



1、2020 年 11 天搞定雅思阅读:IELTS ReadingStrategies雅思阅读训练的目标就是快速找到答案。如若没有同义词也会有诀窍就是找到与题目相关的内容。通常情况下,题目中都会有原文同义词,相同意义的词组。如果直接引用原文,那会不会太简单了,烤鸭们面就让小编来介绍一些相关的阅读技巧。IELTS Reading Strategies ExerciseHong Kong takes steps to improve Englisha) The Hong Kong government today published proposals to introduce basic Engli

2、sh language competency assessments for primary, secondary and university students as well as some professionals. The goal is to bolster written English and Chinese as well as spoken English and Mandarin in the former British colony.b) The government said it wanted to push students to improve their E

3、nglish, but officials acknowledged Hong Kong had little chance of competing with rival trading centre Singapore.c) English is an official language in both Hong Kong and Singapore, but many more Singaporeans are fluent in it because it is taught as a first language in schools.d) People always compare

4、 Singapores English with our English, said Michael Tien, a businessman who also serves as chairman of Hong Kongs standing committee on language education and research.e) Dont forget English in Singapore is their first language, he told reporters. I dont think its a fair comparison. With reading and

5、writing Chinese, they are way behind us.f) Hong Kongs dominant language is the Cantonese dialect of Chinese. Mr Tien said the territory is also pushing ahead to lift standards of Mandarin, the main dialect in mainland China. Although Hong Kong was a British colony until 1997 and many residents speak

6、 impeccable English, many more do not. Some critics believe this to be an economic hindrance because English is the international language of business.g) Many students in Hong Kong are taught in Cantonese because few teachers are proficient enough in English. Mr Tien said raising the standard would

7、be a tall order.h) English is challenging, he said. I dont think we can expect 100% of our people to be fluent in English, so Im shooting for university graduates to start with.Tips 把问题(1)与段落 实行比较。哪个词能帮你找到答案?(1) How does the Hong Kong government intend to measure the level of spoken English?Hong Kon

8、g government 表明我们找对了段落,需进 到 intend to measure 的相关内容。单词“ proposal ” 是一个名词,但是“ to propose ”是一个动词, 表示“ intend ”,所以我们说: the Hong Kong government intends to introduce basic English Language competency assessments.“assess ”表示“ measure the level of something ”,由此 我们知道他们想测试人们的基础英语,所以我们能够这样回答:Answer:To intro

9、duce competency assessments.Paragraph IndicatorThe Hong Kong Government.Words that help to identifyproposals and assessments烤鸭们, get 这个技能了吗 ?下面,再来做个练习巩固一下。PracticeAnswer the questions below using NO MORE THAN 4 WORDS(1) How is English learnt in Singaporean schools?AnswerParagraph IndicatorWords that

10、 help to identify(2) It what areas are the Hong Kong people ahead of those in Singapore?AnswerParagraph IndicatorWords that help to identify(3) What other areas of language does the chairman want to improve?AnswerParagraph IndicatorWords that help to identify(4) What do a number of people think the poor quality of English is?AnswerParagraph IndicatorWords that


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