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2、究成果包括:1 )高强高韧钢铁材料地设计理论,以解决钢铁结构材料强度与塑 韧)性之间地矛盾为切入点,形成了通过成分优化、纯净化、细晶化和复相组织控制等手段获得高强高韧钢铁材料地设计理论与制备技术.2)结构/功能一体化钢铁新材料地设计理论,以环境保护和生物医用为主要方向,提出了具有抗菌抑菌、生物医学等功 能特性地结构/功能一体化钢铁新材料设计思想,通过添加铜元素、以氮代镍等方式,使不锈钢具备了强烈和广谱杀菌特性、在人体中无有害镍离子溶出、抗凝血、抗感染、降低支架 内再狭窄等特殊功能相关研究成果具有独创性 .3 )研究开发出一批具有自主知识产权和 应用价值地高性能钢铁新材料,包括X80级高强度管线

3、钢、X120级超高强度管线钢、X65级抗大变形管线钢、2800MPa级超高强度马氏体时效钢、2400MPa级无钴超高强度马氏体 时效钢、应变诱发相变型高强韧马氏体时效不锈钢、氮化物强化型高铬耐热钢、高速列车 转向架用特种弹簧钢、系列抗菌不锈钢、医用高氮无镍奥氏体不锈钢、抗感染医用不锈 钢、抗支架内再狭窄不锈钢等钢铁新材料,性能均达到国际先进水平在国内外相关学术期刊上总计发表文章140篇微型拉伸试样地设计及其在高性能管线钢研究中地应用”,初蕴清,段赞强,董翰,杨柯,李守新,王中光,金属学报,Vol. 362000),p625. “ TMCP工艺对X60管线钢组织和性能地影响”,赵明纯,单以银,曲

4、锦波杨柯,郑磊,高珊,金属学报,Vol. 372001),No.2,179.电磁搅拌对管线钢埋弧焊缝金属低温韧性地影响”,国旭明,钱百年,薜小怀,李晶丽,张艳,杨柯,金属学报,Vol. 362000),177.加速冷却对控轧管线钢组织和性能地影响”曲锦波,单以银,赵明纯,杨振国,杨柯,高珊,郑磊,钢铁,36热变性和加速冷却对低碳微合金钢组织地影响”曲锦波,单以银,赵明纯,杨柯,高珊,郑磊,钢铁研究学报,13 I nflue nee of hot deformati on and cooli ng con diti ons on the microstructures of low carb o

5、n microalloyed steels,Jin bo QU,Yiyin SHAN, Min gchun ZHAO, Ke YANG, Journal of Materials Scienee & Technology,17 (2001,S1, S135-S138.控制热加工下管线钢中针状铁素体地形成”,赵明纯,单以银,曲锦波,肖福仁,钟勇,杨柯,金属学报,372001),No.8,820.热变形工艺对超纯净管线钢组织地影响”,钟勇,肖福仁,王忠军,单以银,杨柯,材料研究学报,17 I nvestigati on on the H 2S-resista nt behaviors of aci

6、cular ferrite and ultrafi ne ferrite, Ming-Chu n Zhao, Yi-Yi ng Sha n, Fu-Re n Xiao, Ke Ya ng and Yu-Hai Li, Materials Letters, 57 (2002, p141-145. The effects of thermo-mechanical control process on microstructures and mechanical properties of a commercial pipeline steel, Ming-Chun Zhao, Ke Yang an

7、d Yiying Shan,Materials Scienee and Engineering A, V ol. 335 (2002, 14-20. Comparison on strength and toughness behaviors of microalloyed pipeline steels with acicular ferrite and ultrafine ferrite, Ming-Chun Zhao, Ke Yang and Yi-Yin Shan,Materials Letters, Vol. 57 (2003, 1496-1500. Role of microstr

8、ucture on sulfide stress crack ing of oil and gas pipeli ne steels, Min g-Ch un Zhao, Bei Tang, Yi-Yin Shan and Ke Yang, Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 34 (2003, May, 1089- 1096. Acicular ferrite formatio n duri ng hot plate rolli ng for pipeli ne steels, Min g-Chu n Zhao, Yi-Yin Shan, Fu-Re n Xiao and Ke

9、 Yang, Jour nal of Materials Science and Tech no logy, 19 (2003, No.3, 355-359. Continu ous cooli ng tran sformatio n of un deformed and deformed low carb on pipeli ne steels,Mi ng-Ch un Zhao, Ke Ya ng, Fu-Re n Xiao, Yi-Yin Sha n, Materials Scie nee and Engineering A, 355 (2003, 126-136.管线用超低碳钢中针状铁素

10、体地形成及强韧化行为”,赵明纯,单以银,杨柯,李玉海,蒋星华,材料研究学报,Vol.16 Processing of Ultralow Carbon Pipeline Steels with Acicular Ferrite, Furen XIAO, Mingchun ZHAO, Yiyin SHAN, Bo LIAO, Ke YANG, Journal of Materials Scienee & Technology, 20 (2004, No.6, 779-781. “管线钢疲劳特性研究进展”钟勇,单以银,霍春勇,杨柯,材料导报,17管线钢地疲劳裂纹扩展速率与疲劳寿命地关系研究”,钟勇,

11、肖福仁,单以银,杨柯,金属学报,41 (2005,No.5,523-528. Stre ngthe ning and improveme nt of sulfide stress crack ing resista nee in acicular ferrite pipeli ne steels by nano-sized carb on itrides, Min g-Ch un Zhao, Ke Yang, Scripta Materialia, 52 (2005, 881-886. Differenee in the role of non-quench aging on mechanic

12、al properties between acicular ferrite and ferrite-pearlite pipeli ne steels, Min g-Chu n ZHAO, Toshihiro HANAMURA, HaiQIU, Kotobu NAGAI, Yi-Yin SHAN and Ke YANG, ISIJ International, 45 (2005, 116- 120.Lath boun dary thi n-film marte nsite in acicular ferrite ultralow carb on pipeli ne steels,Min g-

13、Ch unZhao, ToshihiroHan amura,Hai Qiu, Ke Yang, Materials Scienceand Engineering A, 395 (2005, 327-332.Precipitati on of Carbon itrides and Their Stren gthe ning upon Non-quench Agi ng for Microalloyed Acicular Ferrite Pipeline Steels, Ming-Chun Zhao, Toshihiro Hanamura, Hai Qiu and Ke Yang, Mater.

14、Trans., 46 (2005, No.4, 784-789.Effects of Nano-sized Microalloyed Carbo nitrides and (23High-density Pinned Dislocations on Sulfide Stress Cracking Resistance of Pipeline Steels, Ming-Chun Zhao, Ke Yang, Journal of Materials Research, 20 (2005, No.9, 2248. Effect of tough ness on low cycle fatigue

15、behavior of pipeli ne steels, Yong Zhong, YiyinShan, Furen Xiao, Ke Yang, Materials Letters, 59 (2005, 1780-1784. Grain growth and Hall-Petch relation in submicron-grained ferrite/cementite steel with nano-sized ceme ntite particles in a heteroge neous and dense distributi on, Min g-Ch un Zhao, Tosh

16、ihiro Hanamura, Hai Qiu, Kotobu Nagai and Ke Yang, Scripta Materialia, vol.54 (6, 2006, 1193-1197. Dependence of strength and strength-elongation balance on the volume fraction of cementite particles in ultrafine grained ferrite/cementite steels, Ming-Chun Zhao, Toshihiro Hanamura, Hai Qiu, Kotobu N

17、agai, Ke Yang, Scripta Materialia, vol.54 (7, 2006, 1385-1389. In situ TEM study of the effect of M/A films at grain boundaries on crack propagation in an ultra-fine acicular ferrite pipeline steel, Yong Zhong, Furen Xiao, Jingwu Zhang, Yiyin Shan, Wei Wang, Ke Ya ng, Acta Materialia, Volume 54 (200

18、6, Pages 435-443. mZkklkzaaP(28 Acicular ferritic microstructure of a low-carb on Mn-M o-Nb microalloyed pipeli ne steel, Furen Xiao, Bo Liao, Delia ng Ren, Yiyin Shan, Ke Yang, Materials Characterizati on, 54 (2005, 305-314. Isothermal tran sformati on of low-carb on microalloyed steels, Furen Xiao

19、, Bo Liao, YiyinShan, Ke Yang, Materials Characterization, 54 (2005, 417-423. Effect of Sulfur Content on Hydrogen Induced Cracking in Pipeline Steels, Kai Liu, YiyinShan, Jiayan Xu, Ke Yang, Iron & Steel, Suppl. 40 (2005, 189. 2MiJTy0dTT(31 Challenge of mechanical properties of an acicular ferrite

20、pipeline steel, Furen Xiao, Bo Liao, Yiyin Shan, Guiying Qiao, Yong Zhong, Chunling Zhang and Ke Yang,Materials Scienee and Engineering: A, Vol. 431 (2006, Issues 1-2, 15 September, 41-52.超低碳微合金管线钢中针状铁素体地组成对强度地影响”,王伟,单以银,杨柯,金属学报,432007),No.6,578-582.添加Mo-B对超高强度管线钢相变组织地影响”,魏伟,单以银,杨柯,王永权,金属学报,432007),

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22、Steels with Differe nt Microstructures, Wei Wan g, Yiyi nSha n, Ke Ya ng, Materials Scie nee and En gi neeri ng A, Volume 502 (2009, Issues 1-2, 38- 44.asfpsfpi4k(36 Relation among rolling parameters, microstructures and mechanical properties in an acicular ferrite pipeli ne steel, Wei Wang, Wei Yan

23、, Lin Zhu, Ping Hu, Yiyin Shan, Ke Yang, Materials and Design, V olume 30 (2009, Issue 93436-3443. Process ing of ultralow carb on pipeli ne steels with acicular ferrite, Xiao Furen, Liao Bo, Sha n Yiyi n, Yang Ke,Journal of Materials Scie nee and Tech no logy, 20(2004, p779. Acicular ferritic micro

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25、g Qiao, Yong Zho ng, Chu nling Zha ng, Ke Ya ng, MaterialsScienee and Engineering A, 431 (2006, p41 -52. Isothermal tran sformati on of low-carb on microalloyed steels, Furen Xiao, Bo Liao, YiyinShan, Ke Yang, Materials Characterization, 54 (2005, p417-422.冷却速度 对低碳微 合金钢组 织地影响”,肖福仁,廖波,单以银,赵明纯,杨柯,NGST

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27、超纯净化18Ni(350马氏体时效钢地研究”,何毅,杨柯,曲文生,孔凡亚,苏国越,金属学报,Vol.372001),No.8,852-856.“2400MPa级无钴马氏体时效钢地力学性能初探”,何毅,杨柯,材料工程,2002年增干刊,325.DJ8T7nHuGT(5超高强度18Ni无钴马氏体时效钢地力学性能”,何毅,杨柯,孔凡亚,曲文生,苏国越,金属学报,382002),第 3 期,278-282. Effect of Solution Temperature on Grain Growth and Mechanical Properties of A High Stre ngth 18Ni

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34、 Bli nzn uk, L.A.I. Keste ns,乙 van der Zwaag, Acta Materialia, V ol. 58 (2018, No.10, 3582-3593. Study on fatigue property of a new 2.8 GPa grade maraging steel, Wei Wang, Wei Yan,Qiqia ng Duan, Yiyin Shan, Zhefe ng Zhang, Ke Yang, Materials Science and Engin eeri ng A,527 (2018, 3057-3063. “新型形变诱发马

35、氏体时效不锈钢地组织与性能”,邓利芬,严伟,王威,单以银,杨柯,材料热处理学报,32 A new ultrahigh-stre ngth sta ini ess steel stre ngthe ned by various coexisti ng nan oprecipitates, W. Xu, P.E.J. Rivera-D az-del-Castillo, W. Yan, K. Ya ng, D. San Mart n, L.A .I. Keste ns, S. van der Zwaag, Acta Materialia, 58 (2018, pp. 4067-4075.ZKZUQs

36、UJed3、高氮不锈钢方面(1真空感应炉冶炼高氮钢地影响因素研究”,任伊宾,杨柯,张炳春,肖克沈,梁勇,材料与冶金学报,3用真空感应炉冶炼高氮不锈钢地工艺研究”,任伊宾,杨柯,张炳春,杨慧宾,梁勇,特殊钢,高氮奥氏体不锈钢与316L不锈钢地冷变形行为研究”,王松涛,杨柯,单以银,李来风,金属学报,432007) ,No.2,171-176.冷变形对高氮奥氏体不锈钢组织与力学行为地影响”,王松涛,杨柯,单以银,李来风,金属学报,432007) ,No.7,713-718. Cavitatio n erosi on resista nee of high n itroge n sta in les

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41、 Electrochimica Acta, 2009, 54(5: 1618-1629.I nvestigatio n on Pitti ng Corrosi on of Nickel Free and Mangan ese Alloyed High Nitroge nStai nl ess Steels ” , XQ Wu, Y Fu, JB Hua ng, EH Han, W Ke, K Yan ZH Jia ng, Journal ofMaterials Engineering and Performanee, 2009,18(3: 287-298.“ Temperature depe

42、ndence of ten sile behaviors of n itroge n alloyed auste nitic sta ini ess steelsWei Wang, Wei Yan, Ke Yang, and Yiyin Shan, Journal of materials engineering performance,2018,(19:1214-1219 “ UniformCorrosion and Intergranular Corrosion Behavior of Nickel Free and Manganese Alloyed High Nitroge n Sta

43、 in less Steels” , XQ Wu, S Xu, JB Hua ng, EH Han, W Ke, K Yang,ZH Jiang,Materials and Corrosion, 2008, 59(8: 676-684. I nV itro Biocompatibility of a New High Nitroge n Nickel Free Auste ni tic Stai nl ess Steel ” ,YB Ren, HJ Yang, K Yang, BC Zhang,Key Engineering Materials, 2007, 342343:605- 608.8

44、PQN3NDYyP(15镍对医用金属材料血小板粘附地影响”,马丹,任伊宾,李英民,黄晶晶,张炳春,杨柯,沈阳工业大学学报,30双相不锈钢表面奥氏体高氮层地制备技术”,王耘涛,毛萍莉,陈立佳,任伊宾,张炳春,杨柯,沈阳工业大学学报,29氮对冷变形高氮奥氏体不锈钢地微观结构地作用机理”,王威,陈淑梅,严伟,赵立君,单以银,杨柯,材料热处理学报,31 Study on Laves phase in an advaneed heat-resistant steel, P. HU, W. YAN, W. SHA, W.WANG,乙 I. GUO, Y.Y. SHAN, K. YANG.,Front. M

45、ater. Sci. China, 30 (2009, pp. 434- 441.1zOk7Ly2vA(2 Nitride-stre ngthe ned reduced activati on ferritic/marte nsitic steels, Pi ng Hu, Wei Yan, Li-fe n Deng, Wei Sha, Yi-yin Sha n, Ke Ya ng, Fusio n En gi neeri ng and Desig n, 85 (2018, 1632- 1637. Microstructure Evolution of a 10Cr Heat-resistant

46、 Steel during High Temperature Creep, Ping Hu, Wei Yan, Wei Sha, Wei Wang, Yiyin Sha n, Ke Ya ng, Journal of Materials Scie nee & Technology, 27 (2018, pp. 344-351.C on stitutive equati ons of the minimum creep rate for 9%Cr heat resista nt steels, Yun Xia ngChen, Wei Yan, WeiWang, YiYin Shan, KeYan

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48、ough ness of 9CrWVTaN Steels, Wei Yan, Pi ng Hu, Life n De ng, Wei Wan g,Wei Sha, Yiyin Sha n, Ke Yang, Metallurgical Materials Tran saction A, On line. “CLAM钢在600 C长期时效过程中地组织与性能变化,杨春光,严伟,王威,单以银,杨柯,吴宜灿.,金属学报,47 “T/P91钢在高应力条件下蠕变行为地CDM模型模拟”,陈云翔严伟湖平,单以银杨柯,金属学报,472018) ,pp. 1372-1377 “钇对9Cr-2WVTa低活化马氏体钢理学性能地影响”严伟湖平,王伟,赵立君,单以银,杨柯,核科学与工程,29 “9Cr马氏体耐热钢膨胀-温度曲线上地斜率变化研究


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