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1、附录1:外文文献原文 architecture /zh-cn/library/aa983562(vs.71) is fully managed code to deal with the use of web request for a mature platform engine. it not only only webforms and webservices. processing engine is also a request, access to client requests

2、it, and then through its built-in channels, the request to an end, in the end, developers can add logic to deal with this request code. in fact the engine and http or web server is completely separate. in fact, http is a run-time components, you can host it in iis on the outside of the application,

3、and even can be, and other services together.pipeline through the use of built-in routing the request, http runtime to provide a set of complex, but very elegant mechanism. in dealing with every aspect of the request are a lot of objects, but the majority of objects or events can be derived from the

4、 expansion interface. therefore, this framework has a very high scalability. a mechanism through which to enter a lower level interface, such as: caching, authentication, authorization, such as is possible. you can process the request before or after the content filtering, or simply to match the sig

5、nature of the designated client requests directly to your router or to other code in the url. for the same thing can be dealt with through different methods, and the realization of the code are very intuitive. in addition, between the easy development and performance, http operation was to provide t

6、he best 2.0 is designed with administration and manageability in mind. we recognize that while simplifying the development experience is important, deployment and maintenance in a production environment is also a key component of an applications lifetime. 2.0 introduces s

7、everal new features that further enhance the deployment, management, and operations of servers. configuration api. 2.0 contains new configuration management apis, enabling users to programmatically build programs or scripts that create, read, and update web.config and machine.config

8、configuration files. mmc admin tool. 2.0 provides a new comprehensive admin tool that plugs into the existing iis administration mmc, enabling an administrator to graphically read or change common settings within our xml configuration files.pre-compilation tool. 2.0 delivers

9、a new application deployment utility that enables both developers and administrators to precompile a dynamic application prior to deployment. this precompilation automatically identifies any compilation issues anywhere within the site, as well as enables applications to be deployed w

10、ithout any source being stored on the server (one can optionally remove the content of .aspx files as part of the compile phase), further protecting your intellectual property. health monitoring and tracing. 2.0 also provides new health-monitoring support to enable administrators to be autom

11、atically notified when an application on a server starts to experience problems. new tracing features will enable administrators to capture run-time and request data from a production server to better diagnose issues. 2.0 is delivering features that will enable developers and administrators

12、to simplify the day-to-day management and maintenance of their web applications. flexible 2.0 is a well-factored and open system, where any component can be easily replaced with a custom implementation. whether it is server controls, page handlers, compilation, or core applicati

13、on services, youll find that all are easily customizable and replaceable to tailor to your needs. developers can plug in custom code anywhere in the page lifecycle to further customize 2.0 to their needs. server control extensibility. 2.0 includes improved support for control extensi

14、bility, such as more base classes that encapsulate common behaviors, improved designer support, more apis for interacting with client-side script, metadata-driven support for new features like themes and accessibility verification, better state management, and more. data source controls. data access

15、 in 2.0 is now performed declaratively using data source controls on a page. in this model, support for new data backend storage providers can be easily added by implementing custom data source controls. additionally, the sqldatasource control that ships in the box has built-in support for a

16、ny managed provider that implements the new provider factory model in build providers. dynamic compilation in 2.0 is now handled by extensible compilation build providers, which associate a particular file extension with a handler that knows how to compile that ex

17、tension dynamically at runtime. for example, .resx files can be dynamically compiled to resources, .wsdl files to web service proxies, and .xsd files to typed dataset objects. in addition to the built-in support, it is easy to add support for additional extensions by implementing a custom build prov

18、ider and registering it in web.config.expression builders. 2.0 introduces a declarative new syntax for referencing code to substitute values into the page, called expression builders. 2.0 includes expression builders for referencing string resources for localization, connection strin

19、gs, application settings, and profile values. you can also write your own expression builders to create your own custom syntax to substitute values in a page rendering. performance and is built to perform, using a compiled execution model for handling page requests and running on

20、the worlds fastest web server, internet information services. 2.0 also introduces key performance benefits over previous versions. construction of the entire engine entirely in managed code, all functions are an extension of the expansion through the provision of managed code. for th

21、e powerful. net framework, to use their own things, to build a mature, high-performance engine architecture has become a probate. nevertheless, it is important that, is the most impressive forward-looking design, which in its work on very easily, and provides a hook almost any part of the re

22、quest to deal with these can be used to complete some tasks, these tasks prior to the use of iiss isapi filter to the expansion and completion. although there are some restrictions, but compared with the asp, has been great progress. isapi is the underlying win32-style api, the

23、interface it will have only 1 trillion, which is large-scale development is very difficult. isapi is due to the underlying interface, so its speed is very fast. but for enterprise-level development is very difficult to administer. therefore, in a certain period of time, isapi mainly serve as a platf

24、orm for other applications or the bridge interface. but in any case, isapi has not been abandoned. in fact, the microsoft platform and the interface is through the iis host. net in the isapi extension to communication, and then run-time direct access to isapi provides the core web s

25、erver communication interface, and then use non-managed code request access to and issued in response to client requests. isapi provides the content object is similar to the public through the httprequest and httpresponse, through a well designed, accessible interface, the way to managed obj

26、ects exposed to non-hosted data.from the browser to the asp.netlet us start with a typical web request life-cycle starting point. users to type in the browser a url, click on a hyperlink, to submit a html form (a post request), or a client program calls the webservice (through

27、 to provide services). the server side, iis5 or iis6 will receive the request. the bottom of and iis through isapi extension of communication, and then through the, the request is usually with a route. aspx page extensions. however, the process of how the work is entirely depe

28、ndent on the http processor (handler) implementation. the processor will be installed to handle the specified extension. in the iis in,. aspx by the extended application has been mapped to the isapi the dll file: aspnet_isapi.dll. a trigger for each request, must be registered by a,

29、and point to the aspnet_isapi.dll extension to identify. note: isapi is a custom web request and deal with the first performance of iis with the highest point of entry.rely on the extension, routing a request to an appropriate processor, which is responsible for dealing with this request. fo

30、r example, webservices extension. asmx not routing a request to a disk page, but will be routed to in the definition of the specified characteristics of the additional (webmethodattribute) class, the characteristics of its logo will be into a web services implementation. many other processors will b

31、e installed in conjunction with of course, we can define your own processor. in all the httphandler in iis is mapped to isapi and expansion, and these are in the httphandler in web.config configuration for routing the request to a specific processor in the implementation of http. ea

32、ch processor is a. net class to handle the specified extension. these processors can handle only a few simple lines of code to the hello world, also similar to handle complex pages as well as the implementation of webservice. for now, just need to understand the expansion of the mapping is a

33、 basic mechanism, can use it to obtain a request in isapi, and then routing the request to a specific request to deal with the processor. isapi connectionisapi is the underlying unmanaged win32 api. it defines a single interface and is the optimal performance. to deal with the original use o

34、f the interface pointer (raw pointer), and a list of function pointer (function pointer tables) are used for callback. isapi provides the lowest stratum, high-performance interface, tool developers and vendors can use these interfaces to the iis in-depth. isapi is very low as a result, therefore, le

35、ss suitable to use it to build application-level procedures. isapi tend to be used as a bridge interface for high-level tools to provide the function of the type of application services. for example, asp and are as cold fusion (cold fusion) to build on top of the isapi. most of perl, php and

36、 jsp as the implementation of a number of third-party solutions, can be run in iis. isapi is a very good tool for high-level applications to provide a high-performance vertical access interface. this makes those high-level application requires information from the isapi extract the information provi

37、ded. in asp and, the engine can be extracted isapi interface object, such as in the form: request and response, these objects can request information from the isapi read their agreed, isapi support isapi extension of (extensions) and the isapi filter (filters). request for expansi

38、on is to deal with interface with the web server to provide the input and output-related logic to deal with. in essence, it is a service interface. asp and are to achieve as isapi extension. isapi is the hook interface, it allows you to see into the iis request and every request can be amend

39、ed (including the input and output) or to change the module (such as: authentication, etc.) behavior. incidentally, through two aspects: http processor (corresponding isapi extension) and the http module (isapi filter counterpart) is mapped to the isapi.附录2:外文文献中文译文asp.net体系结构asp.net是完全使用托管代

40、码处理web请求的一个成熟引擎平台。它不仅仅只是webforms和webservices。asp.net也是一个请求处理引擎,它获取客户端请求,然后通过它内置的管道,把请求传到一个终点,在这个终点,开发者可以添加处理这个请求的逻辑代码。实际上这个引擎和http或者web server是完全分开的。事实上,http运行时是一个组件,你可以把它宿主在iis之外的应用程序上,甚至完全可以和其它的服务组合在一起。通过使用内置的管道路由请求,http运行时提供了一套复杂的,但却很优雅的机制。在处理请求的每一个层面都牵涉到许多对象,但大多数对象都可以通过派生或者事件接口来扩展。所以,此框架具有非常高的可扩

41、展性。通过这一套机制,可以进入较低层次的接口如:缓存,身份验证,授权等是有可能的。你可以在处理请求之前或之后过滤内容,或者仅仅把匹配指定签名的客户端请求直接路由到你的代码里或转向其它的url。针对同一件事情,可以通过不同的处理方法完成,而且实现代码都非常的直观。除此之外,在容易开发和性能之间,http运行时还提供了最佳的灵活性。 2.0是设计与管理性和可管理性,在铭记。我们认识到,同时简化的发展经验是很重要的,部署和维护在生产环境中,也是一个关键组成部分,一个应用程序的寿命。 2.0介绍了几种新功能,进一步加强部署,管理和运作asp.net服务器。 配置的空气污染

42、指数。 2.0中包含新的配置管理api ,使用户以编程方式建立的程序或脚本创建,读取和更新的web.config和machine.config中配置文件。 asp.net的mmc管理工具。 2.0提供了一种新的综合管理工具,插入现有的iis管理mmc中,使管理员能够生动地读取或改变共同设置在我们的xml配置文件。 前汇编工具。 2.0提供了一个新的应用程序部署实用工具,使双方开发人员和管理员,以precompile一个动态的asp.net应用在部署之前。这precompilation自动识别任何汇编的问题,任何地方的网站,以及使asp.net应用程序

43、将要部署没有任何来源的被存储在服务器上(一可以选择性地删除的内容的。 aspx文件的一部分,该编译阶段) ,进一步保护您的知识产权。 健康监测和追踪。 2.0也提供了新的健康监测的支持,以使管理员能够自动通知申请时,在服务器上开始遇到问题。新的追踪功能,将让管理者能捕获的运行时间和请求,将数据从生产服务器,以更好地诊断问题。 2.0提供的功能,这将使开发人员和管理员,以简化的日常管理及维修他们的web应用程序。 灵活的可扩展性 2.0是一个良好的因素和公开的制度,任何组件可以很容易地取代自订的执行情况。无论是服务器控件,页处理,汇编,或为核心的应用

44、服务,您会发现,都是很容易定制和更换,以度身订造的,以您的需求。开发人员可以堵塞在自定义代码的任何地方网页的生命周期,以进一步自定义 2.0到他们的需要。服务器控件可扩展性。 2.0包括改进的支持,控制可扩展性,如更多的基地班概括的共同行为,提高设计师的支持,更多的空气污染指数为互动与客户端脚本,元数据驱动的支持,新功能,如主题和无障碍的核查,更好的国家管理,以及更多。 数据源的控制。数据访问,在 2.0是现在的表现以声明使用的数据源控制在一个网页上。在此模型中,支持新的数据后端存储供应商可以很容易地说,通过实施自定义数据源的控制。此外, sqlda

45、tasource控制,船舶在方块中已内置支持,任何ado.net托管提供实现新的供应商工厂模型在。 汇编,建立供应商。动态编译在 2.0是现在所处理的可扩展的汇编,建立供应商,其中协理特定文件扩展名与处理程序知道如何汇编这种扩展动态在运行时。举例来说,resx文件可以被动态编译的资源,wsdl文件,以web service的代理,和。为xsd文件类型化的dataset对象。在除了内建的支持,很容易添加额外的支持,扩展实施自订的建立供应商和登记,它在web.config中。 表达的建设者。 2.0介绍了一种宣示性的新的语法参照代码来替代价值观融入网页,

46、所谓表达的建设者。 2.0包括表达的建设者为参照字符串资源的本地化,连接字符串,应用程序设置和个人的价值观。您也可以自己写表达的建设者,以创建自己的自定义语法来替代的价值在一个网页渲染。 性能和可扩展性asp.net是建立在执行,使用编译执行模型,为处理页的要求和运行于世界上速度最快的网络服务器, internet信息服务。 2.0还介绍了关键的性能优势,超过先前的版本。 整个asp.net引擎完全构建在托管代码里,所有的扩展性功能都是通过托管代码的扩展提供。对于功能强大的.net框架而言,使用自己的东西,构建一个成熟的、高性能的引擎体系结构已经成为一个遗嘱。尽

47、管如此,但重要的是,asp.net给人印象最深的是高瞻远瞩的设计,这使得在其之上的工作变得非常容易,并且提供了几乎可以钩住请求处理当中任意部分的能力。使用asp.net可以完成一些任务,之前这些任务是使用iis上的isapi扩展和过滤来完成的。尽管还有一些限制,但与asp相比,已经有了很大的进步。isapi是底层win32样式的api,仅它的接口就有1兆,这对于大型的程序开发是非常困难的。由于isapi是底层的接口,因此它的速度也是非常的快。但对于企业级的程序开发是相当的难于管理的。所以,在一定的时间内,isapi主要充当其它应用程序或平台的桥接口。但是无论如何,isapi没有被废弃。事实上,微软平台上的asp.net和iis的接口是通过宿主在.net里的isapi扩展来通信的,然后直达asp.net运行时。isapi提供了与web server通信的核心接口,然后asp.net使用非托管代码获取请求以及对客户端请求发出响应。isapi提供的内容经由公共对象类似于httprequest和httpresponse,通过一个设计优良的、可访问的接口,以托管对象的方式暴露非托管数据。从浏览器到asp.net让我们从一个典型的 web请求的生命周


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