1、精选文档 Week 1. Benjamin (1706-1790) 1. Is Franklin a man of Franklin religious he stop Questions For American Literature principles? Why does attending public service? Franklin 2. Explain 13 virtues chooses for his moral improvement. 3. What is Franklin asttitude towards moral perfection? 4. What are
2、significance of the moralistic self- discipline, according to Franklin? 5. What virtues does Franklin think he has never achieved? 6. Comment on the Criticism that some authors made on Franklin, such as Hawthorn, Lawrence. (History 11 p.53-54) Emerson Week 2: Ralph Waldo (1803-1882) mean in the 1. W
3、hat does whim ” Self-reliance”? and why does Emerson call consistency foolish ”? 2. What is an acrostic or Alexandrian stanza character like, according to the Self-relaince? 3. Explain to talk of reliance is a poor external way of speaking. Speak rather of that which relies, because it works and is.
4、” and the context that gives rise to this statement in the Self-reliance. 4. What are Emerson comments on Jesus Christ in The Divinity School Address? PI ease compare it with Thomas P ainein The Age of Reason. Week Three: Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) 1. What is the analogy between that stri ped s
5、nake lying on the bottom of the pond and the man in the early spring? How is a stray goose like the sp irit of the fog? 2. What is Thoreau understanding of the beauty of an architecture? And what does he think of the architectural ornaments? In what cases will a carp enter be a coffin-maker ”? the m
6、ost money is are never the things student most wants” ? demanded which the 3. Why does Thoreau say Those things for which What is your comment on Thoreauidea of higher education? 4.1s Thoreau a quietist or a hermit in the woods of Walden? Why or why not? Week four: Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864): 1
7、. What did the boy, at nightfall, hear when he was playing with the scattered fragments of marble? And how did he res po nd? 2. What does author compare the kiln with? 3. What question struck Ethan Brands mind on that portentous night 18 years ago? Did he find the answer to it after 18-year-wanderin
8、g in the world? What is it? 4. What kind of p erson is Ethan Brand in his youth hood? What causes his transformation? What is the end of his life? 5. H0W does the old dog pursuit of his tail parallel Ethan Brands search for the Unp ardonable Sin? 6. What is your understanding of the little boy Joe?
9、What virtues does he stand for? Week Five: Herman Melville (1819-1891) I.HOW did Moby-Dick the last Ahab res pond when appear before him in day of the chasing Moby-Dick? And how did he res pond in the last two days before ? Do you think Ahab sattitudes towards Moby-Dick undergo any changes? Why? 2.
10、What are theFedallah s prophecy about Ahab s deDbes it come true? And how? i 3. Who is the only survivor of the P equod? And how? 4. What are the symbolic meanings of Moby-Dick and Cap tain Ahab? And also the symbolic meaning of the death of the bird of heaven at the end of the novel? 5. H0W do you
11、understand the ending sentence: “ andhe great shroud of the sea rolled on as it rolled five thousand years ago. ?” Week 6 Walt Whitman (1819-1892) 1. What does Whitman self” refer to? Why is Whitma n myself” different from the narrow egotism? 2. Why does Whitman call his life work Leaves of Grass? W
12、hat does a leaf of grass mean to you? To Whitman? 3. What is the ending of Song of Myself? And how will you res pond to Whitman invitation? Week 7 Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) her I. Dickinson is well-known for and and poetic meditations on dying death. What is so moving touching in her death meditat
13、ions? Do you think the speak fears of death?Discuss your understanding with the help of her p oems. 2. What images does the poetess introduce in the Hope”,and how do they work as the metaphors of the idea -H OPE? 3. H0W does the triumphing human spirit permeate through Dickinson s p oetryof human su
14、ffering? Illustrate your ideas with her sp ecific p oems. Week 8 Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) 1. How many times is the word nevermore” repeated? And what inquiries that I” raised incites the raven to res pond to with Nevermore 2. Besides nevermore”,what is (are) the other word or words that you find h
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