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1、海底世界的英语手抄报 海洋是人类生存的第二环境,也是未来 _资源的主要场所,海洋是地球赋予人类的宝库,下面是,欢迎参考阅读! The Underwater World (seabed world) is the largest _rine biological Museum in Asia, with nearly four thousand kinds of seafloor organi _s, both mon and rare. The most advantage is aounting for the number of fish species, and the colors a

2、nd shapes, see who dazzled too busy to attend to all. The most popular tourist in the aquarium is the tunnel that allows visitors to look closer to the ani _ls in the water, more than 100 meters long and an electric sidewalk. Visitors can walk slowly along the electric sidewalk, looking at all kinds

3、 of underwater swimming s _nes through the glass cover, as if they are in the same waters with the fish. There are an attractive pla _ to fish is dangerous life-threatening corridor, _ny people or ani _l fish on display here, like the eel, piranhas etc. Here, some more tense atmosphere, but also see

4、m to stimulate peoples interest in looking for! In addition, the most lovely pla _ in the aquarium is dolphin hall. Both the lovers and the family like to see the cute little dolphins in the dolphin hall. In the transparent sub _rine tunnel, Underwater World can clearly observe 250 species and 2500

5、species. It is the largest _rine biology Museum in Asia, and its water storage is 3 million 100 thousand liters. The seabed world cost 27 million new yuan and opened in 1991. The tunnel is 100 meters long, visitors from around the week on electric walkway through the tunnel of the glass fiber cover

6、can enjoy the variety of fish fly in the sky, coral tree and seaweed rippling in the waves, the huge sea turtles swimming two times a day, fed by divers shark situation The mysterious world of the sea can be fun, one into the sea world, is first seen on _rine biology, _ntral part by the elevator int

7、o the world of the sea, along the way will find _ny deep water fish on your side walks, sea fish and green flowers, every kind of, lined with charming sea the s _nery is like a bright and colorful painting. There are mountains, canyons, forests and grasslands in the sea. The colors of plants are var

8、ied. They are yellow, blue and red. The beautiful s _nery is really fascinating. In addition, there is an auto _tic feeding robot in the water, every other period of time, the robot will go to the _rine ani _l feeding robot, as long as the water _ny fish will fall over each other to snatch a spectac

9、ular s _ne. Take the elevator to go forward, came to the ani _ls perfor _n _ hall, a dolphin, a walrus show, sea snakes show. One of the most popular to the number of seal perfor _n _, no _tter what the breeder _ke moves, the pup will follow, but the s _ll seal is a s _ll changui, it do every action

10、 to eat fish, seals will not only do _ imitation, but also a water ring, the breeder prior to the seal to feed five fish, and then began to show every breeder thrown out a ring, s _ll seals are caught, Taiwan suddenly cheered, s _ll seals are harder perfor _n _s, even took out his _sterpie _ air poo

11、l, only to hear a sound of baby seals sting slip away, into the water, after a while s _ll, seals jump out, hit the ball in the air, and the s _ll seal is really a good breeder to take when ah! After the perfor _n _, the little seal didnt want to go, as if saying, Im not easy to perform and play aga

12、in. He for _d the keeper to use the fish in his pocket to coax the naughty little seal away. The undersea world unforgettable, have the opportunity to see you! Going to the o _an _s about the knowledge and history of the o _an. The _in contents are three _in contents: the o _an and the hu _n, the o

13、_an and the Chinese nation, the o _an and the future. The book first introdu _d that the o _an is a big phar _cy, which can clean energy, and the seabed is almost 100%. Then the opium was told. After exporting tea from the sea to Britain, China was deeply loved by the British people and _de a lot of

14、 silver from the UK. In order to get back from the British Chinese Baiyin, entered the opium to China, because the harm to hu _n body caused great opium, bed red figure thin pillow _oke ghost wind. Finally, Lin Zexu appeared, he directed the alaimed Humen beach. The book also _s a story of a _n kill

15、ing a shark, killing a large number of sharks for the sake of hu _n greed and putting it into the sea. So, sharks are not horrible, and hu _n beings are terrible. The last section of the book _s the story of the pirates. In De _mber 7, xx, 60 thousand tons of Chinese Zhenhua 4, bined with the multin

16、ational naval, defeated the pirates, it reminds us of the story of Zheng He, he led the fleet across India o _an to the east coast, the way the three pirates, Zheng He with his clever wit, of the hook, Zhennai Chinese pride! When I saw the book describing Chinas lack of oil, I was very sad. Other co

17、untries had abundant oil resour _s. China, for _ny reasons, had to import a lot of oil every year. China now actively to the sea to sea oil development, to develop economy, o _an, future wealth , so we should prohibit killing fish, protection of _rine resour _s. In addition, I would like to _ you a

18、knowledge that the four seas in the five seas and four seas are Bohai, the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea and the South China Sea. We all should read to the sea, know China oil shortage, to save energy in life; know the dangers of opium, resist the bad habits of life; know how to protect the earths

19、resour _s, do not eat shark and other endangered ani _l, do not wear ani _l fur, from the trivial, cherish our pla. We should learn from the present, study hard, and contribute to the development of our motherland. The o _an is the mon property of _nkind. The vast sea is a treasure house of resour _

20、s, an important part of hu _n survival system, and a strategic spa _ for achieving sustainable development. Have the whole world in view, the developed countries and regions in the sea, and thanks Yu Haiyang, but because of the sea, because the sea and xing. My city is a coastal city, the sea areas

21、under the jurisdiction of 44 thousand and 500 square kilometers, a coastline of 1046 kilometers, the provin _ aounted for 1/3; the size of the harbour, numerous islands, wide beach, the famous natural deep-water harbor Sanduao is the precious wealth of our rare, _rine advantage is obvious. In re _nt

22、 years, the municipal Party mittee and municipal gover _ent based on the actual, in-depth implementation of the development strategy of look far ahead from a high plane, Sanduao regional ring, put forward the sea, sea, sea three step jump strategic decision, _rine undertakings _de great progress, th

23、e total _rine economy continues to expand, the rapid development of _rine economy to promote the rise of the citys economy. At the same time, we should soberly realize that the o _an city economic development level pared with developed countries there is still a large gap, the s _ll amount of _rine

24、economy and _rine economy unreasonable structure, lack of ability to support _rine scien _ and technology and _rine resour _ utilization level is not high, the deterioration of ecological enviro _ent, prehensive _rine _nagement capacity needs to be improved and so on, these I will restrict the susta

25、inable development of _rine economy. Strengthening Marine prehensive _nagement and protecting _rine ecological enviro _ent is an important guarantee for achieving sustainable development of _rine economy, and is also an urgent need for building a harmonious society and building an ecological civiliz

26、ation. For a period of time, we should continue to lead the _rine industry with Scientific Outlook on Development to promote the sustainable development of the o _an: first, we should strengthen the consciousness of the society. With continuous and extensive publicity and education, we should popula

27、rize _rine laws and regulations and _rine knowledge, strengthen public awareness of blue territory, enhan _ awareness of _rine ecological civilization, and establish a historic sense of responsibility for building a strong _rine economic city. Two we should strengthen the leadership of the _rine wor

28、k organization. Party mittees and gover _ents at all levels should strengthen the leadership of _rine work, establish a prehensive _rine coordination mechani _, and strengthen the organization and coordination of _jor _tters of _rine work and the implementation of _jor decisions. Three to improve th

29、e level of prehensive _rine _nagement. To focus on the overall situation, scientific planning and related planning, overall arrangement and optimization of _rine industry layout; strictly implement the system of _rine functional zoning, the rational allocation of resour _s to effectively monitor the waters; land-based pollutant discharging into the sea, increase the _rine pollution control and ecological restoration, strengthening _rine enviro _ental protection target responsibility asses _ent. Four, we must r


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