Here you are, Grey Wolf. Thank you.(灰太狼立刻把衣服整理一下,坐下来洗了。)(配上喜涮涮的音乐。)Grey Wolf :Pleasant Goat, Beauty Goat, Fat Goat.(三只羊跑过来)Grey Wolf :What else can I do for you?Beauty Goat :Clean the house for us. Lets go on playing.(灰太狼又擦窗户,扫地,烧好了饭菜。)

12、(懒羊羊寻着饭菜的味道走了过去,吃了起来。又把喜羊羊和美羊羊喊过来。)Fat Goat:Wow,deliciousfood.How delicious!PleasantGoat, Beauty Goat.Beauty Goat :Thank you for your help.Pleasant Goat :We can be friends, I m very happy.Grey Wolf :I am happy, too. I just want to help my wife.(立刻捂着嘴巴,怕被喜羊羊他们听出来。)第四场:Pleasant Goat :Dont be happy now

13、. I dont think Grey Wolf is good.He must have some plots.Beauty Goat :We must be careful.Pleasant Goat:Yes, we must get ready for it.Fat Goat :Youre right. Maybe hell come back and catch us after a while.。4。Beauty Goat :What should we do now? (做害怕状 )Pleasant Goat :We can set up a trap for the Grey W

14、olf at once.Beauty Goat :Good idea. Lets do it at once.(说着就到在门口摆放了若干个弹簧夹,并且用草遮盖好,然后躲在一边等着。)第五场:(灰太狼跑回了家,发现老婆醒了,他开心极了)Grey Wolf :Oh, Honey, you are awake. I dont think you can be awake.Oh, Im very lucky.(可是老婆一看见他就拿着个锅打他)Red Wolf :Why dont you catch the little goats?(灰太狼立马来了精神立刻跑出去抓羊)Grey Wolf : Yes, honey. I must take the goats back this time. Wait for me!(他一路大跑,结果在门口被大夹子夹处手脚,疼得他大叫着往回跑,)Grey Wolf :Oh, my God, I must come back again.(小羊们高高兴兴地从旁边跑出来,欢呼胜利。)(配主题音乐)Goats:Grey Wolf has run


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