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1、精品好资料学习推荐附件1:外文资料翻译译文基于FPGA的停车场管理系统的设计与实现摘要由于汽车数量在快速的增加。它造成污染 (噪声和空气) 交通挤塞的问题。为了克服这个问题。提出了基于 FPGA 的停车系统。在本文,停车场系统实现了利用有限状态机模型。该系统具有两个主要模块即识别模块和检查模块的插槽,识别模块标识位访客,插槽检查模块检查有关插槽的状态,这些模块是在高密度脂蛋白中建模,在 FPGA 上实现。结合传感器接口、 步进电机、 液晶屏的各种接口设计了一个原型的停车系统。关键词有限状态机;停车场系统;容量-51.介绍车辆交通拥堵是一个世界性的问题。近年来,已经全力在实现一种方法来减少拥堵、

2、 事故和灾害等停车问题。图1:城市交通拥堵趋势如中所示图 1 拥塞显然逐年增加,它显示了一些问题。图中表明拥塞需要花更长的时间才能到从工作中尖峰时刻。停车场系统还可以利用创新技术提高付费停车方便和快捷。现今,刷一下智能卡就可以实现付费功能,减少交易时间。移动设备也可以用于支付交易。公共地区需要停车系统,能够有效的运作,与其他城市公用地区相结合。因为没有适当方式,所以分配车位的停车场管理系统在协调和集中管理中呈现了失败的效果。为了避免这些问题,提出智能停车系统的设计,用基于 FPGA 来检查某些功能块。近年来,FPGA 的可重构是有效的方法来实现的设计,因为 FPGA 提供通用处理器和 ASIC

3、 之间的协调。基于 FPGA 的设计也更灵活,可编程,可重新加载。基于 FPGA 的设计可以方便地修改软件部分。2.相关工作宫俊燕等相关人士,提出一种新颖,安全,智能的停车系统 (智能停车)主要是基于保护无线网络与传感器通信。停车空间利用率高和免费、快速的现时间是提出研究的目的。苏春、安康山等,提出了用停车系统中的驱动程序来了解在停车场的帮助下 SMS 服务空间的可用性。驱动程序可以发送短信实现请求新的空间,如果前一个被填满,驱动程序可以找到最近的空间停车使用基于无线移动的汽车停车系统。结果,表明该系统有效地分配的插槽和充分利用停车空间。安古普塔等,描述了阿克曼转向配置高效汽车停车算法。该算法

4、利用几何计算路径规划。结果显示了一个快速、 高效、 安全的停车系统。花春潭等,提出了用于大型停车场的高效停车搜索技术。在这篇文章中,提出在道路附近的停车场安装摄像机和捕获关于汽车颜色和车牌识别的信息,并保存到数据库中。谢刚等,提出了一个停车系统,消除了关于空档停车的问题。作者使用无线技术来提高停车效率。宫俊燕等,提出通知基于停车系统。在这停车系统中,驱动程序可以查询及预订停车位,以及为安全目的加密/解密技术使用,仿真结果都是高效的。Insop Song等提出基于 FPGA 停车系统,采用模糊逻辑控制器 (FLC),主要优点是计算时间大量减少了。在这项研究工作中,模拟真实环境中使用 VHDL 代

5、码测试机器人小车,并在 基于FPGA 的基础上进行测试。3停车场管理系统停车系统的基本操作解释为 当车辆进入停车场时,液晶屏显示内容提示,是否有停车位空缺。如果有空位,然后启动电机,打开停车场入口的门。射频模块用来传送和接收插槽可用性信息。根据射频模块的输出,LED 的发光。根据信息驱动程序可以停车。停车系统框图所示图 2.主机计算机作为控制单元。主要程序为 FPGA。图2:停车系统的结构图3.1硬件执行LCD为16引脚配置,Vss是接地引脚, Vcc是电源引脚,Vee用于控制对比度, RS为寄存器选择引脚,命令和数据根据RS引脚状态选择,E为使能信号。DB0-DB7是数据线15和16引脚用于

6、调整背光。分配给FPGA的LCD的控制和数据线如图3所示。图3(a):LCD与FPGA接口(引脚分配)步进电机通过使用ULN 2003与FPGA连接。开发板的任何I / O端口可用于接口。在图中,开发板的DI/O端口用于与步进电机的连接。 FPGA,ULN 2003和步进电机的引脚分配如图3(b)所示。图3(b):步进电机与FPGA的接口(引脚分配) 射频模块:在本模块中,红外传输接收器用于检测车辆是否存在。 红外传感器向HT12E编码器发送插槽状态。编码器由18引脚配置。并行数据由编码器转换为串行。 收集数据在编码器的数据输出引脚。 从数据输出引脚串行发射到RF发射器。 在RF接收机处串行接

7、收数据。 HT12D解码器从RF接收器接收数据,然后将转换器串行转换回并行形式。 HT12D解码器的数据引脚与Virtex 5CI/O端口信号引脚连接。图3(c):HT12D解码器与FPGA的接口(引脚分配)平台:由IR传感器、HT12E编码器、RF模块、HT12D解码器和FPGA的LED组成,用于显示结果。 软件模块:Xilinx版本12.4用于VHDL编码。 接口:在提出的系统LCD中,步进电机和RF模型接口是用FPGA完成的。3.2有限状态机的系统的运行为了实施停车系统状态图构造。我们知道模拟系统的执行空间的可用性,电机旋转的门打开,标识和插槽的可用性信息。该系统包括识别插槽选择插槽4.

8、FPGA 实现 4.1 设计停车系统与状态机图ASMD 图表是算法状态机图。显示停车系统流程图的工作方式。对于模拟模型,椭圆形的心形的盒子用来描述过去的状态,以及当前输入的输出。图中所示的图表 ASMD 是停车场系统工作。在停车场入口处,液晶屏显示停车系统的状态。如果有可用空间,然后液晶显示可用空间其他液晶显示没有空间退出。根据空间状态马达旋转顺时针方向。后该鉴定单位标识的人。为新成员分配临时卡。经过鉴定,检查插槽状态。状态可以是填充、 空或保留。在这个过程中使用射频传感器。图4:停车场管理系统的ASMD图4.2结果检查门空间后,会打开步进电机。然后模拟时钟脉冲和重置应用会输入。碳纳米管和 c

9、lkd 是信号。当重置高向低,步进电机转动。步进电机的仿真波形图 4(a)所示。图4(a) 模拟步进电机放图 4(b) RTL 视图步进电机与 LCD 接口技术如上图显示了 RTL 视图步进电机与 LCD 接口技术。clk 是系统时钟信号,rst 是控制信号,D(7:0) 是数据线,Z(3:0) 是步进电机的输出信号,E 是液晶显示器的使能信号,rs 是寄存器选择信号。rw 是读/写控制信号。当门打开了时,识别过程开始。w,w1、 w2、 z、 clk 和重置是投入。Out_1 是输出。Current_state 和 next_state 描述了确定访客或新成员。Pr_st 和 nx_st 显

10、示人的标识。下图是仿真显示识别过程图4(c):模拟识别模块该插槽后检查过程开始了。这里的 w1,w2、 w3,w、clk,rest是输入的信号。Led_slotallot 和 slotallot 是输出信号。当复位信号熄灭高向低,系统从空闲状态出来。在下图的模拟输入信号中,插槽 15 是可用的。下图是仿真显示插槽分配功能。图 4 (d) 插槽分配特征的模拟现在识别和插槽分配模块集成。clk,w3,car_enter,休息,w4,找到,a,w2 是输入的信号。确定new_member、 fnd1、 z、 led、 led_filled、 led_reserv、 cout 输出信号。根据输入信号,

11、检查插槽状态。图4(e) 完整的停车系统的仿真结果图5:RTL 视图停车系统图上方显示 32 插槽及 RTL 视图停车系统。W2、 W3、 W4 是输入的信号,rest是控制信号,Clk 是系统时钟信号,Led,led_filled,led_reserv是输出信号,显示插槽的状态。识别和 new_member 也显示结果识别模块的输出信号。5.总结目前,基于 FPGA 泊车系统被采用 Fsm Xilinx ISE 设计套件 12.4。设计验证容量 5 FPGA 工具包,状态机提高生产率、 降低成本并缩短上市时间。基于 FPGA 停车系统,给出了快速响应。所设计的系统可用于许多应用程序,可以轻松

12、地提高插槽选项数目,利用设计系统使停车更方便。附件2:外文原文(复印件)Design and implementation of car parking system on FPGAABSTRACTAs, the number of vehicles are increased day by day in rapid manner. It causes the problem of traffic congestion, pollution (noise and air). To overcome this problem.A FPGA based parking system has bee

13、n proposed. In this paper, parking system is implemented using Finite State Machine modelling. The system has two main modules i.e. identification module and slot checking module. Identification module identifies the visitor. Slot checking module checks the slot status. These modules are modelled in

14、 HDL and implemented on FPGA. A prototype of parking system is designed with various interfaces like sensor interfacing, stepper motor and LCD.KEYWORDS :Finite State Machine; Parking System; Virtex- 5;1. INTRODUCTIONVehicle traffic congestion is a worldwide problem. In recent years, efforts have bee

15、n made tointroduce a method to reduce parking problems such as congestion, accidents and hazards.Figure1:Congestion Trends in Urban AreaAs shown in figure 1 congestion has clearly grown year by year. It creates a number of problems. Congestion used to mean it took longer to get to from work in the r

16、ush hour.Parking systems can also take advantage of innovative technologies in order to improve the ease and convenience of paying for parking. Now a day, Smart cards minimize transaction time by allowing a user to simply wave their card in front of a reader. Mobile devices can also be usedin paymen

17、t transactions. Public utilities need a parking system that can function efficiently and be integrated with the other urban city utilities. For allotment of parking slots there is no proper way thus parking management system fails in coordination and centralizing the information for an effective sys

18、tem. To avoid these problems, a design of an intelligent parking system is proposed,which will be implemented on FPGA to check itsfunctionality. Recently, a reconfigurable FPGA is efficient method to implement a design, because FPGAprovides a compromise between general-purpose processors and ASIC. T

19、he FPGA based designis also more flexible, programmable and can be re-programmed. FPGA based design can easilybe modified by modifying designs software part.2. RELATED WORKGongjun Yan et.al, describes a novel, secure, and intelligent parking system (Smart Parking) based on secured wireless network a

20、nd sensor communication. High parking space utilization and fast free spot finding time are the result of proposed research. Soh Chun Khanget.al, presents a parking system in which driver comes to know about the space availability in the parking lot with the help of SMS service. Driver can resend SM

21、S in order to request new space if the previous one is filled. Driver can find nearest space for parking usingwireless mobile based car parking system. Results, shows that the system efficiently allocates the slots and utilizes the full parking space. Ankit Gupta et.al, describes an efficient car pa

22、rking algorithm for ackerman steering configuration. This algorithm uses geometric calculations for path planning. Result shows a fast, efficient and safer parking system. Huachuntan et.al, proposed an efficient car searching technique for larger parking lot. In thispaper, cameras are installed in r

23、oads nearby parking lot and information regarding car likecolour and license plate recognition is captured and saved in the database. S. V. Srikanth et.al, proposed a parking system which eliminates problems regarding finding vacant slot for parking. Author uses wireless technology to enhance parkin

24、g efficiency. Gongjun Yan et.al, proposed NOTICE based parking system. In this parking system, drivers can check and reserve the slot for parking. For security purposes encryption/decryption techniques are used. Simulation results are highly efficient. Insop Song et.al proposed FPGA based parking sy

25、stem using fuzzy logic controller (FLC). Reduction in computation time is its advantage. In this research work a robot car is made and tested in real environment using VHDL code. Design is simulated and tested on FPGA.3. PROPOSED PARKING SYSTEMThe basic operation of the parking system is explained a

26、s: When avehicle enters in the parking lot, LCD displays, if the space is available in parking lot or not.If the space is available then steppermotor rotates and door opens for vehicle entrance. RF module is used to transmit and receive slot availability information.According toRF Modules output,LED

27、s glow.According to information driver canpark the vehicle.Block diagram for the parking system is shown in figure 2.Host computer acts as control unit.Once host computer program the FPGA.Figure 2: Block diagram of the parking system3.1 Hardware implementation LCD is of 16 pin configuration. Vss is

28、ground pin. Vcc is power supply pin.Vee is used to control the contrast. RS is register select pin.Command and data is select according to RS pin status.E is enable signal.DB0-DB7 are data lines.15 and 16 pins are used to adjust backlight.Control and data lines of LCD assigned to FPGA are shown in f

29、igure 3.Figure 3(a):LCD interfacing with FPGA(Pin assignment)Stepper motor interfaced with FPGA by using ULN 2003. Any I/O portof Development Boardcan be used for interfacing. Here, D I/O port ofDevelopment Board is used for interfacing withstepper motor. Pin assignment of FPGA, ULN 2003,and stepper

30、 motor is shown in figure 3(b).Figure 3(b):stepper motor interfacing with FPGA(Pin assignment)RF Module: In this module IR trans-receiver pair is used to detect vehicle presence. IR sensors transmit slots status to HT12E encoder. Encoder consists of 18 pin configuration. Parallel data convert into s

31、erial by encoder. Data is collected at data out pin of encoder. From data out pin data serially transmit towards RF transmitter. Data serially received at RF receiver. HT12D decoder receivers data from RF receiver, then converter back serial to parallel form. HT12D decoders data pins are interfaced

32、with Virtex 5 C I/O port signal pins.Figure 3(c):HT12D Decoder interfacing with FPGA(Pin assignment)Platform: consisting of IR sensors, HT12E encoder, RF module, HT12D decoder and LEDs ofFPGA are used to display results. Software Module: Xilinx version 12.4 is used for VHDL coding. Interfacing: In p

33、roposed system LCD, Stepper motor and RF models interfacing is done withFPGA.3.2 Finite state machine for the operation of the systemIn order to implement parking system a state diagram is constructed. As we know that theproposed system performs space availability, motor rotation for door opening, i

34、dentification andslot availability information. The system includes:IdentificationSlot Selection4. FPGA IMPLEMENTATION 4.1 Designing of parking system with State Machine DiagramASMD chart is Algorithm State Machine Diagram. This shows the working of parking system in the form of a flow chart. For th

35、e proposed model, oval shaped boxes are used to describe the output that depends upon past state as well as present input. The ASMD chart shown in figure 4 gives working of the car parking system. At the entrance of parking area, LCD displays the status of parking system. If space is available then

36、LCD displays space available else LCD displays no space exit. According to space status motor rotates in clockwise direction. After that identification unit identifies the person. For new member temporary card is allotted. After identification, slot status is checked. Status can be filled, empty or

37、reserved. RF sensors are used in this process.Figure 4:ASMD char for parking system4.2 ResultsAfter space checking door will open with the help of stepper motor. Here in simulation clk pulse and reset is applied as an input. Cnt and clkd are signals. When reset goes high-to-low, stepper motor rotate

38、s. Simulation wave forms of stepper motor are shown in figure 4(a)Figure 4(a):Simulation of stepper motor ratation Figure 4(b) :RTL view of stepper motor and LCD interfacingFigure 4(b):RTL view of stepper motor and LCD interfacingFigure above shows the RTL view of stepper motor and LCD interfacing.c

39、lk is system clock signal. rst is control signal. D(7:0) are data lines. Z(3:0) is output signal ofstepper motor. E is enable signal of LCD. rs is register select signal. rw is read/write controlsignal.When door opened, identification process starts. w, w1, w2, z, clk and reset are inputs. Out_1 iso

40、utput. Current_state and next_state describes visitor is identified or a new member has come. Pr_st and nx_st shows person which is identified. Following simulation shows identificationprocess:Figure 4(c):Simulation of identification moduleAfter that slot checking procedure starts. Here w1, w2, w3, w, clk, reset are input signals. Led_slotallot and slotallot are output signals. Wh


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