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1、典型技巧12 段落大意的概括分析【考情角度】考情分析自然生态类说明文中常包含人与动植物、自然与环境类主题,结构层次清晰,常为总分或总分总结构。考查角度常考查细节理解题、写作意图题、主旨大意题或段落大意题。【真题再现】(2019浙江高考C)主题语境:自然生态California has lost half its big trees since the 1930s, according to a study to be published Tuesday and climate change seems to be a major factor (因素).The number of trees

2、larger than two feet across has declined by 50 percent on more than 46, 000 square miles of California forests, the new study finds. No area was or , from the foggy northern coast to the Sierra Nevada Mountains to the San Gabriels above Los Angeles. In the Sierra high country, the number of big tree

3、s has fallen by more than 55 percent; in parts of southern California the decline was nearly 75 percent.Many factors contributed to the decline, said Patrick McIntyre, an ecologist who was the lead author of the study. Woodcutters big trees. Housing development pushed into the woods. Aggressive wild

4、fire control has left California forests crowded with small trees that compete with big trees for resources (资源).But in comparing a study of California forests done in the 1920s and 1930s with another one between 2001 and 2010, McIntyre and his colleagues a widespread death of big trees that was evi

5、dent even in wildlands protected from woodcutting or development.The loss of big trees was greatest in areas where trees had suffered the greatest water . The researchers figured out water stress with a computer model that calculated how much water trees were getting how much they needed, taking int

6、o account such things as rainfall, air temperature, of soil, and the of snowmelt (融雪).Since the 1930s, McIntyre said, the biggest factors water stress in the state have been rising temperatures, which cause trees to lose more water to the air, and earlier snowmelt, which reduces the water supply ava

7、ilable to trees during the dry season.1.What is the second paragraph mainly about?A. The seriousness of bigtree loss in California.B. The increasing variety of California big trees.C. The distribution of big trees in California forests.D. The influence of farming on big trees in California.2.Which o

8、f the following is ?A. Ecological studies of forests.B. Banning woodcutting.C. Limiting housing development.D. Fire control measures.3.What is a according to McIntyre?A. Inadequate snowmelt.B. A longer dry season.C. A warmer climate.D. Dampness of the air.4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

9、A. Californias Forests: Where Have All the Big Trees Gone?B. Cutting of Big Trees to Be Prohibited in California SoonC. Why Are the Big Trees Important to California Forests?D. Patrick McIntyre: Grow More Big Trees in California答案与解析1.A2.D3.C4.A1.由第二段中关键信息“declined by 50 percent, fallen by more than

10、 55 percent, the decline was nearly 75 percent”可知,该段主要说明树木数量减少的严重性。2.由题干关键词bad for big trees,定位原文说明的大树数量锐减的因素。由第三段最后一句过度的野火控制使加州森林长满与大树竞争的小树苗,由此可判断出答案。3.题干关键词major cause是原文biggest factors的同义转述,最后一段中提到的气温升高和积雪过早融化是缺水的主要原因。由此可推出正确答案。4.根据文章关键词lost half its big trees,结合对树木减少的原因分析可确定文章标题。【技巧释义】抓关键词,兼顾段落首

11、尾,定段落大意提出事实:加州大树数量减少利用数字说明加州森林树木数量锐减的现状第36段说明树林数量减少的原因:伐木建房、过度的野火控制、缺水、气候变化。文章多次出现decline, loss, fall等表“下降”的词汇,文章主题句及标题句应体现“下降”这一点。【词汇积累】target vt.把作为攻击目标document vt.记录unaffected adj.未受影响的shortage n.短缺dampness n.潮气timing n.时间spare vt.留出;匀出in comparison with与比较drive up迫使快速上升【技巧演练】(建议用时:45分钟)1Think ab

12、out what you did this morning. You get out of bed and get yourself ready for the day.Many people take for granted the fact that they are able to do this independently. Imagine for a moment that you couldnt dress yourself or make your own breakfast. Now imagine if this is how you will wake up for the

13、 rest of your life. For Ivy Krause, this is her reality.Ivy has a medical condition known as Epidermolysis Bullosa (表皮溶解水泡症),or EB, where the slightest touch can blister and even remove her skin. Ivy has the most severe form of EB where her skin is affected both externally and internally. Simple tas

14、ks like going to the toilet and getting dressed are made very difficult. Mobility is limited as Ivys skin has become tight, and her fingers have fused together, with the only way to reverse this being surgery. EB is a very painful condition, and what is most heartbreaking is knowing that this beauti

15、ful, smiling, little girl is living in constant extreme pain.This is where carers and trained babysitters come in. Yvonne McMullan has been caring for Ivy for the past 3 years, and said it has been both the worst and best experience. Its hard. For her, especially at this age, she needs continuity of

16、 care. By having the same nurses treating her, Ivy knows that we love and care about her as much as she loves us. But without being there, you dont know just how sorrowful it is to see her in pain. Its heartbreaking.Ivy is a fighter in almost every sense of the word. She has encouraged so many peopl

17、e to give back to the community and donate to charities who support the families of young children living with disabilities, even just to show appreciation to the gift of life and opportunity. Even though she is covered with bandages, her strong will for life is moving and inspiring, just like a but

18、terfly, facing so many barriers which still does its best to come out of the chrysalis (蝶蛹).1.What is wrong with Ivy Krause?A.She doesnt know how to cook.B.She cant live on her own.C.She is particular for food.D.She is too lazy.2.What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?A.The reason for Ivys illness.B.The s

19、ymptom of Ivys EB.C.The cures of treating EB.D.The research on skin.3.Which words can decribe Ivy?A.Generous and encouraging.B.Optimistic and grateful.C.Ambitious and caring.D.Independent and unselfish.4.What is the best title for the text?A.A heartbroken babysitterB.A strange case ever foundC.A but

20、terfly beneath the bandagesD.The appreciation to the gift of life【答案】1.B2.B3.B4.C【分析】本文是一篇记叙文。身患表皮溶解水泡症的Ivy生活不能自理,每天生活在痛苦之中,但也依然对生活充满希望,鼓励他人回报社会。1.细节理解题。根据第一段的“ Imagine for a moment that you couldnt dress yourself or make your own breakfast. Now imagine if this is how you will wake up for the rest o

21、f your life. For Ivy Krause, this is her reality.”(想象一下,你不能自己穿衣,也不能自己做早餐。再想象一下,如果这就是你余生醒来的方式。对Ivy Krause来说,这就是她的现实)可知,Ivy Krause生活不能自理。故选B。2.主旨大意题。根据第二段的主要内容,尤其“Ivy has the most severe form of EB where her skin is affected both externally and internally. . Mobility is limited as Ivys skin has become

22、 tight, and her fingers have fused together, ”(Ivy患有最严重的一种表皮溶解水泡症,她的内外皮肤都受到了影响。.行动受到限制,因为Ivy的皮肤已经变得非常紧绷,她的手指也已经融合再一起)可知,本段主要陈述Ivy的表皮溶解水泡症的症状。故选B。3.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的“By having the same nurses treating her, Ivy knows that we love and care about her as much as she loves us.”(通过让相同的护士看护她,Ivy知道我们对她的爱和关心正如她爱

23、我们一样多)可知,虽然身患疾病,但Ivy还是对周围的人表达出爱意,由此可知她很乐观。根据最后一段的“She has encouraged so many people to give back to the community and donate to charities who support the families of young children living with disabilities, even just to show appreciation to the gift of life and opportunity.”(她鼓励很多人回馈社会,向帮助残疾儿童家庭的慈善机

24、构捐款,即使只是为了表达对生命和机会的感谢)可知,即使身患疾病Ivy仍然鼓励他人回馈社会,由此可知,Ivy是一个感恩的人。综上所述,Ivy是一个乐观且知道感恩的人,故选B。4.主旨大意题。根据文章的主要内容可知,本文主要讲述身患表皮溶解水泡症的Ivy生活不能自理,每天生活在痛苦之中,但也依然对生活充满希望,病鼓励他人回报社会。再结合最后一段的“Even though she is covered with bandages, her strong will for life is moving and inspiring, just like a butterfly, facing so ma

25、ny barriers which still does its best to come out of the chrysalis (蝶蛹).”(尽管身体缠满绷带,但她坚强的生命意志却令人感动,让人振奋。Ivy就像一只蝴蝶,面对重重阻碍,她仍努力冲破茧的束缚)可知,虽然全身缠满绷带,她就像是裹在茧里的蝴蝶,凭借顽强的毅力破茧而出。由此可知,“绷带下的蝴蝶”可以作为本文的最佳标题。故选C。2Fitness junkies (上瘾者) locked out of gyms, commuters (上班族) fearful of public transport, and families goi

26、ng crazy inside their homes during the coronavirus pandemic (冠状病毒大流行) have created a boom (繁荣) in bicycle sales unseen in decades.Bicycle sales over the past two months saw their biggest spike in the U.S. since the oil crisis of the 1970s, said Jay Townley, who analyzes cycling industry trends at Hu

27、man Powered Solutions. “People quite frankly have panicked, and theyre buying bikes like toilet paper,” Townley said, referring to the rush to buy essentials like toilet paper and hand sanitizer (杀菌剂) that stores saw at the beginning of the pandemic.The trend is mirrored around the globe, as cities

28、like Manila and Rome, set up bike lanes (车道) to accommodate growing interest in cycling while public transport remains reduced. In London, authorities plan to go further by banning cars from some central highways.There are multiple reasons for the pandemic bicycle boom. Around the world, many worker

29、s were looking for an alternative to buses and subways. People unable to go to their gyms looked for another way to exercise. And shut-in families tried to find a way to keep kids active during stay-at-home orders.The pandemic is also driving a boom in electric-assist bikes, called e-bikes, which we

30、re a minor part of the overall market until now. Sales at Cowboy, a Belgian e-bike maker, tripled (三倍增长) in the January-April period from last year. Notably, they spiked in Britain and France at around the same time in May that those countries started easing lockdown restrictions, said Chief Marketi

31、ng Officer Benoit Simeray.Joe Minutolo, co-owner of Bar Harbor Bicycle Shop, said he hopes the sales growth translates into long-term change. “People are having a chance to rethink things,” he said. “Maybe well all learn something out of this, and something really good will happen.”5.What does the u

32、nderlined word “spike” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A.Decline.B.Restriction.C.Increase.D.Disappearance.6.What can be known about Manila and Rome?A.Bike Lanes are set up for cyclists.B.Locals still rush to buy toilet paper.C.Cars are banned from some main roads.D.E-bikes sell much better than other c

33、ategories.7.What does Paragraph 4 mainly talk about?A.The appearance of e-bikes.B.The reasons for the bicycle boom.C.The daily activities of shut-in families.D.The traffic conditions around the world.8.What is the main purpose of the text?A.To encourage readers to buy bicycles.B.To inform readers of

34、 the bicycle boom.C.To present attitudes towards the bicycle boom.D.To introduce the new development of bicycles.【答案】5.C6.A7.B8.B【分析】本文是说明文。在冠状病毒大流行期间催生了几十年来未见的自行车销售热潮。5.词句猜测题。根据第二段的“Bicycle sales over the past two months saw their biggest spike in the U.S. since the oil crisis of the 1970s(在美国,过去两个

35、月里自行车销售见证了自20世纪70年代石油危机以来的巨大spike)”和“People quite frankly have panicked, and theyre buying bikes like toilet paper,” Townley said, referring to the rush to buy essentials like toilet paper and hand sanitizer (杀菌剂).(Townley said说:“坦白说,人们已经恐慌了,他们像买厕纸一样购买自行车”,他的意思是人们争相抢购生活必需品,例如厕纸、杀菌剂)”可知,在冠状病毒大流行期间人们感

36、到恐慌,像抢购生活必需品一样争相抢购自行车。由此可知,在过去的两个月里自行车销量大涨,即划线词的意思是“上涨”。故选C。6.细节理解题。根据第三段的“The trend is mirrored around the globe, as cities like Manila and Rome, set up bike lanes to accommodate growing interest in cycling while public transport remains reduced.(这一趋势在全球各地都得到了反映,例如Manila和罗马等城市建立了自行车道,以满足人们对骑车日益增长的兴

37、趣,而公共交通仍然在减少)”可知,在Manila和Rome建了自行车车道。故选A。7.主旨大意题。分析段落结构可知,本段是总分结构,即第一句为中心句。根据第一句“There are multiple reasons for the pandemic bicycle boom.(自行车大流行的热潮有多种原因)”可知,本段主要说明自行车销售热潮的各种原因。故选B。8.推理判断题。根据文章的主要内容,尤其第一段的“families going crazy inside their homes during the coronavirus pandemic (冠状病毒大流行) have created

38、 a boom (繁荣) in bicycle sales unseen in decades.(冠状病毒大流行在室内待到发疯的家庭创造了几十年来前所未见的自行车销售热潮)”可知,本文是说明文,旨在向读者介绍在冠状病毒大流行期间出现的自行车销售热潮现象。故选B。3Next time you go on holiday, its going to feel pretty different. You may have to wear a face mask. And that means getting your point across in an unfamiliar languageall

39、 while keeping your mouth coveredcould become a bit of a problem.Thats where the C-mask, by Japanese company Donut Robotics, comes in. Its a smart, Internet-connected mouth covering that can make calls, raise the wearers voice, and most helpfully for travelers, translate conversations into eight dif

40、ferent languages.If need be, you simply place it over a standard face mask and connect it via Bluetooth to a smartphone. A special app will then allow you to record live conversations, turn them into text and translate them into English, Chinese, French, Korean, Thai, Indonesian, Spanish or Vietname

41、se (currently only from Japanese)making it easy to understand what people are saying. It wont actually speak the translated phrases for you, but it does have a built-in amplifier(扩音器)to help you make yourself heard.“We worked hard for years to develop a robot and we have used what weve researched to

42、 create a product that responds to how COVID-19 has reshaped society, Donuts CEO recently told reporters. The firm has already raised more than 28 million yen via crowdfunding to develop the product, which will go on sale for 3 ,980 yen in Japan.There are all manner of fashionable, eco-friendly mask

43、s you can now get your hands on check out these in London, Singapore and Barcelona. But in creating an affordable, high-tech mask, Donut could well be on to something.9.The C-mask is developed to _.A.seek fashion.B.reshape society.C.replace cellphones.D.promote communication.10.Whats the main idea o

44、f Paragraph 3?A.How the C-mask speaks.B.How the C-mask works.C.What advantages the C-mask brings.D.What languages the C-mask translates.11.What does the underlined phrase be on to something in the last paragraph mean?A.take a look.B.earn a living.C.make a difference.D.issue a warning.12.In which col

45、umn of a website do we probably read this text?A.Health.B.Tourism.C.Fashion.D.Technology.【答案】9.D10.B11.C12.D【分析】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了日本Donut Robotics研发的一种可以促进交流的高科技智能口罩,包括它的工作原理和市场等。9.推理判断题。根据一段的“You may have to wear a face mask. And that means getting your point across in an unfamiliar languageall while

46、keeping your mouth coveredcould become a bit of a problem. ”(你不得不带上口罩。那就意味着要用一种不熟悉的语言表达你的观点同时你的嘴要捂住这可能是一个问题。)以及第二段的“Thats where the C-mask, by Japanese company Donut Robotics, comes in.”(这就是日本Donut Robotics公司生产C-mask发挥作用的地方。)可推知,研发C-mask主要是为了促进交流。故选D。10.主旨大意题。根据第三段的“If need be, you simply place it o

47、ver a standard face mask and connect it via Bluetooth to a smartphone. A special app will then allow you to record live conversations, turn them into text and translate them into English, Chinese, French, Korean, Thai, Indonesian, Spanish or Vietnamese (currently only from Japanese)”(如果有需要,你只需要将它戴在标

48、准的口罩上,并通过蓝牙连接到智能手机上。然后,一个特殊的应用程序将允许你记录现场对话,把它们转化成文本和翻译成英语、中文、法语、韩语、泰语、印尼语、西班牙语或者越南语(目前只限日语)可知,本段主要讲述了C-mask的工作原理。故选B。11.词句猜测题。根据最后一段的“There are all manner of fashionable, eco-friendly masks you can now get your hands on check out these in London, Singapore and Barcelona. But in creating an affordabl

49、e, high-tech mask, Donut could well be on to something.”可知,你可以在伦敦、新加坡和巴塞罗那买到各种时尚、环保的口罩。但开发一个负担得起的、高科技的口罩,Donut可能非常be on to something。根据句意可知,上下文为转折意义,上文说时尚环保的口罩随处能买,故推测Donut公司研发价格合理的高科技口罩真的是非常了不起的,能给人们带来了很大的影响。即划线部分的意思是“有影响”。故选C。12.推理判断题。根据文章第二段“Thats where the C-mask, by Japanese company Donut Robot

50、ics, comes in. Its a smart, Internet-connected mouth covering that can make calls, raise the wearers voice, and most helpfully for travelers, translate conversations into eight different languages.”(这就是日本Donut Robotics公司生产C-mask发挥作用的地方。这种智能联网的口罩可以打电话、提高佩戴者的声音,同时也为旅行者提供了帮助,可以将谈话翻译成八种语言。)可知,文章主要介绍了一种高

51、科技的智能口罩,属于科技范畴,因此本文很有可能出现在网页的科技版面。故选D。4 What if the Moon had never existed? For starters we know that the geophysical and climatological history of the Earth would have been different. Although there is still large uncertainty about how the Moon was formed, the most currently favored theory describe

52、s a disastrous collision between the Earth and another planetary object.That event forever changed many aspects of the Earths evolution. For example, with a relatively large natural satellite putting gravitational tidal forces (潮汐力) on it, the Earths spin behavior has been quite different than it wo

53、uld have been otherwise. Day length has increased more rapidly than without a moon. And the natural changes in the direction of the Earths spin axis (轴)-its poles-have been less than they would have been otherwise. A shorter day length and axial variations like these would have changed the Earths cl

54、imate history, and almost certainly have changed the way any life evolved.But if a species like us had still appeared, its landscape for space exploration would also have been completely different. Without a large natural satellite, a mere quarter of a million miles away, there would have been no ea

55、sy trip to make to another world. If there had been a first human mission to another world, it would likely have been to Mars. But this would surely have called for far more extensive designing of spacecraft and life-support systems for deep space. Perhaps instead the initial focus would have been e

56、ntirely on Earth-orbiting equipment for people and robotic missions to other worlds. Or, maybe the attraction of the seemingly near impossible would still have encouraged these humans from an alternate reality to take the great leap to Mars as their first step outwards.It is of course, impossible to know exactly what our world would really be like without the Moon-both physically, and in terms of human exploration. But one thing does seem clear: we probably take our natural satellites existence far too much for granted. Not every inhabited planet in the universe will have its own ready-m


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