1、德信诚培训网ts16949物料评审程序material review board (mrb)文件更改历史记录amendment history版次revision更改日期change date更改概要 description of changes更改人 prepared by批准人 approved byprepared by编制reviewed by审核approved by批准ts16949物料评审程序material review board (mrb)1. purpose 目的:to establish a procedure for reviewing and disposing n
2、on-conforming materials, semi-product, finished products and rma control in dxc.本程序规定对来料检验及生产过程中发现的不合格物料,半成品,成品及客户退回品的评审及处置方法.2. scope 范围: this procedure is only applicable to dxc.本程序适用于dxc公司.3. definitions 定义:3.1 prd: product department 生產部3.2 me: manufacture engineering 制造工程3.3 rtv: return to vend
3、or/supplier 退回供應商3.4 uai: use as it is 讓步接受3.5 sort: segregation of bad and good unit 選用3.6 scar supplier/sub-contractor corrective action request (8d) 供應商改進行動要求 (8d) 3.7 grn: goods receipt note 收货单3.8 mrr: material review record 物料评审记录4. reference document 参考文件:4.1 dxc-7-05 raw material quality con
4、trol procedure原材料质量控制程序4.2 dxc-8-05 nonconforming control procedure 不合格品控制程序4.3 dxc-8-06 stop shipment and purge order procedure 停止出貨和清除指令程序.4.4 dxc-8-07 corrective and preventive actions procedure 纠正及预防措施程序. 5. responsibility 职责:5.1 qa is responsible to chair mrb meeting when defective material are
5、 defected in line, qa review the non-conforming products and issue scar (8d) if necessary.当不合格物料在产线发现时,qa负责主持mrb会议, 确认不合格产品, 并在必要的情况下发出scar(8d).5.2 prd is responsible to fill mrb label and inform qa members to review the non-conforming products, and return them to warehouse.生产部负责填写mrb标签并通知品质部成员评审不合格
6、品, 并将不合格品退回货仓.5.3 pur/ iqc are responsible to inform supplier of the non-conforming data, pur responsible to arrange the non-conforming materials rtv. 采购/iqc负责将不合格批物料状况通告客户或供货商, 采购还负责安排将不合格品退回供货商.5.4 pur is responsible to charge the supplier of sorting/reworking cost and other loss due to material q
7、uality issue, and call mrb meeting to review the reject lots of iqc raised.采购负责向供货商索取选用或重工费用及由于物料问题而导致的损失, 并召集mrb会议处理iqc拒收的紧急物料.5.5 me is responsible to analyze non-conforming products.me负责分析不合格品.5.6 all mrb members are to propose and decide on defective material disposition and carry out the follow
8、-up actions as agreed in the meeting.所有mrb成员负责执行mrb会议之决议,并跟进mrb会议决定的所有行动措施.5.7 iqc is responsible to confirmed material which is suspected has defect. and iqc drive supplier to take corrective action if necessary .iqc负责对被怀疑的物料进行确认,并且在必要的情况下,将要求供货商对其进行改善.6. procedure 程序:6.1 mrb team consist mrb小组成员no
9、rmally, mrb team consists qa, prd, pmc, pur managers or whose dictated representative, if necessary other related members also can attend the meeting (such as supplier, customer etc.).通常, mrb小组由品质部、生产部、物料部、采购的部门经理或其指定代表组成, 如有必要其它相关的成员也应参加(例如供货商, 客户等).6.2 incoming inspection reject 來料檢驗不合格6.2.1 when
10、the incoming lot is rejected by beckett (zhongshan), iqc for quality or other causes, it should be marked on the grn sheet. 当来料检验批判定不合格后,由iqc注明于收货单.6.2.2 the rejected lot will be put into iqc reject area by wh. if the coverage of defects is beyond iqc area, iqc shall work with qa to consider raising
11、 a purge order.不合格物料由货仓转移至iqc拒收区隔离存放, 如果不合格不仅仅发生在iqc, iqc需会同qa发出清除指令.6.2.3 iqc fill in mrb form to qa manager and related departments for reviewing the rejected lot, the result maybe as below:iqc开出 mrb单给品质经理及相关部门对不合格物料进行评审, 处理结果有如下几类: rtv: per pur confirm, the rejected lot can be returned to
12、supplier, this decision should be made, the mrb decision should be noted on the mrb form, it must be approved by the qa manager or whose representative at least. rtv: 经采购确认, 如果不良批可退返供货商, 应做出rtv的决定, 此决定需注明于mrb单上, 且至少由qa经理或其指定代表签署. uai: use as it is. if the material lot is very urgent to the pr
13、oduction and according to the evaluation of mrb members, the defect/nonconformity will not lead impact/defect to our finished product quality, the decision of uai may be made and recorded on the mrr sheet, it need be approved by the qa manager, me, and pur. or whose representatives of other departme
14、nt, it needs production managers approval if necessary. qa and me should monitor the effect of uai material using.note: if the defect maybe cause finished products quality issue, it must be promised by our customer first, then can be made the uai decision.uai: 让步接受.如果该物料为生产线急需并根据mrb成员的评估不会对成品质量产生影响,
15、 则可做让步接受, mrb评判结果记录在mrr单上, 且至少有qa经理,采购和工程部或其部门经理的指定代表签署,必要时需生产经理签署。. qa和me应监控生产中使用效果.注意: 如果此不良有可能影响到成品的质量问题, 则必须得到客户的许可才能做出让步接受的决定. sort/rework: if the material is urgent for produce, and for mrb evaluation the defect will be full eliminated by easy sort/rework, the sort/rework decision will
16、be made based on the negotiation with the supplier, the mrb result should be recorded on the mrr sheet, it must be approved by the managers or whose representative of qa, me, prd, pur. the sorting/rework responsibility by either a specified department or supplier. namely, sort internally or sort ext
17、ernally.选用/返工: 如果该物料为生产线急需, 且经mrb小组判定经简单加工/挑选即可完全消除不良缺陷, 根据与供货商谈判的结果可进行选用/返工处理, mrb评审结果记录于mrb单上, 至少有qa经理, me经理, 生产部经理, 采购或其指定的代表签署, 指定由供货商或相关部门筛选,即分为内部筛选和外部筛选. scrap: if the defect cant be retrieved or the supplier authorizes to scrap the rejected part, the decision should be recorded on the
18、mrb form. the authorization of scrap must be approved by the manager qa, pud at least, if necessary the scrap should be submitted to plant manager for approval.报废: 不可修复的缺陷或得到供货商授权报废的不良品,其决议内容都应记录于mrb单上. 至少由qa经理, 采购经理签署, 如有必要, 报废申请需提交厂长作批准. the disposition to the material purged out should be
19、confirmed by qa manager.对被清除物料的处置, 物料评审会议结果须由qa经理确认. if the mrb meeting result is sorting/reworking, an incoming sorting/reworking report should be filled out (form no:dxc-7-08f04.1) when it is necessary. when the sort/rework over, iqc must re-inspect the good part upon normal sampling plan.
20、if its a supplier problem, purchaser should raise the charge request of sort/rework cost to the supplier and follow up.如果mrb结果为选用/返工, 必要时需填写物料选用/返工报告(form no:dxc-7-08f04.1), 选用/返工完成后, 需经iqc重新检验. 通常情况下, 如果是供货商的原因, 选用/返工费用由物料供货商支付. 采购负责跟进对供货商索赔结果的落实情况. if a certain part should be restricted usi
21、ng as per the mrb decision, this part should be identified with a mrb label and note “uai” marking.如果mrb会议决定需限制使用的物料, 可让步接受后再加贴mrb标签, 并注明uai. iqc inspector will stamp or label the material with corresponding remarks, such as rtv, uai, sort, rework or scrap as per mrb decision. the receiving p
22、erson should transfer the material to the part store accordingly.iqc检验员根据mrb结果对物料进行相应标识,比如退回供应商,让步接受,选用,重工或报废,并由收货人员将其转入相应位置存放.6.3 line reject material semi-products / finished products生产过程中不合格品6.3.1 for the mass lot non-conforming products were found in process or qa inspection, ipqc should report
23、to supervisor at once, and qa manager issue line stop order when it is necessary, qa (for finished products) purge out all non-conforming lot products and pqc issue process abnormity handing sheet to related department for analysis and following up related actions.对于在生产过程中或qa检验时发现的大批量不合格品, pqc向上级紧急汇
24、报,必要时qa经理需下达停线指令, qa(对于成品)需立即清除所有的不合格批产品,pqc开出制程异常处理单给相关部门进行分析并跟进相应的行动措施.6.3.2 for the little lot non-conforming products were found in process, prd should fill mrb label and paste the label on related materials, then inform me and qa to review the non-conforming products and make interim dispositio
25、n, for semi & finished products, me should provide far (fail analysis report) to support the mrb judged. then write down the disposition result on the mrb label. prd staffs sorted the non-conforming products with incoming defect and process defect; generally the returned products shall have the orig
26、inal tray or box.对于在生产过程中发现的小批量不合格品, 由生产部填写mrb标签并通知me和qa对不合格品做评审, 并做出处理结果填写于mrb标签上, 对于成品和半成品, me需提供不良分析报告, 作为mrb裁决的依据, 生产部根据此临时结果将不合格品分为来料不良类和制程损坏类,原则上被退回的不合格品应保持原包装.6.3.3 for the process defect products, prd list them on the “scrap material review list” and submit to prd, qa managers or whose repre
27、sentative to sign, then return the defective products to wh. wh handler transfer the defective products to scrap store and replenish the balance to prd in time. “scrap material review list” sheet should be distributed to prd and wh by prd members for conservation.对于制程损坏的产品, 生产部将其列入“报废物料审核单”并提交至生产部经理
28、, qa经理或其指定代表签署, 再将不良品退回货仓, 货仓物料员将不良品转入报废仓并及时补料给生产部. “报废物料审核单”由生产部物料员分发至生产部和货仓存档.6.3.4 for incoming defect products, prd list them on the “incoming defect return to store” sheet, and submit to prd, qa managers or whose representative to sign, then return the defective products to wh, wh handler trans
29、fer them to mrb store and replenish good materials to prd. the “incoming defect return to store” sheet should be distributed to prd, iqc and wh by prd members for conservation.对于判定为属来料不良的产品, 生产部将其列入“来料不良退仓单”并提交至生产部和qa经理或其指定代表签署, 再将不良品退入货仓, 货仓物料员将其转入mrb库位并及时补料给生产部, “来料不良退仓单”由生产部物料员将其分发至生产部、iqc和货仓存档.6
30、.4 the products returned by customer can be reviewed and dealt with as sort, rework or scrap as per theauthorization of this procedure.对于客户退回的成品,依据本程序评审和处置权限执行挑选,返工或报废.6.5 if it is necessary, iqc should issue a scar (8d) to supplier for the material defect or where applicable keep customer aware of
31、the disposition of the defective product. refer to “corrective and preventive actions procedure”.在必要的情况下,iqc应将不良物料状况通知供货商 , 并发出scar(8d), 参照“纠正及预防措施程序”.7. record 记录: record description記录描述maintained by維護責任retention time(min)至少保存時限obsolete disposition過期處理incoming defect return to store來料不良退倉單dxc-7-08f01.1prd, iqc, wh生产部, iqc,仓储three years 三年tearing销毁scrap material review list報廢物料審核單dxc-7-08f02.1prd, wh生产部,仓储three years 三年tearing销毁mrb meeting review recordmrb 会议评审记录dxc-7-08f03.1iqcthree years 三年tearing销毁sorting/rework report 全检/加工报告dxc-7-08f04.1iqcthree years 三年te
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