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1、 五、教学过程:I. Warming up 1.Free talk: T: let’s read and do some actions.(复习动作词) T: I play basketball on Mondays. T: What do you do on Mondays? 屏幕提示I.on Mondays. T: let’s ask s1 together. II. Presentation and drill活动呈现,整体学习 1.导入小语篇 T:What about the dog? Let’s ask him together.(听录音回答问题)

2、 T: let’s watch the vedio and get the answer. T: It’s funny ,yes?(教师做有趣的表情) T: Have you get the answer? What do you do on Mondays? 出示三个选项A.go swimming B.ride a bike C.eat meat ( 操练单词“eat”) T: Look,here are some delicious food. T: I eat the apple.How about you? S: I eat. Listen point and

3、say(拿起书跟学生展示题目的要求,强调point的动作) Read in roles (提示学生模仿猫和狗的语音语调) T: You are good actors.Big hands for them. 2.学习大语篇 T:Just now,we know the dog likes Monday. But I like Sundays. We can do things we like on Sundays. (学习单词Sundays:give me five 练习读单词) Look! Who are they? S: Sam and Dalin. T: They are talking

4、 about Sundays, too. T: Dalin asks Sam a question. Can you try to read it? S:What do you do on Sundays, Sam? T: Who can be Dalin and ask the question? (学生问答的时候板书) T:What does Sam say? Let’s watch the video and answer this question. 练习对话A: What do you do on Sundays, Sam? B:I go swimming. And I

5、play football.(引导学生做动作) T:Sam plays football on Sundays. T: Does he play football in the morning? Let’s ask him together. Ss:Do you play football in the morning? (听课文第前四幅图片动画) (板书in the morning) S: No, I don’t.I play football _.(课文录音) (板书 in the afternoon) T:Sam plays football in the aft

6、ernoon. What does he do in the morning? T: Who can ask him :What do you do in the morning,Sam? S: I _in the morning.(学习单词sleep)(音频) (贴单词的小游戏) T: Sam sleeps in the morning,and plays football in the afternoon. What about Dalin?(let’s watch the vedio) T: If you are Sam, What do you ask Dalin? S:

7、What do you do in the morning? T: You can ask a so good question! I can’t help hugging you! Who can ask another question? S: What do you do in the afternoon? T:Terrific! You guys are really good at thingking. Who can try to answer? S: I ride my bike in the morning. T: Your are a good listener.

8、 T: What do you do in the afternoon? S:I watch TV_in the afternoon. T: It’s an easy work for you. (根据太阳的位置练习watchTV词组。) (练习对话) III.practise 1. Listen,point and say(语音语调) T: Its time to read the whole text.First, Listen,point and say. Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. 2. Read

9、by yourself. 3.Read the text together. (重点词遮盖) (louder voice shows your confidence ) 4. Read in roles. 5. 砸金蛋游戏。 (每一个金蛋连接一幅图片,图片上面有时间和活动,学生在重点句的提示下做对话。利用击鼓传花的游戏,得到球的孩子选择金蛋,砸开后,全班学生问问题,这名学生回答问题) T: You did really a wonderful job. So, let’s relax and play a game. You can pass the ball one by one,when the music stop, who hold the ball,who will get a surprise IV. Free practice拓展训练,综合运用 Do a survey T:Learning is using. Let’s do a survey to use what we learnt. T: Four


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